[00:01.080]--- Lesson 76 April Fools' Day [00:06.960]--- First listen and then answer the question. [00:13.160]--- What was the joke? [00:17.400]'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer,^“ [00:24.120]'we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria.^“ [00:29.160]Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. [00:35.760]Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Riccardo Brabante,tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. [00:52.240]Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. [01:04.560]The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year's crop before the September rains. [01:14.040]On the right, you can see Mrs. Brabante herself. She has been helping her husband for thirty years now. [01:23.880]Mrs. Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. [01:32.120]This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest: the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition! [01:43.120]Signor Fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991. [01:51.720]And that ends our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April lst. [01:58.840]We're now going back to the studio. [02:03.640]--- end