-ls Rachel here? -No,she's out shopping. 瑞秋在吗?我要找她 她出去逛街了 Watch that sunrise. 准备看日出 -Damn! -What's going on? 可恶 怎么了? I told Emily to come. 我叫艾蜜莉来 And I just need to,you know, talk to Rachel about it. 所以我得赶快跟瑞秋说 I'm getting tired of always sneaking around. 我不想再偷偷摸摸了 Me too. What if we went away for the weekend? No interruptions. 我知道,我也是 不然我们去外面渡周末 就没人打扰我们 Wait a minute. 等等 When Emily comes, you won't see Rachel anymore? 艾蜜莉来了之后 你真的就不见瑞秋了? We could be naked the entire time. All weekend? That's a whole lot of naked. 整个周末?那可是很长 I'm focusing on the "I get to see my wife" part... 我现在只能专心想着 “我可以见我老婆” I'll say I have a conference and you can have a chef thing. 我可以说我去开会 你就说去参加厨师研讨 ...and not on the part that makes me do this. 不去想我快胃溃疡的事 I wanted to go to this culinary fair in Jersey! 我一直想参加泽西的烹饪大会 So you'll never be in a room together? 你们再也不能共处一室? Okay. You know you're not,though. 不过你去的不是那里 How will that even work? 这怎么可能? I'm going to a culinary fair in Jersey this weekend. 你们知道我这周末要干嘛吗?去纽泽西参加烹饪大会 I have no idea. I mean.... 我也不知道 -Let's go. -Okay. Wait. 走吧 What about Joey? 等等,乔伊怎么办? But I assure you, I will figure it out. 但是我一定会想到办法 How weird! Chandler just said he's got a conference there. 钱德刚才说要去那里开会 It doesn't seem like it'll work. 看起来实在不可能… That's funny. Seems like Chandler's conference could've been... 真有意思 钱德应该可以 Monica? 摩妮卡? This is what nine looks like. 9点就是这么黑 The One with the Kips 本集播出:“谁进谁出” Hi,guys. 大家好 嗨 What time is it? 现在几点? 嘿 ...in Connecticut or Vermont. 去康州或维蒙开会 Nine. 9点 What's going on? 怎么了? rainystar压制iPod-MP4 That's because you always sleep till noon,silly. 那是因为你老睡到中午,傻瓜 We're flipping Monica's mattress. 我们正要帮摩妮卡翻床垫 I'm not in charge of where the conference is held. 我又不能决定在哪里开会 Do you want people to think it's fake? It's a real conference. 难道你希望大家认为我造假? 因为我可没说谎 So I'm thinking,basically, we pick it up and then we flip it. 我认为应该先抬起来再翻过来 I guess I'll get washed up then. 那我该梳洗一下 That's better than my way. 这方法比我的主意好 Hey guys,would you flip mine too? 你们顺便帮我翻 Oh,man. 受不了 Oh,look! A letter from my mom. 我妈寄信来 So,Rach? 瑞秋, You know how Emily's coming? 你知道艾蜜莉要来 Oh,yeah. I know. 我知道啊 Can you hear anything? 听得到吗? Yeah,somebody just said, "Can you hear anything?" 当然,刚刚有人说 “听得到吗?” Hey,Joey's ass. What are you doing? 你在做什么? Remember when they fought and broke up... 记得上次他们吵架分手时 ...and we were stuck here all night with no food? 我们卡在房里没东西可吃吗? When Ross said "Rachel" at the wedding, I figured it'd happen again. 罗斯在婚礼上说出瑞秋名字后 我猜旧戏可能会重演 So I hid this in here. 所以我在这里藏了这些东西 Candy bars,crossword puzzles.... 有糖果,猜谜… Mad Libs! Mine! 还有疯狂字谜,我要 -Okay,"Name of someone in room." -Chandler. 好,“说出房里某人的名字” 钱德 Come on,seriously. 拜托,正经一点 What do you got in here? Magazines,Doritos 还有什么?杂志、洋芋片 Condoms? 保险套? You don't know how long we'll be in here. 谁晓得会在这里待多久 We may have to repopulate the Earth. 搞不好我们还得负责 繁衍人类后代 And condoms are the way to do that? 戴保险套还想繁衍后代? Anyway,it all boils down to this. 有个关键问题 -The last time I talked to Emily -Oh,my God! Our dog died! 上次我跟艾蜜莉通电话 天啊,我的狗死了 -What? -Oh,my God! LaPooh,our dog! 什么? 天啊,拉普死了 LaPooh's still alive? 拉普还活着? Sorry. 对不起 It says he was hit by an ice cream truck and dragged for... 我妈说它被冰淇淋车撞到 ...nineteen blocks! 还被拖了...19条街 -Oh,my God. -Sweetie,we heard you crying. 我的天啊 我们听到你在哭 I know,it's LaPooh right now but it'll get better. 是拉普 过几天就没事了 I can't believe it! We're here! 不可思议,我们到了 Chocolates on the pillows! I love that! 枕头上还放巧克力 我最爱这套 You should live with Joey. Rolos everywhere. 那你应该跟乔伊住 到处都有巧克力糖 This is so great. No one's gonna bother us. 太好了,没人会来打扰我们 And we're gonna do it. 我们可以尽情缠绵 I'm gonna do it with Monica! 我要跟摩妮卡上床了 Chandler,stop yelling that you and I are gonna do it! 钱德,上床就上床,别穷嚷嚷 -I'll be right back. -Okay. 我马上回来 Oh,yes! 万岁 Get in here. There's a high-speed car chase on! 摩妮卡快来 电视正在转播警匪公路追逐战 We're switching rooms. 我们要换房间 Oh,dear God! They gave us glasses! 天啊,他们给了我们玻璃杯! The glasses have lipstick on them. 杯子上有口红印 Who knows what else they didn't change? 如果连杯子都没换 谁晓得还有哪些东西没换 You wanna switch rooms because they didn't switch the glasses? 饭店没换杯子你就要换房间? I didn't wanna say anything, but the carpet smells too. 我本来不想说 地毯也有点臭 I want this weekend to be perfect. We can change rooms,can't we? 亲爱的,我只是希望 过个完美的周末 换个房间嘛 Okay,but let's do it now. Chopper Five just lost its feed! 好吧,要换快换 5号直升机刚跟丢了 Forget it. 算了 You know how there was something I wanted to talk to you about? 记得我上次有事告诉你吗? Oh,yeah. 对 I'm trying to work things out with Emily. 你知道我很希望跟艾蜜莉合好 Well,there's this... 不过… ...one thing. 有件事... Here goes. 我要说了 I made a promise that 我答应她… -What? -Your nose is bleeding. 什么? 你流鼻血 -Oh,God! -You're bleeding. 天啊 Oh,not again. This happened when my grandfather died. 别又来了 我祖父过世时也一样 Sorry. 实在是…抱歉 Gross. Okay. So I'm sorry. What did you want to tell me? 好了,对不起 你刚要说什么? Sorry. Sorry. 抱歉 I can't see you anymore. 我不能再见你了 I know,it's ridiculous. I can't see you,either. All right. 我知道,真离谱 我也看不到你 好吧 I'm just gonna go shove a bunch of tissues in my nose. 我得塞一坨卫生纸到鼻子里 Hey,do you wanna tell me while I do that? 我边塞你边说好了 I'm good. 算了 -I think you'll like this room more. -Okay,great. 你们可能会喜欢这间房 太好了 They say he's only got half a tank left. 听说他只剩下一半的汽油 Half a tank? Still lots of high-speed chasing to do! 一半?那还可以跑很久哩 -I'll bet he's heading for Canada. -They always do. 他一定是想去加拿大 每次都用同一招 -We're switching rooms again. -What? Why? 我们必须换房间 什么?为什么? This has a garden view. We paid for an ocean view. 这间房是花园景观 我们订的是观海房 Our last ocean-view room was unacceptable to you. 只剩一间观海房 可是你们不喜欢 -The carpet smelled. -Like ocean? 那间房的地毯有味道 大海的味道? No,like feet. 是脚臭味 Excuse me. Can I talk to you over here for just a second? 失陪,我可以跟你谈一下吗? 钱德 来了 These clowns want to take us for a ride. I won't let them. 这些小人想佔我们便宜 我才没那么蠢 We're not a couple of suckers. 我们可不是呆头鹅 I hear you,Mugsy. 说得好,大姐头 All these rooms are fine. 这些房间都还好啊 Just pick one so I can watch the 请你赶快选定,让我看… Have a perfect,magical weekend together with you? 让我跟你一起好好渡假 Oh,man,he almost hit a gas truck. 天啊,他差点撞上油罐车 Do you ever watch Baywatch? 你看不看“海滩游侠”? -This one I like. -Nothing. Nothing. It's over. Damn it! 我喜欢这间 没了,结束了 This is regularly scheduled programming! 竟然没有延长时间 -I wanted to see them talk to his neighbors. -Well,I'm standing right here... 我想看他们访问邻居 我就在这 -...you could talk to me. -You didn't know him. 你可以跟我聊天 你又不认识歹徒 Can we turn the TV off? 可以关掉电视吗? Do we really want to spend the weekend like this? 难道整个周末都要看电视? Am I getting in the way of the room-switching fun? 抱歉,我是不是 妨碍你换房间了? Don't blame me for tonight. 你火大可别怪到我身上 Who should I blame? The nice bellman? 否则该怪谁?那个倒霉的服务生? Or the idiot who thought he could drive... 或许该怪那个以为用半箱汽油 ...from Albany to Canada on half a tank of gas? 可以从纽约跑到加拿大的家伙 Do not speak ill of the dead. 不要说死者的坏话 We're supposed to be spending a romantic weekend together. 我们出来是为了过浪漫周末 What's the matter? 你到底哪里有毛病? I just want to watch a little television. 我只是想看点电视 有何不对? Jeez,relax,Mom. 放轻松嘛,老妈 What did you say? 你说什么? I said,"Jeez,relax,Mon." 我说,“放轻松,小摩” You know what,Chandler? You like fast getaways? Watch this. 你喜欢看高速逃忘? 现在就看好了 I don't like fast getaways, I like car chases. 我不喜欢看高速逃忘 我要看的是飞车逃忘 -Hey,what's up? -Hey. 嗨 I've been wanting to tell you something and I just have to get it out. 瑞秋,我一直有话要告诉你 我非说不可 Okay. What's up? 什么事? Okay,before I tell you I just have to know... 在我说话之前,你确定 ...is your nose okay? 不会再流鼻血? Are all the other family pets in good health? 你家其他的宠物都很健康? ...but,you know,he's a tough little turtle. 不过它是支坚强的小乌龟 You know how you said to do whatever it takes to fix my marriage? 你上次说我应该 不惜代价挽救婚姻? Yeah,I told you to give Emily whatever she wants. 对,我叫你 答应艾蜜莉所有要求 And while that was good advice, you should know that what she wants... 你建议不错 不过我必须告诉你她开的条件 ...is for me not to see you anymore. 就是叫我永远不能再见你 That's crazy! You can't do that. What are you going to tell her? 太扯了,你才做不到 你要怎么告诉她? Oh,my God! 天啊 You've already agreed to this. 你已经答应了 对不对? It's awful,I know. 我知道自己很恶劣 But I have to do this if I want my marriage to work. 我心情也很糟糕 但是这是挽救婚姻的唯一方法 And I do. I have to make this marriage work. I have to. 我很希望跟她合好 必须挽救这段婚姻 But the good thing is,we can still see each other until she gets here. 好在我们在她抵达之前 还可以继续见面 Lucky me! Oh,my God! That is good news,Ross! 我真幸运 天啊,这真是好消息 That's the best news I've heard since LaPooh died! 自从拉普过世之后 最大的好消息 You have no idea what a nightmare this has been. This is so hard. 你不知道我有多难过 我也很痛苦 Oh,yeah,really? Is it,Ross? 是吗?真的吗,罗斯? -Let me make this easier for you. -What are you doing? 我可以为你减轻压力 你做什么? -Storming out. -It's your apartment. 愤而出走 瑞秋,这是你家 Yeah? Well,that's how mad I am! 你看我有多火大 You're back! How was your conference? 你回来了 嘿 这次出差如何? It was terrible. I fought with my colleagues the entire time. 糟透了 我跟…同事吵架 到回来前都没合好 Are you kidding with this? 你开玩笑? No,I got to see Donald Trump waiting for an elevator. 也不会,我看到 唐纳川普等电梯 You know,at the Taj Mahal he has his own private glass elevator. 他在泰姬陵有私人玻璃电梯 And they don't usually do glass. 那家公司很少做玻璃电梯 What kinds of stuff do you know? 你脑袋里都装什么啊? You're back too. 嗨 你也回来了 Could I talk to you for a second? 对,钱德,可以出来一下吗? -How was your chef thing? -lt was awful. 烹饪大会好玩吗? 糟透了 Some people don't appreciate good food. 有些人根本不会欣赏美食 Maybe the food tasted good at first... 你的食物可能看起来很美味 ...but then made everybody vomit and have diarrhea. 吃下去却害人上吐下泻 钱德 摩妮卡 How much was the room? I'll pay my half. 旅馆费用多少? 我要付我那一半 Fine. $300. 很好,300元 $300? 300元? Just think of it as $25 per room. 就想成每间25元 What are you guys woofing about? 你们鬼叫什么? Chandler stole a 20 from my purse! 钱德从我皮包偷了20元纸钞 不会吧? I was only stealing it back, the one that she stole from me. 因为摩妮卡先偷我的钱 我只是拿回来 Stealing and now lying. 这人不但是小偷还说谎 You know what? Now that I think about it... 现在回头想想, ...always have lots. 你皮夹里倒是很多 You should've seen the look on her face. 你们应该看看她当时的表情 I don't want Rachel to hate me. I don't know what to do. 我不希望瑞秋恨我 真不知道该怎么办 -You want my advice? -Yes. Please. 你要听我的建议吗?请说 -You won't like it. -That's okay. 你听了一定不高兴 没关系 You got married too fast. 你决定结婚太匆促了 -That's not advice. -I told you. 这算哪们子忠告? 看吧 I'm going to the bathroom. 我去洗手间 If anyone asked me to give up any of you,I couldn't do it. 要有人叫我别见你们其中一个 我绝对办不到 Me neither. 我也不行 Maybe I could do it. 或许我可以 嗨 嗨,瑞秋 But I've been obsessing about it and would love not to talk about it. 我已经烦了一整天 请你们别再提起了 I don't know if this falls under that category... 我不知道这算不算提起 -That's not Ross. -Not that guy. 那才不是罗斯 He does look like him,though. 不是那个,虽然很像 Ross is in the bathroom. 罗斯去洗手间了 Oh,my God! It's happening. It's already started. I'm Kip. 天啊,开始了,现在就这样, 我就像阿吉 Yeah,you're not Kip. 你才不是阿吉 Do you even know who Kip is? 你知道阿吉是谁吗? Who cares? You're Rachel. 谁管他?你是瑞秋 Who's Kip? 阿吉是谁? My old roommate. We all hung out together. 我以前的室友 以前也跟大家很好 Oh,that poor bastard. 那个可怜人 You told me the story. He and Monica dated. 看吧?你们跟我说过那件事 他以前跟摩妮卡约会 When they broke up,you all promised you'd stay his friend. 分手后却无法共处一室 你们都答应继续跟他当朋友 And what happened? He got phased out. 结果呢?他从此遭到排挤 -You won't be phased out. -Of course I am. 我们才不会排挤你 一定会 It won't happen to Ross. He's your brother,your college roommate. 罗斯一定可以留下来 因为他是你哥哥 又是你大学室友 Kip didn't even have to be Kip. We handled that all wrong. 阿吉也不该受到这样的待遇 我们以前处理得很糟糕 It was a long time ago. 况且那是很久以前的事情 And it was before you and me were around. They didn't know what they were doing. 对啊,瑞秋 当时我跟你还没出现 他们根本不知道自己在做什么 Chandler had a mustache, for crying out loud. 钱德还留着小胡子哩 It was just a matter of time. 迟早有人会离开这个小圈圈 I just assumed Phoebe would be the one to go. 我以前还以为走的是菲比 You live far away, you're not related. 拜托,你住得远 又不是谁的亲戚 You lift right out. 很快就会被淡忘 Hey,Mr. Bing. 宾先生 That hotel you stayed at called. 你住的饭店打电话来 Someone left an eyelash curler in your room. 说在你房间捡到睫毛夹 Yes,that was mine. 是我的 I figured you met a girl and she left it. 我以为你钓上哪个马子 她忘了带走 That would have made more sense. 这种说法的确比较合理 I don't even feel like I know you anymore. 我都快要不认识你了 All right,I'm just going to ask you this one time. 我只问你一次就好 Whatever you say, I'll believe you. 无论你怎么说,我都相信你 Were you or were you not... 你是不是去... ...on a gay cruise? 参加同性恋大会? 菲比 I'm sorry about the whole "lifting out" thing. 我不该说大家会淡忘你 You gotta come with me. 你得跟着我 -Where? -Wherever I go. 去哪里? 跟着我就对了 You and me,we'll start a new group. We're the best ones. 我们可以重组一个团体 毕竟我跟你才是精华 Okay,but try to get Joey too. 好吧,不过记得拉乔伊入伙 Phoebe,do you mind if l speak to Rachel alone? 菲比,我可以跟瑞秋 私下谈谈吗? Sure. 当然 Bye,Ross. 再见,罗斯 Forever. 永远不见了 嗨 Why are you here? Isn't this against the rules? 你来做什么?这不是违反规定? I talked to Monica. 我跟摩妮卡谈过 I'm the one who's making things change. 我害大家必须要改变 So I should be the one to, you know,step back. 所以离开的应该是我 No,no,it's okay. Really. 罗斯… 真的没关系 Plenty of people just see their sisters at Thanksgiving... 很多人只有在感恩节见到妹妹 ...their college roommates at reunions... 同学会才见到大学室友 ...and Joey at Burger King. 在“汉堡王”才见到乔伊 Is that better? 这样你舒服一点了吗? No,it's not better. 一点也没有 I still don't get to see you. 我还是见不到你 What would you do? If you were me,what would you do? 瑞秋,换做你会怎么办? First,I'd have said the right name at my wedding. 首先,我在婚礼上 就不会说错名字 I can't believe this. 竟然得走到这一步 I know. 我知道 I am so sorry. 我很抱歉 I know that too. 我也知道 Hey,Rach? 瑞秋 Sorry to interrupt,but Phoebe said you want to talk to me about a trip? 抱歉打扰 菲比说我们要去哪里 嘿 I just came over to drop off... 嗨 我来拿… ...nothing. 没事 So that weekend kind of sucked. 上周末过得很糟 Yeah,it did. 没错 So I guess this is over? 那大概没得玩了 You know,you and me. I mean,it had to end sometime. 什么? 我说你跟我啦 反正迟早得结束 Why exactly? 为什么? Because of the weekend. We had a fight. 因为我们上周末吵架啊 Chandler,that's crazy. 钱德,你太扯了 If you always gave up after a fight... 如果你每次吵架就分手 ...you'd never be with anyone longer than 交往大概不会超过… 难怪 This isn't over? 所以我们还可以继续? You are so cute! 你真可爱 No,no. It was a fight. 当然,我们只是吵架 You deal with it and you move on. It's nothing to freak out about. 吵过之后就算了 根本没什么好害怕 Really? Okay,great! 真的?太好了 We're in a relationship? 我们算是男女朋友? I'm afraid so. 恐怕是 好吧 嘿 I heard you saw Donald Trump at your convention. 摩妮卡,听说你上周 看到唐纳川普 Saw him waiting for an elevator. 对,我看到他在等电梯 Can I use your eyelash curler? I lost mine. 瑞秋,借我睫毛夹 我的不见了 It's in the bathroom. 好啊,在厕所 Can I talk to you for a second? 乔伊,过来一下 Yes. 没错… Yes. You? 你? And you? 跟你? But you cannot tell anyone. No one knows. 对,但是你不能告诉别人 还没人知道 But how? When? 怎么会?何时? -lt happened in London. -ln London! 要从伦敦说起 伦敦? We didn't want to make a big deal out of it. 我们之所以没告诉大家 是不想你们大惊小怪 But it is a big deal! I have to tell someone! 这的确是大事 我非告诉谁不可 You can't. 不行…你不能说 -Please. Now,I know this is hard. -lt is. It hurts. 我知道这很痛苦 没错,痛苦死了 We just don't want to deal with telling everyone. 拜托你,我们就是 不想面对大家质问 Please just promise you won't tell. 求求你保证不说 All right. 好吧 Man,this is unbelievable! 不可思议 I mean,it's great! 这是件好事 But.... 可是… I know. It's great! 我知道,的确很棒 I don't want to see that! 我可不想看到这一幕 We're so stupid. 我们真是太蠢了 "The most popular Phoebe in tennis is called the overhand Phoebe. 网球界最有名的菲比 就叫做杀球菲比 If you win,slap your opponent on the Phoebe and say,'Hi,Phoebe!'" 赢了就得跟对方击掌 说“嗨,菲比” That's cute. We really all enjoyed it. 真有意思,很好玩 -But it doesn't count. -For what? 但是这不算 不算什么? Just count in our heads as good Mad Libs. 这可不算疯狂字谜 -I gotta go. -Fun's over. 我不想玩了 不好玩了 Wait,if we follow the rules... 等等,要遵守规则 ...it's still fun and it means something. 才有意思 也才有意义啊 I'm going to take off. 我要闪人了 Guys,rules are good! 有规则才好 Rules help control the fun. 不守规则怎么会好玩