Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Well, it's small, but clean. Clean? You call this clean? Have a nice stay. Thank you. I don't believe this. Well, it isn't the Watermill Inn, but let's get a look at the view. How is the view? Great, if you enjoy looking at a parking lot. Well, maybe we'll see the view in the morning. Right now, we should clean up this room. Sorry, Marilyn. Why should you be sorry? Well, the rain, the room, the view of the parking lot. It isn't the way I hoped it would be. Stop blaming yourself. After all, we're here, we're alone, we're together. And I love you. Isn't that enough? It is for me, but I wanted this weekend to be special for you. It is special. Happy anniversary. It's still raining. I want to play tennis. I want some breakfast. Let's call room service and order a nice breakfast, and then we'll figure out what to do today. Right. Would you give me room service, please? I beg your pardon? Oh, I see. They don't have room service at Old Country Inn. Well, let's go down to the coffee shop. They don't have a coffee shop. We can get our meals at Mrs. Montefiore's down the road. That's OK, honey. I love walking in the rain. Oh, you're being a really good sport about this, Marilyn, but I think we should face the truth. What's that? This is not the way to spend our fifth anniversary. Well, what do you want to do? Why don't we get in the car and drive home? Oh, Richard, it really isn't that bad. Do you want to stick it out for the whole weekend? Well, I'll admit the room is uncomfortable. Uh-hum. And I do feel bad about your mother having to take care of the baby all weekend. Why don't we just check out? OK. Hello? Yes. Yes, this is she. Oh, hello! How nice of you to remember us! Yes, my husband did call. You do? Really? It won't be any trouble? Oh, yes, I think we'd like that very much. Fifteen minutes! Thank you. Good-bye. You will never guess. Uh ... I give up. Mrs. Montefiore from the Watermill Inn. What is she calling about? They have an opening. Someone just checked out. and Mrs. Montefiore has reserved the honeymoon suite for us. You're kidding! No. Isn't it wonderful? It's fantastic! Oh. Now all it has to do is stop raining. Let's go.