. [00:00.00]Part III Listing Comprehension [00:00.87]Directions [00:57.76]听力开始 [01:03.54]Q11. [01:06.62]W: Did you watch the 7 o'clock program on Channel 2 yesterday evening? [01:11.30]I was about to watch it when someone came to see me. [01:14.47]M: Yeah. It reported some major breakthroughs in cancer research. [01:19.73]People over 40 would find the program worth watching. [01:24.28]Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the TV program? [01:45.29]Q12. [01:47.02]W: I won the first prize in the national writing contest and I got this camera as an award. [01:53.54]M: It's a good camera.You can take it when you travel.I had no idea you were a marvelous writer. [02:02.49]Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [02:21.34]Q13. [02:23.89]M: I wish I hadn't thrown away that waiting list. [02:27.88]W: I thought you might regret it. [02:30.42]That's why I picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk. [02:36.49]Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [02:54.56]Q14. [02:56.81]W: Are you still teaching at the junior high school? [02:59.72]M: Not since June.My brother and I opened a restaurant as soon as he got out of the army. [03:06.42]Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation? [03:25.27]Q15. [03:28.05]M: Hi, Susan. Have you finished reading the book Prof. Johnson recommended? [03:33.62]W: Oh, I haven't read it through the way I'd read a novel. [03:37.69]I just read a few chapters which interested me. [03:42.34]Q: What does the woman mean? [04:00.17]Q16. [04:02.34]M: Jane missed class again, didn't she? I wonder why. [04:06.57]W: Well, I knew she had been absent all week, [04:11.01]so I called her this morning to see if she was sick. [04:14.19]It turned out that her husband was badly injured in a car accident. [04:19.22]Q: What does the woman say about Jane? [04:38.34]Q17. [04:40.95]W: I'm sure that Smith's new house is somewhere on this street, [04:44.98]but I don't know exactly where it is. [04:48.03]M: But I'm told it's two blocks from their old home. [04:51.59]Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [05:11.21]Q18. [05:14.66]W: I've been waiting here almost half an hour.How come it took it so long? [05:20.23]M: Sorry,honey.I had to drive two blocks before I spotted a place to park the car. [05:26.66]Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [05:47.00] [05:50.70]Conversation 1: [05:53.91]-Hello, I have a reservation for tonight. [05:56.67]-Your name, please? [05:58.12]-Nelson, Charles Nelson. [06:00.14]-Ok, Mr. Nelson, that's a room for 5 and … [06:04.42]-Excuse me? You mean a room for 5 pounds? I didn't know the special was so good [06:10.36]-No, no, no, according to our records, a room for 5 guests was booked under your name. [06:16.74]-No, no, hold on. You must have two guests under the name. [06:21.56]-OK, let me check this again. Oh, here we are. [06:26.50]-Yes? [06:27.24]-Charles Nelson, a room for one for the nineteen… [06:31.69]-Wait, wait, it was for tonight, not tomorrow night. [06:36.05]-Ehm, hmm, I don't think we have any rooms for tonight. [06:41.61]There is a conference going on in town and, er, let's see, yeah, no rooms. [06:50.07]-Oh, come on, you must have something, anything! [06:54.08]-Well, let, let me check my computer here. Ah! [07:00.34]-What? [07:01.33]-There has been a cancelation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available. [07:07.00]-Great, I'll take it. [07:08.77]-But I'll have to charge you a hundred and fifty pounds for the night. [07:13.22]-What? I should get a discount for the inconvenience! [07:17.81]-Well, the best I can give you is a 10% discount,plus a ticket for a free continental breakfast. [07:26.52]-Hey, isn't the breakfast free anyway? [07:29.73]-Well, only on weekends. [07:31.41]-I want to talk to the manager. [07:33.65]-Wait, wait, wait,Mr. Nelson,I think I can give you an additional 15% discount! [07:41.51]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. [07:49.91]Q19. What is the man's problem? [08:10.13]Q20. Why did the hotel clerk say they didn't have any rooms for that night? [08:33.56]Q21. What did the clerk say about the breakfast in the hotel? [08:56.31]Q22. What did the man imply he would do at the end of the conversation? [09:21.03]Conversation 2: [09:23.63]-Sarah, you work in the admission's office, don't you? [09:28.39]-Yes, I'm, I've been here 10 years as an assistance director. [09:35.21]-Really? What does that involve? [09:38.31]-Well, I'm in charge of all the admissions of post graduate students in the university. [09:44.32]-Only post graduates? [09:46.08]-Yes, post graduates only.I have nothing at all to do with undergraduates. [09:51.90]-Do you find that you get a particular...sort of different national groups? [09:58.18]I mean you get larger numbers from Latin America or... [10:02.84]-Yes, well,of all the students enrolled last year,nearly half were from overseas. [10:09.54]They were from the Afican countries,the far east,the middle east and Latin America. [10:15.42]-Ehm, but have you been doing just that for the last 10 years or have you done other things? [10:22.33]-Well,I've been doing the same job,ehm,before that I was a secretary of the medical school at Birmingham, [10:31.52]and further back I worked in the local government. [10:34.63]-Oh, I see. [10:36.40]-So I've done different types of things. [10:38.82]-Yes, indeed. How do you imagine your job might develop in the future? [10:44.72]Can you imagine shifting into a different kind of responsibility or doing something...? [10:50.51]-Oh, yeah, from October 1st I'll be doing an entirely different job. [10:55.63]There is going to be more committee work. [10:58.12]I mean, more policy work, and less dealing with students unfortunately. [11:03.90]I'll miss my contact with students. [11:09.33]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. [11:16.30]Q23. What is the woman's present position? [11:37.75]Q24. What do we learn about the post graduates enrolled last year in the woman's university? [12:00.53]Q25. What will the woman's new job be like? [12:22.37]Directions [12:58.77]Passage 1 [13:00.99]My mother was born in a small town in northern Italy. [13:05.33]She was three when her parents immigrated to America in 1926. [13:11.00]They lived in Chicago, where my grandfather worked making ice-cream. [13:16.48]Mama thrived in the urban environment. [13:20.57]At 16, she graduated first in her high school class, [13:25.11]went on to secretarial school and finally worked as an executive secretary for a rare wood company. [13:32.57]She was beautiful too. [13:34.89]When a local photographer used her pictures in his monthly window display,she felt pleased. [13:41.75]Her favorite portrait showed her sitting by Lake Michigan, [13:45.43]her hair wind-blown, her gaze reaching towards the horizon. [13:50.85]My parents were married in 1944. Dad was a quiet and intelligent man. [13:57.97]He was 17 when he left Italy. [14:01.27]Soon after, a hit-and-run accident left him with a permanent limp. [14:06.30]Dad worked hard selling candy to Chicago office workers on their break. [14:11.69]He had little formal schooling. His English was self-taught. [14:16.77]Yet he eventually built a small successful whole-sale candy business. [14:22.07]Dad was generous and handsome. Mama was devoted to him. [14:27.65]After she married, my mother quit her job and gave herself to her family. [14:33.95]In 1950,with three small children,Dad moved the family to a farm 40 miles from Chicago. [14:42.02]He worked the land and commuted to the city to run his business. [14:46.43]Mama said good-bye to her parents and friends and traded her busy city neighborhood for a more isolated life. [14:55.37]But she never complained. [14:58.92]Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard: [15:05.21]Q26: What does the speaker tell us about his mother's early childhood? [15:31.03]Q27: What do we learn about the speaker's father? [15:53.28]Q28: What does the speaker say about his mother? [16:14.50]Passage 2 [16:16.23]During a 1995 roof collapse,a fire fighter named Donald Herbert was left brain damaged. [16:25.48]For 10 years he was unable to speak. [16:28.79]Then one Saturday morning,he did something that shocked his family and doctors - he started speaking. [16:38.63]"I want to talk to my wife," Donald Herbert said out of the blue. [16:44.62]Staff members of the nursing home where he has lived for more than 7 years rose to get Linda Herbert on the telephone. [16:53.23]"It was the first of many conversations the 44-year-old patient had with his family and friends during the 14 hour stretch." [17:03.00]Herbert's uncle Simon Manka said. [17:06.03]"How long have I been away?" Herbert asked. [17:09.81]"We told him almost 10 years." The uncle said. [17:14.16]He thought it was only three months. [17:17.03]Herbert was fighting a house fire Dec. 29, 1995, when the roof collapsed burying him underneath. [17:27.11]After going without air for several minutes, [17:30.60]Herbert was unconscious for two and a half months and has undergone therapy ever since. [17:38.19]News accounts in the days and years after his injury, [17:42.25]described Herbert as blind and with little, if any, memory. [17:48.00]A video shows him receiving physical therapy, [17:52.00]but apparently unable to communicate and with little awareness of his surroundings. [17:57.51]Manka declined to discuss his nephew's current condition or whether the apparent progress was continuing. [18:05.22]"The family was seeking privacy while doctors evaluated Herbert," he said. [18:11.22]As word of Herbert's progress spread, visitors streamed into the nursing home. [18:17.71]"He is resting comfortably," the uncle told them. [18:22.46]Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. [18:29.37]Q29: What happened to Herbert 10 years ago? [18:52.18]Q30: What surprised Donald Herbert's family and doctors one Saturday? [19:15.65]Q31: How long did Herbert remain unconscious? [19:39.14]Q32: How did Herbert's family react to the public attention? [20:01.15]Passage 3 [20:03.76]Almost all states in America have a state fair.They last for one, two or three weeks. [20:13.39]The Indiana state fair is one of the largest and oldest state fairs in the United States. [20:21.17]It is held every summer. It started in 1852. [20:27.34]Its goals were to educate, share ideas and present Indiana's best products. [20:35.30]The cost of a single ticket to enter the fair was 20 cents. [20:40.81]During the early 1930's,officials of the fair ruled that people could attend by paying something other than money. [20:51.56]For example, farmers brought a bag of grain in exchange for a ticket. [20:57.49]With the passage of time, the fair has grown and changed a lot. [21:03.16]But it is still one of the Indiana's celebrated events. [21:07.99]People from all over Indiana and from many other states attend the fair. [21:13.90]They can do many things at the fair. [21:16.89]They can watch the judging of the priced cows, pigs and other animals. [21:23.60]They can see sheep getting their wool cut and they can learn how that wool is made into clothing. [21:31.04]They can watch cows giving birth. [21:34.23]In fact, people can learn about animals they would never see except other fair. [21:40.36]The fair provides the chance for the farming community to show its skills and fun products. [21:48.14]For example, visitors might see the world's largest apple or the tallest sun flower plant. [21:56.11]Today, children and adults at the fair can play new computer games or attempt more traditional games of skill. [22:06.28]They can watch performances put on by famous entertainers. [22:11.85]Experts say such fairs are important because people need to remember [22:17.46]that they are connected to the earth and its products and they depend on animals for many things. [22:25.36]Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard: [22:33.00]Q33: What were the main goals of the Indiana state fair when it started? [22:56.16]Q34: How did some farmers give entrance to the fair in the early 1930's? [23:22.12]Q35: Why are state fairs important events in the America?