[00:32.-1]...your nippular areas. … [01:41.-4]-But you tell it really well,sweetie. -Thanks. Okay. - [02:14.-1]Okay,you guys want anything else? [03:06.-3]That's it? I mean,mittens are "nice." [03:57.-1]-How did you know that? -It's textbook. - [04:46.-3]I gotta go. Miss you too. [10:22.-2]Good night,you guys. [14:22.-2]Now I'm looking at my dad,thinking [14:28.-4]When they wanted you in your father's business,did you cave? [16:14.-4]-What's with you? -I thought it was Chandler! - [17:32.-3]Why'd you fill your father's head with garbage... [19:14.-3]I just did what I thought you'd want. [23:34.-3]Hello,dear! [00:16.09]-I'm sorry! -That is it! - [00:18.76]You barge in here and you don't knock? [00:21.37]You have no respect for privacy. No,you wait! - [00:25.14]-Can I just say one thing? -What?! - [00:27.77]That's a relatively open weave. I can still see... [00:38.12]The One With The Boobies [01:26.33]Honey,tell them the story about your patient... [01:30.27]...who thinks things are other things. [01:33.00]When the phone rings and she takes a shower. [01:37.74]That's pretty much it. [01:45.85]Now go away so we can talk about you. [01:48.92]Okay. I'll miss you. [01:52.62]-lsn't he great? -He's cute. He likes you so much. - [01:56.29]I know. He's so sweet. And so complicated,you know? [02:00.60]And for a shrink, he's not too shrinky. [02:03.90]Think you'll do it on his couch? [02:06.27]I don't know. That's a little weird. [02:09.27]It's vinyl. [02:16.51]-Could I have? -We're all out. Anybody else? [02:20.92]Did I miss something? [02:22.89]No,she's still upset because I saw her boobies. [02:26.89]What were you doing seeing her boobies? [02:30.10]It was an accident. I wasn't across the street with a telescope. [02:35.80]Can we change the subject,please? [02:38.74]These aren't her "boobies." These are her breasts. [02:43.68]Pheebs,I was hoping for more of a change. [02:47.81]I always liked "Bazoombas." [02:51.02]Gives them a Latin spin. [02:54.29]Can we drop this already,please? [02:58.12]Why are you embarrassed? They were very nice boobies. [03:03.03]"Nice"? They were "nice"? [03:10.80]Okay. Rock,hard place. Me. [03:20.01]You're so funny! [03:22.51]He's really funny. [03:24.75]I wouldn't wanna be there when the laughter stops. [03:29.25]Whoa,back up there,sparky. [03:32.92]What did you mean by that? [03:35.19]It seems that maybe you have intimacy issues... [03:38.60]...that you use your humor to keep people at a distance. [03:45.00]I mean,I just met you. I don't know you from Adam. [03:49.64]Only child,right? [03:52.21]Parents divorced before you hit puberty. [04:03.12]Hey,you guys. You all know my dad,right? [04:06.82]-How long are you in the city? -Two days. I got a job. - [04:10.53]I'm better off staying with Joey... [04:12.90]...than going back and forth on the ferry. [04:15.73]-I don't know this one. -This is my friend Roger. - [04:19.04]-Good to meet you. -You too. - [04:21.04]-What happened to the puppet guy? -Dad. - [04:25.34]Oh,excuse me. So,Ross,how's the wife? [04:32.22]0 for 2,huh? [04:34.62]Chandler,say something funny. [04:48.87]-I love you,but it's getting late -Say hi. Hey,Ma. - [04:53.07]I made the appointment with Dr. Bassida and [04:57.81]Excuse me? [05:02.85]Did you know this isn't Ma? [05:13.63]Her name's Ronni. [05:15.86]She's a pet mortician. [05:21.70]Sure. [05:23.94]So,how long you been...? [05:28.47]Remember when you were a kid, I'd take you to the navy yard? [05:32.84]-Since then? -No,it's only been six years. [05:36.68]I wanted you to think of a nice memory so you'd know I'm not a terrible guy. [05:43.76]-What are you doing? -Chopping garlic. - [05:46.22]You don't crush it? [05:48.03]You're having an affair, I chop garlic. It's a wacky world. [05:53.70]Joe,you ever been in love? [05:57.90]-I don't know. -Then you haven't. - [06:01.54]-You're burning tomatoes. -You're one to talk. - [06:07.18]Your dad's in love. The worst part is, it's with two different women. [06:12.35]Oh,man! Please tell me one of them is Ma. [06:15.55]Of course one of them's Ma. What's the matter with you? [06:27.00]It's like if you woke up and found out... [06:29.87]...your dad leads this double life. [06:32.30]He's like actually some spy working for the ClA. [06:36.91]That'd be cool. [06:39.04]This blows! [06:41.71]Do you think Dad cheated? [06:43.51]I don't think so. That would involve sex. [06:46.38]I'd like to think that our parents don't do that. [06:53.73]I know. Why can't parents just stay parents? [06:57.03]Why do they have to become people? Why do they have? [07:01.70]Why... [07:04.87]...can't you stop staring at my breasts? … [07:09.57]What? [07:13.01]What? [07:15.15]Didn't you get a good enough look? [07:18.12]We're all adults here. There's only one way to resolve this. [07:22.62]Since you saw her boobies you have to show her your pee-pee. [07:36.47]You know, I don't see that happening. [07:39.90]Come on. He's right. Tit for tat. [07:47.15]Well,I'm not showing you my tat! [07:53.82]-It's Phoebe. -And Rog! - [07:57.76]Come on up. [07:59.02]Oh,good! Rog is here. [08:03.23]-What's the matter with Rog? -It's a little thing. I hate that guy! - [08:09.13]So he was a little analytical. That's what he does. [08:13.04]Come on,he's not that bad. [08:15.14]You're wrong! Why would I marry her... [08:18.14]...if I thought that she was a lesbian? [08:21.78]I don't know. Maybe you wanted your marriage to fail. [08:30.69]Why? Why would l? Why? [08:34.63]I don't know. Maybe low self-esteem? [08:38.70]Maybe to compensate for overshadowing a sibling. Maybe [08:43.53]Wait! Go back to that "sibling" thing. [08:46.24]Well,I don't know. [08:48.84]You could've sabotaged your marriage... [08:52.28]...so the sibling would feel like less of a failure. [08:59.65]That's ridiculous! I don't feel guilty for her failures. [09:06.49]-You think I'm a failure? -lsn't he good? - [09:09.29]Yeah. No,that's not what I was saying. [09:12.70]I thought you were on my side. [09:15.00]But maybe you sucked up to them so they'd favor you. [09:18.87]I married a lesbian to make you look good! [09:26.24]You're right. I mean,you're right. [09:29.31]It wasn't just the Weebles, but the Weeble Play Palace... [09:35.79]...and the Weeble's Cruise Ship... [09:38.29]...with this lifeboat for the Weebles to wobble in. [09:43.66]And Mom just gave them all away. [09:47.27]That's tough,tough stuff. [09:50.20]Pheebs,we're gonna catch that movie, we gotta go. [09:53.67]-Feel better. -We're gonna be late,sweetie. - [09:57.61]-Thanks for everything,Mon. -No problem. - [10:00.88]Listen,it was great seeing you again. [10:05.35]Mon,easy on those cookies,okay? [10:08.49]Remember,they're just food, they're not love. [10:16.73]I hate that guy! [10:26.34]Oh,look. It's the woman we ordered. [10:33.11]Hey,can we help you? [10:35.75]No,thanks. I'm just waiting for Joey Tribbiani. [10:40.42]I'm Joey Tribbiani. [10:42.85]Oh,no,not you. Big Joey. Oh,my God! [10:47.09]You're so much cuter than your pictures. [10:52.26]I'm Ronni. [10:57.10]Cheese Nip? [11:00.74]Joey's having an embolism, but I'd go for a nip. [11:11.05]Most people, when their pets pass on... [11:13.82]...want them like they're sleeping. [11:16.69]Occasionally you get a person who wants them in a pose. [11:20.93]Like chasing their tail. [11:23.53]Or jumping to catch a Frisbee. [11:28.10]Joey,if I go first, I wanna be looking for my keys. [11:33.30]-That's a good one! -Hey. [11:35.07]Hey,Dad. Ronni's here. [11:37.51]-Hi. -Hey. [11:39.81]Hello,babe! What are you doing here? [11:44.62]Oh,you left your hair at my place. [11:47.69]I thought you'd need it tomorrow. [11:53.12]Thank you. [11:55.93]So,who's up for a big game of Kerplunk? [12:03.07]Look,I shouldn't have come. [12:06.30]I better go. I'll miss the train. [12:08.77]-I don't want you taking that thing. -Where do I stay? Here? - [12:15.11]We'll go to a hotel. [12:17.55]We'll go to a hotel. [12:20.22]-No,you won't. -No,we won't. [12:22.55]If you go to a hotel, you'll be doing stuff. [12:25.56]I want you here so I can keep an eye on you. [12:28.56]-You're gonna keep an eye on us? -Right. - [12:31.80]As long as you are under my roof... [12:34.53]...you're gonna live by my rules. — [12:40.50]That means no sleeping with your girlfriend. [12:44.11]Wow,he's strict. [12:47.28]Dad,you'll be in my room. You can stay in Chandler's room. [12:51.22]And Chandler will be? [12:53.68]Out here with me,bunking up. [12:56.00]Oh,bunking up. If you smell s'mores, don't be alarmed. [13:00.62]Thanks. You're a good kid. [13:03.33]I'll show you to my room. [13:07.00]That sounds weird not followed by, "No,it's late." [13:15.11]This is just for tonight. Tomorrow you gotta change. [13:20.31]Change? [13:21.55]-Break up with Ronni -I can't! - [13:23.78]Then come clean with Ma! This is not right! [13:27.08]I don't wanna hear it! Now go to my room! [13:43.67]Hey,kickie! [13:47.84]-What are you doing? -Getting comfortable. - [13:50.74]-I can't sleep in my underwear. -Well,you're gonna. - [14:00.48]I was thinking about how I'm always seeing girls on top of girls.... [14:08.26]Are they end-to-end, or tall,like pancakes? [14:12.13]You know,how I date all these women. [14:15.43]I always figured,when the right one comes along... [14:18.74]... I'll be able to go the distance. [14:24.68]You're not him,you're you. [14:32.02]-No. -No. -No.-No. [14:33.28]You chose the out-of-work-actor business. [14:37.56]That wasn't easy,but you did it. [14:40.62]I believe when the right woman comes along... [14:43.73]...you'll have the guts to say, "No,thanks,I'm married." [14:54.07]-You really think so? -Yeah,I really do. - [14:57.94]-Thanks,Chandler. -Get off! [15:12.72]-Hi. -Hi. May I help you? -Hi - [15:14.79]Joey said I could use your shower since Chandler's in ours. [15:20.03]Okay. Who are you? ok. [15:22.53]Oh,I'm Ronni. Ronni Rapalono. [15:25.77]The mistress? [15:29.54]-Come on in. -Thanks. [15:31.54]I'm Rachel. Bathroom's there. [15:33.71]Ronni,how long has Chandler been in the shower? [15:37.31]Oh,like five minutes. [15:40.28]Perfect. [15:43.59]Fasten your seat belts, it's pee-pee time. [15:53.03]-Hey,Mr. Trib. -Hey,good morning,dear. - [15:58.07]Chandler Bing, it's time to see your thing. [16:17.55]You were supposed to be in there so I'd see your thing! [16:22.76]Sorry,my thing was in there with me. [16:34.57]-How's it going? -Good. [16:36.77]Roger's having a dinner thing. He wanted me to invite you guys. [16:44.48]-So,what's going on? -Nothing. [16:47.52]It's just.... [16:49.89]It's Roger,you know? [16:52.19]There's something about [16:54.16]We just feel that he's.... [16:56.49]-We hate that guy! -We hate him! - [16:59.33]-We're sorry,Pheebs. [17:02.30]Don't you think it's just that he's so perceptive... [17:06.10]...it freaked you out? [17:07.91]No,we hate him! [17:09.91]I'm sorry. [17:24.39]-Ma! What are you doing here? -I came to give you this and this! - [17:30.19]Big ring! [17:35.47]...about making things right? [17:38.14]Things were fine this way! [17:40.44]There's chicken in there. Put it away. [17:43.61]For God's sake,Joey! Really. [17:48.88]-Hold on. You knew? -Of course I knew. What do you think? - [17:53.32]Your father is no James Bond. [17:55.65]You should've heard his stories. [17:58.00]"I'm sleeping over at my accountant's." “ [18:00.69]-What is that? Please! -So then,how could you? - [18:05.00]Do you remember how your father used to be? [18:07.87]Always yelling. Nothing made him happy. [18:11.27]Not that wood shop,not those stupid little ships in the bottle. [18:16.24]Now he's happy. I mean,it's nice. He has a hobby. [18:23.15]Ma,I don't mean to be disrespectful... [18:26.82]... but what the hell are you talking about? [18:29.92]-I mean,what about you? -Me? I'm fine. - [18:33.86]Look,honey,in an ideal world... [18:37.90]...there'd be no her and your father would look like Sting. [18:43.30]And something else: [18:45.17]Ever since that poodle-stuffer came along... [18:48.84]... he's so ashamed of himself that he's been more attentive. [18:53.48]He's been more loving. It's like every day is our anniversary. [18:58.32]-I'm happy for you? -Well,don't be! - [19:03.02]Now everything's screwed up. [19:06.39]I just want it the way it was. [19:10.86]Ma,I'm sorry. [19:17.73]I know you did,cookie. I know you did. [19:24.58]So tell me. Did you see her? [19:30.18]Yeah. [19:32.15]-You're 10 times prettier than she is. -That's sweet. - [19:38.46]Could I take her? [19:41.09]With this ring,no contest. [19:55.01]Oh,no! Don't ever do that! oh, [19:57.27]-What? -I'm sorry. [19:58.68]I have a thing, which means you can't ever do that! [20:04.68]-What's wrong,sweetie? -Nothing. [20:08.39]-No,what's wrong? Come on. -Okay. [20:15.56]It's nothing. I'm fine. It's just It's my friends. [20:19.80]They have a liking problem with you... [20:22.67]...in that they don't. [20:29.17]They don't? They don't? [20:31.34]But they don't see all the wonderfulness that I see. [20:35.88]They don't see all the good and sweet stuff. [20:39.65]-They think you're a little -What? [20:43.19]Intense and creepy. [20:47.36]-Oh. -But I don't. Me,Phoebe. -oh - [20:53.40]-I'm not at all surprised about that. -That's why you're so great. - [20:58.67]It's quite typical behavior... [21:01.07]...when you have this kind of dysfunctional group dynamic. [21:05.41]You know,this kind of codependent, emotionally stunted... [21:10.21]...sitting in your stupid coffeehouse, with your stupid big cups... [21:15.65]...which might as well have nipples on them. [21:20.26]And you're all like, "Oh,define me! Define me! [21:25.00]Love me! I need love! [21:29.27]You talked to your dad? [21:31.10]He's gonna keep cheating on Ma like she wanted. [21:34.40]Ma will keep pretending she doesn't know. [21:37.31]And my sister,Tina, can't see her husband. [21:40.21]He got a restraining order. [21:43.15]Which has nothing to do with it. I found out today. [21:47.88]Things have changed here on Waltons'mountain. [21:52.69]-So,Joey,are you okay? -Yeah,I guess. [21:55.89]It's just You know,they're parents. [21:58.50]After a certain point, you gotta let go. [22:01.80]You gotta let them make their own mistakes. [22:06.27]And think,in a few years, we'll turn into them. [22:09.84]Oh,please. [22:11.34]If I turn into my parents,I'll be an alcoholic blond chasing men... [22:15.88]...or I'll end up like my mom! [22:23.62]-Hey. -Hey,Pheebs. [22:25.76]How's it going? [22:27.66]Okay,except I broke up with Roger. [22:32.63]-Yeah,right. -No,no,really. [22:37.60]-What happened? -I don't know. I mean... - [22:41.51]... he's a good person, and he can be really sweet. [22:45.78]In some ways, I think he is so right for me. [22:48.88]It's just.... I hate that guy! [22:59.09]Hi,Joey. What's going on? Hi, [23:01.89]Clear the tracks for the boobie payback. [23:04.76]Next stop,Rachel Greene. [23:12.87]Joey,what the hell were you doing? [23:15.77]Sorry,wrong boobies! [23:31.29]Hello,Joey!