[00:01.040]--- Lesson 55 Not a gold mine [00:05.960]--- First listen and then answer the question. [00:11.520]--- What did the team find? [00:16.080]Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. [00:21.360]A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. [00:32.640]The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where -- it is said -- pirates used to hide gold. [00:42.320]The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. [00:49.160]Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. [00:57.960]The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. [01:08.680]Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. [01:15.040]They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. [01:20.840]The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. [01:29.320]In spite of this, many people are confident that'The Revealer'may reveal something of value fairly soon. [01:40.160]--- end