[03:10.-2]I would've called, but I lost your number. 我本来想先打电话 但是号码弄丢了 [05:37.-1]Great! 太好了 [07:20.-1]And the two times we went out, it was plain awkward. 我们一起出门两次,都蛮惨的 [09:25.-1]I think you should go out with this guy. 你应该跟他约会 [12:19.-4]It didn't. 没有 [15:37.-1]We go out,we eat. 我们出去吃饭 [17:50.-4]And you'll see it too,one day. You really,really will. 你总有一天也会明白,真的 [19:57.-2]You are a strong,confident woman... 你是坚强、有自信的女性 [21:29.-2]You're too young... 你还年轻… [00:07.65]What's so funny? 你在笑什么? [00:09.32]Nothing. It's an acting exercise. I'm practicing my fake laugh. 没有,这是演技练习 我在练假笑 [00:18.46]What? What's so funny? 你在笑什么? [00:24.34]No,no. There's none of that in here. 不行,店里不准抽烟 [00:26.91]Come on. At least let me finish this last one. 至少让我抽完这一根 [00:31.14]Only if you give me a drag. 好,但你得分我一口 [00:41.69]Oh,dark mother,once again I suckle at your smoky teat. 妖女,我又吻上你的唇了 [00:48.26]Why don't you hold on to that one. 整根都给你吧 [00:59.94]That's like the least fun game ever. 这是最不好玩的游戏 [01:03.04]I'm sick of your smoking, so I brought something... 我受够了,我带了一样东西 [01:06.18]...that is going to help you quit. 可以帮助你戒烟 [01:15.45]That patch is no good. 这个戒烟帖布不好用 [01:21.29]It's a hypnosis tape. 这是催眠录音带 [01:23.13]A woman at work used it for two weeks and hasn't smoked since. 我一个同事听了 两星期后再也没抽过烟 [01:30.04]What's your problem? 你有什么意见? [01:31.64]Nothing. It's just that hypnosis is beyond crap. 没什么,只不过催眠是骗人的 [01:36.84]I watched you get hypnotized in Atlantic City. 我在亚特兰大看过你被催眠 [01:39.64]That guy did not hypnotize me,okay? 那傢伙没把我催眠,好吗? [01:42.35]You always pull your pants down and play "Wipe Out" on your butt. 是啊,你总是脱裤子 用**“通杀” [01:48.39]Forget hypnosis. 别用催眠了 [01:49.85]The way to quit smoking is to dance naked in a field of heather... 想戒烟就得去石南地上裸舞 [01:53.73]...and then bathe in the sweat of six healthy,young men. 然后用六个壮丁的汗水沐浴 [01:58.06]Or what my father calls "Thursday night." 我爸管它叫“周四夜狂欢” [02:02.27]The One With the Hypnosis Tape 本集播出:“老少配” [02:50.32]-Here you go. -I didn't want cinnamon on this. 拿去 我不要加肉桂 [02:53.75]Sorry. 对不起 [03:03.33]Oh,my God! Frank! 天哪,法兰克 [03:06.66]How are you? 你好吗? [03:08.07]What are you doing here? 你怎么来了? [03:12.90]And then my mom locked me out of the house,so I couldn't find it. 我妈把我锁在门外 我没办法进去找 [03:17.51]Then I tried to find a pay phone, and the receiver was cut off. 我找了一具公共电话 话筒却被剪断了 [03:23.52]What happened? 怎么了? [03:26.15]Vandalism. 有人破坏公物 [03:28.92]But also,what happened between you and your mom? 那你和你妈怎么了? [03:32.29]We got in a fight. She said that I was too immature to get married. 我们吵架,她说我 不够成熟,不能结婚 [03:36.69]You're getting married? 你要结婚了? [03:41.47]My little brother's getting married! 我的弟弟要结婚了 [03:44.77]I knew you'd be so cool about this. Do you wanna meet her? 我就知道你会替我高兴 你想见她吗? [03:49.27]Do l? 你说呢? [03:50.88]Do you? 你想吗? [03:53.11]Yeah,I do. 当然想 [03:54.38]Cool,all right. She's just parking the truck. 太好了,她正在停卡车 [03:58.52]I gonna go get my fiancee,man! 我去带我的未婚妻来 [04:04.46]I'd have bet good money that he'd be the first one of us to get married. 我就知道他会最早结婚 [04:09.19]Isn't it fantastic? 这不是很棒吗? [04:11.06]Don't you think he's a little young to get married? 你不觉得他稍嫌年轻? [04:14.37]Well,he's 18. 他已经18岁了 [04:15.67]It'll be illegal for him to drink at his own bachelor party. 他在最后单身派对上不能喝酒 [04:19.70]Yeah,or to get a hooker. 也不能叫鸡 [04:22.91]Always illegal,Joe. 叫鸡本来就违法 [04:27.58]This is my fiancee... 这是我的未婚妻 [04:30.48]... Mrs. IKnight. 奈特老师 [04:34.55]That's my sister. 那是我姐姐 [04:35.65]You know,it's funny. 说来好笑 [04:37.52]Frank told me so much about you,but you're not how I pictured you at all. 法兰克经常提到你 你却跟我想像的不一样 [04:42.26]Yeah,I'm a big surprise. 是啊,我很令人意外 [04:46.56]Here,grab a seat. 坐吧 [04:48.10]So how did you guys meet? 你们是怎么认识的? [04:50.94]I was in Mrs. IKnight's.... 我去上奈特老师的… [04:53.77]I mean,Alice. Sorry. I always do that. 我是说爱丽丝 抱歉,我老是叫错 [04:59.88]I was in her home-ec class. 我去上她的家政课 [05:02.01]He was my best student. 他是我最好的学生 [05:03.68]She was my best teacher. 她是我最好的老师 [05:15.46]If that doesn't keep kids in school, what will? 真是让学生不跷课的好方法 [05:20.93]And so now you guys are gonna be married? 你们要结婚了? [05:24.90]We talked about just living together... 我们本来只考虑同居 [05:30.14]...but we want kids right away. 但是我们想马上生小孩 [05:34.55]Oh,my God! 天哪 [05:39.92]IKids. Frank,are you sure you're ready for that? 小孩?法兰克 你真的准备好了? [05:43.62]How hard can it be? 能有多难? [05:45.46]You know,I mean,babies. Who doesn't want babies? Right? 谁不想要小宝宝,对吧? [05:51.03]And besides, I never had a dad around. 而且我一直没有爸爸陪伴 [05:53.56]And now I always will, because it'll be me. 以后就有了,因为我就是爸爸 [06:01.07]Really,we do realize that there's an age difference between us. 我们知道我们的岁数差很多 [06:05.08]Good. Because you were acting like you didn't. 那就好 你们看起来好像不知道 [06:08.05]But when it comes to love, what does age matter? 但是在爱情里,年龄不是问题 [06:18.56]You are falling fast asleep. 你正在进入梦乡 [06:21.59]Deeper,deeper,deeper. 越睡越沉,越睡越沉 [06:24.76]You are now completely asleep. 你已经睡着了 [06:27.40]You don't need to smoke. 你不需要抽烟 [06:29.87]Cigarettes don't control you. 香烟不能控制你 [06:32.74]You are a strong,confident woman... 你是坚强、有自信的女性 [06:36.11]... who does not need to smoke. 你不需要抽烟 [06:38.84]A strong,confident woman. 坚强、有自信的女性 [06:44.15]You know what? 你知道吗? [06:45.25]I realized in the last year I've only gone out with Richard and Julio. 我发现去年我只和 李察、胡立欧交往过 [06:49.79]You gotta help me out,set me up. Get me back in the game. 你得帮我牵线,让我重回情场 [06:53.29]Not a problem. 没问题 [06:54.59]I work in fashion,and all I meet are eligible straight men. 我在时装界工作 身边全是异性恋好男人 [07:01.10]Can I get you something else? 你还要什么? [07:02.87]Cheesecake and a date, if you're giving them out. 起司蛋糕 和一次约会,如果有的话 [07:06.77]Haven't we covered that topic? 我们不是谈过了吗? [07:08.34]You just said to her 你刚才对她说… [07:10.21]You wanna go out with me... 你想跟我约会 [07:12.04]... because of my wig,the big boobs, and I serve you food. 是因为我是金发、波霸 还端吃的给你 [07:15.65]If that were true, I'd be dating my Aunt Ruth. 那我找我姑姑就行了 [07:24.19]You think she should go out with me, don't you? 你觉得她应该和我约会吧? [07:30.73]You sure you wanna go out with her? 你真的想跟她约会? [07:32.90]That ain't a pretty picture in the morning. 早上会惨不忍睹喔 [07:36.07]That wig all in disarray, and boobs flung over the nightstand. 假发乱成一团 义乳扔在床头柜上 [07:42.31]Think about it. 你考虑一下 [07:43.84]Oh,I will. 我会的 [07:47.68]No,I know. I know that this is Frank's life. 我知道这是法兰克的人生 [07:52.85]I don't wanna be judgmental, but it's sick. It's sick and wrong! 我不想批评 但这样是变态、是错的 [07:57.76]What,is it the age thing? 因为年龄的关系? [07:59.89]I'm fine with the age thing... 我本来不在乎年龄 [08:01.89]...until it sticks its tongue down my brother's throat. 直到她把舌头往我弟的喉咙伸 [08:06.53]Pheebs,he seems to enjoy it. 菲比,他看起来很爽 [08:09.70]You think he'll enjoy it when he's up to his elbows in diapers... 等他忙着帮一堆宝宝换尿布 [08:13.57]...of all the babies they have to have right away? 你觉得他还会爽吗? [08:17.24]This is not fair to Frank, and it's not fair to the babies. 这样对法兰克不公平 也对宝宝不公平 [08:21.41]You know what? It's not good home economics. 这可不是好的家政 [08:26.55]Have you told him how you feel? 你跟他说过吗? [08:28.92]Yes. Not out loud. 有,但没有说出声音 [08:32.52]If you don't tell him,soon he'll be married,then you'll hate yourself. 你不说,他就要结婚了 你会恨你自己 [08:37.06]Yeah,but if I do tell him, then he's gonna hate myself. 我要是说了,他会恨我 [08:41.10]Look at him and his mom. I can't. 你看看他和他妈妈,我不能说 [08:46.30]But you guys can. You talk him out of it. 但是你们可以,你们去劝阻他 [08:51.14]Come on,you guys. 拜托啦 [08:54.61]You have nothing to lose. I have everything to lose. 你们没有损失 我却会失去一切 [08:57.62]Do you want me to lose everything? Everything? 你们要我失去一切吗? [09:05.46]Okay,I'm gonna go get Frank. 好,我去找法兰克 [09:10.13]We're walking down the street, and I turn to you and say: 刚才走在街上,我对你说 [09:13.66]"Let's go hang out at Totally Nude Nudes." Remember? “去脱衣酒吧坐坐” 记得吗? [09:17.00]And then you say,"Let's just hang out at your place." 然后你说“去你家就好了” [09:20.77]Well,that was a nice move,dumb ass. 好明智啊,猪头 [09:27.61]He doesn't do anything for me. 他对我一点吸引力也没有 [09:29.61]Last Saturday night,what happened on Walker,Texas Ranger? 上周六的 “猛龙过江”演什么? [09:34.09]Walker was looking for this big busload of kids. 沃克在找一车子的小孩… [09:39.12]All right,I get your point. 我懂你的意思了 [09:43.49]I forgot the combination to this about a year ago. 我一年前就忘了它的密码 [09:46.83]I just carry it around. 我只是拎着装样子 [09:50.67]You got any Chap Stick? 你们有护唇膏吗? [09:53.27]How are those tapes working out? 录音带听得怎样? [09:55.11]Good. I haven't smoked yet today. 很有效,我今天还没抽烟 [09:57.81]I feel great and confident. That is a stunning blouse. 清爽又有自信 好漂亮的上衣 [10:05.52]Thank you. 谢谢 [10:07.62]-Here you go. -Thanks. 拿去 谢了 [10:10.19]Let's give Pete a chance. He was funny. He seems really nice. 给彼特一个机会 他既风趣,人又好 [10:14.23]That check thing was adorable. 而且支票的事好可爱 [10:16.36]What check thing? 什么支票? [10:18.13]As a joke,this customer who has a crush on me,gave me a $20,000 tip. 有个喜欢我的顾客开玩笑 给我两万元的小费 [10:23.50]His number's on the check. He did it so I'd call. 他的电话在支票上 他要我打给他 [10:26.47]Pete Becker. Pete 彼特贝克,彼特… [10:35.55]Is this him? 是他吗? [10:37.21]That's Bill Clinton. 那是总统 [10:40.65]Who's he hugging? 他抱着谁? [10:44.00]Oh,my God. That's Pete. Why is Bill hugging Pete? 天哪,是彼特 总统为什么抱着彼特? [10:48.03]This guy invented Moss 865. 他发明了摩斯865 [10:49.93]Every office in the world uses that program. 全世界的公司都在用这个程式 [10:52.73]-We use it! -There you go! 我们也在用 你看吧 [10:56.03]Monica's gonna go out with a millionaire. 摩妮卡要跟百万富翁约会了 [10:59.27]I'm not gonna go out with him. 我才不跟他约会 [11:01.57]I can't believe this is a real $20,000 check. This is so exciting. 这居然是真的两万元支票 好兴奋喔 [11:06.04]Or incredibly offensive. 或是令人火大 [11:08.18]Yeah,sure. That too. 对,也有 [11:22.56]What? 怎样? [11:25.70]All we're saying is, don't rush into anything. 我们的意思是,不要操之过急 [11:28.70]Come on,think about it. You're 18. She's 44. 你想想:你18岁,她44岁 [11:33.24]When you're 36,she's gonna be 88. 等你36岁,她就88岁了 [11:38.58]You don't think I know that? 你以为我不知道? [11:43.55]The point is... 重点是… [11:46.05]...there's a lot of women you haven't had sex with yet. 你还可以跟很多女人上床 [11:49.25]He's right. He's right. This is your time. 他说得对,这是你的天下 [11:52.46]You're young. You're weird. Chicks dig that. 你年轻,你古怪 女生最喜欢了 [11:56.76]Isn't sex better when it's with one person that you really care about? 跟一个你很喜欢的人做 感觉不是更棒? [12:01.50]Yeah,in a poem,maybe. 在诗里吧 [12:04.67]No,the man's right. That's what I had with Rachel. 不,他说得对 我跟瑞秋就是那样 [12:08.34]Not anymore? 现在没有了? [12:10.01]No. I slept with someone else. 没了,我跟别人上了床 [12:14.25]So wait. So how did that make things better? 等等,那样对事情有帮助吗? [12:22.12]What you used to have with Rachel is what I got with Alice. 你跟瑞秋的感觉 就是我和爱丽丝的感觉 [12:25.66]Now,what is that like? 那是什么感觉? [12:27.49]It's so cool,man. 很棒的感觉 [12:29.09]It's because being with her is so much better than not being with her. 因为跟她在一起 比不跟她在一起快乐多了 [12:35.10]-Why can't I find that? -I had it and I blew it. 我为什么找不到? 我拥有过,却搞砸了 [12:38.37]Well,I want it! 我想要! [12:40.00]You can have it. 你一定可以拥有 [12:41.17]Maybe there's something wrong with me. 也许我有毛病 [12:44.04]No,it's out there,man. I've seen it! I got it! 你会找到的 我见过,也拥有了 [12:48.85]-Then,you hold on to it! -All right,man! 那你就要好好把握 好 [12:51.72]All right! Congratulations, you lucky bastard! 死小子,恭喜你 [12:55.05]You're Frank's best man? 你是法兰克的伴郞? [12:59.32]I couldn't help it. Their love is so pure. 我没办法,他们的爱好纯洁 [13:03.06]What about you,huh? 那你呢? [13:05.70]I'm the ring bearer. 我帮他拿戒指 [13:26.15]I'm so glad you could come. I've got a real home-ec emergency. 你来了就好 我有一个家政** [13:30.35]Oh,my God. Who died on this? 天哪,谁死了? [13:33.69]It's a real "mustard-tastrophe." 芥末酱倒了 [13:37.06]Can you help? 你有办法吗? [13:38.26]Absolutely. First,we'll start with a little club soda and salt. 当然有,先用苏打水加盐清洗 [13:42.57]-Then if that doesn't work -Forget it. It's ruined. 要是洗不掉,就… 算了,它已经毁了 [13:45.87]Never say that. If you can't get it out,cut around the stain... 别这么说,要是洗不掉 就剪掉脏污部份 [13:49.84]...add a little lace, you make a stylish throw. 缝一点蕾丝 就是一条漂亮的遮布 [13:54.18]Or instead,maybe you could just not marry my brother,Frank? 又或者,你可以 不要嫁给我弟弟 [14:02.52]Can we make it smaller? Make it fit on the head of a pin? 能不能让它小到 可以放在针尖上? [14:05.76]I love when we make things fit on the head of a pin. 我喜欢生产这种小东西 [14:10.90]You have Monica Geller here. 摩妮卡盖勒来访 [14:12.93]Absolutely. Yeah,send her in. 好的,让她进来 [14:18.74]What the hell is this? 这是什么意思? [14:20.70]Hang on for a sec. I'll talk to you in the morning? 等一下…明天早上再谈? [14:23.71]You got it. 好的 [14:25.88]I'm sorry. What? 对不起,什么? [14:27.38]What's this supposed to mean? 这是什么意思? [14:29.05]Well,you know, I never know how much to tip. 我一直不会算小费 [14:34.05]You double the tax. Not double the tax of Romania. 把加税乘以二 不是把罗马尼亚的税收乘以二 [14:39.59]Are you buying me? Is this how you get girls to go out with you? 你要买我吗? 你都这样约女孩子? [14:43.63]I'm still here. 我还在 [14:49.00]You're taking this wrong. If I didn't leave you that tip... 你误会了 要是我没给这笔小费 [14:52.30]...you wouldn't have come, we wouldn't have this argument... 你就不会来,我们不会争吵 [14:55.81]...and there wouldn't be this heat between us. 也不会有这种紧张的气氛 [14:59.41]You gotta admit that our relationship is hitting a new level now. 你得承认我们的关系有进展了 [15:04.08]You were the chef and I was the customer. 以前你是厨师,我是顾客 [15:06.78]But now we're this couple that fights. 现在我们是两个争吵的人 [15:11.59]You're a loon. 你是个疯子 [15:13.86]Look,forget the check,okay? I like you. 别管这张支票了,我喜欢你 [15:18.03]I think you're great. 我觉得你很棒 [15:20.93]Come on,what do you say? 怎么样? [15:25.04]I don't know. 我不知道 [15:26.64]Why not? 为什么? [15:28.87]I don't wanna encourage this behavior. 我不想鼓励这种行为 [15:32.51]One meal. That's all I'm asking for. Please? 我只求一顿饭,好吗? [15:38.65]If you don't have a good time, I'll give you 10 grand,we're even. 要是玩得不开心 我给你一万,我们扯平 [15:55.30]Wait,no. Just put the mail down. It's me. 不,把信放下,是我 [15:59.64]Sorry. Why were you just all in the dark? 对不起,你怎么不开灯? [16:03.07]Your laundry smelled so good that I thought I'd curl up in it. 你的衣服好香,我就窝在里面 [16:08.48]-ls that all right? -Yeah,sure. 没关系吧? 没关系 [16:10.68]So how was your day? 今天过得怎样? [16:12.25]It's just probably the worst one since I've been alive. 可能是我有生以来最惨的一天 [16:19.26]What happened? 怎么了? [16:21.66]Alice.... She called it off. 爱丽丝改变心意了 [16:29.33]Did she say why? 她有说原因吗? [16:32.50]No. Just that I was too young. 没有,她只说我太年轻 [16:34.74]I don't see how I could suddenly be too young... 我怎么突然变年轻了? [16:37.61]... because I'm older than I was when we first got together. 刚交往时,她还说我老成 [16:45.35]I don't know. But you know what? Maybe it's just all for the best. 不晓得,但是你知道吗? 或许这样也好 [16:50.42]Well,yeah,if the best is like unbelievable pain. 是啊,但是我好痛苦 [16:54.53]Oh,sweetie. 亲爱的 [16:56.89]You know,I was just finally happy. 我好不容易感到快乐 [17:00.10]For the first time in my life... 这是生平第一次 [17:03.23]...after my dad left me... 先是爸爸离开我… [17:05.44]...and then getting arrested for stealing those birds... 然后偷鸟被逮捕… [17:10.94]...and then the whole punctured-lung thing. 然后又肺穿孔 [17:15.88]It's still really hard to take deep breaths in cold weather... 天气一冷,我还是很难深呼吸 [17:19.58]...but with Alice, all that stuff kind of went away. 但是有了爱丽丝 这些都不见了 [17:24.79]And now it's gone, and I don't know why. 现在我失去了,却不知道原因 [17:31.26]Well,I can tell you why. It's because of me. 我可以告诉你,是我害的 [17:36.07]But you know what? I only did it because I love you,okay? 不过我是爱你才这么做 [17:41.77]What? 什么? [17:42.81]I kind of had a little chat with Alice... 我跟爱丽丝聊了一下 [17:45.91]...and I sort of made her see why you two shouldn't be together. 让她明白你们为何不能在一起 [17:53.42]Wait a minute. This is because of you? 等一下,是你造成的? [17:57.76]My mother didn't want us to be together... 我妈反对我们在一起 [18:00.62]...but the worst thing she did was tie me to the porch. 但是她顶多把我绑在门廊上 [18:06.00]I came to you because I thought you'd understand. 我觉得你能了解,所以来找你 [18:14.67]I would storm out of here... 我很想摔门走人 [18:16.94]...if I had some money or a place to go. 但是我没钱、没地方去 [18:26.82]Oh,my God! The millionaire's here! 天哪,大富豪来了 [18:29.15]Oh,my God! 天哪 [18:36.06]I'm just gonna have dinner with him. 我只是要跟他吃顿饭 [18:38.80]Okay,just because he buys you dinner does not mean you owe him anything. 他请你吃饭 并不代表你欠他什么 [18:45.20]I know. 我知道 [18:47.37]Okay,then get the lobster. 那记得点龙虾 [18:58.42]How much cash you got in your pocket now? 你口袋里有多少现金? [19:03.72]And that's why I'm not inviting you in for a drink. 我就不请你进来坐了 [19:07.59]Why not? Hey,come in for drink. 进来坐一下嘛 [19:11.36]-Where do you wanna go? -You like pizza? 你想去哪里? 喜欢吃披萨吗? [19:14.10]-That sounds great. -I know a great little place. 听起来不错 有一家馆子不错 [19:23.24]You're not paying for the pizza. 我不能让你付钱 [19:25.44]Come on,it's only fair. You paid for the flight. 这样很公平,你出了机票钱 [19:29.68]Is that enough lira? 这些里拉够吗? [19:31.42]I'd throw another 1000 on that. 再丢个一千 [19:33.85]-How much is that? -That's about 60 cents. 这样是多少? 大约60毛美金 [19:47.80]Every night! 每天晚上都这样 [19:51.70]You don't need to smoke. 你不需要抽烟 [19:54.10]Cigarettes don't control you. 香烟不能控制你 [20:00.91]... who does not need to smoke. 你不需要抽烟 [20:03.65]A strong,confident woman... 坚强、有自信的女性 [20:07.05]... who does not need to smoke. 不需要抽烟 [20:21.90]Look,I know that you think I did this totally evil thing. 我知道你觉得我做了大坏事 [20:25.94]But I so didn't. 但是我没有 [20:28.47]Someone's here who can explain this better than I can. 有一个人可以解释得比我清楚 [20:43.52]Hi,Mrs. IKnight. 奈特老师 [20:47.76]Phoebe's right,Frank. 法兰克,菲比说得对 [20:50.53]It's hard to hear,but it would've been wrong to go through with it. 这话不中听,但我们不该结婚 [20:54.60]I was being selfish. 我太自私了 [20:56.47]Even though we want the same things right now... 我们现在追求相同的东西 [21:00.50]...in the future,we may not. 未来却不见得如此 [21:04.47]-ls that what it is? -Yes,but not just that. 对不对? 对,但不只如此 [21:07.21]Not just that. 不只如此 [21:12.18]Even though we love each other as much as we do... 虽然我们现在非常相爱 [21:18.22]... nonetheless.... 然而… [21:22.06]Nonetheless. 然而… [21:31.74]...to really know what you want. 不晓得你要什么 [21:35.31]That's right,exactly. 没错 [21:39.58]That's a goodbye kiss. That's good. 你们在吻别,很好 [21:44.01]Bye-bye. 再见 [21:46.52]The important thing is, is that you see what I'm saying. 总之希望你了解我的意思 [21:51.56]This is clearly wrong. 这么做摆明是错的 [21:55.33]I've decided I'm gonna let this happen. 我绝不会袖手旁观 [21:59.20]Can I just get my purse? 我要拿皮包 [22:01.73]Okay,all right,good. 好吧,算了 [22:08.81]Cigarettes don't control you. 香烟不能控制你 [22:11.41]You are a strong,confident woman... 你是坚强、有自信的女性 [22:14.71]... who does not need to smoke. 你不需要抽烟 [22:19.55]Joey's your best friend. 乔伊是你最要好的朋友 [22:23.09]You wanna make him a cheese sandwich every day. 你要每天为他做起司三明治 [22:29.79]And you also wanna buy him hundreds of dollars worth of pants. 你还要送他一条几百块的裤子