No. That's what they want me to do. 不要,他们就是要我放弃 Well,this is... 这真是… Here! 拿去 Almost as good as the play with the two naked girls on the seesaw. 跟两裸女坐翘翘板那出有得拼 I sure know how to pick them. 是啊,我还真有眼光 I stayed at Kate's but nothing happened. 我在凯特家过夜 但是什么也没做 Yes! 漂亮! 7:15. 7点15分 All right,I don't think you should be seeing Tommy anymore. 好吧,我觉得 你不该跟汤米来往 You idiot! You gonna spill hot coffee all over me,huh? 你这个白痴! 你想拿热咖啡泼我? Sorry,Tommy. 汤米,对不起 Yeah. But I also believed her when she said I was next. 对,但是我也相信我是下一个 Vic? 维克? Are you still on hold? 你还在等? I was supposed to call my dad back two hours ago. 我两小时前就该打给我爸了 Oh,yeah. He clicked on. 有,他插播过 Call him as soon as you get a chance. He's at Flimbees. 你有空就打给他 他在甲乙丙 What's Flimbees? 什么是甲乙丙? That's the word I use when I can't remember the real thing. 我记不起正确答案时都这么说 Okay,hang up! That's it. Come on! 挂电话,够了 My warranty expires tomorrow. If I don't get through... 保证书明天就过期了 要是无法接通… ...they won't fix my crappy, broken phone for free! 他们就不会免费修理 我的破电话 We cannot let them win! It's us versus them! 我们不能让他们赢 这是与他们的对决 Yes! 没错 I gotta double-check for tickets tonight. Who got what? 我再问一次晚上的票 你们要几张? I have one. 我要一张 I need two. I'm bringing Pete. 我要两张,我要带彼特去 My boyfriend. 我的男朋友 I have a boyfriend now. 我有男朋友了 Two it is. How about you? 你两张,罗斯,你呢? Yeah,I also need two. 我也要两张 Really? Who's number two? 真的?第二个是谁? Whose Number Two? One of the more difficult games sewer workers play. 第二个是谁? 下水道工人的高难度游戏 No,it's just this person. 就是有一个人嘛 Like a date-type person? 是约会对象吗? Yeah,kind of. It's this woman from work. 算是吧,是工作上认识的女生 I hope that won't be too weird. Will it,Rach? 希望不会太奇怪 不会吧,瑞秋? Not at all. I was actually gonna bring someone myself. 一点也不会 其实我也要带人去 But you said one ticket. 但是你只要一张 I meant me plus one. 我是说我再多一张 Okay. Did you guys mean you plus one? 好,还有谁是多一张的? All right. I'll see you tonight. 好,晚上见 Okay. Bye-bye. 再见 Bye-bye. 拜拜 Okay,I need a date! 我得找个男伴 Oh,hey! You guys are finally gonna get to meet Kate! 对了,你们终于要见到凯特了 And I borrowed your cologne. I hope she likes it. 我借了你的古龙水 希望她会喜欢 What are you doing? She's seeing somebody. 你这是干嘛?她在跟别人交往 Yeah,and I don't have any cologne. 而且我没有古龙水 -Bottle next to the shaving cream. -Worm medicine for the duck. 刮胡膏旁边那一瓶 鸭子的除虫药 The One With the Screamer 本集播出: “知人知面不知心” -Here you go. You can wear this. -Thanks. 拿去,这件给你穿 谢谢 I'm setting the phone down. 我要把电话放下 But I'm still here. 但是我人还在 Just don't go anywhere. I'm still here. 不要走开,我还在 Don't switch or anything,because I'm right here. Just one sec. 不要转线,我就在这里 等我一下下 One sec. One second! 等一下,一下下 Wait! One second! Just.... 等等,一下就好… What? Monica,I'm scared! 干嘛?我好害怕 Honey,that's a sleeve. 小姐,那是袖子 And we also have a speakerphone. 而且我们有免持听筒 Please stay on the line. Your call is important to us. 请不要挂断 我们很重视您的来电 You gotta hang up. We'll be late. 你得挂断,要迟到了 Thank you for your patience. You're the next caller. 谢谢您的等候 接下来将为您服务 Yes! Yes! I'm the next caller! 漂亮!我是下一个 You were gonna have me hang up. 你还叫我挂掉 Can you take a duck and a chick to the theater? 可以带小鸡和小鸭去剧院吗? Of course not. 当然不行 I just wanted them to hear it from somebody else. 我只是想让别人告诉它们 “露西儿洛泰尔剧院” Oh,hi,how are you? 你好吗? Good. 很好 -Looks like we're the first ones here. -Looks that way. 看来我们最早到 看样子是的 First ones here! 拔得头筹 Oh,Tommy,this is Ross. Ross,Tommy. 汤米,这是罗斯 罗斯,汤米 Oh,I'm sorry. This is Cailin. Cailin 抱歉,这是凯琳 凯琳… Sorry. 对不起 And break! 放开 I think I'm gonna run to the ladies' room. 我要去一趟洗手间 -I'll join you. -I'll get our seats. 我跟你去 我去找座位 ...awkward. 有点尴尬 Well,because Rachel and l used to go out. 因为瑞秋和我交往过 Oh,I didn't know that. 我不知道 Well,then this is awkward. 那这才叫尴尬 -So what do you...? -I think we're here. 座位是… 应该在这里 Excuse me. I'm sorry. 打扰一下,对不起 I think you may be in our seats. 你们坐到我们的位子了 No,I don't think so. 应该没有吧 -Could we take a look at your ticket? -Sure. 可以看一下你的票吗? 当然可以 Yeah. Yeah,see,this says,"D-13".... 没错,这是D13 Oh,well,I thought that 我以为… You thought? Well,that didn't really work out for you. Idiot! 你以为? 你以为也没有用,白痴! What are you,a moron? It says,"D-13"! Okay? 你是猪头吗? 上面印D13,好吗? You're surrounded by even numbers! Does that give you a clue? 你被双数包围了 你都没想到吗? -The usher told me -The usher must be right! 带位的人说… 带位的人当然对罗 With all his training! 他受过严格训练嘛 Get out! 滚! -Hey,man,you want the aisle? -No,I'm good. 你要靠走道吗? 不用了 -There he is! -There's our star! 我们的明星来了 You were great! 你演得好棒 So? What'd you think? 你们觉得怎样? -I wasn't in that. -I know. 我没有演 我知道 I want you to meet everybody. Everybody,this is Kate. 请你来一下 各位,她是凯特 Excuse me. Excuse me. Sweetheart! 借过…亲爱的 Come! 过来 So that's the girl you like. 那就是你心上人 I tell you,this guy Rachel is with is crazy. 真的,瑞秋的男伴是神经病 He viciously screamed at total strangers. I think he's bad news. 他对陌生人大吼大叫 我觉得他很糟糕 Wait a minute. You don't like the guy Rachel's dating? 慢着,你不喜欢 瑞秋约会的对象? Well,that's odd. 真奇怪啊 Oh,hey,Lauren. You guys,this is Kate's understudy,Lauren. 萝伦,各位 这是凯特的候补萝伦 Hey,gosh,you look so familiar. 天哪,你好面熟 I ran into you in the hallway in your building. 我们在你那栋楼的走廊上见过 It was right after I slept with Joey. He dumped me the next day. 就在我跟乔伊上床之后 他第二天就甩了我 So how'd you guys meet? 你们是怎么认识的? The short version is,I pursued her for a couple of months. 简单的说,我追了她两个月 Then I gave her a check for $20,000 and she was mine. 给她一张两万元支票后 就搞定了 In the long version,I dump him for telling people the short version. 复杂的说,我因为他说话 太简单而甩了他 Joey,sweetheart,you were fabulous! 乔伊宝贝,你太棒了 You guys,this is my agent,Estelle. 各位,这是我的经纪人艾丝黛 How do you do? 你们好 Oh,you two girls were outstanding! 两位美眉演得太棒了 Do they have representation? 她们有经纪人吗? They weren't in the play. 她们没有演 We're not actors. 我们不是演员 What a shame! 真可惜 With her face and her chest, I could really put something together. 她的脸蛋加上她的胸部 我可以捧出个明星来 Could I borrow it? 可以借我吗? Hi. Remember me? 记得我吗? Hi. Yeah. Tommy's in line for the bathroom... 是你,汤米在排队上厕所 ...and someone just cut. I think he's gonna snap. 有人插队,我觉得他要捉狂了 I'm gonna go. 我要走了 Go? Why? 走?为什么? I don't know. Could be because I don't feel like... 不知道,或许是因为… ...waiting all night for a guy who may or may not scream. 我不想整晚等着看一个人发飙 He definitely will scream. 他绝对会发飙 Goodbye. 再见 Here we go,people! 各位,剧评来了 "Boxing Day. “送礼日” The Lucille Lortel Theatre.... “露西儿洛泰尔剧院” Joey Tribbiani gives an uneven performance. 乔伊崔比亚尼的表现参差不齐 But Mr. Tribbiani is not the worst thing in this production." 不过崔比亚尼还不是 这出戏最差的一环 Yes! 帅! "Kate Miller's awkward and mannered portrayal is laughable." 凯特米勒差劲 做作的栓释实在可笑 Here it is! "The direction... 来了!导演部份 ... by Marshall Townend is...." 马歇尔汤恩导演… Thank you,boys and girls. 谢谢各位 You've ruined my life. 你们毁了我的一生 Please stuff your talentless faces... 请用我妈做的蟹饼 ...with my mother's crab cakes! 填满你们没有才华的肚子 Excuse me! 借过 Does anyone mind if I save this? 我可以留着吧? -ls the play over? -Where were you? 戏演完了? 你人呢? Thank you for your patience. You're the next caller. 谢谢您的等候 接下来将为您服务 You were "the next caller" hours ago. You must be going crazy. 已经好几个小时了 你一定快疯了 I've kept myself busy. 我有找事情做 Okay,yeah,I put your stuff in her room and her stuff in your room. 对了,我把你们房里的 东西对调了 You okay? 你还好吗? Fabulous. 好极了 Drama critics,they're nothing but people who couldn't make it as actors. 剧评家只是当不成演员的人 -You know what to do? -Become a drama critic. 你猜你该怎么做? 去当剧评家 I am hurt! 我受伤了 A plague... 祝你们两家… ...on both your houses! 发生火灾、地震 By the way,he dumped me tonight after he read my review. 对了,他看完剧评之后甩了我 Oh,classy. 真过份 You know I gave up a part on a soap for this? 我为了这出戏放弃一个连续剧 I gave up a job too. 我也放弃了一个工作 -Really? What? -Declawing cats. 什么工作? 替猫咪剪指甲 Hey,tell you what, let me walk you home. 这样吧,我陪你走回家 We'll stop by every newsstand and burn every copy of The Times and The Post. 我们去每个报摊 烧掉所有的时报和邮报 -Why The Post?. -You didn't see The Post?. 为什么要烧邮报? 你没看邮报? -No. You? -No. Why? 没有,你看了? 没有,怎么了? You really think these newspapers are just jealous of me? 那些剧评真的是在嫉妒我? Absolutely. You're talented and you're good-looking. 绝对的 你有才华,长得又美 You're sweet and cute. 你人好又可爱 I know. That's why they trashed me. 我知道,所以他们才攻击我 -Wait. Wait a minute. -What? 等一下 怎么了? I don't get you. 我实在搞不懂你 I mean,first you hate me. 你先是讨厌我 Then you sleep with me. 然后跟我上床 Then you want nothing to do with me. Now you want me again? 然后你又跟我撇清关系 现在又想要我了? You never went out with an actress before? 你没跟女演员约过会吗? IKate,do you even like me? 凯特,你喜欢我吗? -Of course I do. -So how come you blew me off? 当然喜欢 那你为什么拒绝我? -How come you were with him? -I don't know. 为什么要跟他在一起? 我不知道 I just do this. 我就是这样 I always have to pick,like, the smartest guy... 我总是要挑那个最聪明的… ...or the most talented guy. 或是最有才华的 Why can't I just pick someone like you? 我为什么不能挑你这种人? Thanks. 谢了 You know what I mean. 你知道我的意思 I mean,like,the sweetest guy. 我是说最体帖的人 You're just so.... 你真的好… You're so... 你好… 好… Here we go. Let's get your feet up there. 来,把你的脚抬上来 Good night. 晚安 Sweet dreams. 祝你好梦 I'm gonna put this can right here in case you have to hurl. 我把桶子放在这里 免得你想捉兔子 Please stay on the line. Your call is very important to us. 请不要挂断 我们很重视您的来电 You've been up for 24 hours. Go to sleep. 你已经24小时没睡了 去睡吧 This isn't healthy. 这样很不健康 No,no,I'm fine. 不,我很好 And you know why? Because of all the riboflavin. 你知道为什么? 因为我吃了核黄素 Didn't you have that on last night? 这是昨晚那套衣服 Hey,where were you? 你怎么没来? I'm so,so sorry. I am definitely gonna see your play. 我很抱歉 我一定会去看你演戏 I swear,your play is very important to us. Thank you for your patience. 你的戏对我们很重要 谢谢你的等候 Your play is the next play I'm gonna see. 我接下来将去看你的戏 How'd it go with Kate? 你跟凯特怎么样? It was great! 感觉好棒 I walked her home,and it was amazing how much we connected. 我陪她走回家 我们之间心有灵犀 Then she passed out. 后来她昏过去了 But then she woke up. 但是等她醒来 And we stayed up all night talking. 我们聊了一整晚 And now we're crazy about each other! 我们现在为彼此疯狂 You had "the night"! 你经历了关键性的夜晚 When two people realize their feelings for each other... 当两个人发现他们坠入爱河 ...and they talk for hours and learn all about the other person. 他们会聊上很久 弄清楚对方的一切 You think? 是吗? -Did you learn about her family? -Two brothers. One died! 她有几个家人? 两个兄弟,一个死了 This is from the woman at the bar. 这是吧台那位女士请的 Sorry. She thought you were somebody else. 对不起,她认错人了 -What time is it? -One. 现在几点? 1点 Watch doesn't work. 我的表坏了 Tommy's supposed to be here soon. We're going to lunch. 汤米快来了,我们要去吃饭 Look,I wasn't gonna say anything to you,but.... 听着,我本来不想说的 但是… You don't? 是吗? The guy is mean. I mean,really mean. I think you should stay away from him. 那傢伙很恶劣,非常恶劣 你应该离他远一点 Or maybe I should stay away from all men. 或许我应该离所有男人远一点 It's not just because I'm jealous. 我不只是在嫉妒 I mean,I'm not. I'm not jealous. 我不是在嫉妒 Look,the guy actually screamed at this couple sitting in our seats. 那傢伙对坐错位子的夫妇大吼 Yeah,and at the end of the play... 对啊,落幕的时候 ...he got up,and he just started, like,banging his hands together. 他还站起来 用力拍打他的双手 You don't want to believe me, that's fine. 好,你们不信就算了 We're kidding. 开玩笑的 No one believe me. I'm Mr. Funny to you. Mr. Funny! 没有人相信我 你们当都我在耍宝 -Sorry,Tommy. -What's in the cup? 对不起 杯子里是什么? What is in the cup? 杯子里是什么? Okay,it's coffee. 是咖啡 Iced coffee? Tell me it's iced coffee. 冰咖啡吗?请告诉我是冰咖啡 -It's hot -Hot coffee! 是热… 热咖啡! What are you? Just a big,stupid doofy idiot with a doofy idiot hairdo? 你是发型很鸟的鸟白痴吗? What's your favorite thing about summertime? 你最喜欢夏天的什么? Going to the beach when it stays light real late. 去海边玩,天色很晚才变暗 What's your favorite thing about summer? 你最喜欢夏天的什么? I don't know. Probably the smell of freshly cut grass. 不知道 新除过的草地的味道吧 That's a good one. 这个好 Sorry! Sorry I'm late! My duck and my chick had a fight. It was ugly. 抱歉迟到 我的鸡和鸭吵架,场面很乱 We held the curtain for you. Let's go! 我们在等你,上场吧 Vic! Where have you been,baby? 维克,你上哪去了? Where's Kate? 凯特呢? She got a job in L.A. 她在洛杉矶找到工作 I've been waiting up all night for you. Where have you been? 我等了你一整夜 你上哪去了? Where have you been,Vic? 你上哪去了,维克? Go to the window. I wanna run down to the truck and show you something. 去窗子旁边 我去车上拿个东西给你看 What do you got down there,Vic? 你要给我看什么? What do you got under that tarp? 帆布底下藏了什么? When is she leaving? 她什么时候走? Tonight. What are you doing? 今晚,你在干什么? I'm coming up! 我马上上来 Hey,you mind if I use the phone? 可以借用电话吗? Use ours across the hall because she... 去对面用我们的,因为她… ... has problems. 有点问题 Thanks. 谢谢 I almost spilled this hot coffee on you. 我差点把热咖啡泼到你身上 Yeah,but you didn't. 但是你没有 No,but... 没错,但是…'s hot. 这是热的 Would you stop it? It's getting really old. 别闹了,都老掉牙了 I can't believe no one believes me. 居然没有人相信我 I do. I believe you. 我相信你 You do? 真的? Hey there,little fella. 嗨,小东西 Mr. Fuzzy Man,how you doing? 毛毛脸,你好吗? Gross! 恶心死了 Idiot! 白痴! Stupid,little,fuzzy,yellow creature! 白痴黄毛鸡 "Oh,look at me! I'm so cute! I'm a little chick who's disgusting!" 你看我,我好可爱 我是恶心的小鸡! You're so stupid! How are you not yet extinct? 笨蛋!你怎么还没绝种? What are you quacking about? 你叫什么叫? Dumb Donald Dodo! 白痴唐老鸭 Step away from the duck. 离鸭子远一点 Sorry,little Mr. Chickadee. 很抱歉,小鸡鸡 Sorry you went doody in my hand! 谁叫你在我手上撇条! I guess we're not going out anymore. 看来我们是没希望了 Man! 妈的! Joey,I'm so glad I caught you. I couldn't find you before. 乔伊,幸好赶上了 我一直找不到你 What's all this about L.A.? 洛杉矶是怎么回事? They still want me for General Hospital. “综合医院”还是要我 But... 但是… ...what about us? 我们呢? Last night was wonderful. 昨晚感觉很棒 But I can't stay here just for you. 但我不能为了你留下来 So stay for the museums. 那就为了博物馆留下来 -I'm sorry. -Joey,on-stage! 对不起 乔伊上场 At least stay till the end of the play. 至少等到落幕 I'll go to the airport with you. I want to say goodbye. 我陪你去机场,我想跟你道别 Where are you,Vic? 维克,你在哪里? Flight's in an hour. I gotta go. 一小时后的班机,我得走了 Vic? 维克? -Vic! -ln a minute! 维克! 等一下! So this is it,Victor? 维克,就这样了? Yeah. I guess it is. 我想是的 Listen... 听我说 ... I gotta say goodbye,and I gotta say it quick because this is killing me. 我必须赶快说再见 因为我的心好痛 One thing you gotta know is that I will never forget you. 我要你知道 我永远不会忘记你 But you got things you have to do now. 但是你有你该做的事 And so do l. 而我也是 And so... 所以… ... I'm gonna get on this spaceship... 我要登上太空船 ...and I'm gonna go to Blaargon-7 in search of alternative fuels. 前往布拉刚7号星 寻找替代燃料 But when I return 200 years from now... 等我两百年后回来'll be long gone... 你早就死了 ... but I won't have aged at all. 而我却一点也不会老 So you tell your great, great granddaughter... 所以请告诉你的曾曾孙女 look me up. 叫她找我 Because,Adrianne... 因为爱莉安… ... baby... 亲爱的… ... I'm gonna want to meet her. 我绝对会想认识她 So long,Vic! 别了,维克 It's been two days. 已经两天了 Yeah,I know. 我知道 Good thing it's one of those 801 numbers,right? 幸好是801免付费电话 Phoebe,800 is toll free. 801 is Utah. 800才是免付费电话 801是犹他州码 It has to be 800 because all those big companies have 800 numbers. 一定是800 大公司都有免付费专线 Every.... 每个… Yeah,every big Utah-based company has one. 犹他州大公司都是801开头 Sorry. I'm so sorry. I will pay you back. 真的很抱歉,我会付钱的 And yet she's still not hanging up the phone. 她还是不挂电话 -Hang up! -Hang up the phone! 挂掉啦 挂挂挂! Fine! Fine! 好啦 Well,I think I broke it. 我好像把它摔坏了 But that's all right. Here's the number where you can call. 没关系,你们可以打这支电话