[00:00.01]u18-3 ACT III [00:01.36].. my slogan is "I care." [00:05.62]I care about people, not things. [00:09.98]Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. [00:13.64]I care. [00:18.45]How was it? [00:19.13]You were terrific! [00:25.42]Can I see it? [00:27.52]Sure. [00:34.12]Hello. My name is Ellen Stewart, [00:37.80]and I'm running for the open seat on the school board. [00:41.74]My slogan is "I care." [00:46.06]What does the word care mean? 所谓关心是指什么? [00:48.80]... I care about people, not things. [00:53.19]Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. [00:56.79]I care. [01:02.35]I like it, [01:03.75]but now what? [01:04.50]How can we possibly get it on so Riverdale [01:06.93]will see it and hear it? [01:10.83]Leave it to me. [01:16.49]... I mean that when I say "I care", [01:19.73]I care about people, not things. [01:24.17]Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. [01:27.76]I care. [01:30.95]What happened? [01:32.23]Mom is now on television [01:34.59]in every appliance store in Riverdale, [01:37.02]except Hamlin's. [01:38.05]He's a Boswell voter. [01:39.62]That's a brilliant idea, Richard! [01:41.79]You inherited your father's brains. [01:45.18]We got our brains from you, Dad. [01:47.22]And guess what? [01:48.46]I called channel five. [01:49.95]Their TV news is going to cover it. [01:52.22]"Housewife campaigns in appliance stores." [01:55.29]And I'll bet [01:55.99]some magazine will pick up the story, too. [01:58.48]Mom, you're going to win! [01:59.62]I know it! [02:00.62]Hold it, Robbie! [02:01.90]Just cool down. [02:03.50]I know we're getting some attention now, [02:05.06]but in the end the voters will have to decide. [02:10.90]You're gonna win. [02:12.19]Trust me! [02:16.61]In the hotly contested race [02:18.01]for the one seat on the Riverdale School Board, [02:20.32]Mrs. Ellen Stewart has taken an early lead. [02:23.73]She's winning! [02:28.83][02:25.43]Mom, you're winning! [02:29.18]Now returning to other local news ... [02:30.12]Riverdale High School [02:30.99]beat its rival Horace Mann in baseball today ... [02:31.54]It's too soon to know for certain. [02:34.66]You're ahead. [02:35.07]That's better than being behind. [02:45.07]More sports after this. [02:45.58]It's not over yet. [02:45.88]Let's just all calm down, [02:53.78]and wait for the final results. [02:54.07]Ellen, why don't you go out to the backyard [02:54.27]and get some fresh air? [02:54.64]Thank you, Grandpa. [02:57.10]I need some. [03:07.63]What happened? [03:13.75]You came very close, Ellen. [03:15.98]You lost by only a hundred and twenty-one votes. [03:27.26]I lost. [03:29.56]You tried, Mom. [03:30.74]You lost by a very small number of votes. [03:34.41]Only one hundred and twenty-one votes! [03:38.33]I'm sorry, Mom. [03:40.68]There just wasn't enough time. [03:43.81]Look, [03:44.49]you've made a very strong impression [03:46.08]on our community. [03:48.24]You'll have another chance next election. [03:59.84]Hello. [04:01.71]Oh, yes, yes, Mr. Maxwell. [04:14.44]Hello, Mr. Maxwell. [04:16.16]How are you? [04:18.22]I just called to tell you [04:20.64]that you are very impressive. [04:20.96]You lost the election, [04:22.56]but you won the attention of the residents of Riverdale, [04:25.18]of Boswell, and of me. [04:28.22]Well, thank you, Mr. Maxwell. [04:30.42]I appreciate your kind words. [04:32.64]I needed that. [04:34.25]I hear Boswell [04:35.27]wants to appoint you to a special arts committee. [04:38.42]I'm sending over a reporter [04:39.59]in the morning to interview you. [04:42.38]You are? [04:44.35]I'm gonna do an article [04:45.38]on "Ellen Stewart--she cares." [04:49.09]Maybe we'll all care now. [04:51.40]Good-bye. [04:54.98]Thank you-- [04:56.86]and good-bye. [05:04.81]What was that about? [05:07.14]You were right, Philip. [05:09.98]I did make a difference in town. [05:12.28]And in this family.