[00:00.779] Are you looking at naked tribe's women? [00:03.339] No, look. (Shows him the magazine.) [00:05.622] That's a pig. [00:07.707] I know, I know, but look at the knobs on her. [00:10.311] (Ross enters and his hair is a mess.) [00:14.176] Hey! [00:15.736] Emily's cousin kicked me out! [00:17.808] What?! [00:18.323] Why? [00:19.240] Well, when you're subletting an apartment from your wife's cousin and [00:22.075] then you get a divorce, sometimes the cousin suddenly wants his apartment back. [00:26.177] How can he do that? Didn't you sign a lease? [00:27.691] Who needs a lease when it's family! [00:31.657] Hey, you can stay with us! We'll take care of ya! [00:34.476] Oh, yeah! Absolutely! Anything you need man! [00:36.319] But you have to promise me the second you are feeling better so that we can make fun of your hair! [00:40.764] Yeah. [00:43.579] You got it. [00:44.216] Okay. [00:45.054] Thanks you guys, I really appreciate this. [00:46.969] All right, I'm gonna get packing again. [00:49.706] Man, I've been moving around so much I'm beginning to feel like a nomad. [00:53.115] (Joey starts giggling.) [00:55.883] What? [00:56.690] He thought you said gonad. [01:49.485] Wow, Monica, if every restaurant is as clean as yours, I'd have a tough time making a living. [01:53.629] Oh, Larry. [01:55.435] Umm, do health inspectors work on commission? [01:58.143] No, bribes. [02:00.715] It's okay to laugh right? [02:01.438] Yeah, I was just kidding. [02:02.308] Okay. [02:03.858] I'll check the kitchen floors. [02:05.108] Okay, knock yourself out, Larry. [02:08.319] Yum-my! [02:11.617] Larry? [02:12.375] Oh yeah! I'd let him check out my kitchen floors. [02:18.539] A 98. I deducted 2 points because you are not wearing your chef's hat, [02:22.691] and that is a Section 5 violation. [02:24.881] Uh, look, Larry honey, umm, I wrote the book on Section 5 and [02:30.471] I know that you don't have to wear your hat unless you're in the kitchen. [02:33.187] And where is your hat? [02:34.411] It's in the kitchen, I'll go get it. [02:37.384] Ahh that's the 2 points. [02:40.244] Hey, you should really read that book you wrote. [02:48.742] Wow! You saw the hat in the kitchen and knew that she'd have to go in there hatless to get it. [02:55.103] You can have your own health inspector detective show! [02:58.119] Oh, I don't know about that. [03:00.542] Yeah, but then I can be you sidekick Vunda. [03:04.260] Maybe uh, Vunda could give me her number and I can ask her to dinner sometime. [03:07.503] Okay, she would love that! Y'know, 'cause you know all the clean places to eat. [03:14.573] I-I'll call ya. [03:15.520] Okay. [03:21.599] He's so funny! [03:29.842] Thanks. [03:31.586] Thank you. Mon? [03:32.248] Hmm? [03:33.105] How's Ross doing? Y'know since all the Emily stuff. [03:35.497] He's not great umm, but he's dealing with it. [03:38.416] Oh wait a minute, you're not gonna try… [03:39.686] Oh, honey, please, no, I can't get started with all that Ross stuff again. [03:43.418] I mean, he's gonna screwed up for a looong time. [03:46.022] And besides y'know, I don't, I don't go for guys right after they get divorced. [03:49.774] Right, you only go for them 5 minutes before they get married. [03:58.203] Two pounds of Moca Java please. [03:59.720] Danny. Are you guys ever gonna go out again? [04:02.423] I don't know! He hasn't called me since that one time when we went out. [04:05.337] I see him in the hallway, we flirt, I'm all ha-ha-ha-ha, and nothing. [04:11.598] Hey! [04:12.389] Hi Danny! Wow! Thirsty huh? [04:14.844] Uh, actually, actually, I'm having a party at my place on Saturday, it's sort of a house warming kind of thing. [04:18.432] Ohh, fun!-Ohh, great! [04:19.913] Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it. [04:20.930] Yeah. [04:21.793] Okay, see ya. [04:27.889] Well, I guess we won't be warming his house. [04:31.339] Okay. All right, I see what he's doing! [04:35.548] He's not asking me out, because he wants me to ask him out. [04:39.894] And you're not gonna do that. [04:40.913] That's right! 'Cause that would give him the control! [04:45.711] So now he's all ooh, coming up with this whole I've got a party thing y'know, [04:49.026] trying to get me to hint around for an invitation. Blew up in his face, didn't it? [04:55.120] So-so there is no party. [04:56.685] No, there's a party. There's a party. [05:00.675] But the power, that is still up for grabs. You follow me? [05:06.713] I think so. Se, he-he's not inviting you to his party because he likes you. [05:12.286] Exactly. [05:22.420] Ross? [05:24.040] Hey roomies! [05:27.937] Love what you've done with the place. [05:29.601] Oh, yeah I know, I know, it's a lot of boxes, [05:31.601] but again I really appreciate you guys letting me stay here. [05:34.964] Not a problem. And listen, hey! [05:37.072] Since you're gonna be here for a while, [05:38.247] why don't—I was thinking we uh, put your name on the answering machine. [05:40.509] Oh yeah! [05:41.526] Oh, I uh, hope you don't mind, I kinda uh, jazzed it up a little. Check this out. [05:53.985] We will, we will, call you back! [05:59.495] Hey, all right! [06:00.663] Pretty cool, huh? [06:04.877] You're fake laughing too, right? [06:06.045] Oh, the tears are real. [06:11.562] You look beautiful this evening. [06:14.485] Show me the badge again. [06:21.430] Shiny. [06:23.370] Oh, will you mind if I wash up? [06:24.545] Because I came straight from work and [06:26.024] who knows where these babies (Holds up his hands) have been. [06:27.769] You are just nonstop! [06:40.026] We're outta here! [06:40.807] Why?! [06:41.776] Just walking past the kitchen I saw 10 violations! I'm shutting this place down! [06:45.901] You have the power to do that? [06:47.497] This does. (Shows her his badge.) [06:50.437] Shut it down. [07:02.557] Hey. [07:05.819] What are you doing? [07:07.680] Nothing. [07:10.574] You built a fort didn't ya? [07:14.591] Kinda. [07:16.689] Oh my God, the air purifier! Ross's air purifier! [07:19.783] All I heard through 4 years of college was (makes a humming noise.) [07:25.045] Dude, you should've gone out once and a while. [07:27.740] I hate this thing! [07:29.038] Come on, Chandler, Ross is our friend. He needs us right now, [07:33.192] so why don't you be a grown up and come and watch some TV in the fort! [07:42.014] Oh, hi Danny. [07:42.961] Hey guys, I just uh, wanted to invite you to the party tomorrow night. [07:45.507] Oh, thanks! We'll try to stop by. [07:47.774] Uh, actually, I think I'm gonna be busy. [07:51.281] You are? [07:52.598] Yeah! Remember I got that uh, gala. [07:58.355] Yeah, what's the gala for? [07:59.714] It's a uh, regatta gala. [08:04.120] Really! You-you sail? [08:05.572] No-no, but I support it. [08:09.192] Okay, hope I see you tomorrow night. [08:11.459] Okay. [08:12.290] Take care. [08:16.668] Okay. Walked right into that one didn't he? [08:19.473] What one? You wanted him to invite you to the party and he did it! [08:23.464] Yeah, but he waited until the last minute! [08:25.420] So if I said yes, he would know I had nothing better to do than wait around for an invitation to his stupid party. [08:30.735] I said, "No!" Which puts me right back in the driver seat. [08:35.081] Great. So the ball is in his court? [08:37.467] Ball? There is no ball. [08:51.261] Joey, please! [08:52.567] Sorry. [09:02.615] Ahhhhhhhhhh… [09:10.285] Hello children! [09:11.614] Hey! Wanna play some foosball? Please? [09:16.219] Okay. [09:16.917] No-no, no! We have to move the table into my room, yeah! [09:19.697] 'Cause of all the boxes. Come on! [09:28.746] All right, I have one question. [09:30.837] What is the deal with this? [09:32.292] (Imitates Ross's 'quiet down' maneuver, but does move his hands up and down he just flaps his hands as if he's waving good-bye.) [09:35.163] Bye-bye little puppet Joey hand? [09:38.116] No, the quiet down thing! [09:40.453] You mean this. (Does the maneuver perfectly.) [09:42.222] Um-hmm! Look, I-I-I don't know how much more of this I can take! [09:47.509] Did you know he taped over my Baywatch tape with some show about bugs! [09:52.991] My God! What if that had been porn? [09:58.475] All right look, y'know, this maybe tough but come on, this is Ross! I survived college with him! [10:03.107] All right, I guess I can hold out a little longer. Let's have a game. [10:06.510] Okay. [10:09.068] No-no-no-no! [10:10.219] YES!! [10:14.203] Uh fellas, (Does the maneuver and gives them a double thumbs up) [10:21.613] Okay, so he's out of here. [10:22.773] Um-hmm. [10:29.126] Hey! [10:29.844] Hey! [10:31.211] You guys got anything to eat? I just went down to Johnos for some chicken and it was closed! [10:34.509] Oh, I took Larry there to eat but it was all violated. So we shut it down! [10:39.828] Pheebs, if this guy keeps closing down all of our favorite places, where are we gonna eat?! [10:43.926] I don't know, clean places? [10:45.730] Umm, yum! [10:53.051] It's Danny. [10:54.061] Don't let him in! I'm supposed to be at a regatta gala. [10:57.168] (to Danny) We'll be right there! (To Rachel) Can't you just say it starts later? [10:59.664] What? What kind of a regatta gala starts at night?! [11:03.696] The fake kind! [11:09.087] Hey, hi, I need a ladle. You got a ladle? [11:11.460] We have a ladle. [11:15.275] Thanks, see you at the party. [11:16.585] Okay, great! [11:18.522] Hey, guys, you know what Larry would say? [11:20.263] He would say, "See you ladle." [11:26.432] Well, I-I-I'm done with this. You want anything Ross? [11:28.400] Sports? International? Apartment listings? [11:31.879] I'll take sports. [11:32.825] Mine! [11:36.004] All right. Uhh, international. [11:37.554] Oh that's mine too!I'm Italian! [11:43.669] Well, I guess I can check out those apartment listings, even though there's never anything in here. [11:48.277] Not even on page 7? [11:52.054] Oh yeah! You're—hey, you're right! Here's an affordable place, [11:55.964] two bedroom, close to work, ooh, it's available in five weeks! [12:00.261] What about that circled one? [12:03.554] Oh, I-I don't know, it's kind of expensive for a studio. [12:06.732] But it's available now! Isn't it? [12:10.081] Yes, it is. [12:11.344] Hey, let's go look at it! [12:14.530] Okay, let's go. [12:15.583] Okay! [12:16.215] There we go! [12:17.854] Oh-oh-ooh, hey guys, I was wondering if you guys would uh, [12:20.962] maybe chip in on some new air filters for the air purifier? [12:23.106] I mean after all, we all are using it. [12:27.275] Let's go quicker. [12:28.832] Yeah! [12:41.975] Oh my God! [12:43.412] Yeah, well look at this kitchen, slash bathroom. [12:47.705] Well that's great! Y'know so you can cook while in the tub. [12:51.234] Somebody was using his head. [12:54.466] Hey, let's check out the rest of the place. [13:05.955] I think this is it. I don't know, maybe we should keep looking. [13:11.799] But hey, Ross, this place is available now! [13:14.105] Yeah, you don't want to be stuck with us for the next five weeks. [13:16.644] Yeah. [13:23.333] So, you-you think I should go ahead and take this place? [13:25.854] Oh, it's perfect! [13:31.631] How about you? [13:33.458] It's a kitchen slash bathroom. [13:38.729] All right, I see what you guys are saying. [13:40.703] I'll uh, I'll go downstairs and fill out an application. [13:48.561] We are bad people. [13:51.368] He knew we were trying to get rid of him. He knew! [13:56.933] You think we could get a bathtub in our kitchen? [14:03.765] Hey, ready for dinner? [14:05.293] Ooh, absolutely! [14:06.700] Great! How about you wanted to go the Italian place down on Bleaker Street right? [14:09.631] Ooh, I love that place! [14:11.582] So, no. [14:14.462] How about Mama Lisettie's? [14:15.758] Enh. Sure! [14:19.282] I wonder how long that milk has been setting out. [14:21.889] Oh, no-no, this place is totally healthy! [14:24.711] That—this milk is mine. I bought this today, 'cause I was thirsty for milk, y'know. [14:29.808] (She takes a swig of it, but has to turn away from him as she makes a face to show that it has gone bad.) Okay, let's go! [14:36.253] (Just as they're about to leave, Gunther comes out of the back carrying two garbage bags. Larry sees this and stops him.) [14:39.017] Hey, buddy! (Flashes his badge.) [14:40.668] Are you familiar with Section 11-B of the Health Code that requires all refuse material out the back exit? [14:45.562] But then I'd have to go all the way around the dry cleaner place. [14:47.832] Oh, so you're saying you'd choose convenience over health?! [14:50.716] Okay, stop! Larry, okay, can't you just be Larry and not Larry the health inspector guy? [14:58.926] Y'know I mean it was really exciting at first but now it's like, okay, so where are we gonna eat ever? [15:06.240] Well, I suppose I could give him a warning. [15:09.062] Thank you. [15:11.429] Okay, go! Go! Go! [15:16.332] Now, if after dinner you still really need to bust someone, I know a hot dog vendor who picks his nose. [15:26.902] Maybe, maybe we did a good thing, helping Ross get back on his feet! [15:30.772] Yes that was a nice place! [15:31.990] Yeah! [15:32.616] Not a lot of closet space, but he can just hang his stuff out the window in a bag! [15:36.115] Yeah! [15:41.541] What are we gonna do? [15:42.964] I don't know. Maybe pizza? [15:47.527] About Ross! [15:48.235] Oh! Oh! [15:53.855] Hello! Oh yeah! [15:58.489] It's the apartment manager; Ross put us down as references. [16:01.774] Ross is the greatest guy you'll ever meet! Yeah, he's very reliable. [16:05.451] Of course he has this big huge dog! That uh, barks into the night. [16:11.405] Well, who doesn't love dogs? Ah, he's a tap dancer! [16:17.773] Yes, some would say that is a lost art. [16:21.215] He's a pimp! There you go! Yes, he's a pimp. [16:26.510] He's a big, tap dancing pimp! Hello? [16:35.423] (Joey motions, "What the hell was that?" Chandler makes a face to say, "Think about it." [16:42.070] Joey tries to divide 136 by 13; he's confused. Suddenly, light dawns on yonder dunder head. He gets it. [16:42.457] Ohhhhh! [16:45.429] (Joey motions, "Now, that's thinking!") [16:53.967] Shoot, shoot, this is never gonna work! He's right there! [16:56.629] Just go over and say hi. [16:57.825] No, I have to go downstairs and come back up as if I'm coming home from the regatta gala. [17:02.447] Okay? So just go distract him. But don't be sexy. [17:08.249] Hey, Danny! [17:08.835] Hey! What's going on? [17:10.759] Oh, it's a great party! Great food. [17:13.228] Y'know, most parties it's all chips and salsa, chips and salsa. [17:19.777] So umm, what's this? [17:25.770] Salad. [17:26.935] Ooooh!And-and-and what-what's this? [17:31.834] Bread. Aren't you a chef? [17:38.085] Hey! Rachel! [17:39.286] Hey! Oh right, tonight was your party. [17:43.267] Oh wow, you look great! Glad you could make it. [17:45.532] Oh well, y'know, the gala had to end sometime. [17:49.507] Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back. [17:51.397] Yeah, sure. All right, whose court is the ball in now? [17:58.087] I thought there wasn't a ball? [18:01.112] Oh, come on! He's glad that I came, he doesn't want me to go anywhere, balls flying all over the place! [18:09.268] Rachel, this is my friend Tom. [18:10.669] This is the girl I told you about. [18:13.096] Oh, go on! You telling people about me? [18:17.200] You two could really hit it off! I'm gonna go mingle. [18:23.163] So you work at Bloomingdale's, huh? My mom calls it Bloomies. [18:33.215] Yeah, okay, at ease solider! [18:37.984] I'm sorry? [18:38.594] No, it's all right, you can just drop the act Tommy. I know what's going on here. [18:42.190] Your Danny's wingman right? You guys are best buds. Frat bros! [18:48.968] I'm gonna go talk to uh, a friend. [18:51.833] Yeah, yeah, you go talk to your friend. You tell him, "Nice try." [19:00.535] Man! He just keeps lobbing them up and I just keep knocking them right out of the park! [19:08.114] I think I need a drink. [19:09.000] Yeah! [19:14.527] 98. 99. 100. Okay, go! [19:21.259] Dude, I'm telling ya! I'm fine! [19:27.218] Here we go! Here we go! [19:28.752] Hey! [19:30.307] Hey! [19:32.298] Hey. So I uh, I didn't get that apartment. [19:34.548] Some problem with my application. [19:36.486] You're kidding! [19:36.894] You're kidding, no! [19:38.257] Yeah. But, the good news is that Phoebe said that I could stay at her place for a while. So… [19:42.284] But you can't stay with Phoebe, Ross! We're-we're roomies! [19:45.845] Look, you guys don't need me here taking up your space. [19:48.563] Well, we got plenty of space! There-there's still some over there by-by that speaker. [19:54.584] Please, just stay! [19:55.592] Yeah! [19:57.145] Are you guys sure about this? [19:58.103] Definitely! [19:58.663] Yes! Ross, you have to stay! [20:02.882] All right. [20:03.256] All right! [20:03.989] All right, buddy! [20:06.772] So I'm a pimp huh? It's okay! [20:12.987] Look, I know that sometimes I can be a pain in the ass, but you just have to talk to me. [20:16.873] Tell me if something is bothering you. Okay? [20:19.273] And for my part I will do everything I can to keep my annoying habits just (Does the 'quiet down' maneuver). [20:26.488] (Chandler and Joey smile, but when Ross turns away look at each other with looks of horror.) [20:39.833] Well, I see you've had a very productive day. Don't you think the cowboy hat is a little much? [20:45.565] Ross:(popping up behind Joey wearing an Indian headdress) Come on, it's fun! [20:50.526] All right! (He joins them in the fort and comes up putting on a bonnet.) Isn't this a woman's hat? [21:00.821] Dude, stop talking crazy and make us some tea!