[00:48.-3]We're in the car,fighting traffic, just trying to stay awake. [00:58.-2]Or next time you'll find yourself listening to that album alone. [02:36.-2]- No. - Yes,it is. Carol,hi! [03:24.-4]Well,you know, in here,anyone who.. [06:19.-3]- and we'll eat ice cream. - Okay. It's a pear-shaped diamond - [09:48.-2]- Ross,help me with the spaghetti. - Yes. [10:08.-4]This will sound unbelievably selfish.. [10:11.-3]but did you plan to bring up the baby/lesbian thing? [12:19.-4]Carol's a lesbian. [12:55.-4]They know what they do. [20:04.-4]A month ago,I wanted to hurt you more than I've ever wanted to. [00:01.81]You don't understand. [00:03.45]For us,kissing is as important as any part. [00:06.69]Yeah,right! [00:10.82]You serious? [00:13.02]Oh,yeah. [00:14.26]- Everything is in that first kiss. - Absolutely. - [00:17.90]For us,kissing's an opening act.. [00:20.67]like the comedian you have to sit through.. [00:24.00]before Pink Floyd comes out. [00:29.31]And it's not that we don't like the comedian. [00:32.78]It's just that that's not why we bought the ticket. [00:39.68]The problem is,no matter how great the show was.. [00:44.19]you girls are looking for the comedian again. [00:54.83]Word of advice: Bring back the comedian. [01:07.38]Are we still talking about sex? [01:11.15]The One With the Sonogram at the End [02:01.37]No,it's good. It is good. [02:03.50]It's just that Doesn't she seem a little angry? [02:07.34]Well,she has issues. [02:10.54]Does she? [02:11.81]Try to live with "Mr. I'm Evolving." [02:15.61]He's out while she's home getting the mastodon smell out of the carpet. [02:22.09]Marsha,see,these are cave people. [02:26.19]Okay,they have issues like: [02:28.86]"Gee,that glacier's getting kind of close." Gee, [02:32.43]Speaking of issues, isn't that your ex-wife? [02:38.07]Okay. Yes,it is. I'll catch up with you in the Ice Age. [02:42.37]- Can I stay? - No. [02:58.76]- Hi. - Hi. [03:08.23]- Is this a bad time? - No,it's.. [03:11.20]the Stone Age. [03:15.64]You look great. I hate that. [03:20.35]Sorry. Thanks. You look good too. [03:28.35]stands erect.. [03:33.02]- What's new? Still a - A lesbian? [03:37.83]You never know. How's the family? [03:42.00]- Marty's still totally paranoid. - Carol,why are you here? - [03:48.81]- I'm pregnant. - Pregnant. [03:59.18]She didn't leave in such a hurry after all. [04:02.85]This is the Three's Company episode with a misunderstanding. [04:10.40]Then I've already seen this one. [04:14.37]Are you through with that? [04:16.33]Sorry,the swallowing slowed me down. [04:20.41]Whose ball of paper is this? [04:22.44]Mine. I wrote a note to myself, then I didn't need it. [04:26.54]So I balled it up and now I wish I was dead. [04:31.12]She already fluffed that pillow. You already fluffed It's fine. [04:36.62]I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition. [04:40.49]Parents can be cruel about the flatness of a child's pillow. [04:46.36]Relax,you do this every time. The place looks great. [04:49.90]You got a lasagna here that looks good enough.. [04:53.61]to avoid touching. [04:58.61]Monica? Hi! [05:01.81]Monica,you're scaring me. [05:05.62]I mean,you're all chaotic and twirly,you know? [05:09.45]Not in a good way. [05:12.49]Calm down. You don't see Ross getting twirly every time they come. [05:18.56]That's because my parents think Ross can do no wrong. [05:22.50]You see,he's "The Prince." [05:24.60]They had some big ceremony before I was born. [05:31.71]- What? - Ugly Naked Guy got a ThighMaster. [05:39.42]- Has anybody seen my engagement ring? - It's beautiful. - [05:47.76]Oh,God! Oh,God! Oh,God! [05:51.20]No,don't touch that. [05:55.40]Like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough,having to give it back. [06:00.00]"Hi,Barry,remember me? I'm the girl that stomped on your heart." “ [06:05.38]Now I must return the ring without the ring.. [06:08.81]which makes it so much harder. [06:12.55]Easy,we'll find it. Won't we? [06:15.72]Look,it's gonna be okay. You'll give it back.. [06:23.23]Any diamond ring we find, we'll run it by you. [06:28.67]- When did you have it last? - Doy,right before she lost it. - [06:35.04]You don't get a lot of "doy" these days. [06:39.51]I know I had it this morning. [06:42.08]I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with [06:45.52]Dinah? [06:49.79]- Oh,don't be mad. - You didn't. [06:53.46]- Oh,I'm sorry. - I gave you one job! - [06:59.06]But look how straight those noodles are. [07:02.53]That's not how you look for an engagement ring in a lasagna. [07:09.54]I just can't do it. [07:12.38]Boys? We're going in. [07:24.39]Hi. [07:27.29]- That is not a happy "hi." - Carol's pregnant. - [07:30.90]I found it! [07:34.63]What? [07:38.17]Yeah. [07:40.44]Do that for two hours,you might be where I am about now. [07:46.04]That puts that whole pillow thing in perspective. [07:51.58]How do you fit into this whole thing? [07:54.35]Carol and Susan want me to be involved. [07:57.19]But if I'm not comfortable with it, I don't have to be involved. [08:02.09]- It's totally up to me. - She is so great. I miss her. - [08:11.54]- What does she mean by "involved"? - Your job is done. - [08:18.01]And the most enjoyable. [08:21.68]Phoebe,say something. [08:23.82]They want me to go down to this sonogram thing.. [08:27.35]with them tomorrow. [08:29.19]Remember when life was simpler.. [08:31.52]and she was just a lesbian? [08:35.13]Those were the days. [08:38.03]- What are you gonna do? - I have no idea. [08:41.83]No matter what I do, I'm still gonna be a father. [08:55.55]This is still ruined,right? [09:03.69]Martha Lugwin's daughter is gonna call you. [09:09.89]- What's that curry taste? - Curry. [09:17.84]I think they're great. I really do. [09:21.17]The big Lugwin had a thing for you. [09:24.44]- They all had a thing for him. - Oh,Mom. - [09:28.21]Why is this girl going to call me? [09:30.65]She just graduated,and she wants to be something in cooking or food.. [09:36.75]I told her you have a restaurant [09:39.36]- I don't have,I work in a restaurant. - They don't have to know that. - [09:51.77]Oh,we're having spaghetti. That's easy. [09:56.64]We were going to have lasagna. [09:58.78]- I love lasagna. - We're not having it. - [10:02.71]Then why bring it up? He latches on. [10:14.93]It might take the heat off of me. [10:20.57]That Rachel. We saw her parents at the club. [10:24.47]They were not playing well. [10:26.77]I won't say what they spent.. [10:29.24]but $40,000 is a lot for a wedding. [10:34.68]At least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar. [10:41.52]- What's that supposed to mean? - Nothing. [10:44.86]- It's an expression. - No,it's not. [10:48.06]Don't listen to her. You've always been independent. [10:51.66]Even when you were a chubby kid.. [10:54.20]and you had no friends, you were just fine. [10:58.84]You'd read alone in your room. Your puzzles.. [11:05.71]People like Ross need to shoot for the stars. [11:09.78]With his museum and his published papers. [11:12.85]Others are satisfied with staying where they are. [11:16.45]These people never get cancer. [11:20.02]They're happy with what they have,content.. [11:23.29]like cows. [11:27.16]Cows,Dad? [11:29.13]She knows how much I love cows. [11:34.41]I read about women trying to have it all,and I thank God.. [11:38.78]our "Harmonica" doesn't have that problem. [11:43.31]- I'm telling you,you'll be fine. - Thank you,Daddy. [11:48.92]Oh,so this does work. [11:55.16]So,Ross,what's going on with you? [11:58.90]Any stories? No news,no little anecdotes to share with the folks? [12:07.24]Look,I realize you guys have been wondering.. [12:10.88]what exactly happened between Carol and me. [12:14.15]And so,well,here's the deal. [12:22.59]She lives with a woman named Susan. [12:26.79]She's pregnant with my child. [12:30.49]She and Susan are going to raise the baby. [12:37.60]And you knew about this? [12:47.31]Folks are really that bad? [12:50.15]Well,you know,these people are pros. [12:56.65]They take their time. They get the job done. [13:02.29]They say that you can't change your parents. [13:05.70]Boy,if you could,I'd want yours. [13:10.63]Must pee. [13:13.34]It's worse when you're twins. [13:15.44]- You're a twin? - We don't speak. [13:17.64]She's this high-powered, driven,career-type. [13:20.85]- What does she do? - She's a waitress. - [13:25.02]- Identical? - People say we look alike. - [13:27.79]But I don't see it. [13:30.22]You guys,I kind of gotta clean up now. [13:33.49]Chandler,as an only child, you don't have this. [13:36.59]No,although I did have an imaginary friend.. [13:40.20]who my parents preferred. [13:44.24]Hit the lights,please. [13:53.54]How long was I in there? [13:56.41]- I'm just cleaning up. - Oh,you need any help? [14:02.75]Okay,sure. Thanks. [14:10.00]Anyway.. [14:12.13]So you nervous about Barry tomorrow? [14:15.83]A little. [14:19.04]A lot. [14:21.64]So,got any advice? [14:24.38]You know,as someone who's recently been dumped. [14:28.71]You may wanna steer clear of the word "dumped." [14:33.62]Chances are he's gonna be this broken shell of a man. [14:38.06]You should try not to look too terrific. I know it'll be hard. [14:45.56]Or I'll go down there, and I'll give Barry back his ring. [14:50.17]And you can go with Carol and Susan to the ob-gyn. [14:56.67]You've got Carol tomorrow. [15:00.01]- When did it get so complicated? - Got me. - [15:04.42]- Remember being in high school? - Yeah. - [15:07.25]Didn't you think you'd meet someone.. [15:10.02]fall in love,and that'd be it? [15:17.46]- Ross? - Yes. Yes. [15:22.30]Man,I never thought I'd be here. [15:32.64]Me neither. [15:51.53]Sorry I'm late. I got stuck at work. [15:54.06]There was this big dinosaur thing. Anyway.. [15:58.34]Hi. [16:00.60]- You remember Susan. - How could I forget? - [16:05.21]Hello,Susan. Good shake,good shake. [16:09.91]So,we're just waiting for? [16:12.92]- Dr. Oberman. - And is he? - [16:15.45]- She. - Of course,"she." [16:19.12]Is she familiar with our special situation? [16:23.39]- Yes,and she's very supportive. - Okay,that's great. - [16:29.03]No,I'm Oh. [16:31.67]Thanks. [16:53.19]That opens my cervix. [17:01.67]- Barry? - Come on in. [17:04.54]- Are you sure? - It's fine. [17:06.74]Robbie's gonna be here for hours. [17:12.64]So,how are you doing? [17:15.55]I'm.. [17:17.85]I'm okay. [17:20.55]- You look great. - Yeah,well. [17:23.92]Dr. Farber,Jason Greenspan's gagging. [17:26.62]Be right there. Be back in a second. [17:34.73]I dumped him. [17:54.79]So,how's this all gonna work? [17:58.19]The baby grows in a special place inside [18:01.23]Thank you. [18:02.49]I mean,how's this gonna work, you know,with us? [18:07.00]When important decisions have to be made? [18:10.33]- Give me a "for instance." - Well,I don't know. - [18:13.84]- How about with the baby's name? - Marlon. - [18:17.47]If it's a boy. Minnie,if it's a girl. [18:22.18]As in "Mouse"? [18:25.32]As in my grandmother. [18:27.52]Still,you say "Minnie," you hear "Mouse." [18:32.66]How about..? [18:34.86]How about Julia? [18:37.13]- Julia. - We agreed on Minnie. - [18:39.90]We agreed we'd spend our lives together. [18:42.80]Things change. Roll with the punches. [18:46.20]I believe Julia's on the table? [18:51.14]Sorry about that. [18:55.71]So,what have you been up to? [18:58.48]Oh,not much. [19:01.55]- I got a job. - That's great. - [19:05.39]Why are you so tan? [19:09.89]I went to Aruba. [19:12.06]Oh,no. You went on our honeymoon alone? [19:15.10]No. [19:19.67]I went with.. [19:22.84]- Now,this may hurt. - Me? [19:24.78]No. [19:28.81]I went with Mindy. [19:30.65]Mindy? [19:32.85]My maid of honor,Mindy? [19:34.72]Yeah,we're kind of a thing now. [19:42.09]You got plugs! [19:44.13]Careful. They haven't quite taken yet. [19:47.40]And you got lenses. [19:50.03]You hate sticking your finger in your eye. [19:53.17]Not for her. [19:58.51]Listen,I really wanted to thank you. [20:01.65]Okay. [20:09.00]And I'm an orthodontist. [20:12.89]You know,you were right. I thought we were happy. [20:16.66]We weren't happy. [20:19.30]But with Mindy.. [20:22.00]now I'm happy. [20:25.07]- Spit. - What? [20:26.54]Me. [20:30.51]Anyway.. [20:33.14]I guess this belongs to you. Or maybe some day Mindy. [20:38.42]Like she'd settle for that. [20:45.00]Yeah,that's true. [20:47.42]But I think it's a nice ring.. [20:51.33]and thank you for giving it to me. [20:56.00]Thank you for giving it back. [21:00.70]Hello! [21:05.78]- Please,what's wrong with Helen? - Helen Geller? [21:10.55]- I don't think so. - It's not gonna be Helen Geller. - [21:14.25]- Thank you. - No,I mean,it's not Geller. - [21:18.39]It'll be Helen Willick? [21:20.39]No,actually,we talked about Helen Willick Bunch. [21:26.90]Wait a minute. Why is she in the title? [21:29.83]It's my baby too. [21:31.40]Really? I don't remember you making any sperm. [21:37.34]And we all know what a challenge that is. [21:40.74]- You two,stop it. - She gets a credit. I'm in there too. - [21:44.75]Helen Willick Bunch Geller? I think that borders on child abuse. [21:50.72]Of course not. I'm suggesting Geller Willick Bunch. [21:54.76]See what he does? He knows no one's gonna say all those names. [21:59.40]They'll call her Geller. He gets his way. [22:02.13]My way? You think this is my way? [22:04.50]Of all the ways I ever imagined this moment being.. [22:08.37]this is not my You know what? This is too hard. [22:12.21]Knock,knock. How are we? Any nausea? [22:15.11]- A little. - Just a little. [22:18.75]I was wondering about the mother-to-be,but thanks for sharing. [22:23.85]- Lie back. - You know what? I'm gonna go. [22:27.52]I don't think I can be involved in this family thing. [22:42.74]- Oh,my God! - Look at that. [22:45.68]I know. [22:57.55]Well,isn't that amazing? [23:03.23]What are we supposed to be seeing here? [23:06.73]I don't know,but I think it's about to attack the Enterprise. [23:14.67]If you tilt your head and relax your eyes.. [23:17.81]it kind of looks like an old potato. [23:21.35]Then don't do that,all right? [23:25.68]Monica,what do you think? [23:31.49]- Are you welling up? - No. [23:33.86]- You are. You're welling up. - I'm not. [23:37.36]- You're gonna be an aunt. - Oh,shut up. - [23:41.43]Hi,Mindy. Hi,it's Rachel. [23:45.50]Yeah,I'm fine. I saw Barry today. [23:49.47]Yeah,he told me. No,it's okay. Really,it's okay. [23:54.41]I hope you two are very happy. I really do. [23:58.25]And,Min,you know, if everything works out.. [24:02.09]and you guys get married and have kids.. [24:06.12]I hope they have his hairline and your nose! [24:14.30]That was a cheap shot, but I feel so much better now!