[00:04.00]Wow! You look nice. What's the occasion? 穿这么帅要去哪里? [00:06.87]Monica and I are celebrating our 10-month anniversary. 摩妮卡和我要庆祝满十个月 [00:09.77]Got reservations at Jean-George. 我们在乔治法国餐厅订了位置 [00:12.04]How'd you get in? 你们怎么进得去? [00:13.27]Made a few calls, pulled some strings... 打了几通电话,动用一些关系 [00:15.54]...and they'll seat us if we both have chicken and don't get dessert. 如果我们都吃鸡,不叫甜点 就让我们11:30进去吃 [00:23.08]-Hi,Chandler. -Hey,Caitlin. 钱德 凯特琳 [00:24.89]Somebody got a haircut. 新发型喔 [00:26.29]I hate it. I look like an 8-year-old boy. 我恨死了,活像八岁小男孩 [00:28.89]If that was true, gym class would've been more interesting. 如果真的是这样 那以前上体育课会有趣许多 [00:36.40]-It's $27 even. -Okay. Here you go. 正好27美元 好,给你 [00:38.93]Where's the chicken? 你养的鸡呢? [00:40.24]It's in the back. The duck pissed him off. 在后头,被这鸭子气跑了 [00:43.41]He said that eggs came first. 鸭子说先有蛋,才有鸡 [00:46.04]-Thanks. I'll see you later. -Bye. 谢了,下回见 好,再见 [00:51.98]What the hell was that? 你那样算是什么? [00:54.45]-What? -The flirting. 什么? 打情骂俏 [00:56.15]Aren't you supposed to be going out with, let's see, my sister? 你不是正要去… 跟谁来着… 我妹妹约会? [01:00.62]I wasn't flirting. 我没在打情骂俏啊 [01:01.82]It was totally flirting! "Somebody got a haircut...." 那根本就是打情骂俏 “新发型喔” [01:08.40]First of all, the impression? Uncanny. 好,第一件事 你模仿得很蹩脚 [01:12.27]Second, that wasn't flirting. That was just casual conversation. 第二,那不是打情骂俏 只是两个人闲话家常而已 [01:16.74]Yeah, right. 我听你在说 [01:18.27]You wanna see flirting? I'll show you. 你要看打情骂俏? 我示范给你看 [01:21.64]I'm good. 不用了 [01:24.78]The One Where Ross Can't Flirt 本集播出:“调情逊手” [00:00.00] [02:12.19]I am so proud of Joey. 我真替乔伊感到骄傲 [02:13.86]-He's gonna be on Law and Order! -I know. 他竟然要演“法网游龙” 我知道 [02:16.20]Don't you think it should be called Order and Law? 可是你不觉得 叫“网法游龙”比较对吗? [02:19.70]No,because they arrest the guy and then try him. 不对,得先有法律才能去网啊 [02:22.70]Don't get me started on that. 我话匣子一开可就没完了 [02:26.04]-I was not flirting. -And on your anniversary. For shame! 我没在打情骂俏 还在纪念日当天,丢脸! [02:30.15]What's going on? 怎么了? [02:31.35]He was hitting on the hot delivery girl. 钱德跟外送辣妹打情骂俏 [02:33.95]I was not. And oh, God! 我才没有,拜托你也小声点 [02:37.49]You were. If anyone should be hitting on her... 有就是有 而且就算有谁跟要她搭讪 [02:40.62]...it's the guy who's single... 也应该是单身的男人 [02:42.72]...the guy who can do something about it. 也应该是有搞头的人嘛 [02:45.03]Sounds like someone wants to be Mr. Pizza Delivery Girl. 看来有人想把比萨外送妹了 [02:50.53]Is that what this is about? You like Caitlin? 原来是这样?你喜欢凯特琳? [02:55.64]Ross, we broke up two years ago. You've been married since then. 罗斯,我们分手都两年了 中间你还结过婚 [03:00.04]I think it's okay that we see other people. 我们各自约会应该没问题吧 [03:04.21]I was watching her at the pizza place. 我前几天在比萨店看到她 [03:07.38]And she was just so sexy and funny and has the cutest little 她性感又风趣… 还有小巧可爱的… [03:12.22]We don't need her measurements. 三围不用说了 [03:15.56]Pepperoni,pepperoni,pepperoni. 三个都是意大利腊肠比萨 [03:17.73]She's pretty and you love her, but is she stupid? 罗斯,我知道她人美你又爱 但她是不是蠢了点? [03:22.16]She forgot my vegetarian. 她忘了我点的素食比萨 [03:24.43]This is perfect. She'll have to come back here with your pizza. 太完美了 她一定会回来送你的素食比萨 [03:28.57]And when she does, I will turn on the charm "au" Ross. 到时我就展现出罗斯的魅力 [03:33.74]I am so glad you don't eat meat. 我真高兴你不吃肉 [03:36.54]See? Vegetarianism benefits everyone. 看吧,吃素对大家都好 [03:40.35]Hey,everybody,look who's here! You remember my grandmother. 大家看是谁来了 还记得我祖母吗? [03:44.35]-Big night! -Yeah,it's so cool. 太酷了 [03:46.59]Joey on Law and Order. You must be proud. 乔伊参与“法网游龙”演出 你一定很骄傲吧 [03:49.42]She doesn't understand a word of English. 钱德,她完全听不懂英文 [03:51.93]I thought you were Joey's other grandmother. 抱歉,我以为你是乔伊的阿妈 [03:56.76]I've done it again. 我还猛说英文 [04:00.20]Nonnie's my biggest fan. 她是我的头号影迷 [04:02.47]She's the only one in the family who's always believed in me. 家族里只有她一个 从头到尾都相信我 [04:07.31]Si. Big star. 对,他是大明星 [04:09.81]My big fat Joey star. 我的胖胖乔伊大明星 [04:16.65]Yeah,I weighed,like, 27 pounds when I was born. 对,我出生是27磅,所以… [04:23.83]-Happy anniversary! -Happy anniversary,10 months. 纪念日快乐 十个月纪念日快乐 [04:28.90]In the shower I was thinking about our first night in London. 我刚才在淋浴的时候 想起我们在伦敦的第一晚 [04:32.47]Joey's grandmother's right there. 乔伊的祖母来了 [04:34.77]-The one who speaks English? -The one who doesn't. 会说英文的还是不会的那个? 不会的那个 [04:37.57]That was some hot love you gave me. 那晚你给的爱还真是火热 [04:40.84]-I'll get ready. -Wear those earrings I got you. 我去准备一下 不如戴我送你的耳环? [04:43.51]That's a great idea. I was saving them for something special. 好主意,就是要留到特别场合 好 [04:49.52]-You've got to go home. -But I like it here. 你得回家去 但是我喜欢这里啊 [04:53.99]Get the earrings you borrowed. He wants me to wear them. 你得回家拿我借你的耳环 钱德要我今晚戴那副耳环 [04:57.33]I think they're in my purse. Go get dressed and I'll look for them. 好,应该是放在我皮包里 你去穿衣服,我去找 好 [05:04.87]I need those earrings you borrowed. 瑞秋,我要拿回我借你的耳环 [05:11.21]Yeah,I'll be right back. 好,我马上回来 [05:23.69]Phoebe,you speak ltalian? 菲比,你会说意大利文? [05:25.49]I guess so. 我猜是吧 [05:30.73]-Here you go. -Thanks. Where's the other one? 来,谢谢你 等等 另外一个呢? [05:33.80]Oh,what, you want both of them? That's a little greedy, don't you think? 你两个都要? 会不会太贪心了? [05:38.83]Rachel Karen Greene, where's the other one? 瑞秋葛林,另一个耳环呢? [05:41.60]Look, just don't freak out, but I kind of lost it. 好啦,你先别生气 好像不见了 [05:44.84]I know it's in the apartment, but I definitely lost it. 还在公寓里,但一定不见了 [05:48.91]What'll I tell Monica? She wants to wear them tonight. 那我要怎么跟摩妮卡说? 她今晚就要戴 [05:52.11]-Tell her to wear her own earrings. -These are her earrings. 叫她戴自己的耳环 这就是她的耳环 [05:55.62]不会吧… [05:58.19]You lent me her earrings? I'm not allowed to borrow her stuff! 你把摩妮卡的耳环借我? 我不能借她的东西耶 [06:03.49]-Why not? -Because I lose her stuff! 为什么? 因为我都会弄丢 [06:13.84]You see that blind guy? I'm gonna bash his head in later. 看到那个盲人没? 我等一下会痛打他一顿 [06:20.01]My big scene's coming up. The big scene coming up. 我的主戏就快来了 主戏就快来了 [06:23.98]If you said, "Big lima bean bubbling up," would she know the difference? 若你说“吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮” 她会不会比较懂? [06:30.65]What are you doing? 瑞秋,你在干嘛? [06:32.49]Oh, I just can't watch. It's too scary. 我不敢看,太恐怖了 [06:36.69]It's a diaper commercial. 现在是卖尿布的广告 [06:39.23]Yeah,well,you know me. Babies,responsibilities.... 你也知道我的 小孩啊,责任,吓死人 [06:45.67]-Pizza delivery. -I'll get it! I will get that! 比萨外送 我来开 我来拿 [06:51.64]How does my hair look? 我的发型如何? [06:53.14]Ross,it hasn't moved since 1996. 罗斯,你从96年就没变过了 [07:01.95]One vegetarian pizza. It's 12.50. 一个素食比萨 12.5美元 [07:06.69]By the way,if it makes you feel any better... 对了,如果这会让你好过些 [07:09.36]...I happen to like 8-year-old boys. 我正好很喜欢八岁男孩 [07:15.83]What? 什么? [07:19.73]Your hair. Before. Your hair. 你的头发 之前你说过 [07:21.94]You said you thought your hair looked like an 8-year-old boy's... 你的发型很像八岁男孩 [07:26.24]...and I'm just saying I like it. 我说我很喜欢… [07:28.78]The hair. 你的发型 [07:32.11]Thanks. 谢谢 [07:36.18]You understand,I don't actually like 8-year-old boys. 我不是真的喜欢八岁男孩 [07:42.02]All I'm looking for is the money. 我在等你找钱 [07:44.46]Here you go. Stop bringing us pizzas,you. 这里 别再帮我们送比萨了 [07:47.20]I'm gonna try. 我都快哭了 [07:52.23]You're welcome. 不客气 [07:53.60]You couldn't let me have her, could you? 你就是不想看我得手,对吧? [07:57.10]This is a girl I really like, and you had to swoop in there! 什么?我真的很喜欢这个女孩 你干嘛要来凑热闹? [08:01.24]What? 怎么了? [08:02.38]Chandler was flirting with the hot delivery girl. 钱德冲着外送辣妹打情骂俏 [08:07.11]Thank you for that. 真是多谢你了 [08:10.49]I was not flirting. 我没有打情骂俏 [08:11.79]It's okay. I don't care. That's fine. 没关系,我不在意,无所谓 [08:14.09]Really? 什么? 真的? [08:16.59]It's no big deal. I do it all the time. 小事一件,我动不动也是 [08:22.43]You flirt with guys all the time? 你动不动就跟人打情骂俏? [08:25.33]It doesn't mean anything. Just like it doesn't mean anything with you. 是啊,那又不代表什么 你不是也没别的意思 [08:29.77]There's a difference. You're a lot hotter. 对,但是有一点很不一样 你比我辣多了 [08:32.34]True story. 这是真的 [08:35.34]This actually bothers you? 钱德,你真的介意? [08:36.98]Yes, and I think it'd bother a lot of people. 对,我是介意 我想很多人都会介意 [08:39.75]When you and Ross dated... 瑞秋,你和罗斯在一起那时 [08:41.58]...did it bother you when he flirted with other women? 他跟别的女人打情骂俏 你会不会介意? [08:44.85]No,it bothered me when he slept with other women. 不会…他跟别的女人上床 我才会介意 [08:51.99]And thank you for that. 真是多谢了 [08:55.00]I never had to worry. 但其实我没啥好担心的 [08:57.10]He was never good at the flirting thing. 罗斯从来就不太会打情骂俏 [08:59.43]What? 什么?… [09:02.47]What are you talking about? It worked with you. 你在说什么?对你不就有效 [09:05.54]No, you're right. 你说的真是对极了 [09:06.94]We met,you flirted and then bam! Nine years later, you had me. 我们认识,你对我打情骂俏 九年后你终于追到我了 [09:12.68]All right. 好… [09:14.12]You know what I'll do? I'll order another pizza. 就这么办 我再来点个比萨 [09:17.39]And when Caitlin gets here... 等凯特琳来的时候 [09:19.82]...I will show you how well I flirt. 我就来让你们见识一下 我有多会打情骂俏 [09:22.86]I will get her phone number. 我还能要到她的电话号码 [09:25.13]And not the one on the menu. 不是比萨店的电话啦 [09:30.63]-I found it. -Thank God! Where was it? 我找到了 谢天谢地,在哪里找到的? [09:33.20]On your dresser. 在你的梳妆台上 [09:34.47]Okay, that is the one we already have. 那是原来的那一个 [09:38.21]Here's my big scene. My big scene's here. 我的主戏到了,就是现在 [09:41.04]-Wanna bet nobody heard anything? -No bet. [09:45.38]Anybody home? 有人在吗? [09:47.15]-Oh,my God. -What? 天啊 干嘛? [09:49.18]Everybody keep smiling. It'll kill my grandmother if she finds out. 大家继续笑 我祖母发现一定会难过到死掉 [09:53.65]What is it? 怎么了? [09:54.82]They cut me out of the show. 我那一段被剪掉了 [09:57.73]What? 什么? [09:59.19]-Are you sure? -Maybe your scene's coming up. 你确定? 或许现在才轮到你上 [10:01.86]Not likely. Because you see that body bag right there? 不太可能 看到那个装尸体的袋子没? [10:05.43]I'm in it. 有啊 里头装的是我 [10:08.60]This is terrible. What'll you do? 太糟糕了,你要怎么办? [10:10.71]I don't know. This little old lady lives for my career. 不知道 我的老祖母活着 就是为了看我演戏 [10:14.14]When they dumped me off Days of Our Lives,she almost died. 上回“我们的日子”不要我 她差点难过到死掉 [10:17.65]That's not good. 那样很不妙 [10:18.78]-Yeah,we had to get her a home nurse. -Oh,my God. 我们还找了个特别看护来照顾她 天啊 [10:22.08]Yeah, she almost died and got really expensive. 她差点死掉 还花了我们好多钱 [10:25.62]You're not smiling. Not that face! Everybody smile! 别用那种表情,大家继续笑… [10:29.72]Just tell her what happened. It's not your fault. 乔伊,你怎么不实话实说? 那又不能怪你 [10:33.36]If we keep talking this way, won't we freak her out soon? 如果我们继续这样说话 会不会吓到她? [10:40.17]Soon. I'm gonna be on soon. 很快…马上就轮我上场了 [10:42.80]There I am! 那就是我! [10:46.74]Sam Waterston! 山姆瓦特斯顿! [10:48.88]No,no. That's me. That's me! 不对…那是我… [10:51.25]No. Sam Waterston. 不是,那是山姆瓦特斯顿 [10:53.58]Crime Misdemeanor, Capricorn One. “爱与罪” “摩羯一号大行动” [10:56.65]She doesn't know "hello," but she knows Capricorn One. 她听不懂“你好” 却知道“摩羯一号大行动” [11:00.92]I need those earrings. We're leaving when the show's over. 菲比,我要那副耳环了 节目一演完我们就要出去 [11:05.59]But I already gave them back to you. 可是我已经还你了啊 [11:10.03]No,you didn't. 才没有 [11:11.23]I already didn't gave them back to you. That's what I said. 好,我已经还没还给你 我就是这样说的啊 [11:16.44]Where's that other earring? 另一个耳环在哪里? [11:18.21]It's not here,Phoebe. It's not here. 菲比,不在这里… [11:20.61]I went to Chandler's last night. 我昨晚有去钱德和乔伊那里 [11:22.71]Make sure you check Chandler's jewelry box. 好,记得要检查钱德的珠宝盒 [11:27.42]Chandler has a jewelry box? 慢着,钱德有珠宝盒? [11:29.92]We have 10 minutes. Do you want me to get into that now? 好了,时间紧迫 你要我现在就跟你解释? [11:38.29]Hey,Phoebe. 菲比 [11:40.19]How's that... 那个... [11:41.90]...vegetarian pizza working out for you? 素食比萨… 你吃得还习惯吗? [11:47.23]You and those vegetables have a real... 你和那些蔬菜 [11:49.97]...thing going on,huh? 还真是有两下子,是吧? [11:54.81]Why are you being weird? 你干嘛怪里怪气的? [11:58.05]Do you like it? 你喜不喜欢? [12:01.78]No. That'd be, "Why are you being cute?" 不喜欢,否则我就会问 “你干嘛装可爱”了 [12:05.15]Okay. I'm working on my flirting. 好吧,我在练习打情骂俏 [12:07.42]I did not get that. 原来如此,我没看出来 [12:11.79]So, Monica, do you like Law and Order? 摩妮卡,你喜欢看 “法网游龙”吗? [12:14.26]Yeah,it's good. 喜欢,很好看 [12:15.63]I found out all this stuff about you. You like Law and Order... 我今天发现到了新的你 好比你爱看“法网游龙” [12:18.97]...and you've flirted with every guy in the tri-state area. 还有你到处跟人打情骂俏 [12:24.64]Okay,let me get this straight. 好,我来问个清楚 [12:26.84]It's okay for you to flirt, but not for me? 你可以打情骂俏,我却不行 [12:29.98]I'm glad we cleared that up. 真高兴我们把话说清楚了 [12:32.58]I'm sorry, but some things are different for men and women. 抱歉,但你听我说 男女有些事是不一样的 [12:36.52]Teach me about men and women. 继续,开释我一些男女的差别 [12:38.49]I've already taught you so much already, but whatever. 好,虽然我已经教过你很多了 [12:42.62]When you flirt with a guy, you think,"No big deal." 你跟男人打情骂俏的时候 你觉得只是打情骂俏 没啥大不了的 [12:45.66]But he thinks,"Finally! Somebody who wants to sleep with me." 但对方会觉得 他终于找到人上床了 [12:49.60]-No way! -It's true. 不可能 这是真的 [12:52.13]-Well,that's pathetic. -Again,true. 真可悲 这也是真的 [12:55.64]-This goes for all guys? -All guys that are awake. 男人都这样吗? 醒着的男人都适用 [12:59.64]We go to sleep. 等我们上床睡觉后 [13:00.84]All guys from the other end of the world wake up and act the same way. 世界另一边的男人起床 继续做一模一样的事 [13:06.15]It's another commercial and I still haven't told her. 好,又进广告了 我还是没跟她说 [13:09.22]Joey,this is the last commercial. 乔伊,这是最后一段广告 [13:12.32]-You got 10 minutes left. -I know! 你只剩十分钟了 我知道… [13:14.46]What am I gonna do? 你要我怎么办? [13:16.56]You will not run out and leave her here. 不许你落跑,留她在这里 [13:21.66]Yeah,all right. 对,好啦 [13:27.97]乔伊? [13:29.80]Joey's gonna be right back. Right back? 乔伊马上回来 马上回来? [13:34.64]Meanwhile,let's talk about you. 我们顺便来聊聊你吧 [13:39.35]So you're old and small. 你年纪大,个子小 [13:48.79]-Did you find it? -The earring,no. 找到没? 耳环是没有 [13:50.59]But I found my sunglasses. 但我在沙发底下 找到我的太阳眼镜 [13:52.33]I've been looking for these since last summer. 我从去年夏天找到现在 [13:55.50]Those are mine. You borrowed them from me. 那是我借你的太阳眼镜 [13:59.80]Okay. Calm down. Here they are. 好,别激动,还你就是了 [14:02.84]菲比 [14:06.51]-What do we do? -I don't know. I don't know! 我们要怎么办? 我不知道… [14:09.91]We'll just have to tell Monica,that's all. 我们只好老实跟摩妮卡说了 [14:12.91]Oh,God! She's gonna kill me. 老天,她一定会杀了我 [14:16.82]I could tell her it was all my fault. 我可以跟她说是我弄掉的 [14:19.05]Oh,that'd be great. 那就太好了 [14:23.42]Mon, could I talk to you? 摩妮卡,我有话要跟你说 [14:25.33]Yeah. What is it? 好,什么事? [14:28.26]I lost one of your earrings. 我弄丢了你一支耳环 [14:30.43]I'm sorry. I am so,so sorry. 对不起,我真的很抱歉 [14:36.77]All right,what can you do? If you lost it, you lost it. 好吧,都弄丢了还能怎样 [14:40.67]I'll replace it. I promise. I feel so terrible. 我保证会赔你一副新的 我真的很愧疚 [14:43.84]That's fine. You didn't do it on purpose. 没关系,你又不是故意的 [14:46.95]Look at you. Come here. 瞧你难过的,来 [14:51.59]-You feel better? -Yeah. You're the best. 好点了没? 有啊,你最棒了 [14:55.39]Okay, wait a minute. 好,等一等 [14:58.23]I can't do this. 我不能这样 [15:00.26]Listen, honey, it's not Phoebe's fault. 其实不是菲比弄丢的 [15:02.96]She lent me the earrings. 她把你的耳环借我 [15:04.77]I lost it. I'm so sorry,honey. I feel terrible too. 是我弄丢的,我真的很抱歉 我也觉得好愧疚 [15:09.94]That is exactly why I do not lend you stuff! 所以我才不借你东西! [15:14.58]First,my jewelry. If it's not that,it's my sweater. 先是我的首饰 不是首饰,就是我的蓝色毛衣 [15:17.71]And if it's not that, it's my sunglasses. 不是蓝色毛衣 就是我的太阳眼镜 [15:20.25]-Your sunglasses? -Yes! 你的太阳眼镜? 对! [15:22.38]Oh,right. 对耶 [15:25.22]-Pizza. -Mine,mine,mine! 比萨外送 我的!… [15:29.32]Okay,here goes. 好,要开始了 [15:30.82]Prepare yourselves for some class-A flirting. 准备见识一流的打情骂俏 [15:34.23]Okay,hold on. 等等… [15:36.66]Okay. 我准备好了 [15:39.23]You have nothing to prove.And if you really like this girl, I don't think flirting is the right way 你犯不着这样 若你真的喜欢这个女孩 我也不觉得打情骂俏是… [15:46.11]You'll see. Okay. 等着看就知道,好吧 [15:50.74]What's her name? 她叫什么名字? [15:53.15]Caitlin! 凯特琳… [16:03.49]We can't keep eating like this. 这样吃下去也不是办法 [16:08.76]It's $12.50. 12.5美元 [16:11.13]Okay. 好 [16:16.70]Do you make the pizzas in one of those wood-burning ovens? 你们做比萨 是用烧木头的炉子吗? [16:22.98]No,actually,I think they're gas. 不是,其实是瓦斯炉 [16:26.11]Gas? 瓦斯炉? [16:30.45]Intense. 真带劲 [16:33.12]If this is how all the Gellers flirt, we don't have a problem. 如果盖勒家的人 都这样打情骂俏的话 我们就没有问题了 [16:39.66]You know that smell gas has? 你知道瓦斯的味道吗? [16:48.20]-Yeah. -They put that in. 知道 那是加进去的 [16:51.14]-What? -The gas is odorless. 什么? 瓦斯其实是无色无味 [16:54.48]But they add the smell so you know when there's a leak. 加上味道是为了让人 在瓦斯漏气时能闻得出来 [17:01.02]Well,okay. 好吧 [17:04.49]A lot of other gas smells. 很多气体都有味道… [17:12.86]Oh,the humanity! 救命喔 [17:17.70]Methane smells.... 甲烷有味道… [17:21.67]You know what? Actually, I really should go. 不好意思,我真的得走了 [17:25.21]-But I haven't paid you yet. -That's okay. 我还没付钱呢 没关系 [17:28.38]You guys have ordered so many that this one's on me. 你们点了那么多 这一个算我请的 [17:39.09]Was I talking to her about gas? 我是不是跟她说到瓦斯的事? [17:44.43]More so than anything else. 那根本就是主题 [17:48.46]I found it interesting. 我觉得很有意思 [17:53.67]I'm sorry. No. 我很遗憾 不用… [17:54.80]Don't worry about it. 别担心 [17:57.24]In nine years,she and l will be right there! 九年之后 我和她就能在一起了 [18:07.78]I'm gonna clear out some of these boxes. 好,我去清掉这些比萨盒 [18:18.83]-Ross? -Yeah? -What else do they add smell to? 罗斯? 怎么了? 还有哪些气体会加味道? [18:25.60]Caitlin! Caitlin! [18:27.90]Hi,I'm Rachel. 我是瑞秋 [18:30.40]From upstairs? The ones with all the pizza? 住楼上的 叫一堆比萨的那家 [18:32.47]Was there a problem? 比萨有问题吗? [18:34.24]No,they're fine. Great pizza. 不是…比萨很好吃 [18:36.44]But,actually,my friend Ross... 其实是我朋友罗斯的事 [18:39.58]...he gets nervous when he's flirting. 他只要打情骂俏就会紧张 [18:43.92]Oh,my God! 天啊 [18:45.32]-That was flirting? -Yeah. 他是在打情骂俏? 没错 [18:48.29]I know,I know. 我知道你的感觉… [18:50.19]I'm telling you, once you get past that part... 不过一旦过了那个阶段 [18:53.66]...where it feels like you wanna die... 那个让你想要自杀的阶段 [18:56.33]...he's a really good person. 你就会发现他是个大好人 [18:58.50]The guy with the gas? 开口闭口都是瓦斯的那个人? [19:01.30]I'm telling you,he's really sweet and really funny... 他真的很体贴风趣 [19:04.77]...and he's just got a good heart. 还有一副好心肠 [19:06.97]You know,actually,I did think that he was cute and then he started talking. 其实我觉得他蛮可爱的 可是一开始说话就… [19:12.78]See,there you go. 这就对了… [19:15.32]-Besides, I think he really likes you. -Really? 而且我觉得他很喜欢你 真的吗? [19:19.59]Well,we have seven people and 10 pizzas. What do you think? 我们七个人,却叫了十个比萨 这还不够明显吗? [19:23.92]I thought Joey was there. 我想说乔伊很会吃 [19:28.16]Yeah, no, but just I'm telling you he's worth a shot. 罗斯值得你去试试看 [19:32.33]Well, if he's so great why don't you go out with him? 如果他那么棒 你怎么不去跟他约会? [19:38.64]Well,you know,at some point... 你知道吗? 有朝一日... [19:41.18]...you and I may need to have a longer conversation. ...我们可能需要好好聊一聊 [19:50.78]Hey, Ross? 罗斯? [19:52.75]I just ran into Caitlin in the hallway. 我刚才在走廊遇到凯特琳 [19:55.59]You must be getting better at this flirting stuff than I thought. 你打情骂俏的技巧 肯定比我想像中更高明 [19:59.56]-What? -I don't get it,but she wanted me... 什么意思? 虽然我搞不懂 [20:01.80]...to give you her number. 但她要我转交她的电话给你 [20:09.07]And she just gave you this? 她自己给你的? [20:14.21]Rach, thanks. But I don't need you doing me any favors. 瑞秋,谢了 但我不需要你帮忙 [20:17.98]I didn't. She thought you were cute. 我没帮忙啊,是她觉得你可爱 [20:21.92]Well,that I can believe. 这点我倒是相信 [20:25.89]Hey,is the show still on? 还在演吗? [20:28.59]Almost over,man. 快要演完了 [20:30.06]Hey,Nonnie. [20:32.06]Is that the pope? 那是教宗吗? [20:36.50]Why am I looking? 我干嘛跟过去看? [20:38.83]Oh, here I am! This is my big scene. 来了,我的主戏上场 [20:41.67]All right, back off! 快退后 [20:45.47]I got a gun! 我有枪喔 [20:47.74]I'm not afraid to use it. 用起来可不会手软 [20:50.68]-Joey! That's right, Nonnie. 乔伊! [20:52.35]You couldn't have at least changed your shirt? 你起码也该换一件上衣的 [20:56.65]Now, I want a suitcase filled with $ 100,000 我要你在手提箱里 装满十万美元… [21:03.16]Filled with $ 100,000 in small bills. 装满十万美元的小钞 [21:05.79]And if I don't get Shoo! 若是我没拿到… [21:08.63]And if I don't get it... 若是我没拿到… [21:12.20]...I'll shoot this duck! 我就毙了这支鸭子 [21:14.30]Oh,no! 不能这样 [21:16.97]I'm coming out! 我要出去了 [21:26.78]And she's supposed to buy this? 她会相信吗? [21:28.65]Joey, bravo! 乔伊,太棒了!… [21:33.05]Ground control to Major Tom 地面控制队呼叫总部… [21:38.13]Commencing countdown 倒数开始… [21:40.23]Engines 动力… [21:42.46]On 全开 [21:50.40]That's scenes from next week's show. Next week. 这是下周的片段…下周的 [21:55.14]I am definitely gonna watch that. 我一定要等着看 [22:02.72]Do these look the same? 这一副呢?看起来一样吗? [22:04.58]-Definitely. -Not as each other. 一模一样 是分开来看 [22:06.82]Then,no. 不 那就不一样了 [22:11.39]-Hey,you ready? -Yeah. 准备好了么? 好了 [22:13.56]You look amazing. I'm the luckiest man in the world. 你真美 我是全世界最幸运的男人 [22:16.83]You're about to get a little luckier. 你即将要更幸运了 [22:19.67]-Let me see the earrings. -Right,the earrings. 耳环让我看看 耳环… [22:22.64]They look great. 美极了 [22:24.47]Does your boyfriend have the best taste or what? 你男友真是品味一流呢 [22:28.61]My boyfriend really does have great taste. 我男友的品味真的很棒 [22:34.82]Thanks for picking out the earrings. 多谢你帮我选耳环