[00:03.60]-Good! You guys are all here. -What's up? 太好了,大家都在 怎么了? [00:06.74]I have a job interview at Ralph Lauren tomorrow. 我明天要去拉夫罗伦面试 [00:10.27]Congratulations! I know! 恭喜,太棒了… 我知道 [00:11.97]Oh,boy. That guy's underwear sucks! 那个牌子的内裤逊毙了 [00:15.41]-What? -Well,I got this pair marked "XS." 什么? 我买了一条超小号的内裤 (与excess“多余的”同音) [00:18.71]Let me tell you,there was no room for excess anything in there. 里头根本塞不下多余的东西 [00:22.92]I'll be the coordinator of the women's collection. 反正工作是女装部的联络人 [00:25.65]I'll work right under the director. It's the perfect job for me! 我直接在主管底下做事 这是我梦寐以求的工作 [00:30.13]If you nail the interview, you'll get it. 如果你通过面试就成了 是啊 [00:32.63]You want to work on your interview skills? 要不要练习一下面试技巧? [00:36.10]Let's start with the handshake. 来,先从握手开始 [00:40.67]Very good handshake. Good wrist action. 很会握,手腕的动作很棒 [00:44.07]Let me try. 我来试试 好 [00:47.14]Oh,my God! What did I ever do to you? 天啊!我是哪里对不起你? [00:49.68]Did I squeeze too hard? 我握得太用力? [00:51.41]Let's just say I'm glad I'm not Chandler. 这么说吧,好在我不是钱德 [00:57.99]The One with Rachel's lnadvertent Kiss 本集播出:“出锤求职” [00:00.00] [01:45.23]That's right,Ross. I can see you in your new apartment. You can see me. 罗斯,我能看到你在新公寓 你也看得到我 [01:48.84]Same as yesterday, same as the day before. 跟昨天一样…跟前天也一样 [01:52.81]Is he doing his "shark attack" bit? 他开始演鲨鱼攻击了没? [01:54.81]No. Oh,wait! There he goes. 还没…等等,他开始了 [02:11.59]Very funny,Ross. 罗斯,很好笑 [02:13.66]Very lifelike and funny. 栩栩如生又好笑 [02:19.40]No,no. I wasn't waving at you,lady. 不…小姐,我不是向你挥手 [02:24.01]Whoa,maybe I was. 或许我是喔 [02:26.91]This hot girl in Ross' building is flirting with me. 摩妮卡,罗斯那栋楼里 有个辣妹在勾引我 [02:30.41]Get in there,man. Flirt back. Mix it up! 你去啊,勾引回来,瞎搅和 [02:34.42]Yeah,I'm down with that. 人家知道啦 [02:38.62]Okay,here goes. 好,来咯 [02:41.69]How... 你… [02:43.46]...you... 好… [02:45.56]...doing? 不好? [02:49.76]It worked! She's waving me over. I'll be right over. 有用耶,她挥手要我过去 好,我马上过去 [02:53.47]Let's see, she's on the third floor.... 我看看,她住在三楼… [02:57.44]-She is pretty,huh? -Tell me about it. 她真的很美耶 这还用你说 [03:01.98]No,no! I'm not with her. 不…我跟她没关系 [03:04.15]That's just Monica. 她只是摩妮卡 [03:24.70]Hey,Joey! 乔伊 [03:26.63]Great stuff,huh? 我很会演吧? [03:29.60]This your place? 这是你家? [03:31.04]Yeah,of course it is. Come on in. 当然是 请进 [03:33.61]Go by the window. You can pretend to be surfing. 对了,经过窗户能假装在冲浪 [03:39.11]I counted. You're not supposed to live here! 可是我算过啊 这里住的不应该是你 [03:41.88]Oh,man! 要命! [03:49.02]What happened? 怎么了? [03:50.19]I ended up at Ross' place. I must have miscounted or something. 我最后跑到罗斯家去了 一定是我算错了 [03:55.66]Damn! She's not there anymore. 可恶,她不在了 [03:57.63]Look,Ross is doing his "watching TV" bit. 你看,罗斯在演看电视那段 [04:03.84]No,Joe,I think he's just watching TV. 乔伊,我觉得他真的在看电视 [04:16.95]We've lost visual contact with the suspect. 嫌犯已失去踪迹 [04:19.79]Okay,now I really have to go. 好,我现在非走不可了 [04:22.66]It's so unfair that our date has to get cut short... 这真是太不公平了 我们的约会中断 [04:25.69]...just because some guy shot at a store clerk. 就因为有人开枪打店员 [04:29.30]-I know,but it's my job. -Then maybe I could come too. 亲爱的,我知道 但这是我的工作 不如我一起去 [04:32.93]Suspect has just emerged naked from the sewer. 嫌犯刚从水沟中裸体现身 [04:37.51]All right,you go. 好吧,你去就好 [04:41.71]再见 好,再见 [04:47.68]-Oh,God! -What? 天啊 怎么了? [04:49.98]Oh,I just miss him so much! 我好想念他 [04:56.72]For just a week, you guys are close. 才几星期就这么认定咯? [04:58.86]Yeah,it's weird. I can't help it. He's so sweet. 是啊,说来很奇怪 可是我没办法,他真的很体贴 [05:02.30]He's like this little puppy dog, you know? 像是小狗狗 [05:05.13]But like a really tough one who shoots bad guys. 却很强悍 还会开枪打坏人 [05:09.70]I love the beginning parts of relationships. 我最喜欢刚开始恋爱的感觉 [05:13.07]You can't keep your hands off each other. 彼此难分难舍 [05:15.48]I know. It is the best. 我知道,热恋是最棒的 [05:18.75]How long did that last for you and Chandler? 你和钱德的热恋持续了多久? [05:22.55]What? It's still going on. 什么?我们还在热恋啊 [05:25.49]Come on,seriously. When did it end? 少来,老实说,何时结束的? [05:28.32]I am serious. We're all over each other all the time. 我是很老实啊 我们都黏在一起 [05:32.66]Okay,you know where you are better than I do. 好吧,你们的事你最清楚 我只是好奇罢了 [05:36.33]Why don't you just calm down? 菲比,你别发神经了好不好? [05:39.57]Get all your facts before you tell everybody you're the only hot couple. 请你先去把事实搞清楚 不要逢人便说 全天下只有你们在热恋! [05:45.67]God,I woke the beast. 天啊,睡狮被我吵醒了 [05:49.01]I was wrong,obviously. I just misspoke. It's okay. 显然是我错了,我失言 没事了 [05:52.78]It is okay. 没事了 [05:54.38]As long as you know Chandler and l are also hot and fiery. 只要你知道我和钱德 也和你们一样... [05:57.95]Just as hot as you. ...火热缠绵就好 [05:59.45]I mean,our flame.... 我们的欲火… [06:00.96]It is on fire! 简直可以燎原 [06:05.06]Here's your broom back. 摩妮卡,扫把还你 [06:08.86]You are so cute! 你真可爱 [06:16.67]The cute bar keeps getting lower and lower,doesn't it? 她想把我的可爱全吸过去 [06:25.25]How'd the interview go? 面试顺不顺利? [06:26.75]Horrible! I did the stupidest, most embarrassing thing. 糟透了,我犯了最蠢 最丢人的错误 [06:30.89]Did you say you wanted to have sex with his wife then fall off your chair? 你跟考官说要跟他老婆上床 然后又从椅子上跌下来? [06:38.06]Did you get drunk on the way over there? 不是 你在面试之前喝醉了? [06:41.60]Well,that explains why you didn't do the other stuff. 不是 难怪你没说要跟他老婆上床 [06:45.37]So,what happened? 那是怎么了? [06:46.83]It was horrible! And the interview part went so well. 真是糟糕透顶 原本面试都很顺利 [06:50.20]I even made him laugh. 我还把大家逗笑了 [06:51.87]He said something about a boat... 考官说到什么船的事 [06:54.34]...and I was like, "Well, yeah, if you've got enough life jackets." 我答腔说 “只要救生衣够多就行” [07:02.52]Trust me. It was actually very funny. 相信我,当时真的很逗 [07:05.92]Anyway,we were saying goodbye and.... 反正到了最后说再见… [07:09.59]What happened? 怎么了啦? [07:10.86]We were shaking hands... 我们当时正要握手 [07:12.73]...and he leaned in toward me. 他缓缓朝我靠过来 [07:15.00]Maybe he was opening the door... 他也许是要帮我开门 [07:17.20]...but I totally misread him and I.... 但是我完全误会了 所以我就… [07:27.74]You kissed him? 你亲了上去? [07:29.78]I didn't know what else to do! 我又没有别的办法 [07:32.58]You could have tried... 你可以试着… [07:34.42]...not kissing him. 别去亲他 [07:36.72]Thanks,Chandler. 钱德,真是多谢你 [07:37.92]A guy from Ralph Lauren called. You got a second interview. 瑞秋,拉夫罗伦的人来电 要你去第二关面试 [07:41.82]Monica,that's not funny. 摩妮卡,这并不好笑 [07:44.06]Oh,okay. 那好吧 [07:46.03]A guy from Ralph Lauren called You got a second interview 拉夫罗伦的人来电 要你去第二关面试 [07:54.20]Oh,my God,Monica, you better be serious. 摩妮卡,你最好认真一点 [07:56.50]You just told me to be funny! 刚才是你要我搞笑的 [07:59.54]Oh,my God. I can't believe it! I got a second interview. 不敢相信我还能去第二关面试 [08:02.98]That kiss isn't looking like such a mistake now, is it? 我看那一吻没那么糟嘛 [08:06.45]You don't think that's why he wants me back? 慢着…他要我回去面试 不是因为那一吻吧? [08:09.45]Yeah! 是啊… [08:11.69]No? 不是 [08:14.02]What are you talking about? 你们在说什么吻的? [08:16.16]I accidentally kissed him in the interview... 我意外在面试中亲了考官 [08:18.89]...and now he wants me back... 他现在还要我回去 [08:20.90]...because,"Let's bring back the girl who kisses everybody!" “把那逢人便亲的女孩带来” [08:26.53]Come on,Rach. 瑞秋,你别乱想了 [08:27.80]What if he thinks I'll just sleep with him? 天啊,万一他觉得我想跟他上床怎么办? [08:31.57]He wants you back because you're right for the job. 他要你回去面试 或许是因为你适合那工作 [08:34.01]Maybe. I don't know. Oh,God! How could I be so stupid? 或许吧,我不知道… 天啊,我怎么会那么蠢? [08:38.05]Rachel,don't say that. I think you just need a hug from Joey. 瑞秋,快别那样说了 乔伊给你个抱抱就好 [08:42.25]Come on. Come on. 来… [08:45.39]She's back! Hot girl's back! 她回来了!辣妹回来了! [08:48.06]Well,I'm not totally back yet, but I appreciate it. 还不完全是,但是谢谢你 [08:51.99]No. In Ross' building. She's back! 不是说你,是罗斯那栋的辣妹 她回来了… [08:55.00]Wait there. I'll be over in a second. 等一下,我马上过去 [08:57.40]One,two,three.... Got it! 一、二、三… 知道了 [09:03.74]I gotta check out this hot girl. 我来看看她有多辣 [09:07.28]There she is! 辣妹在这里 [09:16.62]Damn it! Did you move? 可恶,你搬家啦! [09:19.55]Yes. 是啊 [09:21.52]I lived with you for a while. Then I found this place. 我跟你们住了一阵子 然后搬到了这里 [09:27.60]I'm Ross. 我是罗斯 [09:39.27]有什么事? [09:44.21]Do you happen to have a hot girl in there? 你家里有住辣妹吗? [09:49.15]No,I'm all alone. 没有,我一个人住 [09:50.89]Yeah. Sorry about that. 是啊,我很遗憾 [10:00.39]Hey,little girl. 小女孩,你好 [10:02.16]Is your mommy or sister or babysitter, by any chance,a hot girl? 你妈妈、姐姐或是保姆 有没有谁正好是辣妹? [10:07.64]-Daddy! -Later,girl! 爹地! 下次再聊 [10:15.51]Oh,man! 真要命 [10:19.81]Hot girl? 辣妹! [10:23.48]Hot girl! 辣妹… [10:30.19]Hi,Rachel. Come on in. 瑞秋,请进 [10:33.63]-It's nice to see you again. -Thank you. 很高兴再次见到你 谢谢 [10:37.10]瑞秋… [10:40.27]What? 什么? [10:43.00]-Excuse me? -Yeah,let me 你说什么? 我来帮你… [10:45.81]Okay,I see what's going on here. Now,look... 好,我知道是怎么回事了 听着... [10:49.31]...I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. 抱歉让你误会了 [10:51.88]But I am not some hussy who will just sleep around to get ahead. 但我不是那种随便的女孩 为了工作就能出卖肉体 [10:56.18]Even though I kissed you, that does not give you... 听我说! …虽然我亲过你 [10:59.95]...the right to demand sex from me! I do not want this job that bad. 你也没有权利要我跟你上床 这份工作我也没有那么想要 [11:04.99]Good day,sir. 再会 [11:09.73]If you're going in there to see Mr. Zelner, I hope you're ready to put out. 进去见塞纳先生 可得准备好卖弄风骚 [11:14.80]I am. 我是啊 [11:22.78]You are not gonna believe... 说了你们一定不信 [11:25.15]...what that sleazeball from Ralph Lauren did to me! 拉夫罗伦那杂碎对我做了什么 [11:31.92]Okay,that's amazing! How did you know that? 不可思议,你们怎么知道? [11:36.32]You got ink on your lip. 你嘴唇上沾到墨水 [11:46.17]“中央咖啡馆” [11:48.17]What do you say, maybe, sometime I hold your gun? 改天让我拿拿你的枪如何? [11:51.27]We're not supposed to do that. 不知道,照理说不能那样 [11:53.54]What could happen? I mean 又不会怎样… [11:57.61]Yeah. I'm gonna say no. 我看答案是不行 [12:01.12]-Do you want to see a movie tonight? -We can't. We already have plans. 菲比,晚餐后要去看电影吗? 不行,我们已经有计划了 [12:06.35]What are you doing? 你们要去干嘛? [12:07.86]Well,same thing we did all day. Just hang out at Gary's apartment. 就跟每天一样啊 腻在盖瑞的公寓里 [12:12.49]He is so amazing. We never left the bedroom. 他好厉害,我们没离开过卧房 [12:17.83]But have fun at the movie. 祝你们看电影愉快 [12:21.47]Well,we're not seeing a movie. 我们不是要去看电影 [12:24.64]Then why did you ask us if we wanted to go? 那你干嘛问我们要不要去? [12:27.91]Because I just wanted to know what you were doing... 我是怕你... [12:31.05]...so you wouldn't walk in on me and Chandler... ...不小心冲进我房间 [12:34.32]...while we were doing it all night. 因为我和钱德会做上一整晚 [12:38.09]Will you excuse me? 失陪一下 [12:44.39]Chandler? Can I see you for a second? 钱德,方便私下说几句话吗? [12:50.10]-We have got to beat them! -Why? 我们一定要打败他们 为什么? [12:53.10]Because Gary and Phoebe think they're a hotter couple than us. 因为盖瑞和菲比 觉得他们比我们还火热 [12:57.57]So? 所以呢? [12:59.71]So we've gotta go have a lot of sex and prove them wrong! 所以我们上楼去大干一场 证明他们是错的 [13:04.11]You've got to stop this competitive thing. It's crazy. 摩妮卡,你别再比来比去 这真是疯了 [13:07.62]Just to impress them,you want us to have sex over and over... 只为了让盖瑞和菲比难看 我们就要上楼大战数十回合 [13:11.92]...and I'm saying no to this, why? Get your coat! 你知道我的答案吗? 快去拿外套 [13:18.66]“向我招手的辣妹 请联络乔伊” [13:26.43]Excuse me. 借过 [13:29.60]“警告:有人侵入本大楼 发现这名变态请报警” [13:31.91]You should check this out. Tell the other tenants. 你们应该看一看 通知其他的住户 [13:34.88]Apparently,he's looking for some kind of hot girl. 这家伙一直在找什么辣妹的 [13:40.88]Who isn't? 谁不是呢? [13:48.52]I don't think we've met. I'm Ross. 我们可能还没见过,我是罗斯 [13:51.73]I know. You're the guy who wouldn't chip in for the handyman. 我知道,你就是那个 不愿意分担工友欢送费的人 [13:56.93]Never mind. 算了 [13:59.10]I actually thought it was unfair the way everyone reacted. 其实我觉得大家的反应不公平 [14:02.94]I mean,you had just moved in. 因为你才刚搬进来而已 [14:05.27]I had just moved in! 没错,我刚搬进来而已 [14:07.81]Thank you! 谢谢 [14:10.48]Listen.... 等等… [14:12.71]Jen. 我是珍 [14:14.55]I know this may sound a little.... 这听来可能有点… [14:20.29]But would you want to grab a cup of coffee sometime? 不如哪天一起喝杯咖啡? [14:24.66]Sure,that would be nice. 当然,没问题 [14:28.83]My number's on there. Give me a call. 上面有我的电话,打给我 [14:32.13]I will give you a call. 我一定打 [14:34.50]-I'll see you later. -Okay. 后会有期 好 [14:41.41]I forgot my paper. 我忘记拿报纸 [14:48.95]That was amazing. 刚才真是太棒了 [14:51.09]Phoebe and Gary are so gonna hear about this at dinner. 等到吃晚餐的时候 我一定要说给菲比和盖瑞听 [14:55.79]That was amazing. 刚才真是太棒了 [14:58.59]We are the hottest,huh? 我们才是热恋第一名 [15:01.03]No one is hotter than we are. 没人比我们更热恋 [15:03.83]-We're the best. -No,you're the best. 我们是最棒的 不,最棒的是你 [15:07.64]-No,you're the best. -No,you're the best. 不,你才是 不,你才是 [15:11.11]I am the best. 我是最棒的 [15:15.44]Hey,guys. 两位 [15:17.18]What you been doing? 你们刚才在干嘛啊? [15:25.02]Isn't that the girl who waved at you? 乔伊,那不是前几天 跟你挥手的女孩吗? [15:27.22]I don't know,but I can see through your sheet. 不知道,但你的床单是透明的 [15:32.89]Yeah,that's her. 对,是她没错 [15:34.63]You know,it doesn't matter. I'll never meet her. 不过算了吧,我无缘跟她见面 [15:37.80]It's impossible to find her apartment! 为什么? 因为我找不到她的公寓 [15:40.30]She lives in some hot-girl parallel universe or something. 她就像是住在辣妹黑洞里 [15:44.74]What are you talking about? 你在说什么? [15:46.81]She lives on the 2nd floor, 7th apartment from the left. 她明明就住在二楼 左边数过来第七间 [15:50.14]No,she lives on the 3rd floor, 8th apartment from the left. 非也… 她住在三楼 左边数过来第八间 [15:54.15]No. Those first two windows, that's the lobby. 才怪,前两个窗户是大厅的 [15:57.58]That other window is the stairway. You've been counting wrong. 过去那边的是楼梯间窗户 你算错了 [16:01.32]I did not know that! Thank you,Monica. 我之前不知道 摩妮卡,感谢你 [16:04.66]I almost lost another girl because of counting! 不敢相信我因为算数 差点就失去了另一个女孩 [16:10.60]-So you ready? -Yeah,I'll just get my coat. 你好了吗? 好了,我去拿外套 好 [16:14.77]-Could you get that? -Sure. 你能帮去我应门吗? 没问题 [16:26.41]No! No! 不!… [16:35.09]First,I would like to say thank you for seeing me again. 首先我要谢谢你 同意再次见我 [16:38.96]That's all right. 不要紧 [16:40.36]But I feel obligated to tell you that this meeting is being videotaped. 但我有义务告诉你 这次的面试有录影存证 [16:50.20]Well,first,I would like to start by apologizing for kissing you... 好,首先我要向你道歉 我不小心亲了你 [16:55.04]...and for yelling at you. 还有对你大吼的那件事 [16:57.54]Fair enough. 很合理 [16:59.11]Now,you're probably going to hire one of the people who did not... 你或许会想要雇用不曾… [17:06.59]...yell at you and storm out. 对你大吼或是夺门而出的人 [17:09.26]And I think that's a big mistake. And here's why. 不过那样可就错大了 原因是这样的 [17:12.23]I made a huge fool of myself, and I came back. That shows courage. 我大出洋相之后还敢回来 这显示我有勇气 [17:17.30]When I thought you wanted sex in exchange for this job,I said no. 我以为你要我用性来交换工作 当时我拒绝了 [17:21.57]That shows integrity. 这表示我有骨气 [17:23.30]And I was not afraid to stand up for myself... 我不害怕为挺身为自己辩护 [17:26.31]...and that shows courage. 这表示我有勇气 [17:31.08]Now,I know that I've already said courage... 我知道我已经说过勇气了 [17:34.48]...but you've got to have courage. 不过勇气总是多多益善嘛 [17:38.19]And finally,when I thought you were making sexual advances... 最后当我以为你 想趁工作之便佔我便宜 [17:43.12]...I said no, and I was not litigious. 我拒绝了,但是没打算告你 [17:45.53]So there you go! You got courage... 所以你看,我有勇气 [17:47.86]...you got integrity, you got courage again... 有骨气 双重勇气 [17:51.80]...and not litigious. 而且又不告你 [17:56.10]Look,Mr.... 您是… [17:58.94]-Zelner. -Zelner. 塞纳 对,塞纳… [18:00.44]I knew that! 我知道 [18:01.71]Oh,I knew that. 我知道 [18:05.18]I really,really want this job. 我真的很想要这份工作 [18:07.51]And I think I would be really good at it. 我想我一定会做得很好 [18:14.89]You know what? 这样吧… [18:17.99]I may regret this... 虽然我可能会后悔 [18:21.33]...but I'll give you a shot. 但我让你试试看 [18:23.30]You are? Really? 真的? [18:26.47]Thank you. Oh,God! 谢谢你… [18:29.24]Would it be inappropriate if I gave you a hug? 我现在抱你会不会很不得体? [18:32.01]会 那好吧 [18:33.81]Well,how about a handshake? 握手可以吗? [18:37.01]Oh,God! I'm sorry! 天啊,对不起… [18:40.41]I did not mean to touch that! I mean,you! 我不是故意要摸那个的 我是说... [18:44.42]There! ...那里… [18:47.59]Thank you. I'm gonna leave. Thank you very much. 好了,谢谢你,我先离开 非常感谢… [18:51.53]Hey,I'll see you Monday. 那就星期一见咯 [18:58.07]Are you tired? 钱德,你累了? [18:59.33]You better believe he's tired after the day we had! 今天疯成那样,他不累才怪 [19:02.57]If you know what I mean. Do you know what I mean? 如果你们懂的话 你们懂吧? [19:06.04]Honey,the tortilla chips know what you mean. 亲爱的,连墨西哥脆片都懂 [19:10.74]Do you like that badge I got you? 钱德,我给你的警徽还喜欢吗 [19:12.75]Oh,yeah,it's so cool. 喜欢,很酷 [19:16.42]Now,I gotta go. Officer Bing's got a 10-100. 宾警官得要先行告退 执行10一100勤务 [19:21.86]That's pee-pee. 去尿尿 [19:27.06]Phoebe,you have a twig in your hair. 菲比,你头发里有树枝 [19:32.60]We kind of took a detour on our way over here. 来这里的路上 我们绕了一点路 [19:35.70]We were strolling through the park and no one was around,so.... 对,我们去公园里散步 看四下无人就… [19:39.87]-You didn't. -We did! 不会吧? 真的有 [19:42.64]We violated section 12, paragraph 7 of the criminal code. 我们违反了犯罪条例 第12条第7款 [19:49.98]The park,huh? 在公园是吧? [19:53.12]Public place. 公共场所 [19:55.66]I hear you. Can you excuse me for a second? 收到 失陪一下 [20:07.94]Hi,Chandler. 钱德 [20:09.80]Monica, this is the men's room. 摩妮卡,这是男厕 [20:13.24]Isn't it? 没错吧? [20:16.74]Yes,it is. 没错 [20:18.48]I've always found the men's bathroom very sexual. Haven't you? 我一直都觉得男厕很性感 你不觉得吗? [20:22.98]No. 不觉得 [20:25.55]And if I did,I don't think we'd be going out. 否则我们就不会在一起了 [20:29.99]Okay,I don't want to disappoint you... 摩妮卡,我不想让你失望 [20:32.39]...and I really don't want to disappoint the guy in the second stall.... 也不想让第二间那位男士失望 [20:37.00]Sorry,man. 不好意思 [20:40.07]But come on,this is getting ridiculous. 得了吧,这越搞越离谱了 [20:42.90]Come on,we can't let them win! 别这样,我们不能让他们赢 [20:45.84]We've proved that we are hot,okay? So why are you obsessed about this? 我们已经证明我们在热恋了 为何你走火入魔成这样? [20:50.48]Phoebe and Gary are in that... 因为菲比和盖瑞不仅难分难舍 [20:52.48]..."can't keep their hands off each other" phase! 还在公园里做了那档事 [20:55.22]So? 所以呢? [20:57.08]It makes me really sad that we're not really there anymore. 所以我很伤心 因为我们激情不再 [21:01.49]Oh,is that what this has all been about? 原来是为了这档事? [21:06.23]Wasn't it a lot more exciting when we were... 我们成天腻在一起的那当时 [21:09.33]...all over each other all the time? 不是比较让人兴奋吗? [21:11.77]Yeah,that was great. That was really great. 那时很棒,真的很棒 [21:15.27]But the truth is,I'm more excited about where we are now. 但是老实跟你说 我们现在的状况让我更兴奋 [21:19.17]-Really? -Yeah. 真的? 是啊 [21:21.17]I've never been in a relationship this long before. 我从没谈过这么久的恋爱 [21:24.75]To get past the beginning and still want to be around each other... 过了刚开始的激情期 还想跟对方相处在一起 [21:28.45]...I think that's incredible. 我觉得这是很不凡的 [21:30.45]And the fact that this is happening with you... 而且还是和你在一起 [21:33.72]...I think that's pretty exciting. 这让我很兴奋 [21:40.43]That's so sweet. 真甜蜜 [21:43.86]I know that I was acting a little crazy... 我知道我表现得有点过火 [21:47.57]...but I feel the same way. 但是我的感觉跟你一样 [21:54.98]You know what I just realized? 你知道我刚领悟到什么吗? [21:56.88]You just freaked out about our relationship. 我们的关系让你反常 [21:59.65]-I did not. -Yes,you did! 才没有 就是有 [22:01.28]Admit it. You freaked out! 承认吧,你很反常 [22:03.98]I freaked out a little. 好啦,我是有一点反常 [22:05.65]A little? You freaked out bigtime,okay? 岂止有一点,你超级反常的! [22:08.66]And I fixed it! We have switched places. 我反败为胜,我们角色互换了 [22:10.82]I am the relationship king, and you are the crazy, irrational screwup! 我现在是国王 你是搞砸又发疯的输家 [22:20.67]And now we're back. 现在又回到原位了 [22:31.85]I cannot believe Ross is buying this. 没想到罗斯还真的相信 [22:34.61]Thank God! I can't watch him anymore. 谢天谢地,我再也看不下去了 [22:37.62]-You guys ready? -Yeah. 你们准备好去看电影没? 好了 [22:39.25]By the way, thank you for loaning us Pamela and Yasmine. 对了,多谢你把 潘蜜拉和杰丝敏借给我们 [22:44.59]Man,they cannot get enough! 要命,她们还真是看不腻 [00:00.00]