Ready? 好了吗? 好了 Hi,it's Rachel and Phoebe's. Please... 嗨… 这是…瑞秋… 和…菲比的家 请… -Leave.. -Leave. 在哔声后… 在哔声后… But I just said "leave." 那个我说过了 I know because you have all the good words. 我知道,因为你都分到好的字 What do I get? I get "it's," "and." Oh,I'm sorry, I have "a." Forget it. 而我呢?“这是”、“和” 还有“留言”…我不要 -That's silly. -All right. So let's switch. 菲比,别闹了 好,那我们交换 No,I have all the good words. 不要,我都分到好的字 Okay,fine,fine. We can switch. 好吧,我们交换 - Hi... -everybody... 嗨… 大家好 -It's... -Rachel... 这是… 瑞秋… -and... -Phoebe's. 和… 菲比的家 Wait. How did you do that? 请…慢着,你是怎么弄的? What? 什么? Oh,you're no ordinary roommate, are you? 你不是普通角色对吧? This is gonna be interesting. 这下有好戏可看了 Can we finish this later? I'm going running before it gets dark. 菲比,待会再录好吗? 我想在天黑前去慢跑 -Why don't you come with me? -Really? 你也一起来嘛 真的? It'll be fun! We'll run in the park. It'll be our roommate-bonding thing. 对,一定很好玩,去公园跑步 当做室友间第一次联络感情 Okay,let's go running! 好,我们去跑步 -There's cute guys there. -Let's run towards them! 而且那里有帅哥 那就往他们跑过去 Wait just one more second. 你等我一下 Hi,it's Phoebe and Rachel's. Please leave a message. Thanks! 嗨,这是瑞秋和菲比的家 请在哔声后留言,谢谢 Wait a minute. You took all the words! 等等,你都讲完了 You've met your match, Rachel Greene! 你遇到对手了,瑞秋葛林 The One Where Phoebe Runs 本集播出: “乔伊的烦恼” I just finished this fascinating book. 我刚看完一本很棒的书 By the year 2030, there'll be computers... 到了2030年,有些电脑 that can carry out the same amount of functions as a human brain. 能执行跟人脑一样多的功能 So,theoretically, you could download... 所以理论上你可以下载 your thoughts and memories into this computer... 你的思想记忆到这种电脑上 and live forever as a machine. 然后以机器的形态长生不死 And I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open. 我刚发现我能睁着眼睛睡觉 Honey,it was a great idea, nailing the boxes to the floor. 把箱子钉在地上真是聪明 -I didn't nail the boxes to the floor. -So you can move them! 我没把箱子钉在地上 所以你可以搬走罗 And while I'm doing that, Ross has a great computer story for you. 可以,我这就搬 罗斯有个很好听的电脑故事 Hey,everybody! I'd like you to meet Janine. 大家好,这是吉宁 She's gonna be my new roommate! 她是我的新室友 你好 And she's gonna live with me! 她要来跟我住 It's nice to meet you. Janine...? 很高兴认识你,吉宁… Le Croix. 勒夸,吉宁勒夸 I didn't know that. What a pretty last name. 我都不知道,好好听的姓 So where are you from? 你是哪里人? Australia. I just moved here. 奥洲人,2星期前刚到 From the land down under? 来自南半球? I didn't know that either! 这个我也不知道 So what do you do? 你做哪一行? -I'm a dancer. -You're a dancer? 我是个舞者 你是个舞者? She's a dancer! 她是个舞者 I think I'll go unpack. 我要去整理东西了 我帮你开门 乔伊 Did you interview her before you asked her to move in? 你叫她搬来之前有先面试吗? Of course! 当然有 What did you ask her? 你到底问了什么? When can you move in? “你什么时候可以搬来?” Thank you for bringing her into our lives. 谢谢你把她带到我们身边 Unbelievable. 难以置信 Down,boy. 别太兴奋 Oh,no,no,no. She's not my type. Not for me,she's not my type. She's too.. 她不是我喜欢的型,她太… Beautiful,tall,sexy, showing her stomach? 美丽、高挑、性感、露肚脐? Look at all the boxes! 你看这堆箱子 I cannot wait to ask her out. 我好想赶快约她 Wait a minute. You can't. She's your roommate. 乔伊,你不能约她 她是你的室友 It'll be too complicated. 那样会太复杂 Yeah,don't do it. 没错,千万不要 I mean,if you date her, then I can't date her. 你约了她,我就不能约她了 What if you started going out with her and it didn't work out? 要是你跟她交往又分手呢? That's when I make my move. 那就该我行动了 Remember when you broke up with Donna... 你之前跟一个唐娜交往 后来分手 how horrible it was when you bumped into her at the supermarket? 记得你们在超市巧遇的尴尬吗 Oh,God,yeah. 没错 Now imagine you live at the supermarket. 想像你住在超市里 Okay! 好啊 不是 You're right! I don't want that. I can't date her. 你说得对,那样很不好 我不能约她 You'd better watch the flirting too, because it could be trouble. 最好也别跟她调情 住得这么近可能会出事 Well,that's gonna be tough, Mon. 太难了 It's hard for me to be around an attractive woman and not flirt. 毕竟美女当前 我很难不打情骂俏 You're around me all the time, and you don't flirt. 我老是在你面前,你也没怎样 A little sad about that, sweetie? 有点难过是吧? I have to tie my shoes, so you go ahead. I'll catch up. 我要绑鞋带,你先跑,我就来 好 Come on, that's not running! Let's go! 拜托,那哪叫跑步,快点 I'm telling you,when she runs... 我是说真的,她跑步的时候 she looks like Kermit the Frog... 就像大嘴蛙... and the Six Million Dollar Man. 和生化机器人合体 Monica had such a crush on him. 摩妮卡以前好喜欢他 She used to kiss his poster every night before she went to bed. 她睡觉之前都会亲他的海报 I used to do that too! 我也会 Did you also have his album, "It's Not Easy Being Green"? 你有他的专辑 “全身绿色的烦恼” 吗? Oh,Mon. 摩妮卡… So Phoebe runs weird, huh? 所以菲比的姿势很怪? Yeah. And I know she'll want to run again. 对,而且她还会想再去跑 I don't know how to get out of it. I mean,I live with her. 我躲不掉,我跟她住在一起 Why don't you be straight with her? Tell her the truth. 你就实话实说嘛 You're right. I should just tell her the truth. 你说得对,我应该跟她直说 Phoebe, Monica tripped me. I don't think I can ever run again,ever! 菲比,摩妮卡把我绊倒 我再也不能跑步了 But we were having so much fun. All those cute guys were checking us out. 但是我们跑得好开心 那些帅哥都在看我们 I know. They were definitely staring. 就是啊,他们都瞪着我们看 Why? Why would you do that? 你为什么要绊倒她? I don't know. 我不知道 Rachel,I'm sorry I hurt your ankles. 瑞秋,抱歉害你两个脚踝受伤 -Ankle. -We'll see. 只有一个 等着瞧 Okay. I am officially unpacked. 好,东西都拿出来了 Thanks for helping me,man. 多谢帮忙 Joe? 乔伊? Well,I guess Joey went home. 看来他回家了 And look,there is still one box I have to unpack. 看,还有一个箱子没拆 I got you! 你被骗了 Oh,my God, you almost gave me a heart attack. 天哪,我差点被吓出心脏病 It was so hard not to laugh. 我憋笑憋得好辛苦 Hey, the place looks great. 很像回事嘛 Not bad,right? 不赖吧? Monica's working late, so I'm gonna make this place spotless. 摩妮卡今天要加班 我要把这里打扫得一尘不染 You know what else I'll do? 还有还有 I'm gonna go downstairs and get her some flowers. 我还要下楼去买花送她 Who wouldn't want to live with me? 谁会不想跟我住? I don't. 我不想 No,I want to live with the super-hot Australian dancer! 我想跟性感的奥洲舞者住 How's that going? Are you okay with the not-flirting thing? 情况如何?你能不打情骂俏吗 So far. But it's tough. 目前还可以,但是好累 I've got this built-up flirting energy, and I don't know how to get rid of it. 我的调情能量一直累积 无处发泄 How you doing? 你好吗? Get out! 滚啦 Oh,man! 天哪 Sorry. There's just more room out here. 抱歉,客厅比较宽 No,you just reminded me that I have to do my stretches too. 不是,我只是想到 我也该拉拉筋了 Why don't you try to be...? 你应该… -What's wrong? -Nothing. 怎么了? 没事 I didn't want you to touch me... 你不要碰我 because I'm all sweaty from the workout. 我拉筋拉得全身是汗 I'm gonna hit the shower. 我去洗个澡 Oh,my God! 我的天哪 Sorry about that stuff hanging in there. 抱歉在浴室晾衣服 It's just my thongs are too delicate for the dryer. 我的丁字裤很娇贵,不能烘干 Oh,yeah,it's me. 没错,是我 I saw you grab your running shoes this morning and sneak out. 我看到你抄了慢跑鞋溜出来 You lied so you could run by yourself. 你骗我好自己跑步 No,Phoebe,no. I was.... 不是,我没有 我是… I was actually just checking... 我只是跑跑看… to see... if I could run. And I can! 看我能不能跑,结果可以 Please,I'm not an idiot. 拜托,我又不是白痴 No,wait. Phoebe? 等等,菲比 Wow. Couples who live together do start to look alike. 同居真的会让人越来越像 I am working right now. So say what you have to say and leave me alone! 我在忙,有话快说,有屁快放 Sound alike too. 口气也很像 So,Mondler.... 摩德… What are you doing? 你在干什么? What does it look like? I am cleaning. 你说呢?我在打扫 Did you get Monica's authorization to move all her stuff? 你动她的东西有经过她同意吗 I don't need that. I'll put everything back. 没必要,我会把东西都放回去 Put it back exactly where you found it? 完全恢复原状吗? Yes. I'm gonna put it back exactly where I found it. 当然是完全恢复原状 First of all, that attitude is not helping. 这种态度对你没有帮助 She won't care if I put her stuff back in the same stupid place. 她才不会在乎有没有恢复原状 Hello? Did you just meet Monica? 你是刚认识摩妮卡吗? She'll recognize that I did a nice thing... 她会认同我的体帖... and appreciate it. 并感到窝心 Actually,this will work out well. 其实这样也蛮好的 Because when you move back with Joey... 等你必须搬回去跟乔伊住 Joey's hot new roommate can come live with me. 乔伊的新室友就可以来跟我住 Oh,I see. You're trying to freak me out. 我懂了,你想吓我 Chandler, Monica is really weird about this kind of stuff, all right? 钱德,摩妮卡对这种事有怪癖 Believe me,I lived with her for 16 years. She's going to freak out. 相信我,我跟她住了16年 她会捉狂 Oh,my God. She's going to sit on you. 天哪,她会压在你身上 That probably won't hurt as much anymore. 不过她现在瘦了 No,she is not. I'll prove it to you. 她才不会,我证明给你看 I'll call her right now. 我现在就打给她 Phone's done. 电话擦好了 -Hey,Mon. How's it going? -Terrible. 摩妮卡,你好吗? 烂透了 If I want something done right, I have to do it myself. 什么事都得我自己来 Other people just wreck stuff. 其他人只会搞砸 I think I might kill someone tonight. 我今晚可能会杀人 Come on, it can't be that bad. 别这样,没那么糟吧 The only thing getting me through... 是非常糟,想到快见到你了 is knowing I'll see you soon. 我才撑得下去 I might even try to get out of here early. 我搞不好会设法早退 不要… It sounds like they need you there. 餐厅似乎很需要你 -You're just hanging out with Ross? -It's all good! Okay,bye! 你跟罗斯在一起吗? 一切都很好,再见 She's gonna kill me. 她会宰了我 The phone was facing the other way. 电话放反了 And that goes back up there. 相框应该摆在上面 This is good. This is under control. We should start with the big stuff. 好,一切都在掌握中 我们从大型傢俱复原起 That'll be the easiest. Let's start with the couch. 那样比较简单 先搬沙发 I got it. 我没问题 That doesn't look right. 位置好像不对 What are you talking about? The couch is in line with the carpet. 什么意思? 沙发刚好跟毯子对齐 Then I can just walk over here and casually put my feet up on.... 我可以走到这边 轻松的把脚翘在… Okay, here's what we do. 好 We move the couch closer to the coffee table. 那就把沙发往咖啡桌那边推 But then the back of the couch won't line up with the carpet. 那沙发的背后 就不会跟毯子边缘对齐了 Well,we'll just move the coffee table... 那就把咖啡桌... closer to the couch. 往沙发那边推 But then the coffee table won't be centered in the seating area. 那咖啡桌就不在座位区正中央了 But the coffee table doesn't match the table! 那咖啡桌就…罗斯 Look, what am I gonna do? 我该怎么办? I'm not flirting, but I'm drawing her to me like a moth to a flame! 我不调情,却还是吸引着她 就像火吸引着飞蛾 What the hell's going on over here? 这里是怎么了? Monica's gonna kill you! 摩妮卡会宰了你 I need your help. 我需要你们的帮忙 I have to do something to repel this woman. 我得想办法把这个女人吓跑 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. 等等 You guys repel women all the time! 你们最会把女人吓跑了 Hey, I've been married three times. 我可是结过三次婚 No, I've seen it happen. 不,我亲眼见识过 You get a rapport going with a woman, but somehow you manage to kill it. 你们跟女人交往得好好的 最后却总是能搞砸 Time after time after time after time. 一次一次又一次 What's your secret? 你们的秘诀是什么? We do not repel women,okay? 我们并不会把女人吓跑 That is completely untrue. 完全没有这回事 Oh, yes, we do, my man. 我们确实会 Remember when we went to a dance... 记不记得大学参加春季舞会 and you walked up to that girl you liked and talked... 你走向看对眼的女生 about the lrish potato famine? 却大谈爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒? What about you? You weren't so hot either. 那你呢?你当年也没那么酷 After everything he said, he'd go.. 他每次说完话都会... Monica doesn't like that either. I should stop doing that. 摩妮卡也不喜欢 也许我应该改掉 Girls don't like it when I start talking about science. 对了,女生不喜欢我聊科学 That's not specific to girls. 不只是女生 This is great. What else? 太好了,还有呢? They don't like you correcting their grammar. 她们不喜欢你纠正她们的文法 And they don't like it when you explain why your jokes are funny. 她们不喜欢你解释 你的笑话哪里好笑 They don't like it when you keep asking them if they like you. 她们不喜欢你一直问她们 喜不喜欢你 -Man,I am so lucky I have Monica. -I'm never gonna find love again. 天哪,幸好我有摩妮卡 我再也别想谈恋爱了 -Can I talk to you for a second? -Sure. 菲比,可以跟你谈一谈吗? 好啊 Phoebe,I just wanted to say I'm sorry,okay? 菲比,我只是想跟你道歉 I handled the situation horribly. 我处理得很差 And I should not have lied to you. 而且我不该骗你 So what should you have done? 那你应该怎样? I should have told you the truth. 我应该跟你说实话 Which is? 而实话是… Well,the reason I didn't want to go running with you is... 我之所以不想跟你跑步 because... 是因为… the way that you run is just a little.... 你跑步的姿势有点… -So? -It's embarrassing. 所以呢? 很尴尬 People were looking at us like we were crazy. 别人都当我们是疯子 -Why do you care? -Because they're people! 你干嘛在意? 因为他们是人 People you don't know and will never see again. 你不认识也不会再见到的人 Yes,but still they are people... 但他们依旧是人 with eyes. 有眼睛 I didn't get embarrassed running next to Miss.... 我就不怕跟喘气小姐跑步 But okay. 但是好吧 I can see why running with me would be embarrassing to you. 难怪你会觉得 跟我跑步很尴尬 Okay. You're uptight. 你很紧张 What? I am not uptight. 我哪有紧张 I am not uptight,man. 我才不紧张,老兄 That's okay. I'm not judging you. That's just who you are. 没关系,我不是在批评你 你就是这样 I'm more free,you know. I run like I did when I was a kid... 我就比较自由 我从小就这样跑 because that's the only way it's fun, you know? 因为这样才好玩 Didn't you ever run so fast you thought your legs would fall off... 你从来没有往前冲到 腿好像快断了吗? Like when you were running towards the swings or running away from Satan? 例如要跑去玩荡秋千 或是在躲魔鬼时? The neighbor's dog. 邻居的狗 Is this in the right place? 这盏灯没摆错吧? Who cares? I repel women. 管他的,我会把女人吓跑 You can't come in here! 不行!你不能进来 Ross is naked! 罗斯光着身体 什么? I couldn't say I was naked, because she's allowed to see me naked. 我不能说我光着身体 她可以看我光着身体 Why does anyone have to be naked? 为什么一定要有人光着身体? Why is Ross naked? 罗斯为什么光着身体? I had to show Chandler something. 我要给钱德看一个东西 Naked? 光着身体看? I guess I have... 对,我好像有... a "guy" problem. 男人病 Is it the same thing Chandler had? 跟钱德的一样吗? We'll get everything squared away, and you can come back later! 待会再回来 我们搞定了你再回来 There's still some of Chandler's medicine in the bathroom. 好,浴室洗手台底下 还有钱德的药 -Bye. -Bye! 再见 Thank God. 谢天谢地 Dude, what'd you have? 你有什么病? We have no time, okay? We must focus. 没时间了,我们必须专心 We've got to get everything back into its original place. 我们得把一切恢复原状 The photo album! 相簿 There were millions of pictures of the apartment in the photo album. 相簿里有一大堆这里的照片 We just match everything to the pictures! 我们可以拿照片来对 That's perfect! That's brilliant! 太好了,好主意 What'd you have? 说真的,你有什么病? I've got some beer for you. 乔伊,我帮你买了啤酒 Don't you mean "for whom"? 是“帮谁”吧 Sure. 好 I was gonna order some pizza. You wanna share one? 我正想叫披萨,你要一起吃吗 Pizza? It's not like I never had that before. 披萨,我又不是没吃过 Is something wrong? 有什么问题吗? Yeah. I'm depressed about that Irish potato famine. 爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒令我很沮丧 No,I mean with me. Because you seem to be acting really weird around me. 我是指对我 你对我的态度总是怪怪的 All right,all right. 好吧 Let's just get this out in the open, okay? 我就明说了 You're hot. 你很火辣 I'm lovable. 我很俊俏 Clearly,there's a vibe going on between us. 我们两个显然很有感觉 But we're roommates... 但我们是室友 and it's a huge mistake for us to continue down this road. 我们不能走上这条路 Imagine living in a supermarket... 想像你住在超市里 and you'll understand. 这样你就懂了 Okay? So the question is, what do we do? 所以我们该怎么办? There isn't anything to do. 不怎么办 I think you're really sweet. 我觉得你人很好 But I'm not interested in you like that. 但是我对你没兴趣 No,I mean.... 不是… You're a nice guy, and I'm happy to be your roommate and your friend. 你人真的很好 我很高兴能当你的室友和朋友 I'm just,you know,I just... 只是...只是... don't feel that way about you. 我对你没有那种感觉 I see what happened. 我知道了 It's because I was trying to repel you. 因为我一直想把你吓跑 Right? Believe me,you'd feel a lot different if I turned it on. 相信我,等我一放电 情况就不同了 -I don't think so. -Oh,I do. 应该不会 绝对会 How you doing? 你好吗? I'm okay. 我很好 What? 什么? What? 怎样? Oh,dear God! 我的天哪 I'm so sorry. You're right. This feels great! 对不起,你说得对,感觉好爽 And you don't care if people stare. It's only a second. Then you're gone! 对吧?你不会在意别人的目光 才几秒钟你就跑不见了 It's amazing! I feel so free and so graceful! 没错,感觉真的好棒 我觉得好自由好优雅 Watch out for the horse. 小心那匹马… Can I come in now? 我可以进去了吗? -Why is everything different? -Bye. 为什么东西都变了? 再见 I don't see anything different... 没有变啊 other than the fact that the room got brighter when you came into it. 只不过你一进来 房里变得更亮了 The end table is wrong, the couch looks bizarre... 小茶几位置不对 沙发怪怪的 and don't even get me started on the refrigerator magnets. 更别提冰箱上的磁铁 Okay,don't be mad, okay? 你别生气 After I unpacked the boxes,I wanted to do something nice for you... 我整理完东西 想做点让你高兴的事 so I cleaned the apartment. 所以我就大扫除 So I moved everything around, and then I forgot... 我把东西乱搬 却忘了... where it went back. I'm sorry,I'm very sorry,I'm sorry. 该怎么复原 对不起 对不起 对不起 That's okay. 没关系 钱德 Are you afraid of me or something? 你在怕我吗? Do you want me to be afraid of you? 你要我怕你吗? Of course not. 当然不要 My gosh, Chandler,what you did is a wonderful thing... 拜托,你做了这么棒的事 and I really appreciate it. 我真的很开心 I have this thing where I want everything in the perfect place. 我知道我对东西的摆设有怪癖 But I'd never expect you to worry about that. 但我万万没想到你会担心 Really? 真的? Of course. 当然是真的 Oh,you're the best. 你最好了 You come here to me. 过来我抱抱 Hold on, okay? First things first. 等等,先做该做的事 Did Ross sit anywhere while he was naked? 罗斯光着身体时坐过哪里? It said that by the year 2030... 书上说到了2030年 there'll be computers carrying out the same number of functions... 有些电脑 能执行... as an actual human brain. 跟人脑一样多的功能 So, theoretically, you could download your thoughts... 所以理论上人可以下载你的思想... and your memories into this computer.. 和记忆到这种电脑上 And live forever as a machine. 然后以机器的形态长生不死 Janine,do you know what we're doing right now? 你知道我们现在在做什么吗? You and I,we're interfacing. 我们在连结 I gotta go. 我该走了