Genesis The existence of the night is to prepare for the day. The existence of the day is for that we do not fear into the night. Coexistence between these is to make life more beautiful. Life is not always during the day, so it can not all be plain sailing. Because of the night of exploration, so the day turned into hope. Because of night blindness, so I am willing to pay hand to the God. 黑夜的存在是为预备白天 白天的存在是让我们走进黑夜是没有惧怕 两者的并存是为了让生命更美 生命不能一直都是白天,不可能都是一帆风顺 就因为黑夜的摸索,让白天变成有希望 就因为黑夜的盲目,让我愿意把手交给上帝