[00:03.000]No way! 不会吧! [00:04.420]The most romantic song ever was "The Way We Were." 我会认为 最浪漫的曲子是“俏郞君” [00:07.460]I think the one that Elton John wrote for that guy on Who's the Boss? 我觉得是艾尔顿强帮 演“妙管家”的傢伙写的歌 [00:14.700]What song was that? 那是什么歌? [00:16.700]Hold me close Young Tony Danza “抱紧我,年轻的汤尼丹佐” [00:24.810]-Hi,Monica. -Hi,Mon. 摩妮卡 摩妮卡 [00:29.850]Oh,my God! 天啊 [00:31.480]Has she slept at all? 她到底有没有睡觉? [00:33.520]It's been three nights in a row. 没有 已经连续三个晚上了 [00:35.450]She finally stopped crying yesterday. 从昨天起,她终于不哭了 [00:37.620]But then she found one of Richard's cigar butts on the terrace.... 但是她又在阳台发现 理查抽过的雪茄 [00:45.460]...and all I could hear was this squeaky sound. 而我只能听到一些吱吱的声音 [00:48.100]So I thought, "It's a mouse or a possum." 我就想“一定是老鼠或负鼠” [00:52.340]Then I realized,like,okay... 然后我就想,好吧… [00:54.640]...where would a mouse or a possum get the money to make the phone call? 老鼠或负鼠怎么会 有钱打电话呢? [01:02.550]-Morning. -Morning. 早安 早啊 [01:05.220]You made pancakes? 你做了松饼啊? [01:11.290]Monica and Rachel had syrup 摩妮卡和瑞秋有糖浆 [01:15.190]Now I can get my man to cheer up 我可以让我的男人开心了 [01:20.360]Good morning,Joey. 早安,乔伊 [01:21.830]Good morning. 早安 [01:24.400]Why don't you stay home from work and just hang out with me? 你干脆别去上班 跟我在一起就好了 [01:28.510]Oh,I wish. 是啊,但愿如此 [01:29.640]You have that report to finish, and I've got to see my lawyer. 你有报告要做 而我得去见律师 [01:33.710]I can't believe I date a girl who's getting divorced. 我真不敢相信 我竟跟要离婚的女生约会 [01:36.550]I'm such a grownup. 我真像个大人 [01:39.500]I gotta go,I gotta go. 我要走了… [01:41.500]Not without a kiss. 给我个吻才能走 [01:42.520]Maybe I won't kiss you so you'll stay. 或者我就不亲你 这样你就会留下来 [01:44.820]Kiss her. Kiss her! 快亲她… [01:48.990]I'll see you later,sweetie. Bye,Joey. 晚点见,甜心 再见,乔伊 [01:51.600]Bye-bye,Janice. 再见,珍妮丝 [01:55.830]When are you dumping her? 你什么时候要甩掉她? [01:57.570]Nope. 不会 [01:58.870]Not this time. 这次不会了 [02:00.570]Come on,quit yanking me. 拜托,别整我了 [02:06.800]I'm not yanking you. 我又没有整你 [02:09.250]-This is Janice. -Yeah,I know. 这个是珍妮丝 对,我知道 [02:11.520]She makes me happy. 她让我很愉快 [02:16.550]You look me in the eye and tell me, without blinking... 好,你看着我的眼睛 告诉我,不可以眨眼睛 [02:20.220]...that you're not breaking up with her. No blinking. 说你不会跟她分手 别眨眼睛 [02:25.960]I'm not breaking up with her! 我不会跟她分手! [02:36.270]God,look what I found in the drain! 天啊,你看我在排水管里 发现什么? [02:39.110]What? 什么? [02:41.310]It's some of Richard's hair! 这些是理查的头发! [02:44.800]What do I do with this? 我该拿这些怎么办? [02:45.720]Getting it away from me would be job one. 第一件事就是 把它从我身边拿开 [02:49.790]It's weird,but I don't want to throw this away. 奇怪,但我并不想把它丢掉 [02:53.160]This is all I have left of him. 这些是我仅有的 属于他的东西 [02:55.330]Gross... 恶心的… [02:57.590]...drain hair. 排水管的头发 [03:05.140]Cool! It looks like a tiny little person drowning in your cereal. 真好玩,好像有一个小人 在你的麦片里淹死了 [03:12.980]-What is wrong with me? -You need to get some sleep. 我是怎么了? 你需要一些睡眠 [03:16.250]I need to get some Richard. 我需要的是理查 [03:21.150]You broke up with him for a reason. 你跟他分手是有原因的 [03:23.520]I know. I know. I'm just so tired of missing him. 我知道… 我只是不想再这么想他 [03:27.700]Tired of wondering why he hasn't called. Why hasn't he? 不愿再去想,他为何不打来? 他为何都没打来? [03:31.300]Maybe because you told him not to? 可能因为你叫他别再打来? [03:33.860]What are you,the Memory Woman? 你到底是什么? 记忆女王吗? [03:38.140]They're not breaking up! Chandler and Janice? 他们不会分手! 我是说钱德和珍妮丝 [03:40.370]They're not breaking up! He didn't blink! 他们不会分手! 他的眼睛连眨一下都没有 [03:44.270]I'm not surprised. Have you seen them together? 我一点也不惊讶 你看过他们在一起的样子吗? [03:47.100]They're really cute. 他们真的好可爱 [03:48.380]"Cute"? This is Janice! “可爱?”那可是珍妮丝! [03:51.550]You remember Janice? 你记得珍妮丝吗? [03:53.200]Yes,I remember. She's annoying. But you know what? 我记得啊,她很惹人厌 但是你知道吗? [03:55.790]She's his girlfriend now. I mean,what can we do? 她现在是他的女朋友 那我们能怎么办? [04:04.360]All right,who's first,huh? Ross? 好,谁先来?罗斯? [04:07.300]Chandler's our friend, and Janice makes him happy. 钱德是我们的朋友 而珍妮丝能让他快乐 [04:09.870]So I say we be adult about it and accept her. 所以我们就成熟点,接受她 [04:12.800]We'll call that Plan B. 这个先归类在B计划 [04:37.600]Honey... 甜心… [04:38.400]... I was wondering... 我在想啊… [04:40.500]...do you still have that Navy uniform? 你那套海军制服还在吗? [04:46.200]No,I had to return it to the costume place. 不,我拿去戏服店还了 [04:49.740]I think I have an old band uniform from high school. 我还有一套 高中乐团的旧制服 [04:53.340]You remember not having sex in high school,right? 你记得高中时不能做爱吧? 是啊 [05:01.550]Well,honey,what about you? 甜心,那么你呢… [05:05.620]Do you have any fun,you know, fantasy-type things? 你有任何有趣的幻想吗? [05:14.630]Come on. You gotta have one. 别这样,你一定有 [05:17.600]Nope. 没有 [05:19.570]You know what? 罗斯,你知道吗? [05:21.370]If you tell me,I might do it. 如果你跟我说 或许我会帮你实现 [05:36.620]Did you ever see Return of the Jedi? 你有没有看过星际大战的 “绝地大反攻”? [05:49.500]Do you remember the scene... 你记不记得那场戏… [05:53.800]...with Jabba the Hutt? 当赫特族的贾霸出现时? [05:58.100]Well,Jabba had as his prisoner... 贾霸和他的囚犯… [06:02.110]... Princess Leia. 莉亚公主 [06:07.450]Princess Leia was wearing... 莉亚公主穿着… [06:11.190]...this gold bikini thing. 金色的比基尼 [06:16.190]It was pretty cool. 那样子很好看 [06:20.960]Princess Leia and the gold bikini? Every guy our age loved that. 莉亚公主穿金色比基尼? 我们这年纪的男人都很喜欢 [06:26.840]Really? 真的吗? [06:29.400]It's huge! That's the moment when she stopped being a princess... 很重要的! 那个时刻,她不再是个公主 [06:32.940]...and she became,like,you know, a woman. 她变成了…一个女人 [06:37.550]Did you ever do the Leia thing? 你曾扮过莉亚公主吗? [06:46.120]Really? That great,huh? 真的吗?有那么棒啊? [06:49.600]No,it's just that I got this new pager,and I have it on "vibrate." 不,只是我买了新的呼叫器 我把它调成“震动” [06:57.230]See you. 再见 [07:00.200]Hi,you guys! 你们好啊 [07:01.340]Look who I found standing outside the Szechuan Dragon... 你看我在中国龙餐厅外 找到谁了? [07:04.640]...staring at a parking meter. 她盯着停车收费表看 [07:11.580]-Why aren't you at work? -Oh,they sent me home. 你怎么没去上班? 他们把我送回家了 [07:15.200]Why? 为什么? [07:16.720]Because I don't work at the Szechuan Dragon. 因为我并不是 在中国龙餐厅上班 [07:19.700]You really need to get some sleep. 你真的需要睡一下 [07:22.600]I know I do. 我知道该睡了 [07:25.600]Guess what? They published my paper. 你猜怎么着? 有人要发行我的论文 [07:27.330]Really? Let me see,let me see! 真的吗?让我看看… [07:30.530]Rach,look! 瑞秋,你看! [07:37.740]Where is my strong Ross Skywalker to come rescue me? 我那强壮的罗斯天行者 何时会来拯救我? [07:47.500]There he is! 他来了! [07:53.590]-Wheel! -Of! 幸运的! [07:54.620]Fortune! 轮盘! [07:57.560]This guy's so stupid. 这个傢伙好笨 [07:59.600]It's Count Rushmore! 是“罗斯莫尔”公爵啦 [08:04.800]You should really go on this show. 你真的该去参加这个节目 [08:08.570]I got three tickets to the Rangers tonight. What do you say? 我有三张今晚游骑兵队的票 你觉得如何? [08:12.580]I say I am there! 我一定去! [08:14.640]Cool! 太棒了! [08:15.910]Is Ross going too? 罗斯也会去吗? [08:19.250]Janice? 珍妮丝? [08:22.390]Because I just feel bad for Ross, you know? 因为我会替罗斯难过 你知道吗? [08:25.820]We always go together. We're like The Three Hockey-teers,you know? 我们总是一起去的 我们是曲棍球三兄弟啊 [08:30.990]I may be way out on a limb here, but do you have a problem with Janice? 我可能误会你了 但你是否不喜欢珍妮丝? [08:35.630]No! 没有 [08:37.970]Yes.... 对啦… [08:39.900]Oh,God,how do I say this? 天啊,我该怎么说? [08:45.910]You know that girl from the restaurant with the hair? 你知道希腊餐厅里 那个头发很蓬的女孩子? [08:48.610]That girl that I hate? She drives me crazy. 那个我很讨厌的女孩子? 她快把我逼疯了 [08:53.980]Look,I don't hate Janice. She's just a lot to take,you know? 听着,我不讨厌珍妮丝 只是她令人难以忍受 [09:00.700]Well,there you go. 你说出来了吧 [09:03.260]Don't look at me like that. 别那样看着我 [09:05.260]She drove you nuts before,remember? 以前她也快把你逼疯了 记得吗? [09:07.760]I'm crazy about her now. This could be the real thing. 但是我现在为她疯狂 这次可能是来真的 [09:11.170]Capital R,capital T! 我是说“真的” [09:15.340]Don't worry,those are the right letters. 别担心,我说的字母是对的 [09:18.780]Look,what do you want me to say? 你到底要我说什么? [09:22.780]I want you to say that you like her! 我要你说你喜欢她! [09:25.380]I can't. It's like a chemical thing. 我说不出来 这种像是一种化学作用 [09:27.720]Every time she starts laughing, I just wanna... 每次她一开始笑,我就想… [09:33.220]...pull my arm off so I have something to throw at her. 想把我的手臂拔下来 我就能往她身上砸 [09:38.900]Thanks for trying. 谢谢你的努力 [09:41.730]Oh,and by the way, there is no Count Rushmore! 对了,根本就没有 罗斯莫尔公爵! [09:46.200]Then who's the guy that painted the faces on the mountain? 那是谁在罗斯莫尔山上 画了那些总统肖像? [09:56.800]How could you tell her? 你怎么可以告诉她? [09:57.410]I didn't think it would be that big a deal! 我想又没什么大不了的 [10:00.420]She didn't think it would be that big a deal! 她认为没什么大不了的? [10:02.450]Who are you talking to when you do that? 你这样子是在跟谁讲话? [10:06.900]Look,that was supposed to be a private,personal thing between us. 这些应该是我们之间 很私密的对话 [10:10.560]Phoebe is my girlfriend,okay? We tell each other everything. 菲比是我的女性好友,好吗? 我们无话不谈的 [10:14.960]Guys do the same thing. 男人也一样啊 [10:17.700]I mean,what about all that locker-room stuff? 那些更衣室里的对话呢? [10:20.100]That's different. That's like,who dated a stripper? 那又不一样了,我们会谈 像是谁跟脱衣舞娘约会 [10:23.710]Or who did it on the back of the Staten lsland ferry? 或谁在史坦登岛渡轮后面做爱 [10:27.580]Both of those Joey? 这两个都是乔伊吧 [10:30.280]But you don't talk about your girlfriend... 难道你们不谈女朋友… [10:33.620]...and the intimate stuff you do with her. 还有你们之间亲密的事? [10:37.590]Not even with your best friend? 连最好的朋友也不谈? [10:39.890]That is so sad. 真可悲啊 [10:42.560]You're missing out on so much. 你们错过太多乐趣了 [10:45.260]I mean,the bonding and the sharing... 那是种互相连结 与分享的感觉… [10:48.230]...and knowing they're going through the same thing you are. 并知道她们也和你 经历过一样的事 [10:53.700]So,what,you tell each other everything? 那你们什么都跟对方说吗? [10:57.310]Pretty much. 差不多啊 [11:01.950]Did you talk about the Night of Five Times? 你们有没有谈过 一夜五次的纪录? [11:08.200]Do you tell people about the Night of Five Times? 你有没有告诉她们 那次一夜五次的纪录? [11:11.290]Honey,that was with Carol. 甜心,你那次是跟凯萝 [11:18.600]Relax every muscle in your body. 全身肌肉放松 [11:23.870]Listen to the plinky-plunky music. 听着叮叮咚咚的音乐 [11:28.870]Okay,now close your eyes... 好,闭上你的眼睛 [11:31.810]...and think of a happy place. 想一个很愉快的地方 [11:35.280]Tell me your happy place. 告诉我让你快乐的地方是哪里 [11:37.280]Richard's living room,drinking wine. 理查家的客厅,一起喝酒 [11:45.620]I'm sorry,but that's my happy place. 对不起,那是让我快乐的地方 [11:48.160]Okay,fine. Use my happy place. Just don't move anything in there. 好,我的快乐地方借你用 但别乱动东西 [11:54.460]I'll try not to. 我会试着不乱动 [11:55.700]Okay. All right,so, you're in a meadow... 好,你现在在草地上… [11:59.870]... millions of stars in the sky 天上有一片繁星 [12:02.870]You think breaking up was a mistake? 你觉得分手是错误的吗? [12:05.140]There are no questions in the happy place. 快乐的地方不准问问题 [12:09.750]Just the warm breeze and the moonlight flowing through the trees. 只有和煦的微风 和从树上撒下的月光 [12:15.320]I'll bet he's over me. I'll bet he's fine. 我赌他一定忘了我 我打赌他好得很 [12:17.850]Betting and wagering of any kind are not permitted in the happy place. 快乐的地方 不允许赌博和下注 [12:23.160]There's just,you know, the lovely waterfalls... 那里只有…美丽的瀑布 [12:27.000]...and the trickling fountains... 和缓慢流动着的喷泉 [12:34.740]Okay,this isn't working. 好,一点用也没有 [12:36.740]I'm still awake, and now I have to pee. 我还是醒着的 而且我得去上厕所 [12:40.440]So I hear... 我听说… [12:42.250]...you hate me! 你讨厌我! [12:45.420]I never said hate. I was very careful about that. 我没说我讨厌你 我可是很小心的 [12:49.350]A little birdie told me you wanted to rip your arm off and throw it at me. 有一只小鸟告诉我 你想扯下手臂,丢到我身上 [12:55.860]And you got "hate" from that? You're taking a big leap there. 这样你就觉得我讨厌你? 你也太断章取义了吧 [13:00.460]All right,fine,fine,fine! 好吧… [13:02.530]We have got to do something about our little situation here. 这种情形,我们得想点策略 [13:06.470]So this is my idea. 这是我的主意 [13:08.300]You and me spending some quality time together. 你和我花点时间,好好相处 [13:13.580]But what does that 但是那有什么关… [13:14.980]For Chandler! 为了钱德! [13:18.500]Okay. I'm in. 好吧,我加入 [13:19.480]Okay! This is what we'll call it: Joey and Janice's Day of Fun! 好!这就叫做… 乔伊和珍妮丝的逍遥一日游 [13:26.490]A whole day? 要一整天啊? [13:27.960]Yes,because that's how long it takes to love me. 因为如果你要爱上我 得花上一整天 [13:32.960]Yeah,I know. I sleep in the next room. 是,我知道 我睡在你们的隔壁 [13:40.800]So I went down to the post office... 我今天去了邮局 [13:43.570]...and it turns out it was those videos that I ordered... 寄来的是我订的录影带 [13:49.850]He loved the Civil War. 他很喜欢看内战 [14:00.190]Or maybe to a galaxy far,far away. 带我到遥远的银河去吧 [14:11.130]Women tell each other everything! Did you know that? 女人什么事都说,你知道吗? [14:16.770]No,Chandler,everything. 不,钱德,我是说全部的事 [14:20.310]Like stuff you like. Stuff she likes. 你喜欢的东西,她喜欢的东西 [14:23.310]Technique. Stamina. Girth. 技巧,精力,周长 [14:28.200]Girth? “周长”? [14:30.450]Why? Why? Why? 为什么…? [14:32.190]Why would they do this? 她们为何这样做? [14:35.330]Rachel says sharing's great and supposedly... 瑞秋说分享的感觉很棒,而… [14:38.860]...we ought to be doing it. 我们也应该这么做 [14:43.300]Do you want to? 你想要吗? [14:46.370]We're not gonna talk about girth, are we? 我们不会要讨论周长吧? [14:51.510]All right,you go first. 好,你先吧 [14:53.640]Okay. Okay,I'll go first. 好,我先说 [14:56.580]So the other night... 有天晚上… [14:58.980]...Rachel and I are in bed talking about fantasies... 瑞秋和我在床上 讨论彼此的性幻想 [15:02.700]...and I happened to describe a particular... 我就形容了一个画面… [15:07.220]... Star Wars thing 星际大战里的… [15:08.860]Princess Leia and the gold bikini. 莉亚公主和金色比基尼 [15:11.860]I know! 我知道! [15:16.700]Well,that was easy. 这倒挺容易的 [15:18.400]Okay,you go. 好,换你了 [15:21.370]Okay,you know when you're in bed with a woman... 好,当你跟一个女人在床上… [15:27.880]...fooling around... 正在亲热… [15:29.210]...and you get all these mental images in your brain? 脑袋里突然出现 一些疯狂的念头 [15:32.620]Like Elle MacPherson or the girl at the Xerox place? 就像超级名模艾尔 或是影印店的那个女孩吗? [15:35.620]-With the bellybutton ring? -I know. 穿了肚脐环的那个? 我知道 [15:38.720]And then all of a sudden, your mom pops into your head. 但是突然之间 你忽然想到你妈 [15:42.890]And you're,like, "Mom,get out of here!" 然后你就想 “妈,快走开啦!” [15:46.800]But after that, you can't think of anything else. 但从那时起 你的脑袋里就只有你妈 [15:49.630]And you can't stop what you're doing. So it's kind of like you're... 而你正在做的事又不能停止 所以你就好像… [15:55.270]...you know... 你知道的… [15:56.540]...you know.... 你知道的… [15:58.700]You don't know! 你不知道! [16:01.410]Your mom? 你妈妈? [16:03.480]You're telling me about your mom? What's the matter with you? 你是说跟你妈一起? 你究竟有什么毛病? [16:07.920]-You said -I said "share," not "scare"! 你说… 我说要分享,不是吓唬人 [16:11.220]Go sit over there! 你给我坐到那边去 [16:18.590]We're back! 我们回来了 [16:22.100]What are you guys doing together? 你们俩在一起干嘛? [16:24.130]Joey and Janice's Day of Fun! 乔伊和珍妮丝的逍遥一日游 [16:29.940]Really? 真的吗? [16:31.470]We went to a Mets game. We got Chinese food. 我们去看纽约大都会的比赛 还吃了中国菜 [16:34.800]And,you know,I love this woman. 你知道的,我爱这个女人 [16:41.450]Well,I just came by to give you a kiss. 我只是上来亲你一下 [16:51.960]You too,Chandler. 你也是,钱德 [17:02.000]-You still can't stand her,can you? -I'm sorry,I tried! I really did! 你还是受不了她,是吗? 抱歉,我已尽最大努力了! [17:09.380]I appreciate you giving it a shot. 还是谢谢你的努力 [17:11.880]But you know,the good thing... 但是有一点可喜的是… [17:14.500]...is that we spent the whole day together and I survived. 我们整天在一起 而我还能存活 [17:17.720]And what's even more amazing, so did she. 更了不起的是,她也做到了 [17:21.120]It was Bat Day at Shea Stadium. 今天是大都会主场的打击日 [17:25.330]I guess that's something. 我想这还蛮了不起的 [17:28.730]Now I know I can stand to be around her. Which means... 现在我知道 我可以待在她旁边,表示… [17:32.170]... I get to hang out with you. 我可以和你一起出去… [17:34.140]Which is kind of the whole point anyway. 反正这就是我的重点 [17:41.740]Oh,hey! We stopped by the coffee shop and ran into Ross. 我们在咖啡店停了一下 结果遇到罗斯 [17:50.920]Oh,God. 天啊 [17:53.320]If it makes you feel any better, I do it too. 希望这会让你好过点 我也会有这种想法 [17:58.860]-Really? -Oh,yeah! 真的吗? 对啊 [18:00.930]I always picture your mom when I'm having sex. 当我在做爱时 我都会想像你妈的样子 [18:08.440]April 12,1861. 1861年4月12日 [18:14.910]The United States garrison at Fort Sumter was fired upon. 美国于山德堡的部队受到炮轰 [18:19.200]It is now under bombardment by 这场炮轰是由于… [18:32.560]Dad! What are you doing? 爸,你怎么来了? [18:34.400]It's your mother's bridge night,so l came into the city for a Moni-cuddle. 你妈今晚打桥牌 所以我进城来,抱抱摩妮卡 [18:42.640]Since when did you start smoking cigars? 你什么时候开始抽雪茄了? [18:46.140]I don't. I just like the smell of them. 我没有,只是喜欢闻它的味道 [18:50.610]So what are you really doing here? 你来这里真正的目的是什么? [18:53.880]I just wanted to make sure you're okay. 我只想确定一下你还好吧 [18:59.590]I saw Richard. 我看到理查了 [19:04.260]So how you doing? 你还好吗? [19:06.230]I'm fine. 我很好 [19:07.800]I'm just a little tired, but I'm okay. 我只是有点累,但我还好 [19:11.400]-How's Richard doing? -You don't want to know. 理查怎么样了? 你不会想知道的 [19:14.140]No,I really,really do. 我真的很想知道 [19:17.140]Well,he's doing terrible! 他的情况很糟! [19:21.840]Really? 真的? [19:24.800]Worse than when he broke up with Barbara. 比他跟芭芭拉分手时还糟 [19:27.520]-You're not just saying that,are you? -No,the man is a mess! 你不是故意这么说的吧 不,那个男人简直一团糟 [19:32.920]Was he crying? 他有没有哭? [19:35.790]Do you think he was waiting till after you left,so he could cry? 你觉得他是否等你走后 才一个人开始哭? [19:39.530]Maybe. 或许吧 [19:42.800]I think so. 我想也是 [19:44.530]Honey,relationships are hard. Like with your mom and me. 宝贝,感情这回事很难说 就像我跟你妈 [19:47.870]You know,after we graduated from college,we broke up for a while. 大学毕业后 我们曾分手一阵子 [19:51.870]It seems her father, your grandfather... 她父亲,就是你祖父,似乎… [19:54.610]...wanted her to travel around Europe like he did. 希望你妈跟他一样 到欧洲四处旅行… [19:57.480]Of course,he got to do it on Uncle Sam's nickel... 当然,他是为了美国政府… [20:00.380]... because he was also strafing German troop trains at the time. 因为当时他也在 猛轰德列车 [20:04.950]However.... 然而… [20:48.300]Okay,here we go. 好吧,开始罗 [20:50.300]I am Jabba's prisoner. And you... 我是贾霸的囚犯,而你… [20:54.100]... have a really weird look on your face. 你脸上的表情好怪 [20:56.810]What? Honey,what is it? 怎么了,甜心? 有什么问题? [20:58.340]Did I get the hair wrong? 我的头发不对吗? [21:00.140]Or what? Did you just picture it differently? What? 还是别的问题? 跟你想像的不同,还是…? [21:04.150]It's not you. It's.... 不是你的问题,是… [21:11.290]What is it? Come on,sweetie. You're,like,freaking me out here. 怎么了?拜托,甜心 你快把我吓坏了 [21:17.960]I hate Chandler. The bastard ruined my life! 我恨钱德 那个混蛋毁了我的人生!