[00:00.01]22-3 ACT III [00:01.44]Hi, big guy. [00:06.59]That must be Rita Mae. [00:08.80]She sure got here quickly. [00:10.07]That's a good sign. [00:11.08]She must like you and your work, Marilyn. [00:12.98]I think she's just anxious to see Max. [00:14.72]She loves children. [00:25.55]Hi, Marilyn. [00:28.97]Welcome. [00:31.15]It's so nice of you to come. [00:32.60]Oh, I just wanted to see your baby, Max. [00:36.20]Hello, Rita Mae. [00:37.49]I haven't seen you since the hospital. [00:38.82]I'm Ellen Stewart, Marilyn's mother-in-law. [00:41.52]We met at the hospital. [00:42.77]Hello. [00:43.13]How are you? [00:43.85]I remember. [00:44.41]How are you? [00:45.00]Oh, and there is Max! [00:48.26]Oh! My, how he's grown! [00:54.50]A little present for Max. [00:56.46]Oh, it's beautiful, Rita Mae! [01:01.13]You shouldn't have. [01:01.85]It's nothing. [01:02.55]It's just a little present for Max. [01:03.83]Can I get you some coffee or tea or a cold drink, Rita Mae? [01:06.64]Oh, nothing, thank you. [01:08.81]Well, I will leave you two to talk. [01:12.44]Come on, you big guy. [01:14.03]Yes, come on. [01:16.11]That's it. [01:16.66]It's nice seeing you. [01:18.20]Let me know if you need anything. [01:19.76]Thanks, Ellen. [01:25.41]OK, Marilyn. [01:26.76]You sounded like you've made a decision [01:28.64]when you called me. [01:29.91]I'm all ears. [01:30.65]I have made a decision, Rita Mae. [01:32.30]I've decided to stay at home and be a full-time mother. [01:35.96]I'm disappointed, but I respect your decision. [01:39.14]If I had a child as cute as Max, , [01:41.01]I might do the same thing. [01:42.50]But I haven't finished telling you [01:44.50]the other half of my decision. [01:45.32]The other half? [01:47.99]Yes. [01:48.34]I think I can stay at home [01:49.91]and take care of Max and continue my career. [01:53.23]Sounds interesting. [01:55.15]Let me hear it. [01:57.39]Do you remember [01:58.01]our talks about custom-designed dresses for the boutique? [02:00.66]I sure do. [02:02.45]Why can't I design dresses for you here at home? ? [02:06.69]And make them here. [02:08.33]Have the fittings here, too. [02:10.29]And I could do the selling and the pricing at the boutique. [02:13.05]Exactly. [02:14.31]Oh! ! [02:15.52]What kind of dresses would you design? [02:18.65]I've thought about that for some time. [02:21.74]Yes? [02:24.26]Wedding dresses. [02:28.05]Brilliant idea! [02:29.23]There's a big market today in wedding dresses. [02:32.04]That's what I thought. [02:33.07]I like the idea very much. [02:35.10]And if it's successful, [02:36.43]we can expand to all kinds of dresses. [02:38.90]That's what I thought. [02:41.27]As a matter of fact, [02:42.78]I have a customer for your first wedding dress. [02:45.57]My niece is getting married, [02:47.00]and I've been trying to find just the right thing for her. [02:50.11]Marilyn, you're going to design my niece's dress. Marilyn, [02:53.42]That'll be our first one, , [02:54.72]and then we'll use it to sell others. [02:57.82]Do you really mean it? [02:58.72]I really mean it. [03:00.18]It's a simple idea, and it will work. [03:03.32]You can certainly design dresses. [03:05.05]I know that. [03:06.01]And there's no reason why you can't do it from your home. [03:09.39]I'm so excited! [03:10.78]I can't wait to tell Richard! [03:13.47]If I had a baby like Max, [03:15.51]I'd want to stay home and be near him all the time, too. [03:19.00]You're making the right decision [03:20.50]for Max and for yourself too, Marilyn. [03:23.58]It all sounds so easy. [03:25.47]Now the hard work begins. [03:28.50]Would you like [03:28.91]to see some of my designs that I've been working on? [03:30.92]I'd love to. [03:32.77]Ooh! Oh, that's wonderful! [03:38.63]Ooh ...