You think I have a chance with Janine? 你们觉得我追得到吉宁吗? We've been through this. 我们讨论过这件事了 Don't do this to yourself. 对啊,别折磨自己了 She made it clear it isn't going to happen. 她已经明白表示不可能 All right,then. I guess I shouldn't get too excited... 那我也不该太兴奋 that I just kissed her! 即使刚刚吻了她 -Are you serious? -That's great! 真的假的? 太好了 Yeah,well,we'll see. 还得观察 You kissed her? 你吻了她 We kissed it up real nice. 吻得可火热了 So you ended up with Janine. 所以你跟吉宁在一起了 Well, congratulations, you won fair and square. 恭喜,你赢得光明正大 Yeah, it was real neck and neck there for awhile. 是啊,原本你们还平分秋色 So you kissed. Then what happened? 所以你吻了她,然后呢? I came over here to tell you guys. 我就跑来告诉你们 So she's waiting over there for you? 而她在对面等你? Yeah. The One With The Apothecary Table 本集播出:“见色不忘友” -I gotta go. -Okay. 我得走了 好 I'm gonna be late for dance class. 我上舞蹈课要迟到了 Okay. 好 -Okay,now I'm really leaving. -All right. 我真的已经迟到了 好 But can you just... 但你可以... just leave your lips? 把嘴唇留下来吗? 再见 Have you kissed her yet? 你们吻过她吗? It's awesome! 有够销魂的 I could do it forever. 我怎么吻都吻不腻 You know what? She kisses better than my mom cooks. 她的吻功比我妈的厨艺还强 I'm so glad you said, "cooks." 幸好你说的是厨艺 Look,it's like imagine your best kiss ever. 想像你们最销魂蚀骨的吻 Right? Okay, now multiply that by, like, 10. 然后乘以十倍 Wait a second, you dated Ross. 等等,你跟罗斯交往 And you date Chandler. Okay,multiply it by,like,50. 你跟钱德交往 乘以五十倍 Rachel,you've got to tell the post office that you've moved. 瑞秋,你得通知邮局你搬家了 We still get your bills and stuff. 你的信件还是都寄到这里来 Pottery Barn! You can throw the rest away. 陶瓷货仓,剩下的可以扔了 I'm not your garbage man. 我不是你的清洁工 I'm your mailman. 我是你的邮差 Monica,look. 摩妮卡你看 Here is that table that I ordered. 这里有我订的桌子 -You got it from Pottery Barn? -Yeah. It's an apothecary table. 你是在陶瓷货仓买的? 对,这叫药师桌 Does anyone even know what an apothecary is? 有谁知道药师是什么? A pharmacist. 就是药剂师 "A pharmacist." “药剂师” Phoebe hates Pottery Barn. 菲比最讨厌陶瓷货仓了 I hate Pottery Barn too. 我也讨厌陶瓷货仓 They kicked me out just because I sat on a bed. 我才在床上坐坐,就被赶出去 You took off your pants and got under the sheets. 你脱了裤子钻进被子里 I was tired. 我累了 Phoebe hates Pottery Barn? 菲比讨厌陶瓷货仓? She hates mass-produced stuff. 量产的东西她都讨厌 She thinks her furniture should have a story behind it. 她觉得她的傢俱 应该要有历史,有典故 This has a story behind it. 它有典故啊 They had to ship it all the way from the White Plains store. 它是大老远从白原店运来的 It's got to be one-of-a-kind. 她喜欢独一无二 Like that God-awful ceramic fruit bowl she has on her counter? 就像她那个丑到爆的水果陶碗 Hey! I made that for her. 那是我做的 -You made pottery? -Yeah. 你会捏陶? 对 I made it out of a fruit bowl I found in the garbage. 是从垃圾堆检来的啦 If you put that in her apartment, you'll never hear the end of it. 你把桌子搬回家 肯定会被念到死 I'll tell her that it's an antique. 好,我就说那是古董 She doesn't have to know where it came from. 她不必知道它的出处 I love these little drawers. 你看这些小抽屉 Oh,look! It says that it holds 300 CDs. 上面说可以放三百张CD Just like the apothecary tables of yore. 正如往昔的药师桌 Your what? 正如什么? -What? -What? 什么? Enjoy the catalog,sweetheart. 慢慢看你的型录吧 So the farmer says: 然后农夫说 "That's not a cow, and you're not milking." “那不是母牛 你也不是在挤奶” I'm so glad you're together. 你们能在一起真好 We wanted a couple to go out with, and now we have one. 我们总算找到一对情侣朋友了 We're a couple of couples. 我们是成双又成对 I had so much fun tonight. What a great restaurant! 今晚真开心,那家餐厅好棒 And,Chandler, I can't believe I let you pay for this one. 钱德,我居然让你请客 Thanks again,man. 再次感谢 If you come over tomorrow, I'll make pasta. 明天要不要过来? 我来做我说的那种意大利面 -That'd be great! -Okay. 那太好了 But at least let us bring the wine. 不过至少让我们带酒来 -You don't have to. -I insist. 不必客气了 不行,我坚持 -You'll get the wine,right? -Yeah. 你会买吧? 会啦 -Okay,good night. -See you tomorrow. 那就晚安 明天见 Can't wait. 好期待喔 How are we going to get out of that one? 我们要怎么逃过一劫? -What? -I can't handle two nights in a row with them. 什么? 我没办法连续应酬他们两晚 What's wrong with them? 摩妮卡和钱德有什么不好? They're just a little... 不晓得,他们就是有点... blah! 哈啦 Blah? 哈啦? Well,you know,he's blah. She's just... 他很哈啦 她... She's very loud for such a small person. 她很娇小嗓门却很大 They're my best friends. 他们是我最要好的朋友 Are you saying we can't go out? Because that'd be a problem. 我们不能跟他们往来吗? 那可就麻烦了 Of course we can still hang out with them. 不是,往来当然可以 Just not two nights in a row. 只是不要连续两晚 -Okay? -I guess. 好吗? 好吧 Thank you. 谢谢 I'll sell my friends and use the money to buy you presents. 要我卖了朋友给你买礼物都行 What a great table! Where did you get it? 好棒的桌子,在哪里买的? Guess. 你猜 A flea market? 跳蚤市场? I knew you would get it on the first guess. 我就知道你会一猜就中 Isn't it cool? It's an apothecary table. 很酷吧,这是药师桌 You can just imagine that this is where... 你可以想象... they kept all their stuff to make potions. 他们就是把药材存放在这里面 You can almost smell the opium. 几乎能闻到鸦片的味道 Almost. 就是啊 How much was it? 多少钱? Just only 500 bucks. 才5百 Five hundred bucks at a flea market? 跳蚤市场买的要5百? I thought you meant how much was it... 我以为你是问 when it was new,back then. 当年全新时的价钱 It was at a flea market, so it was like a dollar. 因为是跳蚤市场 所以差不多1块钱 -A dollar? -And 50? 1块钱? 再加50元 So it was like one and 50 dollars. 总共51元 -They gave you the old-time pricing. -Yeah. 他们算你当年的价格 对 Well,what period is it from? 它是哪个年代的? It's from yore. 往昔年代 Like the "days of yore," you know? 就是往昔的时代 Yes,I do. 我知道 -It's just perfect. -Oh,good. 天哪,真是太完美了 I bet it has a great story too. 它一定有很棒的典故 Did they tell you where it's from or...? 卖方有提到它的出处或… Yes,that I know. This is from White Plains. 有,这个我知道,它来自白原 White Plains. 白原 It sounds like such a magical place. 听起来好神奇 -I'm here. -Hi! 我们来了 Oh,my God! 我的天哪 -You like it? -Oh,my God! 你喜欢吗? 完了 It's my new apothecary table! 这是我的新药师桌 Phoebe will be here any second. She can't see this. 罗斯,菲比就快到了 不能让她看到 Why not? She'll love it. It's the real thing. 为什么? 她一定会喜欢,这是好东西 I got it at Pottery Barn. 是在陶瓷货仓买的 I know. I bought the same one. 我知道,我也买了一张 And if she sees your table, she'll know I lied. 她看到你的桌子 就会知道我骗她 -I said ours was an original. -Why? 我说我们的是原版 为什么? Because she hates Pottery Barn. 因为她讨厌陶瓷货仓 She hates Pottery Barn? 她讨厌陶瓷货仓? I know. I know. She says it's all mass-produced... 我也很惊讶,她说那是量产 nothing is authentic,and everyone winds up having the same stuff. 没有真品,大家买的都一样 So come on! Can we cover this up,please? 她随时会进来 拿个东西盖住它好吗? No,no. I am not gonna hide it from Phoebe. 不要,我才不要遮遮掩掩的 Although I did get some great Pottery Barn sheets. 不过我也买了很漂亮的床单 I forgot they made sheets! 我忘了他们也有出床单 I still can't believe she hates Pottery Barn. 她居然会讨厌陶瓷货仓 It's not like she hates you. 别再念了,她又不是讨厌你 Yeah,but Pottery Barn? 但是陶瓷货仓耶 You know what I think? She's just weird. 我觉得根本是她怪胎 It's because she's a twin. Twins are weird. 因为她是双胞胎 双胞胎都很怪 She's not weird. She likes her stuff to be one-of-a-kind. 她不是怪 她只是希望她的东西独一无二 You know what's not one-of-a-kind? A twin! 什么最不独一无二?双胞胎 Let's turn out the lights and watch the movie. 菲比来了,把灯关掉看电影吧 -Hey,cool sheet! -You like it? 好…好漂亮的床单 喜欢是吧? -You want to know where I got it? -Sure. 想知道哪里买的吗 好啊 At a flea market. 他是在跳蚤市场买的 You buy your sheets at a flea market? 你上跳蚤市场买床单? Come on, you gotta loosen the purse strings a little. 罗斯,别这么小器吧 Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. 再过20分钟就能吃了 好兴奋喔 Here is the wine to bring over tonight. 这是你今晚要带过来的酒 You were also gonna buy Monica flowers... 你想送花给摩妮卡... but you couldn't,because you paid for dinner last night. 却买不起 因为你付了昨晚的钱 Thanks. But it's just gonna be me tonight. 谢谢,但今晚只有我要过去 -What happened to Janine? -She's really sick. 吉宁怎么了? 她病得很重 -That's too bad. -Yeah,she's been in there all day. 真糟糕 对啊,她整天都在房里 High fever,nose problem. It's... 发高烧,鼻塞 phlegm,phlegm, phlegm,phlegm,phlegm. 痰痰痰痰痰 Monica! Chandler! 摩妮卡,钱德 I'm sorry about tonight. I don't know if Joey told you... 今晚真抱歉,乔伊说了吗? but I couldn't get out of going to this play. 有出戏我一定得去看,抱歉 Have a great time,huh? 玩得开心点 好 That's funny, I saw no phlegm. 怪了,没有痰啊 Oh,no,she really is sick. 不,她真的病得很重 Then why is she going to a play? 那她为什么要去看戏? Well,you know,"Starve a fever... 你知道的 感冒想退烧 go to a play for a cold." 就要去看戏 Why is Janine not coming over for dinner? 乔伊,吉宁为什么不来吃饭? She didn't want to hang out with you guys two nights in a row. 她不想连续陪你们两晚 I'm so sorry. 对不起 Why doesn't she want to hang out with us? 她为什么不想陪我们? Because she thinks that you are blah. 因为她觉得你很哈啦 And that you,Monica, are too loud. 而摩妮卡你的嗓门太大 What?! 什么? What? 什么? So she just pretended to have a good time? 所以她昨晚只是假装开心? She was lying to our faces? 她当面骗我们? I can't believe this. Who is she to judge us? 太扯了,她凭什么批评我们? -We couldn't have been nicer to her. -And I am not blah. I am a hoot! 我们对她多好 我才不哈啦,我是谈笑风生 Come on,please,you guys. Don't be mad. 拜托啦,别生气 I'm sure she said it... 她一定是... because she was nervous because you're my best friends. 紧张才会这么说 你们是我最要好的朋友 And it was our first date. 我们又是第一次约会 Plus,she's really sick. 而且她病得很重 You said you made that up! 你明明说那是假的 But isn't the sick thing better than the play thing? 但你不觉得生病比看戏好吗? They're both good. I generally just go with, "Monica's drunk again." 都很好 我通常都说摩妮卡又醉了 Come on,please just give her another chance. 拜托啦,再给她一次机会 -She'll come around,I promise. -Of course we will. 她一定会喜欢你们的 当然好 -Come on,we gotta make dinner. -Okay. 回去煮饭吧 好 I do not like that woman! 我不喜欢那个女人 I can hear you! 我听得见 I am loud! 我的嗓门真的很大 真好笑 Can you please not put your feet up on my new..? 菲比,别把脚翘在我的新… Old sheet. 旧床单上 Oh,sure. 好 My apothecary table! 我的药师桌 -What? -No! 什么? 不 -Where did you get this? -At Pottery Barn,okay? 这张桌子是哪里买的? 陶瓷货仓,好吗? Oh,my God! 天哪 Pottery Barn has ripped off the design of our antique! 陶瓷货仓抄袭我们的古董 If they've ripped off our table... 天哪,要是他们会抄袭 ours must be worth much more than one and 50 dollars. 那张桌子一定不只值51元 This doesn't even smell like opium. 这张连鸦片的味道都没有 It smells like wine, which you spilled. 当然没有,只有你沥的酒味 And thanks for wrecking my sheet. 谢谢你还毁了我的床单 Ross,calm down. I'll give you the 80 cents. 别激动,我赔你80分就是了 Okay,one more time. 再来一次 Would you like some orange juice? 钱德,你还要柳橙汁吗? -Perfect decibel. -I know! 音量刚刚好 就是啊 What are you guys doing? 你们在干什么? Nothing. We're just talking. You know,blah-blah-blah. 没什么,就是聊天哈啦 Come on, you said you were gonna try. 别这样,你们说过要尽力的 I came over to invite you to a movie with me and Janine. 我来找你们一起去看电影 -What do you say? -I'd like to... 你们觉得呢? 非常乐意 but I'm not sure if we have the time. 不过不确定我们有没有时间 Very funny. I don't know what to do. 真好笑…我也很无奈 I really want you to get along. 我真的很希望你们能处得来 Please come to the movie with us. You owe me. 拜托你们跟我们去吧 这是你们欠我的 -We owe you? -That's right. 我们欠你? 没错 I helped you out in the start of your relationship. 你们刚交往时,我帮了很多忙 I helped you sneak around for six months. 我帮你们偷鸡摸狗6个月 I looked like an idiot. 跟白痴一样 And I was humiliated. 还被羞辱 And I only made $200. 却只赚了2百 We didn't give you any money. 我们没有给你钱 You don't think I know that? 你以为我不知道吗? I can't decide if it goes better by the new chair... 我不知道该拿它配柳条餐桌椅 the Sahara desk... 黄色书桌 or the Parker console table. 还是螺形托脚桌 I didn't know there was a Pottery Barn up here. 原来这里也有陶瓷货仓 -I know,I went a little crazy. -A little? 我知道,我有点买疯了 有点? Your place looks like page 72 of the catalog. 这里就像型录第72页 Look at that! 看 The ornamental birdcage! Large. 装饰鸟笼,大号的 Oh,Ross? Be careful. That is very old. 罗斯,小心,那个很旧 Colonial bird merchants used to bring their birds to market in that. 殖民地时代早期的鸟商 都用它带鸟上市场 Fascinating. 有意思 Another amazing find! 又一个惊人的发现 -I bet this has a great story too. -It does. 它一定也有很棒的典故 没错 It is a room-separating apparatus from Colonial times. 这是殖民地时期 分隔房间的装置 A lot of this stuff is from the Colonial times. 有好多东西都来自殖民地时期 What are some other time periods,Rachel? 还有哪些时期呢,瑞秋? Well,there's yore. 有往昔 And,you know,yesteryear. 还有昨年 Rachel has such a good eye for this stuff. 瑞秋对这种东西真的很有眼光 Ross,if you ever decide to redecorate... 罗斯,如果你家要重新布置 and I think you should... 我觉得很有必要 you should ask Rachel to help. 你应该找瑞秋帮忙 He doesn't need my help. 他才不需要我的帮忙 I think he's ready to get rid of the.. What'd you call it? 拜托,他早该扔掉那些… 你是怎么说的? The "cheap knockoffs and dinosaur junk"? 廉价的赝品和恐龙垃圾 Really? 是吗? You know, since you have such a great sense of what I need.. 你知道吗? 既然你这么清楚我的需求 Here's 60 bucks. 我这里有60元 Why don't you take Phoebe down to that Colonial flea market... 你带着菲比 去殖民时期跳蚤市场... and get me some stuff. 帮我办货 I don't think Phoebe wants to come. 我觉得菲比不会想去 -I do want to. -She does want to. 不,我想去 她想去 -She does want to. -Yeah! 她想去 没错 -I'm gonna get my purse. -Okay. 我去拿我包包 好的 Hey,can I have all this stuff when she makes you throw it out? 等她逼你扔掉这些东西 我可以接收吗? Well, sure, and I'll show you right where you can put it. 当然可以,我还会教你怎么摆 I guess the flea market was just better last time. 我不知道该说什么 上次比较有得逛 Well, at least I got these sheets for Ross. 至少我帮罗斯买了床单 没错 Look at this. Pottery Barn. 看,是陶瓷货仓 You know what? Don't look at it. 别看了 -Seriously,don't look at it. -Look! 真的,别看了 你看 There's the table they stole from us. 他们抄袭我们的咖啡桌 Oh,those bastards! Let's go. 那些混蛋!我们走 That fan kind of looks like ours and the birdcage and... 那台电风扇跟我们的有点像 还有那个鸟笼和… Wait a second, this is our exact living room! 这根本就是我们的客厅 No,it's not. 才不是呢 Come on,ours is totally different. 我们的完全不一样 I mean,we don't have the.. We don't have that lamp. 我们没有… 我们没有那盏灯 And that screen is on the other side. 还有那扇隔板是在另一边 Oh,my God. This is where you got all our stuff. 天哪,那些东西是这里买的 Pottery Barn! Oh,my God! 陶瓷货仓 我的天哪 Okay,I did,all right? I'm sorry. 你说对了,对不起 I wanted this stuff,and I know how you feel about Pottery Barn. 我想要这些东西 又知道你讨厌陶瓷货仓 -Come on,don't be mad. -No,but I am mad. 你不要生气 但是我气死了 Because this stuff is what's wrong with the world... 这些代表世间丑恶的东西 and it's in my living room... 都在我的客厅里 and all I can think about is how I don't have that lamp! 而我却只想着我没有那盏灯 Well,then,honey,buy the lamp. 那就买下那盏灯 We have that 60 bucks from Ross. 我们有罗斯给的60元 I can't! I can't! 我不行… Unless... 除非… Are you saying you'd move out if I didn't buy that lamp? 你是说我不买那盏灯 你就要搬走吗? No,I'm not gonna move out! 不,我不会搬走 But are you saying that you would move out if I didn't buy that lamp? 你是说我不买那盏灯 你就要搬走吗? -Yes! I would so move out. -Then I don't have a choice. 没错,我一定会搬走 那我就没办法了 -I have to buy that lamp! -That's right. 我得买下那盏灯 没错 But at least the apothecary table's real. 不过至少那张药师桌是真货 This was great. Didn't everybody have a great time? 真好,大家都很尽兴吧? I did. I really did, and I've got to say... 我很尽兴,真的 I'm sorry if I was weird after the last time we went out. 还有很抱歉上次聚会后 我态度怪怪的 I guess I was just nervous. 可能是紧张吧 -That's understandable. -Don't worry about it. 我们完全可以理解 别放在心上 So we can go out again? 所以我们可以再出去罗? -Absolutely. -Well,good. 当然可以 那就晚安 晚安 See? 看吧? Wasn't that fun? 很开心吧? We have got to move. 我们非搬家不可 What? 什么? I knew it! 我就知道 You're not so quiet yourself, missy! 你的嗓门也不小,死丫头 I'm blah? The only thing more boring than modern dance... 我哈啦? 比看现代舞更无聊的 is you talking about it. 就是听你聊现代舞 "Oh,Chandler,I just lost myself in the movement." “钱德,我刚才浑然忘我” You know,I know you're talking... 我知道你在说话 but all I hear is, "Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah." 但我只听到叽哩呱啦叽哩呱啦 All right,you and me! Let's go right now! 我们现在就出去决胜负 All right,enough! 好了,够了… Enough! You two, go home. I gotta talk to Janine. 你们回去,我要跟吉宁谈一谈 I really think you could take her. 你绝对可以撂倒她 You better hope I don't see you in the hallway! 别让我在走廊上碰到你 All right. 好了… Look,we got a little bit of a problem here. 我们有个小小的问题 You can't my treat my friends that way. 他们是我的朋友 你不能对他们无礼 -They said stuff to me too. -I know,I'll talk to them about it. 他们也对我出言不逊 我知道,我会找他们谈 They mean so much to me. 他们对我很重要 They're like my family, you know? 就像我的家人 If you guys are gonna be fighting all the time.... 如果你们一见面就吵,我… I don't think we can be together. It just can't work,okay? 我们就不能在一起 这是行不通的 It can't. 这不行 I'm very upset. 我很不开心 Okay. 好 Would it help if I apologized? 要是我过去道歉呢? Yeah. That'd be very helpful. 那就太好了 What did I tell you about the hall? 我说在走廊上碰到会怎样? I was coming over to apologize for my behavior. 我只是要过去向你们道歉 I'd really like it if we could be friends. 我很希望能跟你们做朋友 Well,I know that would make Joey happy,so... 我知道那样乔伊会很高兴 所以... I would like that too. 我也愿意 -Great. -Now,come on. 太好了 来吧 -I'm glad we worked it out. -Me too. 很高兴能达成共识 我也是 -I'll see you. -Bye. 回头见 再见 -Or I'll hear you. -That's it, big girl! 听都听得见 够了,来吧 Wait! 慢着 You'd better run! 你最好快逃 Did you hear that? 你听见了吗? 听见了 -What am I gonna do? -I'm sorry,man. 我该怎么办? 难为你了 -Want to go watch? -Yeah! 要去看吗? 当然 You know,I'm not sure you could have taken Janine. 你不见得打得过吉宁 I could have taken her. 我当然打得过 -She's much bigger than you. -Are you kidding me? 她比你高多了 开什么玩笑 I know what to do with tall girls. You go for their knees. 我有对付高个子的诀窍 就是攻她的膝盖 -How you doing? -So did she move out? 你们好 她搬出去了吗? Pretty much. 差不多了 I can't believe you just broke up with her. 你居然就这样跟她分手 When it's not right, you know it. 不适合就是不适合 -You okay? -I'll be all right. 你还好吗? 死不了 -You know what would cheer you up? -What? 我有办法让你开心 什么办法? I'm giving this lecture on erosion theories tomorrow night. 我明晚要教侵食理论 I think you should come. 你应该来听 You're right, that did cheer me up. 我确实开心多了