[00:03.40]Guys,look! Ugly Naked Guy's putting stuff in boxes. [00:10.64]I'd say our naked buddy is moving. [00:13.64]Ironically,most of the boxes seem to be labeled "Clothes." 讽刺的是大部分的箱子 都标示着“衣服” [00:18.75]I'm going to miss that big old squishy butt. [00:21.38]And we're done with the chicken fried rice. 鸡肉炒饭没了 [00:25.92]If he's moving,maybe I should try to get his place! 如果他要搬走 我可以去把那里租下来 [00:30.06]It would be so cool to live across from you guys. 好主意 跟你们遥遥相对多好玩啊 [00:32.99]We could do that telephone thing... 那我们就可以玩电话游戏 [00:35.33]...where you have a can, we have a can... 你一个罐子,我们一个罐子 [00:38.10]...and it's connected by a string. 中间有一条线 [00:41.67]Or we could do the actual telephone thing. 或者我们也可以打真的电话 [00:47.08]He's got packing tape stuck to where you really don't want it. 糟糕,他的第三点黏到胶带了 [00:50.68]Get it off,fat man! Get it off! 快撕掉啊,肥仔 [00:54.38]Oh,no,he's trying to pull it off slowly. 糟糕,他想慢慢撕下来 [00:57.09]Take it from me,if you're gonna pull tape off yourself,it's gotta be in one quick motion. 相信我,撕胶带一定要快狠准 [01:02.42]Like that. 就像那样 [01:04.76]The One Where Everyone Finds Out 本集播出:“尔虞我诈” [00:00.00] [01:51.17]Oh,my God. I love this apartment! 天哪,我爱死这层公寓了 [01:54.41]Isn't it perfect? 很完美吧? [01:55.94]I can't believe I never realized how great it is! 我居然没发现这里有这么棒 [01:59.85]Because your eye goes to the big naked man. [02:03.79]It's amazing! 太棒了 [02:05.35]Hurry up with an application, or I'll beat you to it. 你最好赶快去申请 否则我会抢先 [02:13.53]Well,I'm going to use Ugly Naked Guy's bathroom. [02:21.97]Look! There's Monica and Chandler. 你看,是摩妮卡和钱德 [02:25.54]Hey,you guys! Hey. 喂,你们好,喂 [02:37.82]Chandler and Monica! 钱德和摩妮卡 [02:40.49]Oh,my God! 天哪 [02:42.02]钱德和摩妮卡! [02:45.16]Oh,my eyes! 我要瞎了! [02:46.39]My eyes! 我要瞎了 [02:49.43]It's okay! 菲比,没事的 [02:50.73]-They're doing it! -I know! 不!他们搞在一起 我知道 [02:52.90]-I know! -You know? 我知道 你知道? [02:55.17]Yes,I know it. Joey knows, but Ross doesn't,so stop screaming! 对,我知道,乔伊也知道 但罗斯不知道 所以你别再叫了 [02:59.51]What's going on? 怎么了? [03:03.68]-What? -Nothing! 怎么了? 没事 [03:05.28]We are so excited that you'll get this apartment! 我们只是好兴奋你要搬来这里 [03:08.82]Looks really good. 这里的确很棒 [03:10.05]Looks pretty good! 非常棒 [03:13.02]Get in here! Come on! 快过来啊 [03:20.56]中央咖啡馆 [03:22.26]You mean whenever Monica and Chandler... 你是说每次摩妮卡和钱德 [03:24.87]...were doing laundry or going grocery shopping? 去洗衣服或买东西或.... [03:28.27]The time Monica spent on the phone with Linda from camp? 她每次跟伤心的琳达讲电话 [03:31.61]Doing it,doing it,phone,doing it. [03:35.01]I can't believe it! 真不敢相信 [03:37.01]I think it's great. For him. 真是太好了…对男方来说 [03:39.68]She could do better. 女方可以有更好的对象 [03:43.25]Hey,you guys. 你们好 [03:44.52]Come here! What? 乔伊,快过来 怎样? [03:46.09]Phoebe found out about Monica and Chandler. 菲比发现摩妮卡和钱德的事了 [03:48.56]You mean how they're friends and nothing more? 就是他们是朋友,如此而已? [03:53.36]Joey, she knows. 不,乔伊,她知道了 [03:55.03]We saw them doing it through the window. [03:58.97]Actually,we saw them doing it up against the window. 应该说是靠着窗户在做 [04:04.01]We saw them fornicating. 我们看到他们私通 [04:08.71]So they know you know, and they don't know that Rachel knows? 他们知道你知道 但是不知道瑞秋知道? [04:12.31]Yes,but it doesn't matter who knows what. 对,但现在这些都不重要了 [04:15.92]Now enough of us know that we could just tell them we know. 我们有三个人知道 就可以告诉他们了 [04:19.32]All the lying and the secrets will finally be over. 我再也不必为了保密而说谎了 [04:22.59]Or,we could not tell them we know, and have a little fun. 或者我们也可以不告诉他们 自己来找点乐子 [04:28.40]What do you mean? 什么意思? [04:29.73]If they say they are doing laundry, we'll give them laundry to do. 譬如每次他们说要洗衣服 我们就给他们一堆衣服洗 [04:35.47]I would enjoy that. 我喜欢 [04:38.14]You know what would be even more fun? Telling them. 你知道怎样更好玩? 告诉他们 [04:42.41]-That doesn't sound like fun. -So we'll make it fun. 听起来不好玩 那就让它变好玩 [04:45.45]We'll do it like a barbershop quartet! 我们可以学理发店四重唱 [04:48.65]We know,we know,we know 我们知道… [04:54.42]No,I want to do Phoebe's thing. 不,我想照菲比的做法 [04:56.59]I can't take 我没办法再… [04:57.76]You don't have to do anything. Just don't tell them we know. 你只要别说我们知道就行了 [05:01.46]No. I can't take anymore secrets. 不要,我没办法再保密了 [05:03.56]I got your secrets,their secrets, secrets of my own. 我有你们的秘密,他们的秘密 还有我自己的秘密 [05:08.60]You don't have any secrets. 你才没有秘密 [05:11.61]Well, you don't know about Hugsy, my bedtime penguin pal. 是吗?你就不知道 我有个企鹅抱枕叫抱宝 [05:21.62]How are we going to mess with them? 所以…我们要怎么耍他们? [05:24.52]You could use your position as the roommate. 你可以利用室友的身分 [05:27.26]And I would use the strongest tool at my disposal. 我就运用我最大的本钱 [05:31.13]My sexuality. 我的性感 [05:33.86]Hello,children. 孩子们 [05:36.90]Watch. Learn. And don't eat my cookie. 仔细看,学着点 别吃我的饼干 [05:43.94]That jacket looks great on you. 你穿这件外套真好看 [05:47.21]-Really? -The material is so soft. 是吗? 这个料子摸起来好软… [05:49.61]Hello,Mr. Bicep. 二头肌先生 [05:53.95]You're working out? 你有在健身吗? [05:55.32]I try to squeeze things. 我有在挤牙膏 [06:03.73]Are you okay? 你还好吗? [06:05.33]If you really want to know 如果你真的想知道 [06:07.73]I can't tell you this. 我不能告诉你 [06:10.23]You can tell me anything. 菲比,你什么都可以告诉我 [06:12.17]Actually,you are the one person I can't tell this to. 事实上我就是不能告诉你 [06:15.60]And the one person I want to the most. 但我又最想告诉你 [06:20.94]What's going on? 怎么了? [06:23.34]I just haven't been with a guy in so long... 因为我很久没跟男人在一起了 [06:26.81]...and sometimes you're looking for something... 有时你一直寻寻觅觅 [06:29.62]...and it's right there in front of you,sipping coffee.... 却没发现他就在你眼前喝咖啡 [06:33.52]Oh,no. Have I said too much? 我说太多了吗? [06:38.33]Just something to think about. I know I will. 总之你考虑一下,我就会考虑 [06:54.78]You are so cute. 你好可爱 [06:57.01]How did you get to be so cute? 你怎么会这么可爱? [06:59.61]My grandfather was Swedish. 我爷爷是瑞典人 [07:02.05]And my grandmother was a tiny little bunny. 我奶奶其实是只拇指兔 [07:06.49]Now you're even cuter. 你变得更可爱了 [07:09.86]-You know,that is a popular opinion today,I must say. -What? 这简直是今天的民意 什么? [07:14.36]The weirdest thing happened at the coffeehouse. 今天在咖啡馆有一件怪事 [07:17.23]I think Phoebe was hitting on me. 我觉得菲比在钓我 [07:20.07]What are you talking about? 你在说什么? [07:21.85]I'm telling you I think Phoebe thinks I'm foxy. 是真的,菲比觉得我很有魅力 [07:27.81]It's not possible. 不可能 [07:33.25]I'm sorry,Phoebe's just always thought you were charming... 抱歉,只是在菲比眼中 [07:36.88]...in a sexless kind of way. 你的迷人是无性的 [07:39.25]You know,I can't hear that enough. 这种话真是百听不厌 [07:43.42]I'm sorry, I just think you misunderstood her. 抱歉,你应该误解她的意思了 [07:45.89]No, I didn't,okay? She was all over me. 我没有误解,好吗? 她只差没扑上来 [07:48.76]She touched my bicep, for crying out loud. 她还摸我的二头肌尖叫 [07:51.73]This bicep? 这个二头肌? [07:53.23]Well,it's not flexed right now. 是我现在没挤它 [07:59.74]Why is it so hard for you to believe that Phoebe could be attracted to me? 为什么你这么难相信 菲比对我有意思? [08:02.88]It's not. 我没有啊 [08:04.61]All the girls are attracted to you. 女生都会对你有意思 [08:07.62]You're part bunny. 你有拇指兔的血统 [08:14.86]Mon, What are you doing now? you want to come see a movie with us? 摩妮卡,你要干什么? 要不要一起去看电影? [08:18.63]Actually,I was going to do some laundry. 事实上我正要去洗衣服 [08:24.17]Want to do it with me? 钱德,要不要一起去? [08:25.73]Sure,I'll do it with you. 好啊,我跟你一起去 [08:29.04]Okay,great. Hold on a second. 太好了,等一下 [08:34.18]Here you go. 拿去 [08:36.71]That would really help me out a lot. Thanks. 不介意吧?这样我就轻松多了 谢谢 [08:41.05]You know what? I don't have enough quarters. 我的硬币应该不够 [08:43.75]I have quarters! 我这里有 [08:49.92]Great. Now we can do laundry all night. All night laundry! 太好了 我们可以洗一整晚的衣服了 [08:56.00]Hey,any word on the apartment yet? 罗斯,公寓申请得怎样? [08:58.43]I called there,and it turns out Naked Guy is subletting it. [09:02.27]He's already had 100 applicants. 而且已经有一大堆申请者 [09:04.27]-Oh,man. -No,no,it's okay. 没关系 [09:06.37]Because you know what the difference between them and me is? 我跟他们的差别是… [09:10.11]Your history of bedwetting? 你有尿床的历史? [09:12.95]Hey,I trusted you,man! 你怎么可以说出来 [09:17.08]Anyway,the difference is... 总之差别是... [09:19.32]...I've got the edge. 我占了优势 [09:20.89]It's not exactly ethical, but I sent him a bribe... 我知道这样有点奸诈 但我送了点东西... [09:23.89]...to tip the scales in my direction. ...去贿赂他 [09:26.66]You can see it from the window. 从窗户搞不好看得到 [09:31.40]-Is it that pinball machine with the big bow on it? -No. 是那个打了蝴蝶结的弹珠台吗 不是 [09:36.60]-That new mountain bike? -No. 那辆新的登山车? 不是 [09:41.58]What did you send? 那你送什么? [09:43.11]A basket of mini muffins. 一篮小英式松饼 [09:47.01]There's a whole table of them. Which one did you send? 但桌上全都是小英式松饼 哪一篮是你送的? [09:51.55]The small one. 小的那一篮 [09:54.36]You actually thought that basket was going to get you the apartment? 什么?你真以为那篮松饼 能帮你争取到公寓? [09:59.46]Someone sent us a basket at work, and people went crazy over those muffins. 对,我们办公室曾经收到一篮 大家都爱得不得了 [10:04.40]It was the best day. 那天真的很高兴 [10:06.27]Your work makes me sad. 你的工作让我觉得好悲惨 [10:09.97]Oh, man, I want that place so much! 真是的,我好想要那层公寓 [10:13.24]And I was so sure that was going to work. 我还以为一定会成功 [10:16.21]There's 12 bucks I'll never see again. 那12块算是丢到水里了 [10:20.15]We'd better go if we want to catch that movie. 菲比,想看电影就得快了 [10:23.42]Bye. 再见 [10:25.25]Bye, Chandler. I miss you already. 钱德再见,我已经开始想你了 [10:33.29]Did you see that? The inappropriate, and the pinching? 你看到她嗲哩嗲气还捏我吗? [10:36.40]Actually,I did. 我看到了 [10:37.73]So do you believe that she's attracted to me? 你相信她对我有意思了吧? [10:42.27]Oh,my God! She knows about us! 天哪,她知道我们的事了? [10:45.47]Are you serious? 真的还假的? [10:46.64]She knows,and she's trying to freak us out! 菲比知道了,她想吓我们 [10:49.61]That's the only explanation! 这是唯一的解释 [10:54.98]But what about my pinchable butt and my bulging biceps? [10:59.82]She knows! 她知道了 [11:07.80]Joey! 乔伊 [11:09.43]Yeah? 怎样? [11:12.50]Phoebe knows about us. 菲比知道我们的事了 [11:14.90]I didn't tell them! 我没告诉她们 [11:16.44]Them? 她们? [11:17.74]Who's "them"? 她们是谁? [11:20.44]Phoebe and Joey. 菲比和乔伊 [11:24.98]Joey! 乔伊 [11:26.55]And Rachel. 和瑞秋 [11:28.12]I would have told you, but I promised not to tell. 我想告诉你们 但她们逼我不能说 [11:31.59]I'm sorry. 天哪 对不起, [11:32.75]But it's over now,right? 那现在没事了吧? [11:34.62]You can tell them you know they know, and I can go back to knowing nothing! 你们可以告诉她们你们知道了 我就可以恢复我状况外的本色 [11:40.70]Unless 除非… [11:42.30]Not "unless"! This must end now! 没有除非,现在就要了结 [11:45.10]They think they are so slick messing with us. 她们还自以为高明 [11:48.80]But they don't know that we know that they know. 她们不知道我们知道她们知道 [11:53.37]So 所以… [11:54.58]The messers become the messees! 没错,耍人的变成被耍的 [12:00.38]Come on, you guys. Think how much fun it would be to tell. 拜托啦,说出来多好玩 [12:03.62]We know,we know,we know 我们知道… [12:09.09]What? 什么? [12:11.76]Oh, that wasn't you. 对喔,你们不知道 [12:17.87]Honey,you got to stop torturing yourself. 不 罗斯,别再折磨自己了 [12:20.57]Why don't you find another apartment? 你去找别的房子嘛 [12:22.87]I've already looked at 1000 apartments this month. 我这个月已经看了上千个房子 [12:25.91]None of them even compares to that one. 没有一间比得上那一间 [12:28.41]Well,except for one,but I would have had to share it with an Armenian family. 有一间不错但是我得跟 一家亚美尼亚人一起住 [12:33.18]Grandma really liked me. 那个奶奶很喜欢我 [12:36.05]But I want Ugly Naked apartment! [12:40.19]You know what you should do? 你知道你应该怎么做? [12:41.69]You should find out his hobbies and use that to bond with him. 你应该找出他的嗜好 拿来跟他套交情 [12:46.03]Like if I wanted something from Joey... 例如我对乔伊有所求 [12:48.20]...I would strike up a conversation about sandwiches... 我就会聊…三明治 [12:54.74]...or my underwear. 或是我的内衣 [12:57.44]I'm listening. 我在听 [13:01.91]That is a great idea! 看吧 好棒的主意 [13:04.48]And I know Ugly Naked Guy because we've been watching him for five years. [13:09.28]So that gives me back my edge! 所以我又重新占了上风 [13:12.95]Let's see now. He had the trampoline. 好,他有一张跳床 [13:15.89]He broke that. 被他跳坏了 [13:17.12]-He had gravity boots. -He broke those too. 他有一双重力靴 也被他穿坏了 [13:21.13]So he likes to break stuff. 所以他喜欢破坏东西 [13:26.60]I've got to go pick up Ben. But I will figure something out. 好,我得去接班 不过我会想出来的 [13:30.81]Didn't he used to have a cat? 他之前不是有一只猫? [13:32.84]I wouldn't bring that up. It would bum him out. 别提那个,会害他心情不好 [13:35.81]Poor cat never saw that big butt coming. [13:41.88]喂? [13:44.52]Hold on a second, she's right here. 在,等一下,她就在旁边 [13:46.99]It's Chandler. 钱德找你 [13:51.63]Hello,you. 你好 [13:53.79]Phoebe, I've been thinking about you all day. 菲比,我一整天都在想你 [13:59.83]You know that thing you said before? I was intrigued. 你之前的提议 说我不心动是骗人的 [14:04.00]Really? 是吗? [14:05.37]Joey won't be here tonight. 对,乔伊晚上不在 [14:07.27]Why don't you come over? I'll let you feel my bicep. 你要不要过来 我让你摸我的二头肌 [14:11.31]Or maybe more. 甚至是别的地方 [14:15.85]I'll have to get back to you on that. Okay, bye. 我待会再给你答覆,再见 [14:20.39]He wants me to come over and feel his bicep and more! 天哪,他找我去摸他的二头肌 和别的地方 [14:24.89]-Are you kidding? -No! 不会吧? 是真的 [14:26.23]I cannot believe he would do that to Mon 他居然背着摩妮卡… [14:37.54]Joey? Do they know that we know? 乔伊,他们知道我们知道吗? [14:41.01]-No. -Joey! 不知道 乔伊 [14:43.18]They know you know. 他们知道你们知道了 [14:44.21]I knew it! 我就知道 [14:47.62]I would say,"Thank God! Everybody knows! It's finally over!" 我本来会说:谢天谢地 大家都知道了,总算没事了 [14:51.02]But that hasn't been working for me. 但每次说都没用 [14:54.42]I cannot believe those two! 那两个人真扯 [14:56.49]They thought they could mess with us? Trying to mess with us? 他们以为他们可以耍我们 想耍我们是吧? [15:02.56]They don't know that we know they know we know. 他们不知道我们知道 他们知道我们知道了 [15:07.40]Joey,you can't say anything. 乔伊,你不能说 [15:09.67]Couldn't if I wanted to. 我也不想说了 [15:18.38]Good evening,sir. I'm Ross Geller. I'm one of the applicants. 你好,我是罗斯盖勒 我也申请要租你的房子 [15:23.48]I realize that the competition is fierce but.... 我知道竞争很激烈,但是… [15:29.19]I'm sorry, I can't help but notice that you're naked. 抱歉,我注意到你光着身体 [15:37.67]I applaud you. 我为你鼓掌 [15:39.50]Man,I wish I was naked. 我也好想光着身体 [15:42.60]I mean,this looks so great. 看起来好舒服 [15:46.41]That is how God intended it. 这正是上帝造人的本意 [15:51.65]Look. They're panicked! 你看她们多慌 [15:53.51]They'll totally back down. 她们绝对会退缩 没错 [15:56.82]If he wants a date, he's going to get a date. 好,他敢约我就敢去 [15:59.92]I'm going to go in. 我要过去了 [16:01.76]Be sexy. 性感一点 [16:04.69]Please. 拜托 [16:17.24]I'd love to come by tonight. 钱德,我晚上可以过去 [16:23.41]Really? 真的? [16:24.61]Absolutely. Say,around 7? 当然,就7点吧? [16:28.08]Yes. 好 [16:31.20]Good. I'm really looking forward to you and me having sexual intercourse. 很好 我很期待跟你发生关系 [16:41.26]Hey,check it out! 快来看! [16:42.93]Naked Guy's got a naked friend. [16:51.11]Oh, yeah. 真的 [16:53.87]Oh,my God! That's our friend! 天哪,那是我们的朋友 [16:57.98]It's Naked Ross! 是罗斯 [17:03.85]Would you like another mini muffin? 你还要小英式松饼吗? [17:06.49]Try the blueberry,they're delicious. 吃吃看蓝莓口味,很好吃 [17:16.76]Showtime! 上场罗 [17:18.93]-Rachel,get me perfume. -Ok. 瑞秋,拿香水来 好 [17:20.70]Joey, can you get me a bottle of wine and glasses? 乔伊,帮我拿一瓶酒两个酒杯 [17:31.98]All right,thanks,but glasses that do not have handles and that are glass. 谢谢,但我要的是 没把手的玻璃杯 [17:37.12]And wine that is not olive oil. 我要酒不要橄榄油 [17:41.62]You just make her think you want to have sex with her and it will freak her out. 放心好了 只要让她以为你想跟她 她绝对会吓到 [17:47.66]How far am I gonna have to go with her? 我到底得撑到什么程度? [17:50.20]Relax, she'll give in way before you do. 别紧张,她会比你先投降 [17:52.33]How do you know? 你怎么知道? [17:53.53]Because you're on my team. My team always wins. 因为你跟我同一队 我这一队总是赢 [17:58.21]At this? 赢这种事? [18:00.71]Just go get some! Go! 总之去吓她,快去 [18:05.31]Now,I'm going to try to listen from right here. 好,我会站在门外听 好 [18:08.22]Oh,wait. 等一下 [18:10.15]Good idea. 好主意 [18:11.65]Don't give away the farm. 等等 别把料都爆光了 [18:20.29]菲比 [18:23.93]Come on in. 钱德 进来吧 [18:26.43]I was going to. 我正要进去 [18:30.57]I brought some wine. Would you like some? 我带了酒来,你要吗? [18:33.07]Sure. 好啊 [18:42.42]So here we are. 总算要开始了 [18:44.12]Nervous? 紧张吗? [18:45.42]Me? No. You? 我?不会,你呢? [18:47.72]I want this to happen. 不会,这样正合我意 [18:51.36]So do l. 我也是 [19:06.41]I'm going to put on some music. 我去放点音乐 [19:15.48]Joey likes to scare the duck. 乔伊喜欢吓鸭子 [19:21.12]Maybe I'll dance for you. 我跳舞给你看好了 [19:42.24]You look good. 你真美 [19:45.41]Thanks. 谢谢 [19:47.41]You know,when you say things like that,it makes me... 你说这种话 让我... [19:51.59]...want to rip that sweater vest right off. 好想扯掉你的毛衣背心 [19:57.19]Why don't we move into the bedroom? 不如进房里再说吧? [19:59.26]Really? 真的吗? [20:00.46]Do you not want to? 你不想吗? [20:04.20]First I want to take off all my clothes... 不是,只是我想先脱掉衣服 [20:07.53]...and have you rub lotion on me. 让你替我擦乳液 [20:11.81]That would be nice. 听起来不错 [20:16.48]I'll go get the lotion. 我去拿乳液 [20:22.38]It's way out of hand. She wants me to put lotion on her! 情况完全失控了 她要我帮她擦乳液 [20:25.69]-She's bluffing! -She's not backing down. 她在唬你 她没打算放弃 [20:28.62]She went like this 她还这样 [20:32.56]He's not backing down. He went to get lotion. 他没打算放弃,他去拿乳液了 [20:35.66]It's Chandler. You can take him. 他是钱德,你可以搞定他 [20:37.97]Come on. Don't you remember when you made him cry using only your words? 还记得你曾经把他骂哭吗? [20:44.87]Aren't you guys done yet? 真是的,你们还没好吗? [20:47.11]I want to sit in my chair! 我想坐我的椅子 [20:50.21]The sooner Phoebe breaks him,the sooner it's over and out in the open. 乔伊,菲比一突破钱德的心防 这一切就结束公开了 [20:55.52]I like that. 我喜欢 [20:58.12]Show him your bra. He's afraid of bras. Can't work them. 我知道,让他看你的胸罩 他怕胸罩,他解不开 [21:02.76]Joey! 乔伊 [21:09.36]You didn't rip off any buttons. 你没把扣子都挑开 [21:12.13]It's not my first time. 老经验了 [21:16.04]Go back there and seduce her till she cracks! 你给我回去,色诱她让她屈服 [21:19.14]Give me a second. 好,等一下 [21:21.48]-Did you clean up in here? -Of course! 你打扫过吗? 当然! [21:30.28]You're going? 你要走了? [21:31.95]Not without you,lover. 除非你跟我走,爱人 [21:39.06]So this is my bra. 这是我的内衣 [21:45.83]It's very,very nice. 很好看 [21:50.10]Well,come here. 过来 [21:52.84]I'm very happy we're going to have all the sex. 我很高兴我们要睡觉了 [21:57.18]You should be. I'm very bendy. 你是该高兴,我的身体很柔软 [22:05.32]I'll kiss you now. 我要吻你了 [22:06.85]Not if I kiss you first. 除非我先吻你 [22:28.98]I guess there's nothing left for us to do but kiss. 接下来就只能接吻了 [22:32.78]Here it comes. 终于来了 [22:35.68]Our first kiss. 我们的初吻 [22:47.66]You win! 好,你赢了 [22:49.93]I can't have sex with you! 我不能跟你上睡觉 [22:51.10]-And why not? -I'm in love with Monica! 为什么? 因为我爱摩妮卡 [22:53.37]You're what? 你什么? [22:57.07]Love her! That's right! 没错,我爱她 [22:58.47]I...LOVE...HER! 我,爱她 [22:59.91]I love her! 我爱她! [23:06.88]I love you,Monica. 我爱你,摩妮卡 [23:09.62]I love you too,Chandler. 我也爱你,钱德 [23:17.32]I thought you were doing it. I didn't know you were in love! 我以为你们只是搞在一起 我不知道你们相爱 [23:23.56]Dude! 兄弟 [23:26.73]Hats off to Phoebe. Quite a competitor. 向菲比致敬,强劲的对手 [23:31.17]May I say your breasts are still showing. 此外你的胸部还晾在外面 [23:33.61]God. 天哪 [23:35.98]All right! So that's it? 就这样 [23:37.78]It's over. Everybody knows! 结束了 大家都知道了 [23:39.71]Actually,Ross doesn't. 罗斯还不知道 [23:41.48]We'd appreciate it if no one told him yet. 对,请你们先别告诉他 [23:52.19]Well,here it is. 就是这里 [23:53.93]A new place for a new Ross. 新罗斯的新家 [23:56.23]I'll have you and the guys from work over, once it's furnished. 我一布置好就请你和同事来坐 [24:00.23]I must say it's nice to see you back on your feet. 很高兴看到你重新振作 [24:02.60]I am that, and the whole rage thing is definitely behind me. 我是振作了 脾气暴躁的事都过去了 [24:06.81]I wonder if it's time for you to rejoin our museum team? 你是不是该回馆里上班了? [24:10.14]That would be great. 那就太好了 [24:11.78]I am totally ready to come back to work. I... 我已经准备好重回岗位,我… [24:16.72]What? No! 什么?不 [24:21.15]What are you doing? 你在干什么? [24:24.26]Get off my sister! 别压着我妹妹