[03:10.-1]No,no! Vomit tux! 别过来,那是呕吐西装 [05:15.-1]I'll find a selfless good deed. I'm going to beat you,you evil genius! 我一定会找到一件无私的善事 打败你这个邪恶博士 [07:58.-2]But it'd be great. They have great theater... 但是那边很棒 有一流的戏院、 [08:53.-3]...and you're the gay ones. 你们就是里面的同性恋角色 [09:12.-1]But I'm not really expecting a lot of calls. 不过应该没有人会打来找我 [10:07.-2]Can I ask you a cooking question? 摩妮卡 可以问你有关烹饪的问题吗? [10:20.-1]Is he? 有吗? [11:28.-1]Emily,that is so great! 艾蜜莉,太棒了 [13:07.-4]Rachel is one of your best friends. 你不能就此不见瑞秋 她是你的好朋友 [13:12.-4]But Emily's his wife! 但是艾蜜莉可是他老婆 [14:50.-1]Why? 为什么? [16:15.-2]Welcome back to our fall telethon. 欢迎收看电视募捐 [17:39.-4]...should I never see Rachel again? 我是不是不该再见瑞秋? [18:10.-1]"Don't Count On lt." 别太笃定 [18:51.-3]What? I heard it was good. 怎么了?听说那部片不错啊 [19:09.-1]I'm still mad at them, but they bring happiness... 我还是很生气 [19:17.-1]By supporting them,I'm doing a good thing,but I'm not happy about it. 为了支持这节目 我决定做件好事 不过我自己可不开心 [19:25.-3]You don't feel good about donating the money? 难道你捐钱没有一点开心? [20:34.-3]Which wouldn't take long. 你一定很快就问完了 [20:37.-3]But when I'm with you, and we're together... 但是我跟你…我们在一起… [23:01.-2]罗斯 [00:08.80]Come in. 进来 [00:10.64]I've been waiting for you. 我等很久了 [00:16.38]Hi,I just 我只是… [00:18.68]Oh,my God! Monica! 天啊,摩妮卡 [00:20.72]Oh,my God! [00:22.38]I'm sorry! I was 抱歉抱歉 [00:24.52]I was taking a nap. 我正在睡午觉 [00:26.19]Since when do you take naps in that position? 你从何时开始 用那种怪姿势睡觉? [00:31.49]Tell me you were waiting for a guy. Please tell me. 摩妮卡,你是在等男人吧? 拜托你说是在等男人 [00:35.03]Yes,I was. A guy. 没错,我在等男人 [00:37.87]From work. 公司同事 [00:40.04]I'm seeing a guy from work! 我最近跟同事约会 [00:44.67]That cute waiter guy that looks like a nonthreatening Ray Liotta? 那个长得像雷李欧塔亲切版的 帅哥服务生? [00:50.31]That one! 就是他 [00:52.05]Give me a second. I'm just going to grab a jacket. 我马上就闪人 我只是回来拿件外套 [00:55.88]When I get back, I want every little detail. 等我回来可要告诉我详情 [01:02.86]Maybe that's him. 他可能来了 [01:04.56]或许… [01:08.66]It's just Joey and Ross. 只是乔伊跟罗斯 [01:11.17]Why aren't you at the movie? 你们不是去看电影吗? [01:12.83]Ross was so loud,they threw us out. 对啊,可是罗斯讲电话太吵 才被电影院轰出来 [01:16.40]I had to talk loud because the movie was loud! 电影太吵,我当然得大声讲 [01:22.01]He's talking to London. 他打电话去伦敦 [01:23.58]Did he get in touch with Emily? 为什么?他找到艾蜜莉了? [01:25.91]No,not yet. He's hoping that someone will help him get in touch with her. 还没,但是他打给女方亲戚 希望有人愿意帮他 [01:31.05]I don't care if I said some other girl's name,you prissy old twit! 就算我说错名字又如何 你这大惊小怪的笨蛋 [01:37.73]Way to suck up to the family! 罗斯,你巴结姻亲真有一套 [01:47.30]I'm so glad you're all here. My office finally got wrinkle-free fax paper! 真高兴大家都在 我们公司终于买免皱传真纸了 [01:55.28]The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS 本集播出:“好人好事” [00:00.00] [02:42.72]Hi,is this Nanny Hopkins? I'm looking for Emily. 请问是霍普金奶妈吗? 我找艾蜜莉 [02:48.03]Waltham. 沃森 [02:49.76]Oh,I'm sorry. Is this 0-1-1-4-4-7-4-2... 抱歉,这是011447 4293474267吗? [02:55.60]...9-3-4-7-4-2-6-7? [03:02.01]Oh,it's "4-3," not 4-2. 是43不是42啊 [03:04.61]Well,which 4-2? 哪个42? [03:13.00]Don't worry, I had it dry-cleaned. 放心,我送去干洗过了 [03:15.19]Vomit tux? 呕吐西装? [03:16.83]Who vomited on? 谁会吐在西装上? [03:19.00]You know what? What you up to,Joe? 乔伊,你为何穿成这样? [03:22.20]They're doing this telethon thing on TV. 我要上马拉式电视节目 [03:25.10]And my agent got me a job as cohost! 我的经纪帮我争取当主持人 [03:27.80]That's great! 太棒了 [03:29.54]A little good deed for PBS, plus some TV exposure. 帮公视做好事 又能增加曝光率 [03:33.71]That's the kind of math Joey likes to do. 我乔伊最爱做这种事了 [03:38.01]Oh,PBS! 公视啊 [03:40.38]-What's wrong with PBS? -What's right with them? 公视哪里不对了? [03:41.45]他们哪里对? [03:44.72]Why don't you like PBS? 菲比,你为何不喜欢公视? [03:46.65]Right after my Mom killed herself, I was in a bad place,personally. 因为我妈自杀之后 我个人非常难过 [03:52.33]I thought I'd write to Sesame Street. 所以我想写信给芝麻街 心情应该会好一点 [03:57.17]Because they were nice when I was a little kid. 因为我小时候 总觉得他们很亲切 [04:00.37]No one ever wrote back. 结果根本没人回信 [04:02.24]A lot of those muppets don't have thumbs. 那些布偶根本没有手指 [04:07.18]All I got was a lousy key chain,and by that time,I was living in a box. 我只收到一个恶烂钥匙环 拜托,我那时住在纸箱里耶 [04:11.51]I didn't have keys! 连钥匙都没有 [04:14.38]I'm sorry,Phoebe. 我很遗憾,菲比 [04:15.85]I wanted to do a good deed, like you did with the babies. 我只是想做好事 就像你帮忙生小孩 [04:19.49]This isn't a good deed. You just want to get on TV. This is selfish. 你才不是做善事 只是想上电视,根本就很自私 [04:23.89]What about you having those babies for your brother? 哇… 你帮弟弟生小孩又怎么说? [04:28.10]That's selfish! 自私的不是只有我 [04:31.60]What are you talking about? 你胡说什么? [04:33.60]It was a nice thing, but it made you feel good,right? 你的确是帮忙他们 不过自己心情也很好吧? [04:37.07]Yeah,so? 那又如何? [04:38.51]It made you feel good so that makes it selfish. 因为你做善事心情好 也算是自私的一种 [04:41.41]Look,there's no unselfish good deeds. Sorry. 世界上根本就没有无私的好事 [04:45.05]Yes,there are totally good deeds that are selfless! 明明就有 有很多行善的人都没有私心 [04:49.02]May I ask for one example? 请你举出一个例子 [04:51.05]Yeah,it's You know,there's 就是有,例如… [04:54.12]No,you may not! 我不想说 [04:57.63]Because all people are selfish. 因为所有人都很自私 [05:00.03]Are you calling me selfish? 你说我自私? [05:02.20]Are you calling you people? 你难道不是人? [05:06.94]Sorry to burst that bubble,Phoebe, 菲比,很抱歉戳破你的美梦 [05:08.57]but selfless good deeds don't exist. 世界上没有无私的善事 [05:12.27]You know the deal on Santa Claus? 你也知道圣诞老人吧? [05:23.02]喂 [05:24.15]罗斯吗? [05:26.82]Oh,my God! It's Emily! 艾蜜莉,天啊,是艾蜜莉 [05:29.29]It's Emily,everyone! 大家不要吵! [05:34.80]I'm only ringing to say stop harassing my relatives. Goodbye. 我打来只是要告诉你 别再骚扰我家人了,再见 [05:38.67]You can hang up,but I'll keep calling everyone in England... 等一下,就算你挂断 我也会继续打 [05:42.77]...if that's what it takes to get you to talk to me. 如果要打给所有英国人 才能逼你跟我说话 我也办得到 [05:47.18]Really? About what? 真的?你想谈什么? [05:48.61]Look,you're my wife. We're married. 你是我太太,我们已经结婚 [05:51.68]You know,I love you. 而且我爱你 [05:53.45]I really miss you. 我很想你 [05:57.25]I miss you too. 我也很想你 [05:59.35]At least,I think I do. 至少我认为如此 [06:01.52]She's talking. 她肯跟我说话了 [06:02.86]万岁 [06:08.63]When you said "the deal with Santa," you meant...? 乔伊,你刚刚 为何提到圣诞老人? [06:11.70]That he doesn't exist. 根本没有这号人物 [06:13.43]Right. 这样啊 [06:19.54]Chandler,have you heard about Monica's secret boyfriend? 钱德,你听说 摩妮卡的地下情人了吗? [06:24.55]Yeah,she might have mentioned him. 知道,她…她是提过 [06:27.85]So,Mon,when are we going to meet this new,secret waiter man? 我们到底何时 才能认识这个服务生? [06:32.62]I don't think he's up to meeting everyone yet. 他很害羞,现在还没准备 认识大家 [06:35.69]Yeah,I don't think he's up to it. 我想他还没准备好 [06:38.66]I want to meet this guy who's the best sex she ever had. 我不管,我想见他 她说对方床上一级棒 [06:43.87]Really? 真的? [06:47.17]That's what you heard? You said that? 她说过?你说过? [06:50.00]I might have. 大概吧 [06:54.48]Why is that funny? 这有什么好笑? [06:56.81]Because I'm very happy for him. 因为我很为他高兴 [06:59.71]And you! You lucky dog! 你真是走狗运! [07:06.39]She's willing to work on the relationship. 艾蜜莉愿意跟我复合 [07:09.26]That's great! 太好了 [07:10.53]In London. 她要我去伦敦 [07:12.23]She wants me to move to London. 她要我搬到伦敦去 [07:14.83]But you live here. 可是你住在这里 [07:19.27]You know that. 我这是废话 [07:22.57]-What will you do? -I don't know. 你打算怎么办?不知道 [07:24.71]-I mean,I can't leave Ben. -You can just video-conference with him. 我不能丢下班 你可以跟他用视讯会议 [07:30.38]I'm not ready to have a child. 我还不够格当爸爸 [07:34.22]I bet if I talked to Carol and Susan... 只要跟卡萝、苏珊谈谈 [07:37.05]...I could convince them to move to London with Ben. 一定能说服她们带班搬到伦敦 [07:41.06]I'm sure your ex-wife would be more than happy to move... 想必你前妻一定乐意搬到国外 [07:44.03]...so you can patch things up with your new wife. 帮你挽回新太太 [07:49.20]It could happen. 不是不可能啊 [07:53.37]Ross,we are not moving to London. We already have lives here. 罗斯,我们才不搬到伦敦 我们的生活重心都在这里 [08:01.38]...great accents. 口音、 [08:05.28]Tea. 茶 [08:07.92]They have a queen. 英国还有女王 [08:11.05]-So? -She's a woman. 所以呢?她是女人 [08:16.69]-Daddy! -Hey! 爸爸 [08:19.19]Guess what? We're moving to London! 告诉你,我们要搬到伦敦了 [08:23.60]-Who's going to London? -Nobody's going to London. 谁要搬去伦敦?不是我们 [08:26.53]Welcome to London,governor. 欢迎莅临伦敦,总督 [08:29.77]Right,right. It'll be great because we'll have Big Ben and little Ben... 太棒了,到时就有大笨钟 跟我们小班 [08:33.54]...in the same city. 都在伦敦了 [08:36.61]Go pack! 赶快去整理行李 [08:39.01]See? See,he wants to go. 你们看,他想去 [08:41.82]Yeah,we leave all our big decisions to the 3-year-old. 是啊,我们都让三岁小鬼 决定家里大事 [08:46.29]Come on,come on. It'll be just like Three's Company... 这就像“三人行”嘛 [08:49.69]...only there's a kid and my wife... 只是另外两个 换成一个小孩跟我老婆 [09:01.17]How you doing? Welcome. Good to see you. 你好,欢迎,幸会 [09:05.01]This'll be your phone. 这就是你的电话 [09:10.48]That's great. 真好 [09:15.55]No,you answer it and take pledges. 你负责接电话接受捐款 [09:18.15]But I'm the host. 我是主持人 [09:19.49]Gary Collins is the host. You'll be answering the phone. 盖瑞卡林才是主持人 你负责接电话 [09:24.43]You don't seem to understand. I was Dr. Drake Ramoray. 你恐怕搞不清楚状况 我是雷医生 [09:28.73]Well,here's your phone,doctor. 你负责这支电话,医生 [09:33.90]I can't believe I can't find a selfless good deed. 我竟然找不到一件无私的善行 [09:37.00]You know that old guy that lives next to me? 以前我家隔壁有个老头 [09:39.57]I snuck over there and raked up the leaves on his front stoop. 我偷溜到他家 帮他打扫前廊的落叶 [09:43.18]But he caught me,and he force-fed me cider and cookies. 他捉到我之后 强迫我喝西打、吃饼干 [09:49.12]Then I felt wonderful. That old jackass! 可是我却很开心,那个呆子 [09:53.12]Maybe Joey's right. Maybe all good deeds are selfish. 或许乔伊说得对 所有好事的出发点都有私心 [09:56.79]I will find a selfless good deed. I gave birth to three children... 我一定要找到一件无私的善行 毕竟我才刚生出三个宝宝 [10:00.53]...and I won't let them be raised in a world where Joey's right! 不能让他们在 乔伊有理的世界里长大 [10:09.70]If you're cooking on the stove... 当然 如果你用炉子烹饪 [10:11.87]...that means your new boyfriend is better in bed than Richard? 是否代表你新男友在床上 比理查还厉害? [10:16.84]钱德 [10:23.22]I think I'll respect the privacy of my new,secret boyfriend. 我要尊重秘密新男友的隐私 [10:27.79]Why? 为什么? [10:31.49]If this guy was me... 如果我是他 [10:33.09]and it's me who'd learned that it was me who was the best you'd ever had... 又知道 自己是你碰过最棒的情人 [10:37.60]...I'd be like this: 我一定乐歪了 [10:49.18]All right,Emily. 艾蜜莉, [10:50.61]As much as I love you... 虽然我很爱你 [10:52.58]...I'm sorry,I can't move to London without Ben. 但是我不能丢下班去伦敦 [10:56.48]I understand that would be difficult. 我知道这很为难你 [10:59.19]Would you consider moving here? You were moving here anyway. 请你考虑搬过来好吗? [11:03.16]Why can't you just do that? 你本来就打算搬来 为何不现在就来呢? [11:05.66]I don't know. It's just 我不知道,只是… [11:07.86]But I know that even though I've been a complete idiot up till now... 我知道自己到目前为止 都蠢头蠢脑 [11:14.94]...you have to come here. 但是你还是应该过来 [11:17.10]You have to,so we can work this out together. 我们才能继续走下去 [11:21.04]All right. 好吧 [11:23.38]Did you just say "all right"? 你刚说好? [11:25.21]I did. Now I'm the idiot. 没错,现在换我是白痴 [11:30.32]It'll be great! 太棒了 [11:31.69]We're going to be like two idiots in love! 我们就像坠入爱河的白痴 [11:39.36]There's one thing that really scares me still. 罗斯,有件是还是让我很担心 [11:42.50]-Yes,tell me. -You must understand... 你尽管说 [11:45.03]...how humiliating it was for me at the altar... 你要知道当天婚礼 [11:48.14]...in front of my family and friends. 我在亲朋好友面前有多丢脸 [11:50.64]I know. I am so sorry. 我知道,我非常抱歉 [11:53.67]And then,after deciding to forgive you... 当我决定原谅你 [11:57.75]...seeing you at the airport, catching our plane with her. 却看到你跟她赶着上飞机 [12:01.68]Again,very sorry. 这也是我的错 [12:06.15]I mean,I can't be in the same room as her. 我根本无法与她共处一室 [12:09.36]It drives me mad thinking of you being in the same room as her. 我光想到你跟她共处一室 就快气坏了 [12:13.89]Emily,there is nothing between Rachel and me. 艾蜜莉,我跟瑞秋根本没什么 [12:19.20]I love you. 我爱的是你 [12:22.34]All right. 好吧 [12:24.34]I'll come to New York, and we'll try to make this work. 我去纽约,我们再试试看 [12:28.44]That's so great! 太好了 [12:29.74]As long as you don't see Rachel anymore. 只要你答应不再见瑞秋 [12:41.19]I asked Emily if she would come to New York. 我就问艾蜜莉愿不愿意来纽约 [12:44.79]And she said yes. 她答应了 [12:46.73]Great! 太好了 赞 [12:47.56]不不不 [12:50.10]Only if I promise never to see Rachel again. 条件是我不准再见瑞秋 [12:53.47]What? You can't 为什么? 什么?不成啦 [12:55.14]What did you say? 你怎么说? [12:56.44]I'd think about it. How am l supposed to make this decision? 我说在考虑 我到底该怎么决定? [13:03.04]I'm actually asking you! 我这是在问你们 [13:13.82]That's true! 对 也是 [13:17.16]You can't just cut Rachel out of your life! 你跟瑞秋从中学就认识 不能说不见就不见 [13:20.33]That's true! 你说得也对 的确不行 [13:23.63]Thanks for the help. Problem solved! 谢谢你们的帮忙 问题一点也没解决 [13:31.54]喂 摩妮卡 [13:34.28]When will you be on TV? 乔伊,我们看了一整天电视 你到底何时才会出现? [13:36.94]There was kind of a mix-up in my agent's office... 我经纪人搞错了 [13:40.15]...but I'm still on TV, and that's good exposure. 反正我上了电视就有曝光率 [13:43.68]You're not on TV. 你没上电视啊 [13:49.00]How about now? 好吧,现在呢? [13:53.19]There he is! 有了,看到他了 [13:54.93]Hello,New York! 嗨,纽约 [13:58.70]Maybe just put the whole duck in there. Who cares? 问题是这里有整支鸭 不过管他的 [14:02.30]Now I got the legs. 我先处理鸭腿 [14:07.88]How many times have I told you to never watch the cooking channel? 我说过多少次 不准看烹饪频道 [14:15.38]I need that broiling pan that Joey borrowed. 我来要回乔伊上次借的烤盘 [14:18.69]That was yours? 那是你的? [14:20.52]We used it when the duck was throwing up caterpillars. 我们上次用来 盛小鸭吐出来的虫子 [14:25.36]Williams-Sonoma, fall catalog,page 27. “威廉索诺玛”秋季刊27页 [14:28.30]Expect it in 4 to 6 weeks. 4到6周后送货到家 [14:33.20]Joey's at the telethon for the rest of the day. 乔伊今天一整天都不在 [14:36.40]We have the place to ourselves. 整个家里就只有我们两个 [14:38.51]Yeah,so? 那又如何? [14:40.17]Maybe you'd want to book some time with "the best you've ever had." 或许你想跟最佳情人 预约时间约会 [14:46.31]You know what,champ? [14:48.42]I think I'll pass. 我自愿放弃 [14:51.25]为什么? [15:05.77]What's your point? 什么意思? [15:09.00]With all the stupid gloating, would you want to sleep with you? 瞧你一副得意洋洋的蠢相 换作是你,还会有性趣吗? [15:11.81]Well,I think I'd be a little out of my league, but I'd give it a shot. 或许有点困难,不过我会努力 [15:19.65]PBS Telethon. 公视电视募捐 [15:22.68]I just wanted to let you know that I found a selfless good deed. 乔伊,告诉你 我找到无私的善行了 [15:27.25]I went down to the park and I let a bee sting me. 我刚去公园让蜜蜂叮我 [15:31.19]What good is that going to do? 什么?这对谁有好处? [15:33.59]It helps the bee look tough in front of his bee friends. 这支蜜蜂在同伴面前 脸上有光 [15:37.93]The bee is happy, and I am definitely not. 蜜蜂很开心,我却很痛 [15:41.00]You know,the bee probably died after he stung you. 蜜蜂叮了你就死了 [15:49.58]Damn it! 可恶 [15:52.85]Back on in 30 seconds,people! 各位,30秒后开始录影 [16:02.26]Excuse me, would you mind switching with me? 抱歉,可以跟你换位子吗? [16:05.43]No way. I'm in the shot,man. 甭想,我刚好在镜头里 [16:08.43]-You've been here all day! -I'm taking pledges. 拜托,你已经佔这位子一天了 [16:10.16]我在接受捐款,别吵我! [16:11.73]And we're on three,two.... 倒数计时3、2、1 [16:17.14]If you've been enjoying Cirque du Soleil... 如果各位喜欢“太阳马戏团” [16:20.21]...and you'd like to see more, it's very simple. 以后还想收看同类型节目 方法很简单 [16:24.41]All you have to do is call in a pledge... 只要打电话捐款 [16:27.65]...and tell one of our volunteers what type of programming you 并告诉我们的义工 阁下喜欢收看哪类型节目 [16:36.06]-Quick broiling pan question -Yes,it really does cost that much. 问你一个烤盘的问题好吗? 价钱就是这么贵 [16:39.43]Maybe next time your duck can puke in something from Pottery Barn. 或许你们下次可以考虑 用廉价盘子处理鸭子的呕吐物 [16:46.10]That's it. I cannot make this decision. It is too difficult. 够了 我无法做决定 这实在太难了 [16:50.34]I leave it entirely up to the gods of fate. 我决定交给命运之神 [16:56.28]A Magic 8 Ball? 神奇8号球? [16:57.88]You can't make this decision with a toy! 你开玩笑吧? 怎么可以用玩具决定命运? [17:00.75]It's not a toy. 这可不是玩具 [17:04.28]I don't know what else to do! 我别无选择 [17:06.92]I either keep my wife and lose one of my best friends... 不是追回老婆,失去好朋友 [17:11.43]...or I get divorced for the second time before I'm 30. 就是留下朋友 在30岁前离婚两次 [17:15.43]If anyone else has a better suggestion,let's hear it. 要是有人有更好的建议 现在就说出来 [17:19.07]Because I got nothing! Don't be shy. 否则我真的没有办法! 大家别害羞 [17:21.64]Any suggestion will do. 各种建议都可以 [17:29.41]Okay,then. 好吧 [17:34.21]Here we go. 开始了 [17:37.15]Magic 8 Ball... 神奇8号球 [17:45.49]"Ask Again Later." 待会再问 [17:49.00]Later is not good enough! 这个答案不够好 [17:57.77]"Ask Again Later." 待会再问 [17:59.01]What the hell? 搞屁啊 [18:00.34]This is broken! It is broken! 这东西坏掉了 [18:04.01]Let me see. 我来看看 [18:06.65]Will Chandler have sex tonight? 钱德今晚会跟女人上床吗? [18:15.76]Seems like it works to me. 我倒觉得没坏掉 [18:18.73]Okay,one more time. 好,再来一次 [18:22.26]Should I never see Rachel again? 我是否不该再见瑞秋了? [18:27.53]Magic 8 Ball! What did you ask? 神奇8号球!你问什么? [18:34.21]Does... [18:35.88]...Rachel get to pick the movie that we're all going to see tonight? 今晚要看的电影 可以交由瑞秋决定吗? [18:40.41]Excellent. What's the answer? 很好,答案是什么? [18:45.09]Looks like Stella's gonna get her groove back tonight! 看来老牛今晚吃得到嫩草了 [18:56.16]PBS Telethon. 公视电视募款 [18:58.03]Hi,Joey. 嗨,乔伊 [18:59.33]Hey,Phoebe. 嗨,菲比 [19:00.53]I'd like to make a pledge. 我要捐钱 [19:02.34]I would like to donate $200. 我想捐200元 [19:04.51]Two hundred dollars? 200元?你确定? [19:06.01]You sure? After what Sesame Street did to you? “芝麻街”可是伤你不浅 [19:11.68]...to lots of kids whose moms didn't kill themselves. 不过我也知道 很多妈妈没自杀的小孩很爱看 [19:22.22]So there! A selfless good deed. 你看,这就是无私的善行 [19:27.83]No,it sucks! I was saving up to buy a hamster. 难过死了 我本想用那笔钱买支黄金鼠 [19:32.03]A hamster? Those things are,like,$10. 黄金鼠?那种宠物 10元就买得到 [19:34.84]Not the one I had my eye on. 我喜欢那支可没那么便宜 [19:37.64]It looks like we have surpassed last year's pledge total. 看来今年的募款 已经超过去年总额 [19:41.84]Thank you! 谢谢各位 [19:43.71]And the pledge that did it was taken by one of our volunteers. 打破纪录的捐款是由 我们的义工募得 [19:48.88]Oh,boy! And may I say, one of our sharpest dressed volunteers. 而且这位还穿得很体面 [19:54.92]Mr. Joseph Tribbiani! 这位就是乔伊崔比亚尼 [19:57.26]Oh,look! 看呀 [19:58.56]Joey's on TV! 乔伊上电视了 [20:00.39]Isn't that great? 太棒了 [20:01.86]My pledge got Joey on TV! That makes me feel so 我的捐款让乔伊上了电视 [20:05.70]Oh,no! 这真是让我…糟糕 [20:14.21]Look... 或许 [20:15.41]...I got carried away before, but there's something you got to know. 我先前太得意了 不过有件事要告诉你 [20:19.88]If I'm the best,it's only because you made me the best. 如果我表现得很好也是因为你 [20:26.39]Keep talking. 说下去 [20:28.92]I was nothing before you. 跟你在一起之前 我根本表现平平 [20:30.86]Call the other girls and ask. 你可以打去问我以前那些女友 [20:40.53]...oh,my God! 我…的…天…啊 [20:48.24]-Really? -Oh,my God! 真的? 天…啊 [20:54.21]I understand if you never want to sleep with me again. 如果你不想再跟我上床 我也能体谅 [20:58.39]But that would be wrong. 不过这决定就不对了 [21:01.29]We're too good. 我们太厉害了 [21:03.26]We owe it to sex! 不上床实在太可惜 [21:08.06]If we owe it! 如果真是这样… [21:12.73]Oh,my! 天啊 [21:15.74]When will Joey be home? 乔伊何时回来? [21:17.34]I was kind of hoping we could do this without him. 我们应该不需要等他 [21:21.94]No,no,no! Leave the gloves on. 没关系,手套不用脱 [21:25.48]I cleaned the bathroom. 可是我刚在清厕所 [21:27.15]Why don't we lose the gloves. 那就脱掉吧 好 [21:33.02]All right. Let's show them how it's done. 让大家看看谁才是高手 好 [21:38.63]-You know that wasn't part of it? -I know. 这不包括在内 我知道 [21:56.48]You ready? We're going to be late. 嗨,你准备好没? 我们要迟到了 [21:59.11]-For what? -For Stella,remember? 迟到什么?看电影啊?你没忘吧? [22:02.28]She's getting her groove back in 20 minutes. 史黛拉都快把到男人了 [22:06.55]I totally forgot about that. 我完全忘记了 [22:10.06]Can I take a rain check? I'm waiting for a call from Emily. 你不介意我爽约一次吧? 我正在等艾蜜莉的电话 [22:14.80]Sure,I guess. 没关系 [22:16.90]I hear you don't have to go to London. 听说你不用去伦敦了,好耶 [22:21.74]It's not that easy. There's still a lot of relationship stuff. 事情没那么简单 我们还有很多问题 [22:27.01]Like what? 例如? [22:28.31]Just stuff. 就是一些问题 [22:30.04]You know,kind of what Emily wants. 艾蜜莉对我有些要求 [22:34.51]Talk to me. Maybe I can help. 你可以告诉我 或许我帮得上忙 [22:39.32]You can't help. 不行,你帮不上忙 [22:44.02]I have to do this without your help. 这件事你帮不上忙 [22:49.33]I know you can do that too. I'm just saying if you need to talk.... 我知道你自己办得到 但是如果你想找人谈谈… [22:54.74]嗨 [22:57.60]Thanks. 谢了 [23:03.38]Whatever it is that Emily wants... 无论艾蜜莉有何要求 [23:06.38]...just give it to her. 你答应就是了 [23:08.58]The bottom line is that you love her. 最重要的是你爱她 [23:11.22]Fix whatever she wants fixed. 她怎么要求,你就怎么做 [23:14.05]Just do it. 答应就对了 [23:17.29]You're going to have to try. You'll hate yourself if you don't. 你总得试试看 不试试以后一定会后悔 [23:25.13]Come on,answer it! 快接电话啊,我都快被逼疯了 [23:30.47]Hi,sweetie. 喂,亲爱的 [23:32.81]Good. 我很好 [23:37.28]Yes,I've been thinking... 我考虑过 [23:40.38]...about that thing you wanted me to do. 你的要求 [23:45.82]I can do it. 我办得到 [23:49.39]Will you come to New York? 你愿意来纽约吗? [24:33.63]-Never done that before. -Nope. 以前没试过这招 我也没