[00:00.01]26-2 ACT II [00:07.56]Do you like the dress? [00:08.63]I love it. [00:10.07]I designed it myself. [00:11.35]It's beautiful. [00:13.87]Are you ready? [00:16.07]We're supposed to be there [00:17.10]before the guests arrive. [00:18.21]I know. I know. [00:21.12]Help me with this tie, will you? [00:26.11]Honey, I'm scared to death. [00:29.35]But this is what you've been working for all these years. [00:32.73]No, no. [00:33.52]I worked to put together a book of photographs. [00:35.05]This is show business. [00:36.81]Well, it's all part of the same job. [00:38.81]Just relax and enjoy it. [00:42.96]You're right. [00:44.89]I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it. [00:51.92]As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown. [00:57.17]What are you afraid of? [00:59.39]Everything. [01:00.68]A critic was there this morning. [01:01.70]He probably hates my work. [01:03.68]I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people [01:05.69]I never met before. [01:07.11]My new shoes hurt my feet ... [01:18.84]You're going to be a great success. [01:23.94]Are you ready? [01:25.30]As soon as I get these cuff links on. [01:27.37]Let me help. [01:31.78]Mom and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. [01:37.01]There! You look very attractive. [01:42.97]Thank you. [01:46.10]Well, I suppose I've run out of excuses. [01:49.44]Mm-hmm. Let's go ... [01:52.91]Oh, one minute. [01:56.00]Before we go to the gallery, [01:58.61]I just want to tell you [01:59.34]that I never could have done this book [02:00.61]without your help and your love. [02:04.20]I appreciate it. [02:06.84]Thanks. [02:10.70]Now, no more stalling. [02:22.67]What is it? [02:23.72]There's nobody here! [02:26.07]Of course not, Richard. [02:27.93]Your show doesn't begin until eight thirty. [02:32.39]Oh. Right. [02:36.22]Richard! Welcome! Good luck tonight! [02:38.74]Well, thanks. [02:39.61]This is my publisher, Harvey Carlson. [02:41.39]You've met my wife Marilyn ... [02:42.70]Charmed. [02:43.21]Hi. [02:44.09]My mother, Ellen Stewart. [02:46.38]Harvey Carlson. [02:47.20]It's good to meet you. [02:47.96]It's good to meet you. [02:48.88]This is my father, Dr. Philip Stewart ... [02:51.10]Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlson. [02:52.16]My brother Robbie ... [02:53.76]Hi. [02:54.28]Hi. [02:54.90]And this is my sister Susan and her husband Harry Bennett [02:58.49]and his daughter Michelle. [03:00.72]It's nice to meet you. [03:03.17]And this gentleman is my grandfather, Malcolm Stewart. [03:05.92]Welcome, Mr. Stewart. [03:08.03]Well, make yourselves comfortable. [03:10.20]There are hors d'oeuvres at the table, fruit punch at the bar. [03:13.34]Help yourselves. [03:15.79]Can I get you something, Mr. Stewart? [03:17.38]No, thank you. [03:19.18]You can feel very proud of your grandson, Mr. Stewart. [03:21.89]I do. [03:23.35]I'm proud of all my grandchildren, Mr. Carlson. [03:25.81]Of course. [03:27.04]Feel free to look around. [03:28.22]If you need anything, just ask. [03:30.16]Thank you. [03:31.97]Harvey? [03:33.15]Yes? [03:34.17]Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? [03:36.34]Not yet. [03:37.03]The newspapers don't come out till about ten o'clock. [03:40.06]When they come out, we'll get it. [03:41.40]Thanks. [03:43.88]Ready? [03:45.04]Yes. Have the people arrived? [03:47.47]The guests are waiting. [03:48.68]Tom's about to open the doors. [03:50.49]Good luck! And stop worrying! [03:52.10]They're going to love it.