[00:00.400]From VOA Learning English, [00:06.620]this is "In The News." [00:08.860]Americans continue to react to the decision [00:12.640]in the murder trial of George Zimmerman. [00:16.230]Last week, a jury in the southern state of Florida [00:20.910]found that he was not guilty [00:23.650]in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. [00:28.470]The unarmed teenager was killed last year [00:32.750]in a struggle with the defendant. [00:35.500]At the time, George Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer [00:40.830]in his community in Florida. [00:43.710]Trayvon Martin, an African American, [00:46.700]was walking to the home of his father's girlfriend [00:50.540]at the time of the killing. [00:52.680]George Zimmerman is a white Hispanic man. [00:56.760]He called police to report Trayvon Martin [01:00.540]as a suspicious person in the neighborhood. [01:03.780]He followed the teenager, although police told him not to. [01:08.700]The two fought. [01:10.300]Mr. Zimmerman says he acted in self-defense [01:14.290]after he was attacked by the young man. [01:17.470]Under Florida law, people can use deadly force to fight back [01:23.200]if they feel their lives are in danger. [01:26.930]Soon after the six woman jury reached its decision on Saturday, [01:32.300]people used social media and public protests [01:36.630]to express their opinion about the verdict. [01:40.280]"No justice. No peace. Trayvon! Justice for Trayvon!" [01:43.950]Many protests have been held across the United States since the trial. [01:49.870]Hundreds of people demonstrated in Chicago, Illinois. [01:54.250]They expressed opposition to what activist Dickey Gaines says [01:59.380]was a predetermined verdict -- one reached before the trial. [02:05.000]"Because there was a lot of people across this country [02:08.690]that was in favor of George Zimmerman being acquitted [02:14.220]by virtue of them donating money to his defense, [02:17.350]so that was a clear indication early on people [02:21.490]was in support of him being acquitted in this case." [02:25.590]Casey David Cole Senior was one such supporter. [02:30.170]He spoke to reporters near the Sanford, Florida courthouse, [02:34.050]where the trial took place. [02:36.240]"I'm here to express my opinion. [02:38.430]I believe that George Zimmerman is an innocent man." [02:41.880]For Chicago protester Bryan Burroughs, [02:44.880]the case is clear in his mind. [02:47.570]"Trayvon Martin was guilty of nothing [02:49.010]but being black in a mostly white neighborhood." [02:51.550]Activist Dickey Gaines says the ruling has not changed his belief [02:57.020]that George Zimmerman targeted the teenager because he was black. [03:02.400]"He focused on Trayvon because of Trayvon's skin color." [03:06.080]Hans von Spakovsky works for the Heritage Foundation [03:09.870]research group here in Washington. [03:12.110]He says the legal action against Mr. Zimmerman should end now. [03:18.380]"If the Justice Department continues to pursue this case when, [03:22.160]one, he's been found innocent and, [03:23.810]two, we know there's no racial animus [03:27.040]which is necessary for a civil rights violation, [03:30.330]that once again makes it look like politics [03:33.310]is driving the prosecution, not justice." [03:35.600]Racial inequality in the United States goes back centuries. [03:41.090]The issue of slavery was a major reason [03:44.980]for the nation's civil war in the 1860s. [03:49.010]But discrimination continued after black slaves were freed. [03:54.730]And racial tensions still exist. [03:58.560]Greg Carr is chairman of Afro-American Studies at Howard University, [04:05.440]a historically black college here in Washington. [04:09.020]"One thing that's tangible that can come out of this verdict [04:12.560]is a renewed commitment to addressing people, [04:16.340]and not looking to the courts -- not looking to the law [04:19.670]to somehow regulate or change people's hearts and minds." [04:23.860]Mr. Carr warns that if a civil rights case [04:27.400]were brought against George Zimmerman and lost, [04:30.780]it would increase the distrust of many people. [04:34.710]But if such a case were won, he says, [04:38.410]Americans would look to the courts, [04:41.240]not within themselves, for racial healing. [04:45.270]And that's "In The News" from VOA Learning English. [04:50.350]I'm Steve Ember.