Full of Surprises ACT II Hello. What can I do for you? Hi. Fill 'er up. I need a full tank. Check the hood? No, thanks. Whereabouts are you headed? Pete Waters's farm, near Chesterton. I know it well. Pete Waters's lived around here almost as long as I have. How long is it going to take for me to get there? About fifteen minutes. There's a shortcut--if you know it. No, I don't. Could you tell me how to use the shortcut? Sure. You take the next left turn. You'll see a stop sign. Make a right at the stop sign. Stay on that road, and you'll cross a blue bridge. Then you'll see a big old red barn. That's the back of Pete Waters's place. That's quite a difference from the directions that Pete sent me. Now, if you take that route, it's probably a lot simpler, but it'll take you ten minutes longer. OK. Let me repeat it. I take the next left turn to the stop sign. Then a right across a blue bridge, and then a big red barn. Can't miss it. How much do I owe you? Well, that'll be eighteen dollars and seventy cents. No charge for the cleanup. It's on the house. Well, here's a twenty. Ah. OK. That's a dollar and thirty cents change. There we go ... will make twenty. Thanks. Thank you. And thanks for the directions. This must be Pete's barn. Turn right to the house. Hi. Hi. What can I do for you? Is this the Pete Waters farm? It is. I'm a friend of Pete's. I'm looking for the house. It's just over yonder. Keep along this road till you get to the end of the fence. You'll see the chicken house. His house is on the left. Well, thanks. "Have gone to the railroad station. Back soon with a surprise. Make yourself at home. Have a look around. Pete. Same old Pete Waters. Always full of surprises.