[02:34.-4]If Joey and I play with matches, we could get you up to an even 100. 要是乔伊和我玩火柴 就可以让你累积到一百 [05:08.-2]Oh,my God! 天哪 [06:27.-4]...if you know what I mean. 懂我的意思吧? [06:43.-3]Why don't you break up with one of them? 何不跟其中一个分手? [08:16.-3]See? You just need the right command. 看到了吗?下对指令就行了 [08:48.-3]Joey,put that down. 乔伊,放下 [10:57.-4]We don't know if he'll propose. 也不知道他会不会求婚 [12:34.-1]Good deal. 很好 [18:05.-4]And I feel like I've conquered the intellectual world. 我已经征服了知识界 [18:09.-1]And now I have the most beautiful woman in the world. 现在又拥有世界上最美的女人 [18:34.-2]...the Ultimate Fighting Champion. 终极格斗冠军 [00:03.20]Wouldn't it be cool if our duck and our chick had a baby? 要是我们的鸡鸭生小宝宝 不是很酷? [00:06.53]We could call it Chuck. 可以叫它查克 [00:10.31]Or Dick. 或狄克 [00:15.68]Listen,I need a favor. 我要请你们帮忙 [00:19.15]I was in the shower, and as I was... 我刚才洗澡,正在… [00:21.82]...cleansing myself,I felt something. 洗身体时,发现一件事 [00:25.65]Was it like a sneeze,only better? 很像打喷嚏,但是感觉更爽? [00:30.76]No. I mean,like, a thing on my body. 不是,是我身上长了东西 [00:33.73]Well,what was it? 什么东西? [00:35.16]Well,I don't know. It's kind of in a place that's not.... 不晓得,它长在我不能… [00:39.03]It's not visually accessible to me. And I was hoping maybe you guys... 我看不到,我想麻烦你们 [00:43.34]...could help me out. 帮我看一下 [00:47.38]Come on,you guys! It's no big deal! 拜托,又没什么 [00:53.85]Well,what is it? Is it a mole? 是什么?是痣吗? [00:58.29]No,it's too wrinkly to be a mole. 不是,太皱了,不是痣 [01:01.22]Is it? What,a pimple? 那是痘子吗? [01:06.46]No,it's... 不是,它… [01:08.23]...fancier than a pimple. 比青春痘高级 [01:10.43]-Ross,just go see a doc -Guys,what's? 你就去看医… 你们在干… [01:18.37]Well,it's definite. Two more weeks of winter. 确定了,冬天还有两星期 [01:21.48]Yeah,right. 没错 [01:23.58]The One With Ross' Thing 本集播出:“寡人有疾” [02:14.66]And this is the coffeehouse. This is where I play my music. 这是咖啡馆,我都在这里表演 [02:18.53]-Good deal. -These are my friends. 漂亮 他们是我的朋友 [02:20.84]People? This is Vince. Vince,the people. 各位,这是文斯 文斯,我的朋友 [02:25.91]Vince is a fireman. 文斯是消防员 [02:28.64]Have you ever rescued anyone from a burning building? 你从燃烧的大楼里救过人吗? [02:31.38]Ninety-eight hot saves. Highest on the force. 九十八次,队上第一高 [02:40.05]Fire safety is not a joke,son. 孩子,不能拿火灾开玩笑 [02:44.79]You're right. I know. 你说得对,我知道 [02:47.63]Look,I gotta go. I'm on call tonight. 我要走了,晚上要值班 [02:50.06]See you Saturday. 星期六见 [02:54.57]He's cute,Pheebs. 菲比,他好可爱 [02:56.00]But you just started dating that teacher. 但你不是刚和那个老师交往? [02:58.27]Oh,Jason? 杰森? [02:59.47]We're seeing each other tonight. 我们晚上要见面 [03:01.58]Well,Pheebs? 菲比? [03:03.58]Two dates in one day? That's so unlike you. 脚踏两条船?你不像这种人 [03:06.41]I know,I know. I'm,like,playing the field. 我也知道 我在游戏人间 [03:09.85]I'm juggling two guys. I'm sowing my wild oats. 我在玩弄别人,搞七捻三 [03:14.19]You know,this kind of,like, oat-sowing,field-playing juggler. 我是搞七捻三的花心萝蔔 [03:18.66]So do they know about each other? 他们知道对方的存在吗? [03:21.10]Does a dog's lips move when he reads? 狗狗念书时,嘴唇会动吗? [03:27.80]Okay,no,they don't know. 他们不知道 [03:31.87]Hey,guys. 各位 [03:36.34]-Well? -How'd it go at the doctor's? 怎么样? 医生怎么说? [03:38.55]He said there's definitely nothing to worry about. It's benign. 他说不用担心,是良性的 [03:42.68]-What is it? -He couldn't even tell me. 是什么? 他根本说不出来 [03:45.12]He said it was just some sort of "skin abnormality." 他只说是一种皮肤异常 [03:51.06]The worse thing is,he said, being unable to identify it... 更糟的是他说,由于无法辨认 [03:54.70]... he was reluctant to remove it. 他不愿意为我切除 [03:56.83]You should go to my guy. 你应该去找我的医生 [03:58.47]Because when I went in there with my third nipple... 我去找他时 [04:02.14]...he just lopped it right off. 他直接就把它给切了 [04:04.54]So I guess I'm lucky. 我蛮幸运的 [04:06.54]I mean,not as lucky as people who are born with two nipples. 虽然比不上天生两个的人 [04:11.31]At least they knew what yours was. You know? Yours had a name. 至少他们知道你长了什么 你的有名字 [04:16.18]Maybe they'll name yours after you. 也许医学界会以你为名 [04:19.32]You know? They'd call it "The Ross." 把它叫做“罗斯” [04:22.09]And then people would be,like, "Oh,he's got a Ross." 大家会说 咳,他长了一个罗斯 [04:27.43]Yeah,that'd be cool. 是啊,真酷 [04:31.33]Pete's breaking up with me. 彼特要跟我分手 [04:33.23]What? 什么? [04:34.90]I just checked my messages. 我刚才听留言 [04:36.77]He said that when he gets back, "We need to talk." 他说等他回来 “我们得谈一谈” [04:40.51]-And? -Well,that's it. 然后呢? 就这样 [04:42.21]People never say,"We need to talk," unless it's something bad. 没有人会说“我们得谈一谈” 除非是坏事 [04:45.85]That doesn't necessarily mean he's breaking up with you. 那不一定代表他要跟你分手 [04:49.28]Really? 真的? [04:50.35]Maybe he just cheated on you. 也许他只是对你不忠 [04:57.76]I won't get rich doing it, but I gotta say,it's cool... 这么做没有好处 但我还是很高兴 [05:01.46]... knowing you're making a difference in a kid's life. 我改变了一个孩子 [05:04.57]That is so great. 真好 [05:09.77]Oh,my God! 天哪 [05:11.31]We'd better call the fire department. 赶快通知消防队 [05:14.38]Well,we don't need a fireman. 不必找消防员吧 [05:16.64]We need,like,a good mechanic. 应该找好的黑手来 [05:20.82]Here they come! We gotta get out of here! 他们来了,快逃 [05:23.82]Wait. Why? 等一下,为什么? [05:24.92]If I wanted to see a fireman, I'd date one. 要是我想看消防员 我会找消防员约会 [05:30.33]That's all it is. A third nipple. 只是一个多出来的 [05:32.49]You know? Just your run-of-the-mill third nipple. 很普通的第三个 [05:36.26]You can take it off. Just slice that baby right off. 你可以把它切掉,直接切掉 [05:40.00]Take your shirt off. Let's see what we're dealing with. 把上衣脱掉让我看一下 [05:45.84]What are you doing? 你在干什么? [05:48.34]Just showing you my run-of-the-mill, slice-it-right-off third nipple. 让你看那个非常普通 可以直接切掉的 [05:53.08]Well,that's not a third nipple. 这不是第三个 [05:55.85]First of all,it's on your ass [05:59.29]Well,then what is it? 不然是什么? [06:01.29]Wait a minute. Hold it. 等一下 [06:05.33]-Jansen,come in here. -I'm with Hamilton! 詹森,来一下 我在跟汉弥顿讲话 [06:08.36]He's good with weird things. Bring him in too. 他对怪东西很在行,叫他也来 [06:13.53]I gotta go water Pete's plants. 我得去帮彼特浇花 [06:15.80]You know what? If he's gonna break up with me,maybe I won't water them. 你们知道吗? 如果他想分手,我就不浇了 [06:20.21]If he's gonna break up with you, maybe Joey and I should do it... 如果他要分手 干脆让乔伊和我去“浇” [06:29.52]Or... 或者… [06:31.29]...we could go and pee on them. 我们可以去对着花盆撒尿 [06:36.29]I can't take it,you know. 我受不了了 [06:38.23]I'm afraid one of them will catch me with the other. 我好怕会被捉到 [06:41.30]It's making me crazy! 我快疯了 [06:46.47]What happened to playing the field? 你不是在游戏人间? [06:50.00]It doesn't feel like playing anymore. 现在不像游戏了 [06:52.37]It's feels like work. It's like I'm working in the field. 比较像工作 我好像在做田野调查 [06:56.48]So pick one of them. 那就选一个 [06:58.18]Which one do you like more? 你比较喜欢哪一个? [06:59.51]Vince is great,you know? Because he's,like,a "guy" guy. 文斯很棒,他是男人中的男人 [07:04.19]He's just so burly, so very burly. 他好壮,真的好壮 [07:09.86]Okay,good. So there you go. Go with Vince. 好,那就选文斯吧 [07:13.06]But Jason's really sensitive. 但是杰森好感性 [07:14.90]Sensitive is important. Pick him. 感性很重要,选他 [07:18.33]Oh,sure. Go with the sissy. 是啊,听娘娘腔的话 [07:22.37]Jason is not a sissy. 杰森才不娘娘腔 [07:25.17]I meant Chandler. 我是说钱德 [07:37.75]You know,I have dinner plans. 我晚上有约 [07:41.72]Thank you so much for coming on such a short notice. 谢谢各位临时赶来 [07:45.53]Ladies and gentlemen,I've been practicing medicine for 23 years... 各位先生、女士 我行医23年 [07:50.73]...and I'm stumped. 现在却被难倒了 [08:04.51]Okay,this is the den. 这里是书房 [08:06.08]All right,check this out. Lights! 你们看喔…灯光 [08:09.28]All right,less lights! Bad lights! 少一点光…不好的光 [08:12.39]Lights,go away! 灯光走开 [08:19.09]And the dimmer switch. 也可以用调的 [08:22.46]For a rich guy,that's a small TV. 他那么有钱,电视还真小 [08:24.83]That's the video phone. 那是视讯电话 [08:26.63]But you shouldn't be here. So don't touch anything. 你们不能来的,所以不要乱碰 [08:30.61]IKEA,this is comfortable! 宜家傢俱,好舒服 [08:34.84]This place is amazing! 这里太高级了 [08:37.25]-Oh,God! That's the nicest kitchen. -I know. 那个厨房好棒 我知道 [08:40.18]It's the nicest kitchen. 我是褚的 [08:41.68]The refrigerator told me to have a great day. 冰箱还会祝我今天愉快 [08:45.82]Look,a millionaire's checkbook. 你们看,百万富翁的支票簿 [08:51.03]Oh,my God,that's Pete. Get out! 天哪,是彼特,快出去! [08:53.29]How the hell do you answer a video phone? 视讯电话要怎么接? [08:59.20]I guess that's how. 原来是这样 [09:01.10]Monica,how's it going? 摩妮卡,你好吗? [09:03.10]Oh,it's good. It's good. 很好 [09:05.54]Just here,watering the plants. 我来帮你浇花 [09:07.51]Don't forget that ficus there by Rachel. 别忘了瑞秋旁边那一盆 [09:12.38]Chandler's on the couch! 钱德在沙发上 [09:15.78]I see him. You guys are the worst hiders,ever. 我看到了,你们还真不会躲 [09:18.65]-Hi. -How you doing? 嗨 你好吗? [09:23.56]The other day when you said you needed to talk... 那天你说要找我谈一谈 [09:26.63]...just so I know, is it good news or bad news? 请问是好消息还是坏消息? [09:29.56]It's good news. It's definitely good news. 好消息,绝对是好消息 [09:32.50]Hold on a second, I have another call. 等一下,有另一通电话 [09:35.14]How's it going? 你好吗? [09:37.04]It's still me. 还是我 [09:38.54]I've got picture-in-picture here. 我这里有子画面 [09:42.74]I'm gonna have to call you back later. 我再回你电话 [09:46.48]Monica? You. I'm gonna have to call you back. 摩妮卡?我再回你电话 [09:49.72]So I'll see you soon. 改天见 [09:51.65]-Okay. I love you. -I love you. 好,我爱你 我爱你 [09:53.75]We love you too! 我们也爱你 [09:58.63]Well,it's good news. It's good news. 是好消息,是好消息 [10:01.00]-What do you think the good news is? -Look at this! 你想是什么好消息? 你们看 [10:04.37]He wrote a check for $50,000 to "Hugo Lindgren's Ring Design." 他开了一张五万元的支票 给一位戒指设计师 [10:10.84]Sorry. What do you think the good news is? 对不起,你想是什么好消息? [10:15.71]Oh,my! 天哪 [10:17.08]Monica's gonna marry a millionaire! 摩妮卡要嫁给百万富翁了 [10:19.61]You gotta get Mom on the phone! Call Mom! Call Mom! 赶快打给妈,打给妈!打给妈 [10:25.62]And that's Pete's mom. 那是彼特的妈妈 [10:34.03]You have to make it a theme wedding. And the theme could be: 你得办一个主题婚礼 主题可以是… [10:37.80]"Look How Much Money We've Got!" “看我们多有钱啊” [10:41.67]I mean,you could put money in the invitations. 你可以在喜帖里放钱 [10:44.77]You could have,like, little-money place settings. 你可以用钱做成餐具 [10:47.61]And you could start with a money salad. 第一道菜可以上钞票沙拉 [10:50.44]I mean,it'll be dry, but people will like it. 虽然干了点,绝对受欢迎 [10:53.68]Would you stop? 别再说了 [10:55.05]We've only gone out a couple of weeks. 我们才交往两星期 [10:58.65]But this is Pete. He's not like other people. 他是彼特,跟别人不一样 [11:01.19]On your first date,you went to Rome. 你们第一次约会就去罗马 [11:03.22]For most guys,that's like a third or fourth date kind of thing. 对其他男人来说 那是第三、四次约会的事 [11:08.50]Well,if that's what it is, then it's crazy. 如果他要求婚,那就太夸张了 [11:11.73]Monica's right. We're talking about marriage here. 摩妮卡说得对 这可是婚姻大事 [11:14.70]She can't just rush into this. 她不能说嫁就嫁 [11:17.34]What do you know? You married a lesbian! 你懂什么?你娶了一个女同志 [11:26.15]I gotta go. I have to break up with Vince. 我要走了,我要去跟文斯分手 [11:28.75]So you're going with the teacher? 你选了那个老师? [11:31.09]I like Vince a lot,you know? But Jason is so sensitive. 我很喜欢文斯,但杰森好感性 [11:35.09]In the long run,I think sensitive is better than having... 长期来说,感性应该比… [11:38.76]...a really,really,really nice body. 身材很猛来得好 [11:46.07]Jason. Definitely Jason. 杰森,绝对是杰森 [11:48.50]-Wish me luck! -Good luck! 祝我好运 祝你好运 [11:53.07]Oh,my God! 万岁! [11:57.21]Sorry. 对不起 [11:58.28]I was imagining what it'd be like to catch the money bouquet. 我在想像接到钞票捧花的感觉 [12:07.62]Excuse me. Is Vince here? 抱歉,文斯在吗? [12:10.12]Oh,sure. 在 [12:15.93]I didn't know you guys actually used those. 我不晓得你们会真的滑下来 [12:19.43]So what's up? 什么事? [12:24.37]This isn't gonna be easy. 这件事很难启齿 [12:28.04]I don't think we should see each other anymore. 我们还是别再见面了 [12:36.62]I'm sorry. 对不起 [12:37.75]No,it's okay. 没关系 [12:39.62]It's just that I thought we had something pretty special here. 我还以为我们之间很特别 [12:44.00]I felt like you were someone I could finally open up to. 我终于找到可以倾诉的对象 [12:48.30]There's so much in me I haven't shared with you yet. 我还有好多事没跟你分享 [12:51.93]My God! I didn't know you were so 天哪,我不知道你… [12:53.93]I'm sorry. I can't talk. 抱歉,我说不出话来了 [12:57.77]I'm gonna go write in my journal. 我要去写日记 [13:03.58]Wait! Wait! Wait! 等一下 [13:05.85]“中央公园” [13:07.52]If you wanna take care of that thing, go see my herbal guy. 你如果想解决那个问题 就去找我的药草师 [13:11.85]Thanks. But I wanna remove it, not make it savory. 谢了,我是想切除 不是想做成香料 [13:17.32]When girls sleep with guys with weird things on their body... 女生发现情人身上长了怪东西 [13:21.26]...they tell their friends about it. 都会跟朋友广播 [13:24.17]Give me that. 拿来 [13:28.47]Okay,don't be mad at me, but I couldn't resist. 别生我的气,我就是忍不住 [13:32.61]Bride's Magazines? “新娘杂志”? [13:34.04]I know you said you'd say no if he asked you... 我知道你不会答应求婚 [13:36.88]... but how great would you look walking down the aisle... 但是穿这套唐娜凯伦走红毯 [13:40.21]...in this Donna Karan? 会有多美啊 [13:43.02]You so would! 一定会很美 [13:45.52]You should get that anyway. 不结婚也要买 [13:49.36]Well,for clubbing. 可以穿去俱乐部 [13:52.06]It is so weird. 很奇怪 [13:53.56]I know what I said. But this morning... 我说过不会答应 但是今天早上… [13:56.80]...I was lying in bed,imagining what it'd be like to say yes. 我躺在床上 想像说“愿意”的感觉 [14:03.40]I know it's a little sudden, and it's rushed... 我知道有点突然,也很匆促 [14:06.54]...and it's not like me to do something like this. 我也不是会做这种事的人 [14:09.38]But it doesn't mean I can't. Right? 但我可以这么做,对吧? [14:12.55]I mean,I'm crazy about Pete. 毕竟我那么爱彼特 [14:14.52]And I know that we want the same things. 我们追求同样的东西 [14:17.59]And when I thought about saying yes... 当我想到说“愿意”的感觉 [14:20.09]...it made me really happy. 我觉得很快乐 [14:22.06]Oh,my God! 天哪 [14:25.23]I know. 我知道 [14:27.33]I need more pie. 我还要派 [14:31.20]Mon,if you do get married, can I bring two guests? 要是你真的结婚 我可以带两个人去吗? [14:38.04]You didn't break up with that fireman? 你没跟消防员分手? [14:40.51]That was my way of telling you. 我就是这个意思 [14:43.18]Well,it turns out he's incredibly sensitive. 原来他非常感性 [14:45.88]He keeps a journal and he paints. 他写日记,还画画 [14:48.25]He even showed me charcoal drawings that he drew of me. 他还为我画了一幅炭笔画 [14:51.42]He'd prefer watercolors,but he has easy access to a lot of charcoal. 他比较想用水彩画 但是手边有很多黑炭 [14:58.93]So will you dump Jason? 那你要甩掉杰森吗? [15:00.59]Yeah,because I have to break up with someone. 对,我总得跟其中一个分手 [15:04.06]So Jason is sensitive. But now,so is Vince. 杰森很感性,但文斯也是 [15:08.30]Plus,Vince has the body. You know? 而文斯又有身材 [15:10.74]So.... 所以… [15:13.77]It's really just about the math. 这是算术问题 [15:24.12]Come on in. 请进 [15:34.30]You sounded serious on the phone. 你在电话里的语气很严肃 [15:36.46]Is anything wrong? 出了什么事吗? [15:56.32]You must be Ross. 你一定是罗斯 [16:00.35]I am Guru Saj. 我是萨吉大师 [16:04.19]Listen,I gotta tell you,I've never been to a guru before,so.... 老实说,我没找过大师 所以… [16:09.26]Well,relax. 放轻松 [16:10.46]If it makes you feel any better, I've attended... 我在中部念过很好的医学院 [16:13.30]...fine medical schools in Central America. 这样你比较安心了吧 [16:16.34]Well,let's take a look at this skin abnormality of yours. 来看看你的皮肤异常吧 [16:19.94]Come on,have a seat. 请坐 [16:25.85]As I suspected,it's a kundus. 跟我想的一样,是昆度斯 [16:31.12]What's a "kundus"? 什么是昆度斯? [16:32.45]I don't know. What's a kundus with you? 不晓得,对你来说是什么? [16:40.39]Please lie down. 请趴下 [16:41.86]I've got a salve that ought to shrink that right up. 我有一种药膏可以让它缩小 [16:45.83]I guess it's worth a try. 值得一试 [16:47.90]Sure. We should see results 那当然,效果应该… [16:50.24]Clearly not the way to go! 显然不能这么做 [16:54.04]What? What? 为什么? [16:55.71]We appear to have angered it. 我们似乎惹火它了 [16:58.35]We? We angered it? 我们惹火它了? [17:02.55]I think I see the problem. 我看到症结了 [17:05.15]And I'm afraid we're gonna have to use a much stronger tool. 我们得动用更有力的手段 [17:10.49]Love. 爱 [17:13.00]Oh,God! 拜托 [17:16.16]There is absolutely no way this is gonna come off... 它绝对不可能脱落 [17:20.03]... unless you start to.... 除非你用… [17:22.17]What was that? 怎么了? [17:24.91]Well,it's gone. 它掉下来了 [17:27.84]How's that? 怎么会? [17:29.34]Got caught in my watch. 被我的手表刮掉了 [17:36.52]Lights. 灯光 [17:39.02]Romantic lights. 浪漫的灯光 [17:42.22]Nice. 真好 [17:44.09]So there was this thing I wanted to talk to you about. 我说过有事情要告诉你 [17:48.03]Oh,right. I'd completely forgot about that. 对喔,我都忘了 [17:54.54]I've been doing a lot of thinking. 我最近想了很多 [17:57.27]And I look at my life... 我检讨我的人生 [18:00.71]...and I feel like I've conquered the business world. 觉得我已经征服了商场 [18:15.72]But there's one thing missing. 但是还有一个缺撼 [18:18.76]What's that? 什么缺撼? [18:21.60]It's time for me to conquer the physical world. 我该征服体育界了 [18:31.51]I wanna become... 我想成为… [18:37.58]You wanna what? 你想怎样? [18:40.15]I wanna be the Ultimate Fighting Champion. 我想成为终极格斗冠军 [18:42.48]It's the most intense physical competition in the world. 那是全世界最激烈的体能竞技 [18:45.52]It's banned in 49 states. 在四十九州被禁 [18:47.62]What are you talking about? 你在说什么? [18:49.62]My trainer,Hoshi,is teaching me... 我的教练正在教我… [18:51.76]...Jeet Kune Do and Brazilian streetfighting. 截拳道和巴西街头搏击 [18:54.26]I even had my own octagon training ring designed. 我还请人设计了 专用的八角训练场 [18:57.70]And I suppose you used a ring designer for that. 所以你找了设计师 (戒指字同拳击场) [19:04.00]I want you there, in the front row,when I win. 我要你在最前排看我赢得胜利 [19:07.01]I want you close enough to smell the blood. 我要你近得可以闻到血腥味 [19:11.61]What do you think? 你意下如何? [19:14.52]My parents will be so happy. 我的父母会很高兴 [19:21.92]Crazy underwear Creeping up my butt 疯狂的内裤 [19:26.63]Crazy underwear Always in a rut 疯狂的内裤,总是一成不变 [19:30.63]Crazy underwear 疯狂的内裤… [19:36.27]What is he doing here? 他来干什么? [19:38.21]All right,just keep playing. 继续唱 [19:40.44]You'll get through this. You'll be fine. 你会安全过关,不会有事 [19:52.89]Okay,thank you. 谢谢大家 [19:55.56]And as always,no one talk to me after the show. 依照惯例 演唱完不要跟我说话 [20:04.33]I was passing by and saw you were playing. 我刚好路过,看到你在表演 [20:06.73]This is cool,seeing you up there. 你在台上的感觉好棒 [20:12.24]What's going on here? Who's this guy? 怎么回事?他是谁? [20:15.41]I don't know! He just started kissing me. Get him,Vince! 我不知道,他突然跑来亲我 快捉住他 [20:20.88]What? 什么? [20:23.42]I've been dating both of you. 我同时跟你们交往 [20:27.09]And it's been really horrible, because it's been... 这种感觉很差,因为… [20:30.42]...a lot of fun for me. 实在很过瘾 [20:35.40]But I like you both... 你们两个我都喜欢 [20:38.67]...and I didn't know how to choose. 我不知道该选谁 [20:41.17]So I'm sorry. I'm terrible. I'm a terrible person. 对不起,我很差劲 我太差劲了 [20:46.04]Relax. It's okay. I mean.... 别这样,没关系 [20:48.84]We never said this was exclusive. 我们又没说只能跟彼此交往 [20:51.45]Neither did we. So give yourself a break. 我们也是,你别太自责 [20:55.18]Really? 真的? [20:57.42]We haven't been going out that long. 我们交往的时间又不长 [20:59.92]Come on,we haven't even slept together yet. 甚至还没上过床 [21:03.36]You haven't? 你们没有? [21:07.56]You have? 你们有? [21:08.60]Well,this is none of my business. 这是你们的问题 [21:13.70]I can't believe this! You slept with him? 我真不敢相信 你跟他上床了? [21:17.07]Well,I made you a candlelight dinner in the park. 我陪你在公园吃过烛光晚餐啊 [21:21.94]I'm gonna make this real easy for you. 我来替你省掉一个麻烦 [21:30.82]That could've been really awkward. 幸好没有太难看 [21:36.29]You made him a candlelight dinner in the park? 你陪他在公园吃烛光晚餐? [21:39.73]Yeah,but I can do that for you. I'm gonna do that for you. 我也可以陪你吃,我会陪你吃 [21:43.40]I can't believe I went out with somebody... 我居然跟一个… [21:46.13]...who'd have an open flame in the middle of a wooded area! 在林木区点火的人交往 [21:59.05]Everything's gonna be all right. 不会有事的 [22:02.65]Okay,Dick? 好吗,狄克? [22:07.22]Hello. I am Guru Saj. 你们好,我是萨吉大师 [22:12.66]He's a duck,right? Because otherwise... 他是鸭子吧?否则… [22:15.33]...this is way out of my league. 就超出我的能力范围了 [22:18.30]He's got a really bad cough, and our vet can't stop it. 他咳得很严重,兽医治不好 [22:22.47]Is there something you can do? 你有办法吗? [22:24.64]Let me see. 我看看 [22:26.94]Let me see. 我看看 [22:30.64]Do you think you could get him to eat a bat? 你能让他吃下蝙蝠吗?