[00:02.930]Why is everybody using these tiny,little lights nowadays? [00:06.970]I remember when people used big ones. 我记得以前都用大灯泡 [00:09.200]That's a good story,Grandpa. 钱德爷爷话当年 [00:15.540]Wow. Monica's letting other people help decorate her tree? 摩妮卡让别人布置她的圣诞树 [00:19.810]Did someone get her drunk again,or...? 谁又把她灌醉了吗? [00:23.720]Having a perfect tree is not what Christmas is about. 圣诞节的意义不在于圣诞树 [00:27.160]It's about being with loved ones. 而在于与所爱的人共度 [00:29.190]That is nice. And we're done. Ta-da! 真好,布置好了 [00:33.830]It just doesn't quite feel like Christmas to me. 我总觉得它少了一股圣诞味 [00:37.800]Oh,here. 那这样呢 [00:42.900]See,now it feels like Christmas. 这样才像圣诞节 [00:46.540]The One With The Routine 本集播出:“舞林高手” [01:24.050]And that's the story of the dreidel. 这就是犹太陀螺的由来 [01:28.680]Some people trace the Christmas tree to the Egyptians... 有些人说圣诞树源自古埃及 [01:32.750]who'd bring palm branches into huts on the shortest day of the year... 在每年白画最短的日子 他们会把棕榈枝带进屋里 [01:37.760]symbolizing life's triumph over death. 象徵生命战胜死亡 [01:40.530]And that was,like,4000 years ago. 那是4千年前的事了 [01:43.700]Around the same time that you started this story. 你开始讲古也差不多是那时候 [01:50.770]-Hey,you guys. -Hey. What's up? 你们好 乔伊 [01:53.140]I had to get out of the apartment. Janine's stretching all over. 我不出门不行 吉宁到处拉筋 [01:57.710]Everywhere I look she's like.... 一转头就看到她在… [02:03.990]I can see why that's hard to resist. 难怪你无法抗拒 [02:07.090]I like her so much. 我好喜欢她 [02:09.290]I'm sorry she doesn't feel the same. 可惜她对你没感觉 [02:11.330]I know. And she's so sweet. 就是啊,她好可爱 [02:13.290]I just want to feed her grapes and brush her hair. 我好想喂她吃葡萄 帮她梳头 [02:17.970]You are aware that she's not a monkey,right? 你知道她不是猴子吧? [02:23.240]I am so over Janine. 我已经不在乎吉宁了 [02:26.980]Yeah,at first I thought she was hot, but now she's like old news. 我原本觉得她很火辣 现在她已经成了过去式 [02:32.580]-Hey,guys. -Janine! 你们好 吉宁 [02:37.490]I'm gonna be a dancer on a TV special for New Year's Eve. 我刚接到除夕特别节目的通告 [02:40.790]It's called some sort of Dickin' Rockin' Dicky Eve. 叫什么狄克摇滚狄奇之夜的 [02:47.700]Hold it. 慢着 [02:49.600]Are you talking about Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve? 是狄克克拉克新年摇滚之夜吗 [02:53.300]Yeah,that's what I said. 就是那个 [02:57.710]Oh,my God, we love that show! 天哪,我们爱死那个节目了 [03:00.810]Ross and I have been watching it since I can remember. 从我有记忆以来 罗斯和我每年都看 [03:04.050]You're still just a little fat girl inside, aren't you? 内心深处的你仍是个小胖妹 [03:09.550]I'm gonna be one of the party people. 我今年要去当狂欢派对来宾 [03:12.520]You're gonna be a party person? Those guys rock the most! 你要当去派对来宾? 那些人最酷了 [03:17.690]They said to bring someone. Want to be my dance partner? 他们叫我带人去 你愿意当我的舞伴吗? [03:21.300]I would love to spend New Year's with you. 当然,我很愿意跟你跨年 [03:24.230]They're taping tomorrow. I don't understand why.. 明天就要录影了,我也不太懂 [03:27.300]Well,how it works is... 是这样的 [03:28.900]the part with Dick Clark in Times Square is actually live. 时代广场的部分是现场直播 [03:32.970]But they tape some of the party stuff ahead of time. 但他们会预录狂欢派对的画面 [03:36.240]Not a lot of people know that. 知道的人并不多 [03:40.050]Do you guys want to come too? 你们也想去吗? [03:42.480]-Are you serious? -We are there! 真的还假的? 一言为定 [03:49.160]What are you laughing at? 你笑什么笑? [03:51.060]Well,I used to date him, but you're still going out with her. 我跟他交往过 但你还跟她在一起 [03:57.870]Thanks. Great,so we can all go together. 谢谢…那我们就一起去 [04:00.670]I gotta run. I'll catch you later. 我得走了,回头见 [04:03.200]Bye,Janine. 再见 吉宁再见 [04:07.180]Did she just ask me out on a date? 她是不是约我了? [04:09.840]I don't think so. 应该不是 [04:12.350]She invited him to the biggest party of the millennium. 她找他参加 千禧年最盛大的晚会耶 [04:15.950]Yeah,but she also invited you and Ross. 但她也找了你和罗斯 [04:18.720]I'm sorry,I don't think that that was a romantic thing. 很抱歉,那应该不算约会 [04:22.120]Well, maybe. But,hey, I know how I can find out. 或许吧,但我有一个办法 [04:25.290]It's a New Year's Eve party. 我们不是要参加跨年晚会? [04:27.260]So at midnight,I can kiss her. And if she kisses me back, great. 到了午夜,我可以亲她 要是她也回吻,漂亮 [04:32.400]If she says, "What are you doing?" 要是她说“你干什么?” [04:34.970]I can say, "lt wasn't me, it was New Year's." 我就说“都是新年害的” [04:39.770]That's better than Ross kissing me in high school... 比高中时罗斯想亲我要好 [04:42.710]and saying that he did it because he needed Chap Stick. 他说他需要护唇膏 [04:48.580]It was a dry day. 那天很干燥 [04:53.820]We are going to Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve! 我们要上狄克克拉克跨年晚会 [04:58.430]Oh,my God! 我的天哪 [05:00.500]Oh,my God! 我的天哪 [05:03.060]Oh,my God! 我的天啊 [05:12.110]Okay,I've been on sets before... 听着,我录过影 [05:14.410]so let me give you some advice. 我有些建议 [05:16.310]It's a show,but we're just dancing. It's no big deal. 虽然是上电视,我们只管跳舞 没什么大不了的 [05:19.980]Important thing to remember: Stay cool. 最重要的是要酷 [05:23.250]-Got it. -Okay. 了解 [05:25.450]Oh,my God! It's just like I dreamed it! 天哪,跟我梦想的一样 [05:29.520]Everyone! Gather up! 全体集合 [05:31.690]-Excuse us! -Excuse us! 借过 [05:34.960]The music's gonna start, you're gonna dance... 我们的做法是 音乐一放,你们就跳舞 [05:37.870]we'll tape it. Don't look at the camera. Questions? 我们会录影,你们不要看镜头 有问题吗? [05:41.200]Yeah,I have a question. When is this gonna air? 我有,什么时候播出? [05:46.340]Yeah. Now,you guys dance over there... 好,你们去那边跳 [05:49.180]you guys,over there. I want you two here. 你们去那边跳 你们两个在这里 [05:52.050]Everyone else,spread out. 其他人散开 [05:53.480]We'd rather not dance together because we're brother and sister. 我们最好不要配一对 因为我们是兄妹 [05:56.580]Yeah,it would seem kind of weird. 对,那样会有点怪 [05:58.420]As weird as coming all the way down here and then having to go home right now? 会比大老远跑来 却得立刻滚回家来得怪吗? [06:05.890]So when is it gonna air? 所以是什么时候播? [06:13.130]You look in the kitchen, I got the closet. 你找厨房,我找后面的柜子 [06:15.700]I can save you time,ladies. I'm right here. 不必浪费时间了,我在这里 [06:19.670]Yeah. Why don't you take a walk? This doesn't concern you. 钱德,你出去一下 这件事与你无关 [06:24.910]We're looking for our presents from Monica. 我们在找摩妮卡送的圣诞礼物 [06:27.550]That's terrible. 什么?太差劲了 [06:29.080]No, we do it every year. 不会,我们每年都找 [06:30.990]Oh, well, that makes it not terrible. 那就不差劲了 [06:34.890]Yeah,we never find them. 但我们没有找到过 [06:36.660]She's always bested us, that wily...minx. 她老是打败我们,奸诈的查某 [06:41.360]We'll search here for an hour... 放心,我们找个1小时 [06:43.600]and then we'll go to Joey's and search,okay? 就会换到乔伊那边找,好吗? [06:46.530]-You can't look for Monica's presents. -We have to. 不好,你们不能找她送的礼物 我们一定要找 [06:50.070]You don't have to. And you can't, because I live here too. 你们不一定要找,也不能找 因为我也住在这里 [06:55.340]Well,then you should look with us. 那你应该跟我们一起找 [06:58.780]Why? 为什么? [06:59.950]Aren't you worried about what to get Monica? 你都不愁要送摩妮卡什么吗? [07:02.850]No,I have a great idea for her present. 不会,我有个很棒的构想 [07:05.290]Oh,that's it? A great idea? Oh,yeah? 就只有很棒的构想? [07:09.420]What if she gets you a great present... 那样是不够的 要是她送你一个大礼 [07:12.290]two mediums and lots of little ones... 两个普通礼和一堆小礼呢? [07:14.630]and you just get her one present? She'll feel bad. 而你只送她一个大礼 她一定会很难过 [07:18.070]Why would you do that to her? Why? Why? 你为什么要让她难过? 为什么… [07:22.600]-If I help,we can find them faster! -Right! 有我帮忙找得更快 没错 [07:27.410]We have a live one! 逮到一个了 [07:28.640]-Oh,it's a Macy's bag! -Yeah. 是梅西百货的袋子 [07:32.380]Who's it for? 这是给谁的? [07:36.620]"Dear losers, do you really think I'd hide presents under the couch? 亲爱的俗辣 你们真以为我会藏在沙发下? [07:42.460]P.S. Chandler, I knew they'd break you." 又:钱德,我就知道你会让步 [07:48.130]Uh-oh. She may be onto us. 她可能已经发现了 [07:51.570]We are so gonna find them this year. 我们今年一定要找到 [07:54.840]You said you'd go across the hall and look. Do you do that every year? 你们刚才说会到对面去找 该不会是每年都去吧? [07:58.840]Yeah. 是啊 [08:00.170]You don't go into the back of my closet... 你们没有到我的柜子里面 [08:03.110]and look under my gym bag or anything? 翻我的健身袋底下吧? [08:07.110]-No. Never do that. -No. 没有,从来没有 [08:11.750]That's where Joey gave me stuff to store that I've never seen. 乔伊会托我保管东西 我看都没看过 [08:17.660]Okay, that did not just happen. 刚才的事是幻觉 [08:27.940]Here comes a camera. 又有摄影机来了 [08:29.170]Right. No biggie. Stay loose. 好,小意思,放轻松 [08:41.850]Why do they keep doing that? 他们为什么一直避开? [08:44.190]We have to get up on one of those platforms. 想上镜头就得上那些平台 [08:47.290]They've been taping them all day. 他们一直拍平台上的人 [08:49.220]Right. 没错 [08:55.230]What'd you guys do to get up on there? 你们为什么能上去? [08:57.830]We learned how to dance. 我们有练过 [09:00.870]When you learned to dance, did you forget how to put on underpants? 你练舞时也忘了穿内裤吗? [09:04.640]Yeah! [09:09.840]-Hey,you're a good dancer. -Really? 你跳得很好嘛 是吗? [09:13.050]You'd be better if you loosened your hips. 臀部再放松一点会更好 [09:15.480]-What do you mean? -Like this. 怎么说? 像这样 [09:19.990]That's it. Feel the rhythm. That's better. 就是这样,跟着节奏摆动 好多了 [09:26.690]You're dancing with her. 你去跟那个女生跳 [09:28.400]-We're together. -Yeah,we came together. 不,我们是一起来的 [09:31.670]I don't see it. 我看不出来 [09:34.040]You are dancing with the tall guy. Tall guy,raise your hand! 你去跟那个高个子跳 高个子,举手 [09:38.610]Hey,buddy. Let me dance with her. I like her, and I think I have a shot. 不…老兄,拜托让我跟她跳 我很喜欢她,我觉得我有机会 [09:43.510]Really,you think so? I don't. 你觉得有?我觉得没有 [10:00.800]I couldn't find anything.. Hey,wait! 乔伊那里什么都没… 等等! [10:03.600]Yeah,we found them. 我们找到了 [10:04.970]They were in the guest-room closet. 在客房衣橱的外套后面 [10:07.300]You have nothing to worry about because they're crap. 你不必担心了,都是些烂东西 [10:13.170]Those are mine. I got those for you. 那是我要送给你们的礼物 [10:18.410]Oh. Thanks,Chandler,they're great! 谢了,好棒喔 [10:23.150]Chandler,what is this very weird metal A-Z thing? 这个奇怪的金属AZ是什么 [10:26.650]Those are bookends. That's a great gift. 那是书挡,是很棒的礼物 [10:30.090]Oh. Okay,I'm sorry. Thank you for my "az." 好,抱歉,谢谢你送的AZ (AZ音近屁股ass) [10:36.000]Make sure you put all that stuff back in the closet. 记得放回衣柜里,好吗? [10:39.170]Yes,okay. 好… [10:40.700]By the way,I think it's really nice of you that even after you moved... 对了,你人真好 都搬家了... [10:45.440]you still keep storing that stuff for Joey. 还帮乔伊保管东西 [11:04.660]Hey,dancing girl? 喂,舞女 [11:07.400]Can I go to the bathroom? 我想上厕所 [11:11.570]Here we go. Yeah. 来转一下 好了 [11:18.810]Looking good,Gellers! 很不错喔,盖勒兄妹 [11:21.480]We know! 还用你说 [11:24.680]That snippy guy's the one who decides who gets on the platform. 你看那个拽人 他专门指定上平台的人 [11:28.480]-We should go dance by him. -Okay. 我们应该去他面前跳 好 [11:38.390]Okay,everybody,hold! 全部暂停 [11:42.030]Next on the platforms are.... 接下来的平台舞者有… [11:48.840]You two! And.... 你们两个,还有… [11:53.840]-You two! -Cool! 你们两个 [11:55.710]Excuse me,sir? 请问一下 [11:57.010]Would it help if I weren't wearing underpants? 如果我不穿内裤会入选吗? [11:59.410]Monica! 摩妮卡 [12:01.120]Would it? 会吗? [12:05.050]How about me? 那我不穿呢? [12:13.890]Hey,tall guy! 高个子 [12:17.870]I want to talk to you about that girl you're dancing with. 我想跟你聊聊你的舞伴 [12:21.200]She's nice, huh? To think I almost brought my wife to this. 她真不赖,我还差点带老婆来 [12:25.610]Yeah. Yeah. Okay. 是啊…好 [12:31.450]Look,I came with that girl,okay? 老兄,我和她是一起来的 [12:33.950]I plan to kiss her at the New Year's countdown. 我想在倒数时吻她 [12:36.880]I'm trying to win her over. I.. 我想追她 所以能不能… [12:38.850]I don't think so. 不行 [12:40.620]You can dance with my partner. 拜托啦,你可以跟我的舞伴跳 [12:42.690]She's real mellow. 她跳得强强滚 [12:46.030]Look,you dating this girl you came with? 你在跟这个女生交往吗? [12:49.800]I was hoping after tonight that maybe I could.... 我希望过了今晚可以… [12:52.570]No. No. She's fair game if you ask me. Sorry,buddy. 那就是公平竞争,抱歉 [12:56.200]All right. Hey. 好吧 [12:57.910]Fair is fair. When you're right, you're right. What can I say? 公平竞争 你说得对,我还能说什么 [13:06.610]Are you in second grade? 你是小学生吗? [13:08.280]Hey, man, you're the one who wet his pants. 尿裤子的是你 [13:16.360]Monica would not hide the presents down here. 摩妮卡不会把礼物藏在这里的 [13:19.990]No,but she did. Look,there's that old hippie I've always wanted. 怎么不会 我一直想要一个老嬉皮 [13:25.530]If they are here, Gunther knows about it. 要是藏在这里,阿甘一定知道 [13:29.140]And I could get it out of him. He's had a huge crush on me. 我可以去套他,他很喜欢我 [13:33.970]That's not fair to play with his head, though. You do it. 这样利用他不公平,还是你去 [13:37.440]Okay. 好 [13:41.280]Hey,Gunther. 阿甘 [13:43.850]Hi. [13:45.190]Getting to be that holiday time again,huh? 圣诞佳节又要来了 [13:49.260]Yes,it's like a miracle. 圣诞节确实很神奇 [13:52.330]I was thinking,since it's the time of giving gifts... 我想说既然到了送礼的季节 [13:57.600]I was wondering,are there any presents around here for me? 不知道这里有没有我的礼物? [14:01.200]You know what I mean? 你懂我的意思吧 [14:04.970]-I think I found them. -That's the Toys for Tots collection bin. 我找到了 那是要捐出去的玩具 [14:08.740]-That's awfully convenient,don't you think? -For the tots it is. 很方便不是吗? 对捐赠单位来说 [14:14.920]-Hey,you guys,guess what. -Did you find them? 你们猜怎样? 你找到了吗? [14:17.520]No,Gunther fainted. 不是,阿甘昏倒了 [14:25.760]Man,this sucks. 真讨厌 [14:27.330]If Mom and Dad don't see us on TV after we made them jealous... 要是跟爸妈爱现完却没上电视 [14:30.760]then who's gonna be the losers then? 到时候是谁逊? [14:34.740]I know what'll get us up on a platform. 我知道怎样可以上平台了 [14:37.810]What? 怎样? [14:39.410]The routine! 跳招牌舞 [14:42.440]We haven't done the routine since middle school. 我们中学毕业后就没跳过了 [14:45.550]When the snippy guy sees the routine... 等那个拽人看过招牌舞 [14:48.180]he'll want to build us our own platform. 搭都会帮我们搭一座平台 [14:50.890]Was it that good? 有那么赞吗? [14:52.390]We got honorable mention in the brother/sister dance category! 我们得了兄弟姐妹组的特别奖 [14:56.760]It's almost fake midnight. Do we really have any other choice? 假午夜快到了,我们还能怎样 [15:01.860]Okay,let's do it. 那好吧 [15:04.130]Mom and Dad are gonna be so faced! 爸妈会嫉妒死 [15:13.710]Five,six,seven,eight! 五六七八 [15:57.620]So do we really need to ask who's going up on the platform next? 接下来该谁上平台还用问吗? [16:02.460]You get up there and do that again, exactly like that. 不用,你们上去照样再跳一遍 [16:09.160]Get this. Dick will want it for the Bloopers show. 拍下来当漏网镜头用 [16:13.300]All right,cut! Listen up,everyone! 卡 全体注意 [16:16.200]When we start again, it'll be the countdown... 接下来是倒数计时 [16:18.670]so I want to see everybody's excitement! 大家要high [16:22.040]Hey,guy! [16:23.480]You got three seconds to get away. 限你3秒钟之内离开我的舞伴 [16:25.710]What's going on here? 怎么了? [16:27.350]Take a look at the guy's pants! 你看他的裤子 [16:30.220]You told us to show excitement, but don't you think he went overboard? 你是叫我们要high 但他也high过头了吧? [16:35.860]What's the matter with you? Go! 你变态啊?给我出场 [16:37.690]Yeah,take a hike,wet pants! 滚啦,失禁男 [16:42.360]Can you believe this? 你相信吗? [16:43.900]We're on the platform for the millennial moment! 进入千禧年时我们会在平台上 [16:46.300]I know! 就是啊 [16:47.630]You haven't been practicing the routine, have you? 你没有偷练招牌舞吧? [16:51.140]No. 当然没有 [16:53.970]Me too! 我也有 [16:56.340]When the music starts... 回到现场时... [16:58.010]I was thinking about maybe going into the robot. 我想跳机器人舞步 [17:04.180]Ross, we should stick to the routine. We don't want to look stupid. 罗斯 跳招牌舞就好,免得丢脸 [17:10.090]All right, we're back! Ten seconds left. 回到现场,倒数10秒 258 00:17:12,930 --> 00:17:16,050 -Ten. -Nine,eight. 10,9,8, [17:16.260]-Seven. -Okay,it all comes down to this. 7… 好,这一刻终于来了 [17:19.900]Whatever happens,happens. 一切顺其自然 [17:23.440]Destiny. 听天由命 [17:25.510]three,two,one! 3,2,1 [17:28.780]-Cut! -No! 卡 不! [17:32.750]Year! 快乐 [17:34.720]Happy "No" Year! 新年不快乐 [17:38.890]Now we go to the live shot of Times Square. That's a wrap! 接着是时代广场的现场画面 大家辛苦了,收工 [17:48.930]What did that snippy guy say? 那个拽人说什么? [17:51.030]I think he's kicking out anyone who's not dancing. 他把不跳舞的人赶走了 [17:54.500]So just keep dancing. 所以继续跳 [18:09.220]Hey,look who I found. 看我找到什么 [18:10.680]Oh,hi,guys! 你们好 [18:12.790]Birds have a very good sense of direction. 鸟类的方向感很好 [18:15.420]I thought maybe they could help us find the presents. 或许它们可以帮忙找出礼物 [18:19.390]Yes,if the presents are hidden south for the winter. 如果礼物藏在南方过冬的话 [18:23.360]Or we could just follow your clever jokes. Any ideas? Didn't think so. 顺着你的笑话去找也行 你知道在哪里吗?当然不知道 [18:29.370]Come on,show us where the presents are. 来,把礼物找出来 [18:32.070]The duck seems to think that Monica got me garbage. 鸭子似乎认为摩妮卡送我垃圾 [18:35.280]I wonder what I could get Monica that's as good as garbage. 什么样的回礼能跟垃圾一样好 [18:39.880]How about my "az"? 我的AZ如何? [18:46.250]-Hey. This is hollow. -What? 这是空的 什么? [18:50.190]This bench,it's hollow. I can't believe I never knew that! 这排座椅是空心的 我居然都不知道 [18:55.660]-Oh,the presents! -Don't look directly at them! 我们的礼物 不!不要直视它们 [19:00.900]What? 什么? [19:02.170]All right,no,we could look at them. 没事,可以看 [19:04.810]This one's for me! 这是我的 [19:06.470]This one's for Chandler. Here. 这是钱德的,拿去 [19:08.980]-And the big one's for me! -Oh,let's open them! 大包的是我的 赶快拆来看 [19:13.750]-Wait a minute. We can't do this. -Why? 等等,我们不能这样 为什么? [19:17.180]I don't want to know what Monica got me. 我不想知道摩妮卡送我什么 [19:20.690]I'm sure she worked hard at getting it and wanting to surprise me. 她一定很用心的替我找礼物 想给我惊喜 [19:24.660]And you guys are gonna ruin that. 你们这样会坏事 [19:26.930]We have to put these back. This is not what Christmas is about. 我们得把礼物放回去 这样不叫圣诞节 [19:31.670]Whatever,Linus. I'm opening mine. 谁理你,我要拆我的 [19:36.600]Nobody is opening anything, okay? 谁也不准拆 [19:40.140]I want to see the look on her face when I give her my present. 我不知道你们怎么想 但我想看摩妮卡收到我礼物的表情 [19:44.110]I'm sure she wants to see the look on my face when I get mine. 她一定也想看 我收到礼物的表情 [19:47.850]So,please,please,can we just...? Can we put them back? 所以求求你们放回去 [19:52.690]-Will you get us better gifts? -Fine. 你会送我们更好的礼物吗? 好啦 [19:57.460]Hey,guys. 我回来了 [20:00.990]You found the presents? 你们找到礼物了? [20:03.030]You let them find the presents? 钱德,你让她们找到? [20:05.230]Great. 帅啊 [20:06.430]Do you know how long it took me to find you that water purifier? 你知道那个滤水器多难找吗? [20:11.210]-That's what you got me? -Yes,I see. That look is priceless. 你送我滤水器? 这下我懂了,你的表情真棒 [20:21.420]Home sweet home,huh? 甜蜜的家 [20:24.480]Nice to get back to reality. 回到现实真好 [20:29.320]Plus,we know how the New Year's gonna go off. 我们也知道新年会怎样了 [20:33.260]I guess there's no reason for all that Y2K panic,you know? 千禧虫根本没什么,对吧? [20:38.600]Anyway,good night. 好吧,晚安 [20:41.200]-Joey? -Yeah? 乔伊 怎样? [20:45.410]Three... 3... [20:47.240]two,one. 2,1 [20:56.780]Happy New Year. 新年快乐 [21:03.060]What was that for? 这是干什么? [21:05.090]Tonight when they yelled "cut" and we didn't get to kiss... 今晚当他们喊卡 我们没能接吻 [21:08.460]I was really,really disappointed, and I just.... 我真的很失望 我真的… [21:12.930]I just really wanted to kiss you. 真的很想亲你 [21:15.400]Really? 真的? [21:18.270]In the moment,I really wanted to kiss you too. In the moment. 那时候我也很想亲你… 那时候 [21:22.810]-In the moment. -But only in the moment. 那时候 只有那时候 [21:27.310]So do you want to kiss again? 你…想再亲一次吗? [21:32.290]Sure. New Year's Eve is only two weeks away. 想啊,离除夕只有2个星期 [21:35.790]Can you wait? 你能等吗? [21:37.290]No. 不能 [21:40.590]Me neither. 我也是 [21:44.930]Three,two.... 3,2… [21:48.000]You don't have to count down every time we kiss. 不必每次接吻都倒数 [21:50.570]Oh. Okay. 好 [21:53.510]Except I sort of felt like I needed a couple seconds to get ready. 但我觉得我需要几秒钟做准备 [22:21.200]We were on the platform,ready to dance into the new millennium... 我们在平台上 准备带全世界跳进千禧年 [22:24.910]and the guy yells,"Cut!" 那傢伙却喊了卡 [22:27.940]-So Joey didn't get to kiss Janine? -Nope,he sure didn't. 所以乔伊也没亲到吉宁? 当然没有 [22:33.710]I guess that means that you guys are still tied. 所以你和乔伊还是平分秋色罗 [22:37.420]I don't know about that. I think she saw us do our routine. 那可不见得 她应该看到我们的招牌舞了 [22:41.660]I may have boogied right into first place. 我用布吉舞步打头阵 [22:45.890]So you guys are telling me that you actually did... 等等,你们真的跳了 [22:49.960]the routine from eighth grade? 八年级的招牌舞? [22:52.730]Yeah! But of course we had to update it a little bit. 对,不过当然得稍做修正 [22:56.570]Hey, by the way, quick thinking about catching me. 你反应真快,知道要接住我 [23:00.770]There's no way you could've done the end... 我正想说 你们绝不可能... [23:03.680]the way you guys did it back then. 照以前的结尾跳 [23:06.980]What? We could do it. 什么?当然可以 [23:10.750]I don't know. You were a lot bigger.. I mean,stronger back then. 不行吧,你以前胖…壮多了 [23:17.620]I can do it,okay? 我可以,好吗? [23:19.690]Come on,let's go! Come on. 来吧 [23:23.300]One,two,three,four... 一二三四 [23:25.730]five,six,seven,eight. 五六七八 [23:28.030]I can't do it! 我不行 [23:31.870]Now,you do that,you're on TV. 那样跳就能上电视了