[00:03.77]I got my teacher evaluations. Look what this student wrote. 我刚拿到教师评鉴表 你们听这个学生写的 [00:08.04]"I loved Dr. Geller's class. Mind-blowing lectures. “我爱盖勒博士的课” “令人大呼过瘾” [00:12.61]You are definitely the hottie of the Paleontology Department." “盖勒博士” “您是古生物学系的猛男” [00:19.11]"Hotties of Paleontology." There's a big-selling calendar. 古生物学系的猛男们 做成月历一定卖 [00:24.89]-Who wrote it? -The evaluations are all anonymous. 那是谁写的? 我也想知道 但评鉴表是匿名的 [00:28.79]-You have their exams? -Yeah. 期末考考卷还在吗? 在啊 [00:31.06]You could just match the handwriting and there's your admirer. 你可以拿考卷来对笔迹 就知道仰慕者是谁了 [00:37.30]A hot girl's at stake and he's Rain Man. 只要和女色有关 他就成了大天才 [00:41.74]Wait a minute. Why are we so sure that this is a girl? 等等,为何确定是个女生? [00:50.08]It's a girl! 是女生 [00:52.31]But it wouldn't matter. 总之没差 [00:54.25]Because I'm a teacher. She's a student. 因为我是老师 她是学生 [00:57.79]-It's illegal? -It's frowned upon. 校规说不行? 没有,但是会有争议 了解 [01:00.42]-And there's a big age gap. -When you're 90.. 而且年龄差那么多 你就这么想,等你90岁… [01:03.89]I know,she'll be 80 and it won't seem like such a big difference. 我知道,我90她就80 感觉就差不多了 [01:09.73]That's not what I was gonna say. 我不是要说这个 [01:13.90]When you're 90, you'll still have the memory of being with a 20-year-old. 我是说等你90岁 还能拥有跟小妹妹恋爱的回忆 [01:21.11]The One Where Ross Dates A Student 本集播出:“师生恋” [00:00.00] [01:59.11]-Monica..? -I don't know. 摩妮卡… 我不知道 好吧 [02:03.22]You know your college friend who became a movie director? 钱德 你知道你那个 当上导演的大学同学吗? [02:07.42]Oh yeah, Dana Keystone. She was in my movement class. 知道,黛娜基史东 我们一起修动作课 [02:11.56]-What's a movement class? -He's pretending he didn't take mime. 什么是动作课? 钱德在假装他没修默剧 [02:17.30]She's directing a new Al Pacino movie. You gotta get me an audition. 总之她要导艾尔帕西诺的新片 你得帮我争取试镜 [02:22.30]I haven't talked to her in 10 years. 我不知道,我们10年没联络 [02:24.77]Please,Chandler, I would owe you so much. 不,求求你,就当我欠你 [02:27.91]You do owe me so much. You owe me 3000.. 你本来就欠我 你欠我3千4百… [02:31.28]Hey,hey,dude. Why you changing the subject? What? 老兄 你干嘛转移话题? 什么? [02:35.25]-Will you make the call? -Okay,I'll try. 你打不打电话? 好吧,我试试看 [02:38.32]Thanks. Last auditions are Thursday, so I gotta get in by Thursday. 谢了,你最好了 试镜是星期四截止 我星期四之前得过去 [02:43.73]Remember Thursday. Remember Thursday? 记得星期四就对了,你记得吗 [02:47.63]Yeah,so Tuesday? 星期二吗? [02:50.77]Thursday! 是星期四 [02:52.77]Just think of it like this: The third day. Monday, one day. 你如果记不住就记是第三天 星期一,一天 [02:57.94]Tuesday,two day. 星期二,二天 [03:00.18]Wednesday... When day, what day? 星期三,三小 哪一天? [03:02.48]Thursday! 星期四 [03:03.98]The third day, okay? 第三天,好吗? [03:07.75]-Thank you. -Okay. 谢谢你 不客气 [03:11.05]-Hey,Monica..? -She doesn't know. 摩妮卡… 她不知道 [03:15.86]-I'm gonna check my messages. -You thought of that in there? 摩妮卡,我要听留言 你在厕所里想到这个? [03:19.63]Nature called. She wants to see who else did. 当然,生理需求结束 她想知道还有谁需要她 [03:24.80]Hello? 喂? [03:28.17]Rachel. 瑞秋 [03:29.54]Someone's in our apartment. Call the cops! 我们家有人,快报警 [03:32.14]You're on the phone! 你在用电话 [03:34.64]-Oh,my God! -What? 天哪… 怎么? [03:37.41]Oh,my God! Thank you! 天哪,谢谢你 [03:39.08]There was a fire at our place. 是消防队,家里失火了 [03:41.52]-Oh,my God! How bad was it? -It was a fire,I'm guessing not good. 天哪,有多严重? 他没说,但失火总是不太妙 [03:46.59]-Come on, we gotta go! -Yeah,come on. 快走吧 快点 [03:51.43]What are you smiling about? 笑什么笑?有什么好笑的? [03:54.16]The part I want to audition for is a fireman. This is so meant to be! 我要应徵的角色是消防队员 这真是天意 [04:07.04]You were very generous with your grades this semester. 你这学期的成绩给得很大方喔 [04:17.25]-Professor Geller? -Yeah? 盖勒教授? [04:20.36]-I really enjoyed your class. -Oh,thank you. Thanks very much. -我很喜欢你的课 -谢谢你,非常感谢 [04:26.69]I'm a little embarrassed about calling you a hottie. 不好意思,说你是猛男 [04:30.93]-That was you? -Yeah. -那是你? -对 [04:32.80]I felt a little weird about it. You're a teacher. I'm a student. 我后来觉得怪怪的 你是老师,我是学生 [04:38.07]Want to go out sometime? 但或许你愿意和我约会? [04:42.11]That's not the best idea. 这样恐怕不太好 [04:44.11]Oh,because I was thinking, the semester's over. 我想说学期结束 [04:48.32]-You're not my teacher anymore. -What time? -你就不是我的老师了 -什么时候? [04:53.39]Oh,you know what? Forget it. 当我没说 [04:55.79]I see you already gave me an A. 你已经给我A了 [04:59.09]-Gotcha. -I'm kidding! God! -了解 -开玩笑的 [05:03.97]So seriously, what time? 说真的,什么时候? [05:10.47]Coming through. Coming through. Oh! Hello. Hi. 借过,借过 你好 [05:14.41]Right. Coming through! 不对,借过 [05:16.84]Okay. It's not so bad. 还好嘛 [05:18.81]Most of the damage was contained to the bedrooms. 灾情主要集中在卧房 [05:22.28]Hey,buddy, think I could borrow your uniform this Thursday? 老兄 这星期四可以跟你借制服吗? [05:26.42]-Excuse me? -Joey! He's working. -什么? -乔伊,人家在忙 [05:29.86]You would look good in that. 你穿一定很帅 [05:33.29]Oh,how bad is it? 灾情如何? [05:35.20]It's really bad. 很惨,非常惨 [05:36.86]The only thing that isn't burned is an ax, which I do not remember buying. 只有一斧头没被烧到 我根本不记得有买过 [05:42.67]-How's your room? -Everything's ruined. 瑞秋你呢? 东西都烧光了 [05:45.21]My bed,my clothes. Look at my favorite sweater. 床铺,衣服 你看我最喜欢的蓝毛衣 [05:47.88]Isn't that mine? 那不是我的吗? [05:49.81]Fine. I'm sorry for your loss. 好,我对你的损失深感遗撼 [05:53.78]You won't be able to live here for a while. You have a place to stay? 这里暂时不能住人 你们有地方去吗? [05:58.52]Oh! Wow! [06:00.05]Okay,look,pal... 好,你给我听着 [06:03.46]I am not in the mood to be hit on right now. 我现在没心情被搭讪 [06:06.69]But if you give me your number, I'll call you sometime. 不过要是你给我电话 我改天会打给你 [06:12.30]Yes, they can stay with us. 她们可以跟我们住 [06:14.57]Do you know what started the fire, Mr. Fireman? 请问起火原因是什么? [06:18.64]Well,do either of you smoke? 你们有人抽烟吗? [06:20.91]No. But yeah, I could use one now. Thanks. 没有,不过现在来一根也好 [06:24.55]-Do you light candles, burn incense? -I do all the time. I love them! -不是,你们有人点蜡烛焚香吗 -有,我常点,我很喜欢 [06:30.55]Oh,my God, I did it! It's me, it's me! I burned down the house! 天哪,是我害的 我把房子给烧了 [06:34.92]Okay,Phoebe,calm down. There's no need to place blame. Okay? 菲比,别激动 没有必要怪谁,好吗? [06:39.53]I warned her about those candles. 我警告过她 [06:45.40]I can't believe how long it's been. 能聊聊真好,居然这么久了 [06:49.24]Hey,Chandler,is that..? 钱德,是不是… [06:53.61]-Oh,that's great, good for you. -So,is it..? 太好了,恭喜你 听着… [06:58.71]Okay. So,yeah, maybe we can get together... 好,我们可以见个面… [07:08.16]Hold on for one second. 你等我一下… [07:10.26]What? 怎样? [07:11.69]Do you want to get a pizza later? 等你讲完,要不要叫披萨? [07:15.43]Hi,I'm back. 我回来了 [07:17.63]Yeah,that sounds great. We'll do it then. Okay,bye. 听起来不错 好,就这么决定…好,再见 [07:24.77]When's my audition? I know it's Thursday, but what time? 我什么时候试镜? 我知道是星期四,但是几点? [07:29.64]Hi. We didn't get to it. 我们没聊到那个 [07:31.71]I'm taking her to coffee. We'll do it then. 我带她去喝咖啡时再说 [07:34.52]Now you're going on a date with this girl? 你要跟这个女生约会? [07:37.32]I haven't talked to her in 10 years. 这不是约会,我们失联10年 [07:39.62]You can't just call up and ask somebody for a favor. 总不能一通电话过去 就要人家帮忙 [07:43.06]There are rules, you know? You gotta put in some time. 要讲人情世故,花点时间客套 [07:46.13]Right,I'm sorry. 没错,对不起 [07:47.63]-It's not like she's an ex-girlfriend. -We only went out once. 你又不是去见旧情人 我们只约过一次会 [07:51.33]You dated her?! 你跟她交往过? [07:54.04]Not once. 一次也没有 [07:57.14]Why don't I just go out with an ex, you know, and do Joey a favor? 干脆我也去找个前男友 来帮乔伊的忙 [08:01.58]You want to do Joey a favor? Maybe you go out with Joey. 想帮乔伊的忙就跟乔伊约会 [08:13.32]That's great. My friend Joey's in the movie business. 真好,我朋友乔伊也在电影圈 [08:17.33]You know who I ran into from school? Howie. 你猜我那天遇见谁?豪伊 [08:20.33]My friend's name is Joey. 我的朋友叫乔伊 [08:22.93]Apparently, Howie's editing now. 豪伊在当剪接师 [08:25.53]Yeah,he calls me up and asks me if he can edit my new movie. 他打来问能不能剪我的新片 [08:29.84]Can you believe that? 你相信吗? [08:31.41]You know,I haven't spoken to him in 10 years... 我们10年没联络 [08:34.44]and he asks me for a favor? 他居然来找我帮忙 [08:39.61]Yeah,I've always hated that Howie. 我一向很讨厌那傢伙 [08:42.72]No "How you doing?" 连声好都没问 [08:45.35]Man,I mean,not even a cup of coffee first. 连先喝杯咖啡都没有 [08:48.62]-The nerve. -Yeah. 好大胆 就是啊 [08:50.69]Refill? 续杯吗? [08:53.79]This is last-minute, so I want to apologize for the mess. 事出突然,抱歉房里一团乱 [08:57.37]Oh,who cares? [09:01.97]Oh,my God! It sure didn't look this way when I lived here. 天哪 我住的时候绝对不是长这样 [09:05.97]I know! 我知道 [09:09.28]But there's only room for one, so one of you will have to stay at Joey's. 问题是这里只能睡一个人 另一个人得去住乔伊家 [09:14.88]Since the fire was kind of my fault, you should get to stay here. 既然失火是我引起的 你就睡这里吧 [09:19.15]Hey,hey, now. This was no one's fault. It was an accident. 谁也没有错,那是个意外 [09:23.39]It was my fault. You should get the nice room. 不,是我害的,你应该睡这里 [09:26.09]Okay! 好吧 [09:28.83]You're the first guest at "Hotel Monica." 瑞秋,你是本饭店的首位贵客 [09:31.13]Hotel Monica! [09:32.43]Just tell me how you like your eggs. 你得告诉我早餐想吃什么蛋 [09:34.64]I thought I'd bring them to you in bed. 我打算端到床上给你 [09:37.27]-You've been through so much. -I have. -你吃了这么多苦 -就是啊 [09:41.34]This right here is where I keep the pizza. 这是我放披萨的地方 [09:45.68]And that's where the napkin is. 纸巾在那里 [09:48.75]-What's that smell? -I know! I don't... 什么味道? 就是啊 [09:55.42]Oh, please, it was such a big class. You never even noticed me. 拜托,那么大一个班 你根本没有注意到我 [10:00.13]What? Of course I did. You sat next to "Sleepy Sleeperson." 当然有,你坐爱困睡人森旁边 [10:04.67]Who? 谁? [10:05.93]Oh. I had trouble remembering names, so I came up with nicknames. 我记不住全班的名字 就取绰号代替 [10:10.10]The guy on the other side of you was "Smelly Von Brown Shirt." 像你的另一边是发臭冯棕上衣 [10:14.64]Oh,yeah. 没错 [10:17.78]-So did you have a nickname for me? -No. No. 你有帮我取绰号吗? 没有 [10:22.48]Yes,you did. What was it? 你有,是什么? [10:27.49]"Cutie McPretty." 可爱麦美眉 [10:29.12]Oh,that's so sweet! 真好 [10:33.33]Listen, I gotta tell you, I'm having a great time. 说真的,今晚真的很开心 [10:36.63]You said it might be weird, the whole student/teacher thing? 你之前说师生约会很奇怪 [10:40.74]And to be frank, I thought it would be too. 其实我也有同感 [10:43.84]But it's not. I mean,it's not at all. 结果不会,一点也不会 [10:50.21]-Dr. Geller! -Burt! 盖勒博士 伯特 [10:55.58]-Did you sleep well last night? -I did. 你昨晚睡得好吗? 很好 [10:58.55]Monica was so sweet. She left a little mint on my pillow. 摩妮卡还在我的枕头上 放了一小片薄荷 [11:02.66]Know what Joey left on my pillow? 你猜乔伊在我枕头上放什么? [11:04.73]Gum. 口香糖 [11:06.76]-We determined the cause of the fire. -I know. It was my candle,my candle! -找到起火原因了 -我知道,是我的蜡烛害的 [11:12.93]No,there was an appliance left on. It looks like a curling iron. 不是,浴室有个电器没拔掉 好像是卷发器 [11:17.17]-I don't use a curling iron. -Someone does. -我没在用卷发器 -总有人在用 [11:20.01]Don't look at me, my hair's straight. Straight,straight,straight. 别看我,我的头发是直的 直的直的直的 [11:24.68]-It could've been a hair straightener. -Oh. 也可能是直发夹 [11:29.75]This is where I keep the pizza. 披萨都放这里 [11:32.75]And.. Hey,where'd the napkin go? 纸巾呢? [11:37.46]What is that? 什么味道? [11:39.73]Is that old shrimp? 是臭掉的虾子吗? [11:43.63]I think it is! 应该是喔 [11:51.61]I wouldn't want my best guest to strain her eyes. 好了,可不能让贵客眼睛疲劳 [11:54.84]Thanks,Monica. 谢谢摩妮卡 [11:57.71]-Does that smell bother you? -From Joey's? -你怕那个味道吗? -乔伊家的味道? [12:00.31]I can hardly smell it over here. 这里又闻不到 [12:03.12]Well, you let me know if you can. I can bake a pie to cover it. 闻得到就说 我可以烤个派把它盖过去 [12:08.66]-I can smell it a little, bake a pie. -Okay. -有点闻得到,烤个派吧 -好 [12:15.63]Hello? 喂? [12:17.06]One minute,please. It's the fire inspector. 在,请稍候 火场调查员找你 [12:20.67]Hello? Yeah, this is Phoebe. 喂?我是菲比 [12:24.27]Really? 是吗? [12:25.47]Yeah, so it turns out that it wasn't the hair straightener... 是的,所以直发夹... [12:29.58]that started the fire. 不是起火点 [12:31.61]No,no. It was the candles. 不,是蜡烛 [12:34.12]Yeah. It's very not good leaving candles unattended. 把蜡烛点着不管实在不太好 [12:37.75]In fact,one of the first things they teach you in fire school is... 消防学校最先教的事情之一… [12:46.69]okay, well I have to go now. 好,我该挂了 [12:54.00]We had such a great time. She's incredible. 我们玩得好开心,她好棒 [12:57.10]I thought the age difference might be a problem, but it wasn't. 我以为年龄会造成问题 结果一点也不会 [13:01.11]Elizabeth is very mature for her age. 伊丽莎白非常成熟 [13:08.15]A concept lost on some people. 有些人就是不懂 [13:11.35]It's okay to date a student? 所以师生可以约会 [13:13.15]Well,not really. Technically, it's not against the rules. 也不是,技术上没触犯校规 [13:17.29]But it's frowned upon, especially by the professor we saw last night: 但是会受争议 尤其是我们昨晚遇见的教授 [13:21.56]"Judgy Von Holier-than-thou." 爱批评冯比你高尚 [13:26.50]You don't want to get a reputation as "Professor McNails-his-students." 罗斯,小心一点 别被叫成麦泡学生教授 [13:34.38]-Yeah. What should I do? -Well,it seems pretty clear. -我该怎么办? -很简单 [13:38.15]What's more important? What people think or how you feel? 什么比较重要? 别人的看法还是你的感觉? [13:41.58]-You gotta follow your heart. -Joey,that's so sweet. 你得忠于你的心 乔伊,你说得真好 [13:50.32]-Hi. -Hey! So how'd it go with Dana? 你跟黛娜谈得怎样? [13:52.93]Any reason I should leave a block of time open? Say,Thursday? 我星期四该不该空出时间来? [13:57.03]-I couldn't do it. -You couldn't do it? -我说不出口 -你说不出口? [13:59.40]I need more time. We're going to dinner. 别急,我需要更多时间 我们晚上要吃饭 [14:02.10]You're going out with her again? 什么?你还要跟她出去 [14:05.74]-Going out with who? -Dana Keystone, from college. 跟谁出去? 大学的黛娜基史东 [14:09.04]Oh,yeah. Wasn't she...? 她不是… [14:13.58]No,that was Dana Kaplan. 那是黛娜卡普林 [14:15.18]Oh. [14:18.22]-Joey, you didn't even know her! -Yeah,whatever. 乔伊,你根本不认识她 随便啦 [14:25.56]Great story again. 故事真的好棒 [14:27.03]The yarns that you weave! 好错综复杂 [14:32.03]You know, actually, I should get going. 我该走了 [14:35.10]Oh,no,no,stay! Because you should stay. 留下来,你应该留下来 [14:42.24]Oh,I am really flattered. 我真的很受宠若惊 [14:45.28]But I just... I don't feel that way about you. 但是我对你没感觉 [14:50.78]Oh,no,no. That's not.. 不,我不是…不是 [14:52.59]I'm sorry, Chandler. You know, you're such a sweet guy... 钱德,对不起 你人很好... [14:56.42]and I don't want to hurt you. 我也不想伤害你 [14:58.79]I wish I could do something to make you feel better. 真想设法让你好过一点 [15:02.13]No.. Really? 不…真的吗? [15:04.80]Of course. 当然 [15:07.07]Well,it just hurts so bad, I... 我真是太伤心了,我… [15:10.00]Oh,I'm sorry. 对不起 [15:12.47]-Maybe there is one thing you can do. -What? Anything. Anything. -或许你可以做一件事 -什么事?你尽管说 [15:17.58]Well, I mean, this is just off the top of my head now. 我是刚刚才想到的 [15:22.35]But I have this friend.. This actor friend. 我有个演员朋友 [15:25.15]He would kill me if he knew that I was doing this. 他要是知道一定会杀了我 [15:28.99]But... 但... [15:31.59]would it be possible for him to audition for your movie on Thursday? 你可不可能让他去试镜 就星期四吧? [15:37.83]Absolutely. 没问题 [15:39.53]But... 但是... [15:41.00]you'd really feel better if your friend could audition for my movie? 我让你的朋友来试镜 真的能让你好过一点? [15:46.17]The heart wants what it wants. Bye. 这是我的心愿,再见 [15:55.55]Hey! How's it going? 怎么样啊? [15:58.22]Well,not much has changed in the last five minutes. 这5分钟都没什么变化 [16:01.79]Yes,it has. I made cookies! 其实有,我烤了饼干 [16:03.86]I'm still full from your homemade potato chips. 不了,我还在消化你做的薯片 [16:08.20]But you should eat them now, because they're hot from the oven. 但是饼干应该刚烤好就趁热吃 [16:12.53]Okay. 好 [16:13.73]But not in here! Can't eat them in bed,remember? No crumbies! 但不是在这里 床上不能吃饼干,不能掉屑屑 [16:18.47]Oh. Okay,I'll be out in a second. 好,我马上出去 [16:21.88]Okay. 好 [16:31.59]-What are you doing? -This doesn't lock,does it? -你在干什么? -门不能锁对吧? [16:40.26]-Oh! Joey,I'm sorry. -It's all right,don't worry about it. -乔伊,对不起 -没关系,别在意 [16:45.07]But look! That's gonna leave a stain. 但是你看,会有印子 [16:47.74]Rach, hey, it's fine. You're at Joey's. 瑞秋,没关系,这是乔伊家 [16:52.27]-Really? -Yeah, look. 真的吗? 当然,你看 [16:58.95]Yeah. [17:00.55]-I've never lived like this before. -I know. -我没有这样吃过东西 -我知道 [17:07.35]Well,don't waste it. I mean, it's still food. 别浪费了,这是食物 [17:16.56]What do you want to do now? Want to get a drink? 接着要干嘛?要不要去喝酒? [17:19.43]I can't. 我不行 [17:20.63]-Oh,you have some studying to do? -No,I have some turning 21 to do. -你要念书? -不是,我要满21岁 [17:26.97]You know, I remember when I was in college,we used to.. 我以前念大学时,我们都… [17:33.31]-What are you doing? -Nothing, I'm so comfortable with you. 你干什么? 没事,我只是觉得好舒服 [17:41.46]Do you not want to be seen with me? 你怕被别人看见? [17:43.79]No,of course I do. Are they gone? 什么?当然不是 他们走了吗? [17:47.43]No,they're still here. But I think I'm about to leave. 他们还在,不过我要走了 [17:50.80]What? No,no,wait,wait.. 什么?等一下 [17:53.97]You're right, this is stupid. Who cares what people think? 你说得对,这样太蠢了 管别人怎么想 [17:57.67]I mean, we like each other, right? 我们情投意合,对吧? [17:59.84]There's nothing wrong with that. 这样并没有错 [18:02.78]Come on. 走吧 [18:08.02]Burt. Lydia. Mel. 伯特,莉蒂亚,梅尔 [18:12.59]-This is Elizabeth. -Hi. 这位是伊丽莎白 [18:14.79]Aren't you in my popular culture class? 你不是有修我的大众文化? [18:17.46]That's right, Lydia. Elizabeth is a student. 没错,伊丽莎白是学生 [18:20.09]And we're dating. 我们在交往 [18:22.10]And you may frown upon that but... 你们可以皱眉摇头 [18:25.37]we're not gonna hide it anymore. 但我们不会再躲了 [18:29.64]You are so fired. 你的饭碗砸定了 [18:33.51]-What? -They'll fire you. -什么?-你会被解聘 [18:35.18]You can't date her. It's against the rules. 跟学生交往是违规的 [18:37.95]Really? It's not just frowned upon? 真的?不只是受争议? [18:45.55]I love it at Joey's! 我最喜欢乔伊家了 [18:51.83]-Nice! -Thanks. 漂亮 谢谢 [18:53.39]So you busy Thursday? 你星期四有事吗? [18:55.20]Oh,very funny. Remember? My audition was supposed to be Thursday. 真好笑,不晓得你记不记得 我的试镜就是星期四 [19:03.54]You got me the audition? Let's hug it up! 你帮我争取到了?来抱抱 [19:06.71]Okay,okay! What are you gonna do to me if you get the part? 要是你入选还得了 [19:13.15]-Hey. -Hi. [19:14.52]Yeah,okay,I need to talk to you. 我有事要找你 [19:17.32]I know they said the hair straightener started the fire. 我知道他们说直发夹是起火点 [19:20.85]But I think I'm partly at fault. 但我也有责任 [19:23.06]You see,I didn't tell you, but... 我没有告诉你 [19:25.86]I had recently refilled the tissues. 我放了新的卫生纸 [19:28.76]And so,let's face it, that's just kindling. 那个太容易着火了 [19:31.73]So I think it's fair that I stay at Joey's. 所以我应该来住乔伊家 [19:34.90]No, no, no, this was my fault. 不,菲比,都是我不好 [19:37.91]-Besides,I'm fine here. -Okay. -而且我在这里好得很 -好吧… [19:40.74]-Chandler,Monica's looking for you. -Really? -钱德,摩妮卡在找你 -是喔? [19:43.74]-She said something about crumbies. -No,no,no! I was so careful. 好像跟饼干屑有关 不会吧,我那么小心 [19:49.85]You have to switch with me. Monica is driving me crazy. 你一定要跟我换 摩妮卡快把我逼疯了 [19:53.29]That's right. All the ladies want to stay at Joey's. 是的,小姐们都想住乔伊家 [19:58.93]No,I don't want to switch. 不要,我不想换 [20:01.13]Please! I can throw wet paper towels here! 拜托啦,我在这里可以扔纸巾 [20:03.96]No,but at Monica's, you can eat cookies over the sink. 在对面你可以对着水槽吃饼干 [20:09.24]I know. I'm sorry. 我知道,对不起 [20:12.37]All right,fine. 算了 [20:14.47]This looks like so much fun. God,what a mess. 这个好像很好玩,湿答答的 [20:25.22]Wow, it actually is in the handbook. 校规里真的有 [20:28.42]I can't date you or have a hot plate in my office. 我不能和你约会 或是在研究室放电磁炉 [20:34.63]I can't believe we have to stop seeing each other. 我们居然不能再见面了 [20:39.33]For what it's worth, I did appreciate you standing up for me. 不过谢谢你为我挺身而出 [20:43.44]That felt really nice. 我好感动 [20:46.77]Kind of made me like you even more. 我更喜欢你了 [20:49.08]I know,I know. I really like you too. But we can't date. 我知道,我也很喜欢你 但是我们不能交往 [20:53.51]It's against the rules. It's forbidden. 校规明文禁止师生恋 [20:56.95]-Wow. -What? 怎么了? [20:59.52]Just hearing you describe it as "forbidden"... 光听你说校规禁止 [21:03.42]it's really hot. 就觉得好性感 [21:06.99]Really? 真的? [21:09.30]Yeah. 对 [21:11.60]Well,I don't care how hot it is, it's wrong. 不管有多性感,这都是错的 [21:17.87]-Stop it. -No,no. It's wrong. -别再说了 -不,这是错的 [21:21.94]It's naughty. 这样很坏 [21:24.71]It's... 这是... [21:26.78]taboo. 禁忌 [21:28.98]Shut the book. 把书合起来 [21:32.22]Hey. Let's also get a hot plate. 再去弄个电磁炉吧 [21:40.19]Hey. [21:41.56]Hey. [21:42.83]-So? -So...? 怎样啊? 怎样? [21:45.63]It's Thursday! How was the audition? 今天是星期四,试镜结果如何 [21:48.07]It's.. Monday, one day. Tuesday, two day. Wednesday,what day.. 啥?星期一一天,星期二二天 星期三三小?星期四… [21:54.74]Oh!