[00:00.10]From VOA Learning English, [00:02.31]this is the Technology Report. [00:04.88]Three university students in Uganda [00:08.83]have created a smartphone application [00:11.63]that may help improve health care [00:14.69]for pregnant women in rural areas. [00:17.63]Joshua Okello and two other students [00:21.81]at Makerere University in Kampal [00:24.92]created the app in 2012. [00:28.12]They call it WinSenga - [00:31.03]"senga" is the local word [00:33.63]uses to describe a female family member [00:36.93]who helps a woman during pregnancy. [00:40.09]The "Win" in the name [00:42.17]comes from the Microsoft product Windows. [00:45.23]Last year, the computer software company [00:49.19]gave Mr Okello and his partners $50,000 [00:54.35]to continue development on the WinSenga app. [00:58.25]A small microphone is placed inside a plastic horn. [01:03.91]Mr Okello says midwives in the area [01:07.66]have used similar devices for centuries [01:11.28]to help women during childbirth. [01:14.03]"It's a long cone-shaped device [01:16.04]with a hole through it [01:17.49]and a flat top. [01:18.84]The midwife places it on the belly [01:20.69]and listens in. [01:22.74]Every midwife in this country has seen it, [01:25.80]and that is what they are trained with," said Okello. [01:27.70]The smartphone app records and examines [01:31.86]the sound of the unborn baby's heartbeat. [01:34.87]Mr Okello says, if the app suspects a problem, [01:39.56]then it informs the midwife of different actions she might take. [01:45.83]"Say you have a baby and [01:47.60]we detect that the heartbeat is [01:49.75]less than 120 beats per minute. [01:52.07]That is a problem. So immediately, [01:54.22]we pop up something that says ‘Please, [01:56.13]we suggest that you could do A, B, C, D,'" explained Okello. [01:58.77]Mr Okello says having a mobile device with this app [02:03.63]could make it easier for health care workers [02:06.64]to reach women in villages far away from cities. [02:10.95]He says it will also be less costly [02:14.96]than the machines that are now being used. [02:18.13]"We are getting a solution that's cheaper, [02:20.73]which means that more clinics are going to get it. [02:23.03]If we could get Huawei [02:24.03]or I don't know who to give us phones for free, [02:26.84]we are looking at a solution that's less than $100," said Okello. [02:29.80]Juliet Birungi is an obstetrician - [02:33.85]a doctor who cares for pregnant women. [02:37.30]She has tried WinSenga. [02:40.00]She says hospitals could use the app [02:43.66]to help medical workers follow the health of the baby, [02:47.12]even when they are not there. [02:50.09]"You have so many mothers in labor, [02:52.24]and we do not have enough staff. [02:53.55]You find that while the mother is [02:55.91]laboring here, the other one is delivering, [02:58.66]the other one is bleeding. [03:00.61]So when you come, [03:01.71]you are able to look at the recording," said Birungi. [03:04.11]Doctor Birungi says [03:05.96]having these up to date records of the baby's health condition, [03:10.17]could make the difference between life and death. [03:14.43]But she says the app is not a substitute [03:18.48]for a trained medical worker. [03:20.58]Mr Okello says the app could also be helpful [03:25.24]in other developing countries [03:27.99]with similar problems to Uganda. [03:29.74]And he says, with further changes to the app, [03:33.80]it could even be used at home [03:36.31]by pregnant women in developed countries. [03:39.55]Work on WinSenga continues. [03:42.82]Mr Okello and his team are busy preparing [03:46.72]for a major series of clinical testing this month. [03:51.22]And that's the VOA Learning English Technology Report. [03:55.62]I'm June Simms.