Hello,people who do not live here. 嗨,不住在这里的人 "Mr. Millionaire. New,from Snooty Playthings. “百万富翁先生” 最新玩具组合 Third wife sold separately." 三老婆单独发售 He's so funny and so sweet. And I'm not attracted to him at all! 他风趣又体帖 而我对他没兴趣 Life-sized lmperial Storm Troopers from Sharper lmage? 有真人大小的 “星际大战”人物模型吗? I really do. 我真的同意 You are a petty,petty... 小器… Happy? 是吗? Hey,how about this one? It says so in the script! 我知道,因为剧本这么写! -Does it bug you? -You bug me. 你看了烦不烦? 你比较烦 The door's closed! I can't see anything with the door closed! 门关了,门关着我看不到 I'll go over and I will borrow something! 我要过去借东西 Oh,that's so Monica can keep track. 这样摩妮卡才方便追踪 -Do you know what I mean? -Oh,I know. 你懂吗? 我懂 I just think,you know... 我只是觉得… Draw! 拔枪! I hate her. I hate her with her "Oh,I'm so talented"... 我恨她,我恨她的 “我好有才华” I'm talking about you, you big,big freak. 我就是说你,猪头 High! 乐死了 Yeah,it was definitely... 对,的确… -Here you go. -Thank you. 你的咖啡 谢谢 "Say,Rachel... 瑞秋 ...I was wondering if you'd go to a movie with me sometime... 有空要不要一起去看电影… ...as my lover." 以情侣的身份 Too out there. 太明显了 "Maybe you'd like to have dinner with me sometime... 改天要不要一起吃饭… ...as my lover." 以情侣的身份 All right,let's go shopping. 好,买东西去 Before we go,there's something I need to say. 走之前我有话要说 I've kind of had this crush on you. 我很喜欢你 Since you were with Ross, I didn't do anything about it. 以前有罗斯,我不方便行动 Now that you're not,I'd really like to ask you out sometime. 既然你们分手,我想约你出去 So that's what I'm doing... 我现在就是在… ... now. 约你 I dropped a cup. 我掉了一个杯子 The One With the Tiny T-Shirt 本集播出:“挥别过去” So within a few years, voice recognition... 再过几年,语音辨识系统 ...will be standard on any computer. 将成为电脑基本配备 You know,so you could be,like, "Wash my car." "Clean my room." 你可以说“去洗车” “去打扫房间” It won't be able to do any of those things,but it'll understand. 电脑办不到,但是听得懂 Oh,this was so great. 好棒喔 Yeah,it was. 是啊 All right,then. 就这样吧 Bye. 再见 I gave you a key for emergencies. 备用钥匙是有急事时用的 We were out of Doritos. 我们没有多力多滋了 Hey,how'd the date go with Mr. Millionaire? 跟百万富翁的约会如何? He's great. We have such a good time together. 他很棒,我们在一起很开心 Still? 还是没兴趣? It's driving me crazy. In every other way,he's the perfect guy. 我快疯了 他在各方面都很完美 He has everything. Plus,he actually has everything. 他什么都好,而且什么都有 Two. 两套 Can Joey and I put them on and fight? 乔伊和我可以拿来对打吗? Oh,Mommy! Oh,Daddy! I am a big old baddy 老妈,老爸,我是超级坏小子 Oh,Mommy! Oh,Daddy! I am a big old baddy 老妈,老爸,我是超级坏小子 I guess he must've gotten the part in that play. 他一定接到那出舞台剧了 Either that,or Gloria Estefan was right. 或正如葛萝莉亚伊丝特芬所唱 Eventually,the rhythm is going to get you. 人迟早会随节奏起舞 -Joe,how's it going? -Good. 乔,你好吗? 很好 So you're playing Adrianne? 你演爱莉安? Yes. Are you one of the retarded cousins? 对,你演智障堂哥? No. I'm playing your husband,Victor. I'm Joey Tribbiani. 不是,我演你的丈夫维克 乔伊崔比亚尼 Hi. Nice to meet you. Kate Miller. 很高兴认识你,凯特米勒 So the play's pretty great,huh? 这个剧本很棒吧? Oh,yeah. I love Jennifer Banberry's work. 是啊,我好喜欢 珍妮佛班贝利的作品 She's so incisive when it comes to deconstructing the middle class. 她尤其能精确的解构中产阶级 Oh,forget about it. She rocks! 废话那么多,总之她超厉害 Where do I know you from? 我在哪里见过你? Dr. Drake Ramoray? 拉莫瑞医生? Days of our Lives? “我们的岁月”? Voted most datable neurosurgeon by Teen Beat?. “少女杂志”票选为 最想跟他约会的神经外科医生 No,that's not it. 不是那个 So you're a soap actor. 原来你是连续剧演员 This must be exciting for you, being in a real play. 能演出舞台剧,你一定很兴奋 Hey,I've done plays before. I'm a serious actor. 我也演过舞台剧 我是专业演员 That infomercial! 那支公益广告 For the milk-carton-spout thing! 倒盒装牛奶那一支 You're the guy who doesn't know how to pour milk! 你是那个不会倒牛奶的人 I actually can pour milk. But I got you believing that I couldn't. 我会倒牛奶,我把你骗倒了 Now,see,that's acting. 这就是演技 Right. At the end,you choked on a cookie. 你还被饼干噎到 That was real. 那是真的 -I cannot believe Mark asked you out. -I know. 马克居然约你出去 是啊 What are you gonna tell him? 你要怎么回答? I told him I would think about it, but I'm gonna tell him no. 我说我会考虑,但是我要拒绝 I think I'd say no to anybody right now. 我目前不想约会 But it was so strange. I mean,I'm standing there... 好奇怪,这样一个… ...with this charming,cute guy who's asking me to go out with him... 迷人、英俊的男人约我出去 ...which I'm allowed to do... 而我也可以去 ...and I felt guilty,like I'd be cheating on Ross or something. 但我却有罪恶感 仿佛那样是背叛罗斯 Wow. So,okay,maybe that means... 也许这代表… ...you're not over Ross yet and you have issues with your father. 你还没有忘情罗斯 而且有父女问题 -I don't have issues with my father. -So it's just the Ross thing. 我没有父女问题 那就是罗斯的问题了 I hate this woman! I hate her! 我恨这个女人,我恨她 She told everyone about that infomercial... 她到处宣传公益广告的事 ...and now they all keep asking me to open their drinks! 大家都跑来找我开饮料 And whenever I can't do it, they're all,like,laughing at me! 每次我打不开,他们就笑我 So Rachel called. 瑞秋打电话来 Wants to see me. 说想见我 Going over in a minute. 我待会儿就要过去 -What do you think she wants? -Maybe the crazy fog has lifted... 你觉得她有什么事? 也许她茅塞顿开 ...and she realizes that life without me... 发现没有我的人生… ...sucks. 是黑白的 It's possible. You are very lovable. I'd miss you if I broke up with you. 有可能,你很可爱 要是我跟你分手,也会想念你 Just trying to be supportive. 我想表达支持 Be supportive like a guy. 请以男人的方式表达 If I broke up with you,I'd miss you. 要是我跟你分手,也会想念你 You wanted to see me? 你找我? Here's a box of your stuff. 这一盒是你的东西 It's just hats and a shirt and CD's. Just stuff that you've left here. 就是帽子、衣服、CD 一些你留在这里的东西 What are you doing? Are you trying to hurt me or something? 你干什么?想伤害我? It just seems that,you know, it's time we move on. 我只是觉得我们该往前走了 I mean,don't you think? 你不同意吗? -Yes,I do. -Good. 同意啊 那就好 This was a gift. 这是我送你的 You got that for free from the museum gift shop. 那是博物馆礼品部的赠品 It's still a gift. 它一样是礼物 I got it from the "gift" shop. 我是从“礼品部”拿到的 Okay! All right! Give me the mug! I'll keep the mug! 好,给我,我留着就是了 Don't do me any favors. 不必假好心 In fact... 既然如此… ...where's the rest of my stuff? Like my.... 其他的东西呢?像… This book is mine! 这本书是我的 And that T-shirt you sleep in? I'd like that back too. Yes,I do. 你当成睡衣穿的T恤呢? 我要拿回来 You know how much I love that T-shirt. You never even wear that T-shirt. 你明知我很喜欢那件衣服 你根本没在穿 I'm just trying to help you "move on." 我是在帮你往前走 Oh,you are a petty man. 你真小器 -Petty... -... petty,petty... 小器… -...small.... -...small.... 小心眼… You are so just doing this out of spite. 你是故意要气我的 I'm gonna wear this all the time! I love this shirt! 我会一直穿着,我爱这件衣服 You haven't worn it since you were 15! It doesn't even fit you anymore! 你15岁之后就没穿过了 根本塞不下 (法兰基说:放轻松) If you don't mind,I'm gonna take the rest of my stuff... 不好意思,我要把东西拿走了 ...and "relax"... 我要去放轻松… ...in my favorite shirt. 穿着我最爱的衣服 You have a pleasant evening. 祝你今晚愉快 So you're,like,a zillionaire. 你是亿兆富翁 And you're our age. You're our age. 却跟我们差不多大 You know what? You should buy a state... 你知道吗?你应该买下一个州 ...and then just name it after yourself. 取你自己的名字 Like,"Pete Dakota"? 例如彼达科塔? Or "Mississi-Pete." 或是密西西彼特 I got it: "Pete Chicago." 我知道了:彼芝加哥 That's not a state,Joe. 芝加哥不是州 Oh,and "Mississi-Pete" is? 密西西彼特就是? I gotta go. 我该走了 I'll see you guys later. 改天见 You're our age. 你跟我们差不多大 So are we on for tomorrow? 明天再见? Absolutely. 好 Now,get out of here,you! 快走吧 Okay,I'm running out of places I can touch him. 我快要没地方可以摸了 Is something wrong with me? 我有毛病吗? Why am I only attracted to guys with no future? 我为何总是喜欢没有未来的人 Either they're too old, or they're too young. 不是太老,就是太小 And there's Pete, who's crazy about me... 彼特这么喜欢我 ...and he's absolutely perfect, and there's zip going on! 而且这么完美,我们又合得来 Does it sound like something's wrong with me? 我是不是有什么毛病? Yeah,kind of. 好像是 Happy? Is that what I'm supposed to be,Vic? 我应该感到开心吗? Why don't you tell me what you're supposed to be? 不如由你来告诉我 Because I sure as hell can't figure it out! 因为我实在搞不懂 I talk to you,and nothing! 我们的交谈没有感情 You look at me,and it's nothing! 你看着我的眼神没有感情 Nothing. 什么都没有 Tasty. 有意思 I'm really starting to feel like you guys have a history. It's nice. 我开始觉得 你们有渊源了,很好 I have a question about this scene. 我对这场戏有个疑问 I don't understand why Adrianne's attracted to Victor. 爱莉安为什么会喜欢维克? Peel the onion. 你要抽丝剥茧 First of all,he's good-looking. 第一,他很帅 My character needs a bit more of a reason than that. 我的角色需要更好的理由 I don't know why my character likes you either. 我也不知道维克为什么喜欢你 I mean,it says in the script that you're a bitch. 剧本上说你是个贱人 -lt doesn't say that in the script. -lt does in mine. 剧本上没写 我这一本有 I can blow-dry it,gel it. It doesn't matter. 我吹干、上发胶,还是一样 I still wind up with this little... 还是有一撮… ...cowlick-y thing on the middle part of my head. It's so annoying. 像是被牛舔过的头发,烦死了 Is there any chance you didn't see that? 你会不会刚好没看到? Ross,you gotta stop,okay? 罗斯,别再看了 You can't stare through the peephole for three hours. 你不能在那里瞄上三小时 You're gonna get peep-eye. 你会得偷窥眼 I knew it. I knew it. I always knew she liked him. 我就知道,我就知道她喜欢他 She'd say no,but here we are. We just broke up,first thing she does! 她一直否认,结果呢 我们才刚分手,她就破功了 You didn't "just break up." 你们没有“才刚分手” It's been,like,three weeks! 才三个星期 You slept with somebody three hours after you thought you broke up. 你不到三小时就跟别人上床 I mean,bullets have left guns slower. 连子弹都没这么快 Here they come! Here they 他们回来了… If she kisses him good night, I'll kill myself. 要是她跟他吻别,我会自杀 I can't watch. 我看不下去了 Come on. Date over! Date over! 约会该结束了 Here we go. She's going in. 没事,她要进去了 She's going in. 她要进去了 Wait! He's going in! 他也要进去 He's going in! 他进去了 And the inventor of the door rests happily in his grave. 门的发明者可以安息了 I have to do something. I have to stop it! 我得想办法阻止 -Stop what? -I don't know. 阻止什么? 我不知道 But I have a feeling my being there will do it. 但只要我过去就行了 Juice! I need juice! 果汁!我要喝果汁 You can't! 不行 -They must be stopped! -I am your friend... 一定要阻止他们 我是你的朋友 ...and I won't let you do this! 我不会让你这么做 You are surprisingly strong! 你还真强壮 -I need juice! People need juice! -Look,man.... 我要喝果汁,人都要喝果汁 听我说 -People need juice! -Listen to me! 人都要喝果汁 听我说! She's moving on. If it's not this guy,it's gonna be somebody else. 她往前走了 就算不是他,也会有别人 And unless you're thinking about subletting my peephole... 除非你打算租下这个窥孔 ...you'll have to get used to the fact that it's over! 否则你就得面对分手的事实 Okay,man? It's over. 好吗?结束了 It's just I miss her so much. 我真的很想她 I know. 我知道 Why do your coffee mugs have numbers? 咖啡杯为什么有编号? So if one of them's missing, she can be like,"Where's number 27?" 要是少了一个 她就可以说27号杯呢? You know what? 你知道吗? No,and I don't think I'm gonna want to. 不知道,也不想知道 -I can't do this. -That's what I didn't want to know. 我办不到 我就是不想知道这件事 Oh,I'm just doing this for the wrong reasons,you know? 我的出发点是错的 I'm doing it to get back at Ross. 我只是想报复罗斯 I'm sorry. It's not very fair to you. 对不起,这样对你不公平 Fair,shmair. You know? 去他的公平 You wanna get back at Ross, I am here for you. 你想报复罗斯,尽管找我 Really. 真的 I say we get back at him right here on this couch. Right here! 我们就在这张沙发上报复他吧 Oh,my God. 天哪 I'm sorry about this. 很抱歉 That's okay. 没关系 You sure? 你确定? I can just go home and get back at him by myself. 我可以回去自己报复他 and should become the penicillin of the 2 1st century. 将成为21世纪的盘尼西林 And so today,this hospital is about to take major steps... 所以今天,本院将朝领导改革 ...toward leading that revolution. 跨出一大步 Can I ask you something? 问你一件事 Where are we? 目前是什么状况? Well,with all these doctors and nurses... 有这么多医生、护士在场 ... I'm gonna say,"Midget Rodeo." 应该是小型马术表演 Just tell me the truth. 跟我说实话 You know,I don't think I told you this... 我应该没有告诉你 ... but I just recently got out of a serious relationship. 我刚结束一段很认真的感情 Oh,right. Wasn't that a year ago? 一年前对吧? So I did tell you. 原来我说过了 That's not really the thing. 其实不是这个原因 I'm just in a place in my life where I need to focus on me. 我目前想把注意力 放在自己身上 -I so want to be attracted to you. -But you're not. Okay. Good. 我也想对你有兴趣 但是你没有,好 I'm sorry. 对不起 You know what? Don't be. 不必对不起 Don't be,because it's not so bad. 真的,没有那么糟 It's not? 真的? Yeah. I know I'm no Jon Bon Jovi. 我又不是强邦乔飞 Or someone you find attractive. 或是什么有魅力的人 ...that you might end up feeling differently. 你的感觉或许会变 I don't want this to come out wrong... 你别误会 ...but you're awfully confident for a guy I said I wasn't attracted to. 但是以被拒绝的人来说 你还真有自信 Stupidly charming,isn't it? 傻得很可爱吧? You wanna get something to eat? This place is kind of depressing. 要不要去吃饭? 这里蛮令人沮丧的 Now the man who made all of this possible,Mr. Peter Becker. 我们欢迎幕后功臣 彼特贝克先生 One second. 等一下 I don't think this town is big enough for the both of us to relax in. 一山不容二虎,一臣不事二主 I wasn't doing anything. 我什么也没做 What did she do now? 她又怎么了? Just because she went to Yale,she thinks she's the greatest actress... 她在耶鲁念戏剧 就自以为比… ...since sliced bread. 切片吐司厉害 Ah,Sliced Bread. A wonderful Lady Macbeth. 切片吐司 她的马克白夫人是一绝 ...and "Oh,I'm so pretty," and "Oh,I smell so good." “我好漂亮”、“我好香” I think somebody has a crush on somebody. 有某人喜欢上某人罗 Can we please try and stay focused on my problem here? 请专心讨论我的问题好吗? You're out of your mind! 少来了 You've done nothing but talk about her for 48 hours. 这两天你开口闭口都是她 If you were in school,you'd be pulling her pigtails and pushing her down now. 要是在学校里你已经 在拉她的辫子、推她了 Then how come I keep thinking about her... 那为什么我老是想着… ...in all these sexual scenarios and stuff? 要用各种姿势跟她嘿咻? Happy? Is that what I'm supposed to be,Vic? Happy? 我应该感到开心,是吗? Why don't you tell me what you're supposed to be,huh? 不如由你来告诉我 Because I sure as hell can't figure it out. 因为我实在搞不懂 I talk to you,and it's nothing. 我们的交谈没有感情 You look at me,and nothing. 你看着我的眼神没有感情 Nothing. 什么都没有 You guys make me fly! 你们让我乐翻天了 Okay,we're gonna pick it up here,tomorrow. 明天再继续排 -Well,that was.... -Better? 刚才… 好多了? ...an improvement. 有进步 -Good night. -Kate. 再见 凯特 You forgot your shoes. 你忘了拿鞋子 I'm probably gonna need those,huh? 不穿鞋子恐怕不行 Hey,listen... 凯特 ...you feel like getting a cup of coffee? 要不要去喝杯咖啡? Kate... 凯特 ...you ready to go? 可以走了吗? Very nice. Very nice. 很好,非常好 -See you tomorrow? -Yeah. Sure. 明天见 好 -Right. -Good night. 再见 晚安 Why isn't it "Spiderman"? 为什么没有蜘蛛曼? Like Goldman,Silverman? 像是金曼、席维曼 Because it's not his last name. 因为那不是他的姓 It isn't? 不是吗? It's not,like... 他又不叫… ... Phil Spiderman. 菲尔蜘蛛曼 He's a Spider-... 他是个蜘蛛… ... man. 人 You know,like,Goldman is a last name. 像金曼是姓氏 But there's no Gold Man. 但是没有金人 There should be a Gold Man! 应该要有金人 -How was work? -Oh,great. 工作顺利吗? 很好 Although I did sit down where there wasn't a chair. 不过我不小心摔到地上 By the way,Ross dropped by a box of your stuff. 罗斯拿了一盒你的东西来 Oh. Well,I guess I had that one coming. 意料中事 I'm just gonna throw it out. It's probably just shampoo and 直接扔掉吧,还不是洗发精… Something wrong? 怎么了? No. Nothing. 没事 So what kind of powers would "Gold Man" have? 金人有什么超能力? Okay. Well,he would turn things to gold. 他能把东西变成金子 -And things that are already gold? -His work is done. 已经是金子的东西呢? 那就是完成任务了 Let's play my game. 来玩我的游戏 All right,you yellow-bellied, lily-livered 你这个中看不中用的… Draw! 拔枪! Yeah,it's fun. 好玩