I think we'd better start again. 我们最好重新来过 嘿 嗨 How are you supposed to eat this? 这要怎么搞? You and me,next dance? 下首音乐跟我跳? We were supposed to meet. 你跑哪去了?不是约在酒窖? We've got to do what the band says. I don't care about the stupid band! 我们最好听乐队的话 我才不在乎哩 艾蜜莉,艾蜜莉 Do you guys want to go and get a drink? 你们要不要下楼喝一杯? 嗨 They look pretty soundproof, don't you think? 隔音效果似乎很好 好 没错 Friends,family, we're gathered to celebrate... 各位亲朋好友 今天大家齐聚一堂 ...the joyous union of Ross and Emily. 庆祝罗斯与艾蜜莉缔结良缘 Now,Ross,repeat after me. 罗斯,请跟我覆述 "l,Ross." 我,罗斯… I,Ross. 我,罗斯… "Take thee,Emily." 娶你,艾蜜莉… Take thee,Rachel. 娶你,瑞秋… 艾蜜莉 是艾蜜莉 Shall I go on? 要继续吗? He said,"Rachel," right? 他说瑞秋对不对? Do you think I should go up there? 我要过去吗? Yes. Yes. Do go on. 请继续 Repeat after me. 罗斯,请你跟着我说 "l,Ross." 我,罗斯… I,Ross. 我,罗斯… "Take thee,Emily." 娶你,艾…蜜…莉… Take thee,Emily. 娶你,艾蜜莉… Like there'd be anybody else. 否则还有谁? "As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health... 成为我的合法发妻 无论贫病, ...till death parts us." 至死不渝 As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health... 成为我的合法发妻 无论贫病, ...until death parts us. 至死不渝 Really,I do. Emily. 我愿意,艾蜜莉 Do you have the rings? 请给我婚戒 Place this ring on Ross' finger... 艾蜜莉,为罗斯戴上戒指 ...as a symbol of your bond everlasting. 象徵你永远爱他 Ross,place this ring... 罗斯, ...on Emily's hand as a symbol... 为艾蜜莉戴上戒指 ...of the love that encircles you forever. 代表你俩白头偕老 Happy to. 我很乐意 They have made their declarations... 罗斯与艾蜜莉已经宣誓 ...and it gives me great pleasure to declare them husband and wife. 我很荣幸宣佈他们成为夫妻 You may kiss the bride. 你可以亲吻新娘了 This is worse than when he married the lesbian. 这比他娶同性恋那次更糟糕 Just keep smiling. 保持微笑 Well,that went well. 好,进行得真顺利 It could've been worse. He could've shot her. 他没开枪杀死她就不错了 That was pretty funny,wasn't it? 刚刚真耍宝 The One After Ross Says "Rachel" 本集播出:“阴错阳差” You spoiled everything! It's a nightmare! 你搞砸所有事情 我丢死人了 My friends and family are out there! How can I face them? 我的亲朋好友都在场 我以后拿什么脸见人? 你怎么做得出来? No matter what happens with them... 无论如何 ...we still get cake,right? 我们都吃得到蛋糕吧? That's all right. You take your time. I'll be right out here. 没关系,亲爱的,你慢慢来 我在外面等你 She's just fixing her makeup. 她要补妆 I hate you! 我恨你 And I love you! 我也爱你 A bad time to say the wrong name,huh? 罗斯,你偏挑这个时候 说错名字 That's true. Thanks,Dad. 你说得对,谢了,老爸 People should be dancing. 大家应该跳舞啊 This is a party! Come on! 这是婚宴, Joey! Dance! 乔伊,跳舞啊 Yes,Waltham lnteriors. 沃森室内设计 This is Ross Geller's personal physician,Dr. Filangie. 你好,我是罗斯盖勒的医生 费蘭吉 Who? 谁? I discovered that Ross forgot to take his brain medicine. 我发现罗斯忘了吃错乱药 Without it,in the brain of Ross... 他这人不吃药 ...women's names are interchangeable. 就有可能讲错女人的名字 Through no fault of his own. 这完全不能怪他 Oh,my God! Phoebe. 是菲比你啊 No,not Phoebe. Dr. Filangie. 我不是菲比,是费蘭吉医生 Oh,no! You have it too! 你也错乱了 What kind of bitch hangs up on a doctor? 什么臭女人敢挂医生的电话? I hope you don't take this the wrong way... 希望你别误会 ...but I know we had plans to meet up tonight. 我知道我们今晚约了要见面 I'm worried about what it might do to our friendship. 但是我担心以后做不成朋友 I know. 我明白 -How could we have let this happen? -Seven times! 我们怎么这么不小心 还不小心了七次 You know,look. We were away. 你知道,我们人在国外 In a foreign,romantic country. 又是浪漫的异乡 I blame London. 都怪伦敦不好 Bad London! 坏伦敦 So look... ...while we're still in London, we can keep doing it,right? 既然我们还在伦敦 就可以继续,对不对? Well,I don't see that we have a choice. 看来我们别无选择 But when we're back home, we don't do it. 但是我们回去就得停止 Only here. 只有这里例外 You know,I saw a wine cellar downstairs. 我看到楼下有酒窖 I'll meet you there in two minutes. 我两分钟后下去找你 好 Mon? I gotta ask you something. 我有事情要问你 Now? 现在? Ross said my name. I can't just pretend it didn't happen. 罗斯刚刚说出我的名字 我不能假装没听到吧 I don't know. 我不知道 Monica,what should I do? 摩妮卡,我该怎么办? Just do the right thing. 不要行差踏错就行了 What? 什么? Tow the line! Thread the needle! Think outside the box! 听天由命,努力争取 不要死心眼 I'll talk to Ross about what he thinks it meant. 等等,我要问罗斯 他是什么意思 Wait! Rachel,no. 瑞秋, He's married. 他结婚了, Married. 结婚了 If you don't realize that, I can't help you. 要是你还不懂,我也没法帮你 Okay. You're right. 你说得对, You're right. You can't help me. 你说得对,你帮不了我 Jack,is it all our fault? Were we bad parents? 杰克,这是我们的错吗? 没把小孩教好? 对 Who serves steak when there's no place to sit? 没地方坐还叫人吃牛排 Hey,what's up? 你们好 Sorry,dear, I only dance when I'm drunk. 抱歉,我只有喝醉才跳舞 Want me to get you something? 你想喝点什么? -Forget it. That's off. -Why? 算了,当我没说。为什么? The next tour of the wine cellar... 两分钟后… ...will commence in two minutes. 为各位介绍酒窖 Joey,what are you doing? 乔伊,你搞什么? You promised,no meat till Phoebe has the babies. 你答应菲比等她生完才吃肉 We're in another country, so it doesn't count. 既然我们在国外就不算 -True. -He's got a point. 那倒是 他说得对 嗨 嗨 I'm sorry things aren't working out. 抱歉,事情竟然出状况 It could be better. It'll be okay,right? 的确不太妙,不过会解决的 Oh,yeah! Of course. She'll get over this. 当然,她不会放在心上 So you said my name. 你脱口说出我的名字又如何 You just said it because you saw me there. 不过是因为你刚好看到我 If you'd seen a circus freak, you would've said: 如果你是看到怪胎 "l take thee,Circus Freak." 也会说:我娶你,怪胎 It didn't mean anything. It's a mistake. 根本没有别的意思 只是无心之过 It didn't mean anything. Right? 没有别的意思,对吧? Oh,no! Of course it didn't mean anything. 当然没有 I can understand why Emily thought it meant something... 但是我明白艾蜜莉为何误会 ...because it was you. 因为这刚好是你的名字 But it absolutely didn't. It didn't! It didn't! 没错, 其实没有意义,真的没有 The band's ready for your first dance with Emily. 罗斯,乐队正在 等你跟艾蜜莉开舞 Oh! The band's ready! 乐队准备好了 You spit on me,man! 你口水喷到我了 I'm sorry. 对不起 Emily is taking kind of a long time. 艾蜜莉也进去太久了吧 When I locked myself up at my wedding... 我结婚时也躲在厕所不出来 ...I was trying to pop the window out of the frame. 不过那是因为我要撬开窗户 Get the hell out of there. You know? 我一心想要逃出去 I'm coming in! 我要进去了 Oh,look at that. Same thing. 你看,同一招 In the middle of everything, if I scream,"Yippee!" just ignore me. 如果我中途大喊“好耶” 你就当作没听到 -Oh,my God! Rachel! -Oh,hello,Rachel. 天啊,瑞秋,嗨,瑞秋 Ross said my name. 罗斯叫出我的名字, Okay? My name! 是我耶 Ross said my name up there. 他会说成我的名字 That obviously means he still loves me! 表示他还爱我 Don't believe me. I know I'm right. 不信就算了,我绝对没误会 Yes,we do. 好啊, But we have to change first. 不过我们要先换衣服 Yes,I want to change. 对,我想换衣服 -Go get a table. -We'll only be five minutes. 你先下去佔位子 我们五分钟就下去 Fifteen minutes. 十五分钟吧 好 Oh,Phoebe! It's Phoebe! 喂,菲比啊,是菲比 -Oh,hey,hey. -Oh,great. 是吗? 太好了 So,what happened? 怎么样? Well,Ross said my name. 罗斯说成我的名字 But I don't think that means anything. 我知道,不过他是无心的 Let's look at this objectively. 菲比,我们冷静客观想想看 Ninth grade,right? 他从国三就暗恋我 The obsession starts. 那时就疯狂迷上我 Then he sees me in a two-piece for the first time. 那年暑假 他头一次看我穿两件式 His obsession begins to grow,right? 更是不可自拔爱上我 Why don't we go change in my room? 去我房间换衣服好了 My clothes are.... 可是我的衣服在… Wow,you look 你看起来真是… No time for that. 没时间废话了 Hey,dude! Let me in! I got a girl out here! 老兄,让我进去,我有女伴 I got a girl in here! 我也有 No,you don't. I saw you go in with Monica. 才怪,我看到你跟摩妮卡进去 Well,we're hanging out. 我们在里面聊天 Which one of us will be having sex in there? Me or you? 你说我们谁有机会嘿咻? I suppose I would have to say you. 看来我只能说是你了 -What if we're watching a movie? -Which we are! 可是我们正在看电视 And we've paid for it. 没错,我们付费了 It's My Giant. 正在看“我的巨人” My Giant? “我的巨人”? I love that movie! 我爱死那部片 Think this is okay? 你确定这样好吗? Well,Ross and Emily aren't going to use it. 反正罗斯跟艾蜜莉也用不到 Oh,it's so beautiful! 这里好漂亮 I don't feel right about this. 可是我总觉得不太妥当 小摩…听我说 This is the honeymoon suite. 这是蜜月套房 The room expects sex. 本来就该有人在这里嘿咻 The room would be disappointed if it didn't get sex. 如果没有,这间房一定很失望 All the other honeymoon suites would think it was a loser. 在其他蜜月套房面前抬不起头 好吧 那好 Nope! Not under here! 没有,没看到 -You didn't find her? -I've looked everywhere. 你还没找到她?我到处都找不到 You couldn't have, or you would've found her. 你一定漏掉什么地方 否则早就找到了 -Keep looking! -Yeah! For about 30 minutes? 你应该继续找 大概再找个30分钟 Or 45? 或是45分钟 In 45 minutes, you could find her twice. 45分钟可以找到两次了 For all I know,she's trying to find me but couldn't,because I kept moving. 不了,她一定也找不到我 因为我跑来跑去 From now on, I'm staying in one place. 从现在开始我不动了 Right here. 我就待在这里 -It's getting late. -We're going to go. 时间晚了 我们要走了 Do you guys mind staying here for a while? 待一会儿如何? We've got to get up early and catch that plane. 可是我们明天一早 就要搭机回纽约(音同捕捉) Yeah,it's a very large plane. 而且那班飞机又很大 That's cool. 那就算了 But we'll stay here with you. 不过我们还是陪你一会 Thanks,guys! 谢了 I really appreciate this, but you don't need to rub my butt. 我很感激你们的好意 但是你也不用摸我屁股 We have to leave in an hour. 我们一小时后就要回纽约了 I know. I've been looking at those doors. 我知道 我一直在看那扇门 We can't do that. That's insane. 不行,你疯了 I mean,A,he could wake up. And B,you know... 第一,他可能醒来 第二, ...Iet's go for it. 管他的 艾蜜莉?艾蜜莉… Nope. 不是她 -She's not with us. -We've come for her things. 不用找她了,她没跟来 我们来拿她的东西 Where is she? 她在哪里? She's in hiding. She's humiliated. She doesn't want to see you again. 她躲起来了,因为她很丢脸 这辈子都不想再见到你 We're very sad that it didn't work out between you and Emily,monkey. 很遗憾你们两个闹成这样 兔崽子 But I think you're absolutely delicious! 不过你实在是秀色可餐 Excuse me, I'm standing right here. 抱歉,我人还站在这里 Oh,yes. 是啊, There you are. 阴魂不散 Hurry up! Get some! There's a whole cart outside. 大家动作快,外面还有一车 Goodbye,Geller. 再见了,盖勒 Now,hold on. Hold on. 等一下… Your daughter and I are supposed to leave tonight for our honeymoon. 令媛跟我今晚预定去度蜜月 Tell her I'll be at that airport, and I hope she will too. 请你们转告她,我会去机场 我希望她也会去 I said Rachel's name, but it didn't mean anything. 我是说成瑞秋的名字 但这只是无心之过 She's just a friend. 她不过是我的朋友 Tell Emily I love her and... 就这样,请转告艾蜜莉 我爱她 ...I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. 我只想跟她共度余生 Please,promise me that you'll tell her that. 请保证你们一定会转告她 All right,I'll tell her. 我会告诉她, Come on,bugger face! 走吧,臭婆娘 Call me. 打电话给我 You spend your life in the bathroom. Why do you never go out the window? 你也一天到晚待在厕所 怎么就不会从窗户滚蛋 Maybe it's best we never got to do it again. 或许我们不再上床才对 Yeah,it kind of makes that one night special. 否则那晚就不特别了 Technically,we still are over international waters. 理论上而言,我们还在海外 I'm going to the bathroom. Maybe I'll see you there? 我去洗手间,待会来找我? Can I ask you something? 我可以问个问题吗? 不行 Felicity and I watched My Giant. And I thought: 我昨晚跟费丽西蒂 一起看“我的巨人” "I'll never be as good an actor as that giant." 我心想:自己永远不可能 演得跟那个巨人一样棒 Do you think I'm wasting my life with this acting thing? 我想当演员是否只是痴心妄想 The giant's five years younger than me. 那个巨人大概比我小五岁 You think I'll ever get there? 我有办法跟他一样优秀吗? 会的 -Thanks,man. -Okay,man. 谢了 没问题 But what about how much taller he is than me? 但是他比我高好多啊 I mean,there's no way I can make myself taller now. 我现在已经不可能再长高 Who knows what science will come up with in the future... 以后科学怎么发展我不知道 ...but what if I die an unsuccessful, regular-size man? 如果我死时只是一个 身高平庸的小人物呢? You've been in the bathroom for a half-hour. 摩妮卡,你厕所上了半个小时 I know! 我知道 Had the beef tips,huh? 你也吃了牛肉? 嗨 嗨 嗨 You ate meat! 你吃过肉了 You had sex! 你跟人嘿咻 No,we didn't. 我们才没有 I know you didn't. I was talking about Monica. 我知道你没有 我说的是摩妮卡 I did not have sex. 菲比,我才没跟人嘿咻 This pregnancy is throwing me all off and making me fat. 怀孕害我灵感不准 而且还变得胖嘟嘟 -I'll say hi to the chick and duck. -Me too! 我要去跟小鸡小鸭打招呼 我跟你去 Why would you need to? You've been feeding them. 你何必去? 你不是四天都去喂它们? Oh,right. Maybe I'll just go home. 没错,我回家好了 We certainly are alone. 只剩下我们两个 Good thing we have that "not New York" rule. 幸好我们说好回纽约就不行 Listen,since we're on that subject... 既然你说到这个 ...I just wanted to tell you that.... 我想告诉你… I was going through a hard time in London... 当时我在伦敦心情很不好 ...with my brother getting married and that guy thinking I was Ross' mother. 因为哥哥结婚 别人还把我认作他妈 我知道 Well,anyway,I just.... 那晚对我来说意义非凡 That night meant a lot to me. And I'm trying to say thanks. 我的意思是…我要谢谢你 You know,that night meant a lot to me too. 我那天也不是随便上床 It wasn't because I was in a bad place or anything. 并不是因为我受到逼迫 It just meant a lot because you're really hot. 我很重视那晚是因为 你很性感 Is that okay? 这样说可以吗? That's okay. 没关系 And I'm cute too? 而且我也很帅 And you're cute too! 而且你也很帅 Thank you. 谢谢 All right,I gotta go unpack. 我要去整理行李了 好 再见 I'm still on London time. Does that count? 我时差还没调回来 这表示我还在伦敦吧 -Oh,that counts! -Oh,good! 没错 太好了 瑞秋… What are you doing here? 你怎么会在这里? I've been on standby for a flight home for hours. 我在等候补机位回纽约 So no sign of Emily? 你还没等到艾蜜莉? Not yet. 还没 When do you have to leave? 你是几点的飞机? This is the last call for flight 1066 to A thens. 最后一次呼叫 前往雅典的1066班机 The last call. 最后一次呼叫 Pretty soon,I guess. 就快了 是啊 I'm sorry. 我很遗憾 I don't understand. 我不明白 How could she do this? 她怎么可以这么做? Am I a complete idiot for thinking she'd actually show up? 我是不是白痴? 竟然以为她会来 You're not an idiot,Ross. You're a guy very much in love. 你不是白痴,罗斯 你只是爱得无可救药 Same difference. 那还不是一样 All passengers for flight 1066 to Athens should now be onboard. 搭乘1066班机 前往雅典的旅客请登机 I get it! 听到了 Well,that's that. 没搞头了 No,you know what? 错, I think you should go. 你应该去 I think you should go... 什么? 对 ...by yourself. Get some distance. 你应该自己去 到遥远的地方想个清楚 Clear your head. It would be really good. 这对你一定有好处 I don't know. 我不知道… Come on. It would be really good for you. 罗斯,你应该要去 I could do that. 没错,我应该去 对 I can't even believe her. 她实在太扯了 You know what? I am going to go. 知道吗?我决定去了 -Good. -Why not? 很好 有何不可呢? -Right? -Right. 对 对不对?没错 Thanks. 谢了 I'll see you back at home. 我们纽约见了 If I ever get a flight out of here. 希望我搭得上飞机 What? Wait,what? 其实…算了 怎么了? Why don't you come? 不如你也一起来 I mean,I have two tickets. Why not? 反正我有两张机票 Well,I don't know,Ross. Really? 不太好吧?真的吗? Yeah. It'd be great. I mean,you can.... 是啊,一定很好玩 You can lay on the beach... 你可以躺在海滩上 ...and I can cry over my failed marriage. 我可以哭诉婚姻失败 You see how I make jokes? 你看我多幽默啊 Really. I mean.... 真的, I could use a friend. 我需要有朋友陪我 Oh,wow. Maybe. 好吧,无妨 Yes,I can do that! 我可以陪你去 -Cool. -All right,cool. 好 好 太好了 是啊 走吧,拿去 Okay,we're going to Greece. 我们这就走 I forgot my jacket! 我忘了拿外套 等一下 Well,you tell them to wait. 你叫他们等一下 Wait! Wait! 等一下 艾蜜莉 不是啦…别走,艾蜜莉 I'll have a glass of Merlot... 我要梅洛红酒 ...and he'll have a wine spritzer. 这位要气泡白酒 Look! The airport's moving. 你们看,机场在动 Are we moving? 飞机在动吗? Are we? Why are we moving? 飞机在动吗?为什么? Does the captain know that we're moving? 机长知道飞机在动吗? Oh,my gosh! 天啊,老天爷