[00:04.180]Can I see the comics? 可以给我看漫画吗? [00:06.580]This is the New York Times. 这是纽约时报 [00:09.420]Okay,may I see the comics? 好,能否借我看漫画? [00:13.160]I thought you were taking Ross to the game. 你们不是要带罗斯去看球? [00:15.930]-We are. He's meeting us here. -No,Rachel's meeting us here! 是啊,我们约在这里 瑞秋也跟我们约在这里 [00:19.430]Come on! They can be in the same room. 他们还是可以共处一室吧 [00:21.500]-You should've been there last night. -What happened? 你昨晚没看到 怎么了? [00:24.640]Ross was hanging out at our place. 罗斯在我们那边 [00:26.540]Rachel comes over to borrow some moisturizer from Chandler 瑞秋来跟钱德借润肤乳… [00:31.340]How hard is it to say "something"? 你不能说借“东西”吗? [00:33.210]Rachel came over to borrow "something." 瑞秋过来借“东西” [00:37.820]Anyway,her and Ross just started yelling at each other. 反正她和罗斯就开始对骂 [00:41.390]Why was he yelling at her? He slept with someone else. 他怎么敢骂她? 他跟别人上床耶 [00:45.060]He says they were on a break when it happened... 他说他们当时分手了 [00:47.560]...so she should've forgiven him by now. 所以她早就该原谅他了 [00:49.660]He is so unreasonable! God! 他真不可理喻,真是的 [00:52.900]Although I understand what he means. 不过我了解他的意思 [00:56.330]Oh,my God! This is like 60 Minutes... 天哪,这样好像“60分钟” [00:59.140]...when at first you're mad that pharmaceutical company made the drug. 你本来很气制药公司 生产一种药 [01:03.170]And then,you just feel bad for the people,because... 后来又很同情那些人,因为… [01:06.310]...they needed to make their hair grow. 他们想要长头发 [01:09.310]You know,this is like when my parents got divorced. 我父母离婚时就是这样 [01:13.250]I hope Ross doesn't try to kidnap me after Cub Scouts. 希望罗斯看完球 不会企图绑架我 [01:18.260]I dreamed that Ross and Rachel were still together. 我梦到罗斯和瑞秋没有分手 [01:22.430]And we were all hanging out and happy. 我们开心的在一起 [01:24.600]I had the same dream. 我也梦到了 [01:26.000]-And nobody slept with the xerox girl. -Oh,I had the opposite dream. 没有人跟那个女的上床 我的刚好相反 [01:31.840]Maybe it's gonna be okay. I mean,it's been a week. 也许不要紧,都一个星期了 [01:35.070]It never takes me more than a week to get over a relationship. 我结束一段感情 从不超过一星期 [01:37.940]It never takes you more than a shower to get over a relationship. 你一冲完澡 一段感情就结束了 [01:44.080]Let's go! Let's hit the road. Let's get the show on it. 走吧,上路了,我们去玩吧 [01:47.850]Let me get coffee. 我先喝杯咖啡 [01:49.020]I know the best coffeehouse. And it's close. 附近有一家很棒的咖啡馆 [01:51.760]Closer than here? 比这里近? [01:53.590]Oh,look! I found coffee! 你看,我找到一杯 [01:56.030]Okay,let's skedaddle. 我们走吧 [01:57.600]I'm not gonna drink somebody's old coffee. 我才不喝别人喝剩的 [02:00.300]Okay,Your Highness. 是,殿下 [02:09.710]"Rachel,I'm really sorry." "Okay,Ross. Wanna get back together?" “瑞秋,对不起” “没关系,你想复合吗?” [02:14.280]"Yeah,okay." “好啊” [02:15.650]Did anyone else hear that? 你们有听到吗? [02:19.920]The One Without the Ski Trip 本集播出:“左右为难” [03:18.710]Is he here? 他在吗? [03:25.380]You guys are gonna love me! Okay,check it out. 你们会爱死我!听我说 [03:28.620]Thursday night,five tickets. 周四晚上,五张票 [03:30.720]Calvin Klein lingerie show, and you guys are coming with me. 卡文克莱内衣秀 你们要跟我一起去 [03:38.430]I said that out loud,right? 我有说出声音来吧? [03:41.000]Yes,it's just that we kind of already... 有,只是我们已经… [03:44.600]... made plans with Ross. 跟罗斯有约了 [03:49.570]Well,okay. 好吧 [03:51.410]Well,there you go. 就这样吧 [03:52.780]It's just,he got this new home-theater dealy... 他买了新的家庭剧院组合 [03:55.310]...and he wants us to check it out. 想找我们去看 [03:57.620]He's excited about it too. 他很兴奋 [03:59.350]He even recorded showtimes on his answering machine. 还在答录机里录了节目表 [04:03.050]-We're sorry,honey. -Oh,it's okay. 对不起 没关系 [04:05.160]Rach,it's not that we don't want to. Really. 不是我们不想去,真的 [04:08.890]Are we talking models in their underwear? 模特儿穿内衣走秀? [04:13.130]And heels. 还有高跟鞋 [04:18.070]Ross did ask us first, and we set that night aside. 罗斯先开口,我们也排好了 [04:21.410]Come on. If he asked you first, it's only fair. 没关系,是他先约的,很公平 [04:31.550]Very bad. 非常受不了 [04:32.920]Chandler,what are you doing? 钱德,你在干什么? [04:36.050]Oh,my God! 天哪 [04:38.420]You're smoking again? 你又抽烟了? [04:42.860]Today I'm smoking,still. 今天是“还在抽” [04:45.260]Why would you start again after chewing all that quitting gum? 嚼了那么多戒烟口香糖 为什么又开始抽了? [04:49.170]This is just like my parents' divorce... 我父母离婚时就像这样 [04:52.040]...which is when I first started smoking. 害我学会抽烟 [04:55.510]Weren't you 9? 你不是才9岁? [05:02.780]I'm telling you something, that first smoke after naptime.... 午睡后来一根最过瘾 [05:08.890]That's great. With my luck,that's him. 帅啊,我猜是他 [05:11.220]Him? Ross? 罗斯? [05:12.820]No,"Hymn" 253: "His Eyes Are on the Sparrow." 不,是赞美诗253篇 “爱的恩泽” [05:18.500]When my parents got divorced,I started using humor as a defense mechanism. 我父母离婚后 我开始用幽默来自卫 [05:25.870]Hi. Do you guys have weekend plans? 你们周末有计划吗? [05:28.810]Because my sister says we can spend the weekend at her cabin,skiing. 我妹说周末 可以到她的小屋去滑雪 [05:35.080]I'm asking you first,right? I'm playing by the rules. 是我先问的吧? 我有遵守游戏规则 [05:38.820]Absolutely. 没问题 [05:40.180]Chandler! You're smoking? What are you doing? 钱德,你抽烟?你怎么搞的? [05:43.420]Shut up! You're not my real mom! 闭嘴,你又不是我的亲娘 [05:52.160]Could you close that window? My nipples could cut glass! 关窗子好吗? 我的 nipples 硬到可以割玻璃 [05:59.240]Really? Because mine get me out of tickets. 真的?我的让我躲掉罚单 [06:04.540]Look,I just wanna say I really appreciate you spending time with me. 真的很谢谢你们来陪我 [06:09.780]It's been a hard time right now, so I just want to say thanks. 这阵子很难熬,真的谢谢你们 [06:14.120]Somebody else hug him. I have to stay by the window. 谁去抱抱他 我得留在窗子旁边 [06:20.930]How about this weekend,we have a laser-disc marathon,okay? 周末要不要来个影碟马拉松? [06:24.900]And maybe a tournament on my new... 或是来比赛,我有新的… [06:29.100]...dart board! What do you think? 飞镖盘!怎么样? [06:31.770]Two days of darts! It'll be great! 连射两天飞镖,一定很好玩 [06:36.140]It'll be great for next weekend. 不如排在下周末 [06:37.780]This weekend,guys. 不,这个周末 [06:39.640]It'll be great for next weekend. 不如排在下周末 [06:47.890]What's going on? 怎么回事? [06:49.050]We're sort of invited to go skiing. You know,Rachel's sister's cabin? 我们被找去滑雪 要去瑞秋的妹妹的小屋 [06:57.630]So,for the whole weekend? 整个周末? [07:00.770]We're really sorry, but she did ask us first. 对不起,是她先约的 [07:06.100]That's okay. If you all have to go away... 没关系,我失恋的第一个周末 [07:08.840]...for the first weekend I'm alone by myself... 你们都要出城去 [07:14.680]I can stay. I'm gonna stay. 我可以留下来,我留下来 [07:16.810]The last time I went, I was afraid to leave the chair lift. 上次去滑雪 我根本不敢下吊车 [07:20.490]I just went round and round. 就这样坐来坐去 [07:23.450]We need you to drive us there in your grandmother's cab. 你得开你奶奶的车载我们去 [07:26.860]-But you know what? I'll stay. -No,I'll stay. He's my brother. 这样吧,我留下来 不,我留,他是我的哥哥 [07:31.830]What,a "pity stay"? 这是同情吗? [07:34.770]We're gonna have fun! 我们会玩得很开心 [07:37.200]We can make fudge. 我们来做牛奶软糖 [07:41.540]Pity food? 同情的食物? [07:43.940]You know what? I don't need any of you to stay. 没关系,我不需要你们留下来 [07:48.680]Well,then,I might as well offer to stay. 那我也表示一下好了 [07:59.790]Does anybody else feel bad about Ross? 有人在替罗斯难过吗? [08:02.360]You think he's still mad? 你觉得他还在生气? [08:03.800]He's probably more mad since you called him to borrow his goggles. 更气了,你居然跟他借护目镜 [08:08.200]What? Mine aren't tinted. 怎样?我的没有颜色 [08:14.640]What? 怎样? [08:15.740]What does the sign say? 标示说什么? [08:19.340]"Beam me up,Jesus." “主耶稣,请照耀我” [08:22.410]The "No Smoking" sign. 是“禁止吸烟”的标示 [08:24.150]There's no smoking in my grandmother's cab. 我奶奶的车上不能抽烟 [08:27.520]Well,then,I have to go to the bathroom. 那我要上厕所 [08:30.690]Oh,please! 拜托 [08:32.390]No unscheduled stops. You can go when we stop for gas. 没事不准停车 加油的时候再去 [08:35.560]There's a rest stop right up there. Come on,I really have to go! 那边有休息站 我真的得上厕所 [08:42.730]Oh,now I have to go! 现在我也想上了 [08:52.510]Here we go. 到了 [08:54.010]-Brace yourself! -What? 坐好 什么? [09:05.260]-Aren't you gonna go? -No,thanks. 你不去? 不了 [09:07.430]Rachel never pees in public restrooms. 瑞秋不上公共厕所 [09:10.930]They never have any paper in there. 里面都没有卫生纸 [09:13.130]So my rule is,"No tissue,no tushy." 所以我决定 没有面纸就不嘘嘘 [09:22.440]Well,if everybody's going.... 既然大家都下车了… [09:25.910]Don't close it! The keys are in there! 别关门!钥匙在里面 [09:30.450]-What's going on? -My lighter's in there! 怎么了? 打火机在里面 [09:40.160]Damn! The tailpipe's not hot enough to light this. 妈的 排气管不够烫,点不着 [09:44.900]I can open this. Anybody got a coat hanger? 我会开门,谁有衣架? [09:47.870]Oh,I do. 我有 [09:48.900]No,I took it out of my shirt when I put it on this morning. 不对,早上穿衣服时拿掉了 [09:54.370]So if your parents hadn't divorced... 要是你的父母没有离婚 [09:56.410]...you'd be able to answer a question like a normal person? 你就能正常的回答问题? [10:01.450]Look,I just need a wire something to jimmy it. 我需要铁丝类的东西把它撬开 [10:05.180]One of you give me your bra underwire. 把你们内衣的钢丝给我 [10:09.550]Come on! Who has the biggest boobs? 快,谁的胸部最大? [10:13.590]Whoever has the biggest boobs, has the biggest bra and wire. 胸部最大,内衣的钢丝也最长 [10:17.630]-No! -It's too expensive! 不要 很贵耶 [10:19.930]To get back in the car, we need that wire. 有钢丝才能回车上 [10:27.940]Monica's are the biggest. 摩妮卡最大 [10:31.710]These tiny little non-breasts? Please! It's gotta be Rachel. 这两粒小红豆?拜托! 绝对是瑞秋 [10:37.280]No,mine are deceptively small. 不对,我的是骗人的 [10:39.450]I mean,I actually sometimes stuff my bra. 我有时候还会垫东西 [10:44.220]Well,then,your bra would still be big. 所以你的内衣还是很大 [10:47.460]No,I stuff outside the bra. 我都垫在内衣外面 [10:53.460]Phoebe,Rachel, take off Monica's bra. 菲比、瑞秋 脱了摩妮卡的胸罩 [11:03.810]What are you doing? There's a trash can right there. 你干什么?那里就有垃圾桶 [11:07.580]I thought if I littered,that crying lndian might come by and save us. 我想引来印地安人 这样就有救了 [11:14.850]There. 拿去 [11:16.520]Thank you,Phoebe. That's very,very generous. 菲比,谢了,你真大方 [11:20.490]Now,let's decide who has the nicest ass. 现在来比谁的屁股翘 [11:25.800]And there you go! 上车吧 [11:33.200]Well,at least let me smoke it to the good part! 至少让我爽一下 [11:49.000]-What's going on? -What? 怎么搞的? 怎么了? [11:53.690]-So you know how to fix it? -Yep. Put more gas in. 那你会修罗? 会,加油 [12:06.340]Hi. What are you doing here? 你怎么来了? [12:08.640]I was wondering, when you and I split up... 我在想,我们分手时 [12:11.180]...did you get the tape that was half the last episode of M.A. S.H... 你有没有分到一卷带子 录了最后一集的“外科医生” [12:15.480]...and half the hostages coming home? 和人质回国的新闻? [12:19.080]But now it's Susan and me in Mexico and the hostages coming home. 现在是苏珊和我游墨西哥 和人质回国的新闻 [12:23.420]Where's Ben? 班呢? [12:24.490]He's sleeping. 在睡觉 [12:27.930]Is this a bad time? 我来得不是时候? [12:30.090]Yeah,actually. Susan's gonna be here any minute. 没错,苏珊马上就要来了 [12:33.160]It's kind of an anniversary. 今天是个纪念日 [12:35.430]I thought you guys got married in January. 你们不是一月结婚? [12:38.100]A different kind of anniversary. 是另一个纪念日 [12:44.680]So anyway 总之… [12:46.610]Candles,champagne.... 蜡烛、香槟 [12:51.850]... because love lasts forever, you know? 因为爱是永恒的 [12:55.220]There's nothing like it in this life. Money in the bank. 什么也比不上爱情可靠 [12:58.690]So Rachel and I broke up. 瑞秋和我分手了 [13:06.030]You know what? 你知道吗? [13:07.260]I wanna talk about this so much... 我很想陪你聊一聊 [13:09.530]... but when we can really get into it. 但要找个能长谈的时间 [13:12.070]-You free for dinner tomorrow? -I'd love that. 明天晚餐可以吗? 太好了 [13:14.540]Me too. 我也是 [13:15.710]I guess it all started when Rachel got this new job. 一切都是因为瑞秋找到新工作 [13:21.810]Triple A can pick us up. 汽车协会可以来载我们 [13:26.120]Freemont. 佛利蒙特 [13:27.150]Westmont. 威斯蒙特 [13:29.050]Westberg? 威斯柏格? [13:30.090]Why are you answering? 不知道就别说 [13:33.220]Do you know what route we're on? 我们在哪条路上? [13:35.160]We are definitely on Route 27. 绝对是27号公路 [13:38.400]We are at a rest stop on Route 27 我们在27号公路一个休息站 [13:41.600]There is no Route 27. 没有27号公路 [13:43.570]-Either 93 or 76. -I don't know. 不是93号就是76号 我不知道 [13:46.340]I always slept in the back when we drove here. 我每次来都在后座睡觉 [13:50.010]Can you just send someone up and down 76 and check every rest stop? 能不能请人 沿着76号公路找? [13:55.010]And also 93? 还有93号公路? [13:59.650]No,they don't do that. 他们不干 [14:04.590]Somebody will come and save us. 一定会有人来救我们 [14:06.660]Who? Have you seen a car in the last hour and a half? 谁?这一个半小时 有车子经过吗? [14:10.260]We should call Ross. Maybe he can get a car to get us. 应该找罗斯 他可以借车来载我们 [14:13.600]I am not getting in a car with Ross! 我不要跟罗斯同车 [14:16.100]We will just have to... 我们必须… [14:18.100]...Iive here! 耗在这里 [14:20.470]-But it's so cold. -No! 但是好冷 不行 [14:22.170]I won't get in a car with him. Think of something else. 我不跟他同车,想别的办法 [14:25.940]Joey and Chandler are back! 乔伊和钱德回来了 [14:30.610]So the "going for help" went well? 求援过程很顺利? [14:33.380]Smokey Joe here got halfway to the highway and collapsed. 老烟枪走到一半就挂了 [14:37.490]I have the lung capacity of a 2-year-old. 我的肺活量跟两岁小孩一样 [14:40.490]Then why are you smoking? 那你为什么要抽烟? [14:42.130]It's very unsettling. 我很不安 [14:47.030]Right? I mean, it's pretty unbelievable. 对吧?真是太扯了 [14:49.870]They just took off, without even looking back. 他们就这样头也不回的出发 [14:54.240]I don't need them. I've got you guys now as friends. 我不需要他们 我有你们这些朋友 [14:57.880]You and Susan. 你和苏珊 [14:59.640]Susan will be so pleased. 苏珊会很高兴 [15:04.010]Seven-one-seven? 717? [15:05.820]Where's 717? 717是哪里? [15:10.050]You have more of these for Susan,right? 你有帮苏珊留吧? [15:12.390]No,but that's okay. 没有,不过没关系 [15:14.060]I'll just put out pickles or something. 还有酸黄瓜可以吃 [15:20.900]-Ross,thank God! -Pheebs? 罗斯,谢天谢地 菲比? [15:23.000]Why are you whispering? 为什么这么小声? [15:25.070]I ate a bug. 我吃了一只虫子 [15:28.110]Hey,Rach! The tampons here are only a penny. 瑞秋,这里的棉条只要一毛钱 [15:31.080]Let's stock up. 我们买来屯积 [15:33.840]We're out of gas and don't know where we are so we can't get a tow truck. 我们没油了,又不知道方位 没办法叫拖车 [15:39.280]Now you want a favor? 现在需要帮忙了? [15:41.250]Yes,please. 对,拜托 [15:42.290]I'm sorry your car broke down,Pheebs... 很抱歉你们的车子挂了 [15:45.120]... but I'm too busy with some of my real friends right now. 但是我忙着跟真朋友联络感情 [15:48.530]But please call to let me know you got home safely. 等你们安全到家,记得通知我 [15:51.560]Phoebe,hang on a second. 菲比,等一下 [15:53.700]Take my car. Get your friends. 开我的车去接你朋友 [15:55.570]No,I won't pick them up. 我才不要去接他们 [15:57.430]We both know you'll do it, because you're not a jerk. 我们都知道你会去 因为你不是混蛋 [16:00.700]So you can sulk here for half an hour, then go get them... 你顶多再骂个半小时 还是会去接他们 [16:03.910]-...or save time and sulk in the car. -Rachel doesn't 不如节省时间去车上骂 瑞秋不会… [16:07.040]I'm sorry Rachel dumped you for Mark... 很遗撼瑞秋为了马克甩了你 [16:09.410]...and you're the innocent victim in this. 你是无辜的受害者 [16:12.220]But don't punish your friends for what Rachel did. 但不要为了瑞秋牵怒你的朋友 [16:17.420]Yeah,you're right. 你说得对 [16:19.260]Phoebe,hang on. Ross wants to say something. 菲比,等一下,罗斯要跟你说 [16:22.160]What? 什么? [16:23.290]You slept with someone else? 你跟别人上床? [16:26.830]We were on a break! 我们当时在分手状态 [16:30.000]We were 我们… [16:32.170]Where are you? I'll find you. 你们在哪里?我去找 [16:35.570]You slept with another woman? 你跟别的女人上床? [16:37.270]Oh,you're one to talk. 你还敢说 [16:44.350]Okay,done! 好了 [16:48.320]What's "pleh"? 什么是“命救”? [16:50.420]That's "help" spelled backwards... 就是“救命”反过来 [16:52.820]...so that the helicopters can read it from the air. 好让直升机上的人看得懂 [16:58.160]What's "dufus" spelled backwards? “呆子”反过来怎么写? [17:03.300]Car! Car! 有车子! [17:07.940]Oh,it's Ross on one of his drives! 罗斯出来兜风了 [17:12.380]What is he doing here? 他来干什么? [17:14.510]He is saving your butt. 他来救你们一命 [17:16.680]Unless I'm stepping on some toes here... 除非我惹到了某个人 [17:21.050]I have plenty of people to help on the interstate. 州际公路上有很多人需要帮助 [17:23.720]-Come on! -We need your help,please! 别这样 我们需要你 [17:26.320]Fine! Fine! 好好好 [17:32.230]Oh,no! Now it's not gonna make any sense. 完了,别人会看不懂 [17:37.500]You guys... 喂… [17:39.300]...what do we do about Ross? He drove all the way up here. 罗斯怎么办?他大老远跑来 [17:42.510]Just send him back, then we'll go skiing? 难道要叫他回去 我们自己去滑雪? [17:45.010]This is horrible. It's just horrible. 烦死了 [17:48.510]Should we ask Ross to come along? 要找罗斯一起去吗? [17:50.880]But what about Rachel? How are we gonna even ask her? 那瑞秋呢?要怎么向她开口? [17:54.220]Ask me what? 开什么口? [17:58.590]If it might be okay if Ross came skiing? 罗斯能不能去滑雪? [18:01.930]No,I wasn't gonna ask that. 我才没有要问 [18:06.430]You guys are unbelievable. No,he cannot come! 你们太扯了 不行,他不能去 [18:09.730]-Excuse me? -It's horrible! 什么? 烦死了 [18:12.440]Oh,please? Can't I come to your special,magical cabin? 求求你,让我去你的神奇小屋 [18:17.570]Why would you even want to come? You're a horrible skier. 你去干什么?你滑雪滑得很烂 [18:21.550]Hitting me where it hurts! My ski skills! 真是说到我的痛处啊! [18:25.380]Here we go again. 又来了 [18:26.750]I can't handle this,you guys. 我没办法处理 [18:28.590]I can handle it. "Handle" is my middle name. 我有办法 “处理”是我的名字 [18:31.060]Actually,it's the middle part of my first name. 我的名字去头去尾就是处理 [18:36.260]All right,Pheebs,your cab's ready. 菲比,你的车子好了 [18:38.600]Let's go. 走吧 [18:40.460]You're welcome. 不客气 [18:41.570]I'm sorry. Were you speaking to me, or sleeping with someone else? 抱歉,你在跟我说话 还是跟别人上床? [18:46.600]We were on a break! 我们当时分手了 [18:48.040]Why don't you just put that on your answering machine? 你干脆在答录机里留这句话 [18:51.810]It's valid,and I'm not the only one who thinks so. 本来就是,不只我这么想 [18:54.880]Monica agrees with me. 摩妮卡也同意 [18:56.810]What? 什么? [18:58.780]I don't know. 我不知道 [19:01.450]You said it last night. 你昨晚说的 [19:03.220]What I said was that I understood. 我是说我能理解 [19:06.720]Joey is the one who agreed with you. 乔伊才认同你 [19:10.130]Really,Joey? 是吗,乔伊? [19:13.000]What? 什么? [19:15.130]You know what? There is no right or wrong here. 这件事没有对错 [19:18.440]I think it's very obvious who's wrong here. 我觉得错的是谁很明显 [19:21.140]Obviously not to Joey. 乔伊不这么想 [19:25.910]What? 什么? [19:27.780]-Joey and Monica feel the way I do! -You and this innocent puppy act! 乔伊和摩妮卡跟我感觉一样 你只会装无辜 [19:32.920]Hey,guess who I am? 你们猜我在学谁? [19:45.360]Look what you're doing to Chandler! 你们把钱德害得多惨! [19:51.200]Look. We know that this is really,really hard for you guys. 听着,我们知道你们都很难受 [19:56.110]You don't have to love each other. 你们不必爱对方 [19:58.310]You don't even have to like each other much right now. 你们现在甚至不必喜欢对方 [20:02.180]But please,find a way to be around each other. 但是请设法和平相处 [20:05.220]And not put us in the middle. 别让我们左右为难 [20:08.050]Otherwise,I mean,that's just it for us hanging out together. 否则我们以后就不用在一起了 [20:13.290]Is that what you want? 你们真的想这样? [20:17.230]Can you be civil? 讲理一点好吗? [20:22.070]I can. 我可以 [20:24.640]Good,let's get back in the car. It's freezing... 很好,回车上吧,冷死了 [20:27.700]...and my chest is unsupported. 我的胸部又吊在那边 [20:30.510]Wait a second! 等一下 [20:31.880]I mean,what are we doing? Who's going with who? 现在是怎样?谁要跟谁走? [20:38.720]Look,you guys should go. 你们去吧 [20:42.520]You know, you planned this all out... 你们都计划好了 [20:46.590]...and I don't wanna ruin it. So just go. 我不想破坏,你们去吧 [20:49.430]You drove all the way up here. 你大老远开车来 [20:51.730]I've got to take the car back anyway. 反正我得去还车 [20:54.200]I'm spending all day tomorrow with Ben. 我明天一整天都要陪班 [20:56.600]It's fine,okay? Just go. No guilt,I promise. 没关系,你们去吧 不要有罪恶感,真的 [21:02.870]Thank you. 谢谢 [21:06.380]We'll call you when we get back. 回去再打电话给你 [21:08.580]Maybe we can,like, go to a movie or something. 我们可以去看电影 [21:12.020]Or the rodeo! 或是去看马术表演 [21:15.520]That would be great. 听起来不错 [21:18.620]I was being Shelley Winters from The Poseidon Adventure. 我在学“海神号”雪莉温特斯 [21:24.090]I know. 我知道 [21:33.540]Bye! 再见 [22:00.330]Hi. Sorry I'm late. 抱歉这么晚 [22:02.270]Were you sleeping? 你在睡觉? [22:04.700]Oh,great. 那就好 [22:07.340]I had to get you a new battery. I got the best I could. 你的车子得换电池 我换了一个最好的 [22:10.840]You don't want to skimp there. 这种钱不能省 [22:12.880]You're a genius. 你真聪明 [22:14.240]It came to about $112. 花了112元 [22:19.750]I'll pay you tomorrow. Bye! 明天给你,再见 [22:22.020]So they all took off. 他们都走了 [22:24.760]It was pretty hard watching them go,you know? 看他们离开蛮难受的 [22:28.090]Yeah,okay. Bye. 好,再见 [22:33.700]So I'm gonna take off then. 那我走罗