[00:00.01]24-1 Parting Friends ACT I [00:14.20]Hi, Mom. [00:15.61]Hi, Robbie. [00:16.24]You're home from school early. [00:17.58]Yeah, they're getting the assembly hall [00:19.18]ready for the graduation ceremony, [00:20.98]so we all got to go home early. [00:22.69]Too noisy to study. [00:24.14]Well, now that you're here, [00:25.24]you can help me with dinner. [00:26.32]I need those potatoes peeled and sliced. [00:30.70]Mom, give me a break. [00:32.54]Alexandra's coming over to help me [00:34.21]study for my math final. [00:36.24]Well, in that case, [00:38.26]you can wash the dishes and clean up after dinner. [00:43.48]Can I invite Alexandra to stay for dinner? [00:45.77]Of course. [00:47.34]Thanks, Mom. [00:52.14]You and Alexandra [00:52.99]have become good friends, haven't you? [00:55.23]Yes. I like her. [00:56.72]She's a terrific person. [01:01.26]I'm going to miss her [01:01.93]when she goes back to Greece. [01:05.31]Would you like to give her a little farewell party? [01:09.42]Mom, that would be terrific! [01:11.88]Maybe we could make it a surprise. [01:14.34]Oh, I don't know. [01:15.49]Surprise parties don't always work out. [01:19.07]Well, we could tell her [01:20.94]it's a graduation party for me. [01:23.18]When Alexandra arrives, [01:24.90]we'll surprise her. [01:27.30]Well, I suppose that might work. [01:29.72]I'd like to give her a nice going-away present. [01:32.67]Fine. [01:33.97]There's only one problem. [01:36.74]What's that? [01:39.79]I'm broke. [01:41.08]I should have saved some money. [01:43.10]I'm sure Alexandra [01:44.15]would be happy with something simple, Robbie. [01:46.63]I know. [01:48.27]But, well, [01:49.53]I'd like to give her something nice [01:51.06]to remember me by. [01:53.83]Maybe I could borrow some money from you and Dad. [01:58.18]It's all right with me [01:59.09]if it's all right with your dad. [02:01.21]Thanks, Mom. [02:01.79]I'll talk to him. [02:03.24]Is he still in his office? [02:04.42]I think so. [02:06.17]Thanks, Mom. [02:12.31]Robbie! Good luck! Robbie! [02:32.62]Here are the X-rays you wanted, Dr. Stewart. [02:34.07]Oh. Thank you, Molly. [02:36.91]Now, let me check them. [02:50.38]What do you think? [02:52.29]I don't see any breaks or fractures. [02:55.47]Well, well. Thank you, Molly. [02:59.50]Thank you. [03:15.36]Come in! [03:17.66]Hi, Son. [03:18.33]Hi, Dad. Am I interrupting you? [03:21.53]No, no, no, no. [03:23.39]What's up? [03:24.11]Can we talk? [03:25.91]Sure. [03:27.53]I need some help. [03:30.63]Well, that's what fathers are for. [03:32.89]Well, before I go to college, [03:36.44]I have the whole summer ... [03:37.02]Yes ... [03:37.54]And I'm planning to get a job for the summer. [03:40.91]And what sort of job? [03:42.68]I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool. [03:46.98]Sounds pretty good. [03:48.37]Yes. I'll be earning pretty good money if I get it. [03:51.57]But right now, I'm kind of short of cash. [03:56.25]Who isn't? [03:57.56]And my friend Alexandra is going back to Greece ... [04:01.27]Nice girl. [04:03.31]We'll all miss her. [04:04.41]Mom says we can give her a going-away surprise party. [04:07.95]Good idea. [04:09.39]And I'd like to get her a nice gift ... [04:13.26]What'd you have in mind? [04:14.93]Well, a wristwatch, [04:17.46]so she'll think of me when she looks at the time. [04:20.93]Nothing flashy or expensive. [04:23.33]Something simple--but a good one. [04:26.82]Sounds fine, Robbie. [04:28.70]Well, I saw a nice watch. [04:31.27]But I'll need a loan. [04:33.13]If you could lend me the money, [04:34.32]I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary. [04:38.25]Well, I guess your mother and I can manage it. [04:45.10]When do you need the money? [04:46.98]Would tomorrow be OK? [04:50.80]You've got it. [04:52.99]Thanks, Dad. [04:54.84]My pleasure, Son. [04:57.28]Oh, and, Robbie ... [04:59.44]Yes? [05:00.81]You'll probably want the family car [05:03.15]so you can drive her home after the party. [05:06.38]Could I? [05:12.83]If you drive carefully. [05:15.19]I will. Thanks, Dad. [05:17.25]My pleasure. [05:19.80]You're OK, Dad. [05:23.36]You're not so bad yourself, Son.