[00:00.00]听力试音 [01:47.35]Part III Listening Comprehension [01:51.34]Section A [02:42.15]Q11: [02:44.21]M: As you can see from the drawings, [02:46.52]the kitchen has one door into the dining room, [02:49.39]another into the family room and a third to the outside. [02:53.90]W: The door into the family room isn't big enough. Could it be made wider? [02:59.94]Q: What are the speakers doing? [03:17.27]Q12 [03:18.97]M: I'm thinking about where to go for a bite tonight. Any suggestions, Barbara? [03:24.75]W: Well, how about the French restaurant near the KFC? [03:29.51]Frankly, I've had enough of our canteen food. [03:33.82]Q: What do we learn about the woman? [03:51.08]Q13 [03:53.26]W: Hey, I f you can't enjoy the music at a sensible volume, why not use earphones? [03:59.67]I'm preparing for the speech contest. [04:02.55]M: Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I've being bothering you all this time. [04:07.29]Q: What is the man probably doing? [04:24.26]Q14 [04:26.66]M: Finally, I've got the chance to p ut on my new suit tonight. [04:30.74]I hope to make a good impression on your family. [04:33.71]W: Come on! It's only a family reunion. So jeans and T-shirts are just fine. [04:39.90]Q: What does the woman mean? [04:56.82]Q15. [04:59.46]M: Would you like to see those pants in brown and navy blue? [05:03.32]These two colors are coming in this season. [05:06.50]W: Oh, actually grey is my favourite color, [05:09.85]but I prefer something made from cotton, 100% cotton I mean. [05:15.41]Q: What is the woman looking for? [05:33.23]Q16. [05:35.53]W: From here, the mountains look as if you could just reach out and touch them. [05:40.95]M: That's why I chose this lodge. It has one of the best views in Switzerland. [05:46.50]Q: What is the man's chief consideration in choosing the lodge? [06:06.84]Q17. [06:10.07]M: What do I have to do to apply for a passport? [06:13.67]W: You need proof of citizenship,either an old passport or a birth certificate and three photographs. [06:23.46]Then you must complete this form and pay a fee. [06:27.69]Q: What is the man most probably going to do? [06:45.86]Q18. [06:48.21]M: Miss, can I interest you in a pork special with serving tonight? [06:53.20]It's only 799, half the usual price and it's very tasty. [06:58.92]W: Oh really? I will try it. [07:02.74]Q: What does the man say about the dish? [07:25.75]Conversation 1 [07:28.03]W:Good evening, and welcome to this week's business world, the program for and about business people. [07:35.69]Tonight we have Mr. Steven Kayne, who has just taken over and established bicycle shop. [07:42.32]Tell us, Mr. Kayne, what made you want to run your own store? [07:47.30]M: Well, I always loved racing bikes and fixing them. [07:50.81]When I was working full-time as a salesman for a big company, I seldom had time to enjoy my hobby. [07:57.55]I knew then that as soon as I had enough money to get my own business going, I'll do it. [08:03.60]I had my heart set on it and I didn't let anything stand in my way. [08:08.45]When I went down to the bank and got a business loan, I knew I'd love being my own boss. [08:15.39]Now my time is my own. I open the store when I want and leave when I want. [08:21.67]W: You mean you don't keep regular hours? [08:25.25]M: Well, the sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, [08:29.86]but if business is slower than usual, I can just lock up and take off early. [08:35.10]W: Have you hired any employees to work with you yet? [08:38.32]M: Yeah, a couple of friends of mine who love biking as much as I do. [08:42.69]They help me out a few days a week. [08:45.39]It's great because we play cards or just sit around and talk when there are no customers. [08:52.15]W: Thank you, Mr. Kayne. We wish you success in your new business. [08:58.26]Questions 19-22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. [09:04.66]Q19.What is the woman doing? [09:24.65]Q20.What did Mr. Kayne do before he took over the bicycle shop? [09:47.04]Q21.Why did the man take over a bicycle shop? [10:07.40]Q22.What do we learn about the people working in the shop? [10:29.08]Conversation 2 [10:31.96]W: Well, the main activities in the region were historically steel and paper processing, I think. [10:38.43]M: Yes, but I'm not quite sure about the status of those industries now. [10:43.15]Could you tell us something about that? [10:45.22]W: Yes, of course. In fact, they are less significant, [10:49.61]but steel-related manufacturing still accounts for 44% of industrial activity. [10:57.49]So it's still very important. In fact, 80% of Spain's machine tools are from the Basque Country. [11:05.77]As for paper processing, there's still a little. [11:09.29]But it's no longer what it once was in the region. So, is that clear? [11:14.91]M: Yes, thanks. [11:16.45]W: Now, to get back to what I was saying, there's a lot of unemployment as well as geographical problems in the region. [11:24.94]M: Sorry, Victoria. What do you mean by geographical problems? [11:29.07]W: Well, what I mean is the area is very hilly, mountainous in parts. [11:35.60]So there used to be transport problems, now though there are new train links and better roads, [11:43.98]but it may be that some smaller towns inland remain not very well connected, is that OK? [11:51.99]Does that make sense? When we talk about specific location suggestions for the factory, [11:58.27]we'll see this in more detail, so we'll come back to this question, OK? [12:03.24]M: OK, right. [12:04.62]W: So I was about to say something about the work force in the region and the level of training and education. [12:12.13]In general, it's very good and improving. [12:16.25]Questions 23-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. [12:24.26]Q23. What does the woman say about the steel-related manufacturing in the region? [12:46.08]Q24. What problems hinder the region's development? [13:06.85]Q25. What will the speakers discuss later? [13:27.10]Section B [13:29.36]Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. [13:38.90]Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. [13:43.47]After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). [13:53.06]Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. [14:00.32]Passage One [14:03.42]I first met Joe Gumps when we were both 9 years old, which is probably the only reason he is one of my best friends. [14:11.49]If I had first met Joe as a freshman in high school, we wouldn't even have had the chance to get to know each other. [14:19.96]Joe is a day student, but I am a boarding student. [14:24.45]We haven't been in the same classes, sports or extra curriculum activities. [14:30.36]Nonetheless, I spend nearly every weekend at his house, and we talk on the phone every night. [14:37.76]This is not to say that we would not have been compatible if we had first met in our freshman year. [14:44.65]Rather, we would not have been likely to spend enough time getting to know each other, [14:49.80]due to the lack of immediately visible mutual interests. [14:53.62]In fact, to be honest, I struggle even now to think of things we have in common, [14:59.70]but maybe that's what makes us enjoy each other's company so much. [15:04.26]When I look at my friendship with Joe, [15:07.24]I wonder how many people I've known whom I never disliked but simply didn't take the time to get to know. [15:14.49]Thanks to Joe, I have realized how little basis there is, for the social divisions that exist in every community. [15:23.19]Since this realization,I have begun to make an even more determined effort to find friends in unexpected people and places. [15:34.06]Questions 26-28 are based on the Passage you have just heard. [15:41.70]Q26. Why does the speaker say Joe Gumps become one of his best friends? [16:04.99]Q27. Where does the speaker spend most of his weekends? [16:26.13]Q28. What has the speaker learned from his friendship with Joe? [16:48.68]Passage 2 [16:51.15]It was a bad night for Louis. [16:53.61]His research in the neighboring town had taken longer than he expected. [16:58.96]It was late and he was very tired when he drove home. [17:02.89]He turned into his building's park ing lot, but all the spaces were full. [17:08.22]He drove back out onto the street looking for a parking space. The first block was full. [17:15.21]The next block was almost empty. [17:17.78]Louis didn't see a no-parking sign,but he suspected that if parking were allowed there,most of the spaces would be filled. [17:26.22]Then he saw a small parking lot with two free spaces. [17:30.70]He was so glad to see them that he didn't even think to read the sign by the entrance. [17:36.62]He drove in, parked, and hurried home to go to bed. [17:40.90]The next morning he went back to the lot to get his car. [17:45.50]It was gone. He ran home and telephoned the city police to say that his car had been stolen. [17:52.60]It took the police only a minute to tell him what had happened. His car had been on a private lot. [17:59.83]It had been taken away by the police. Louis had to take a taxi to the city garage far from the center of town. [18:08.86]He had to pay a fee of $40 to get his car back. [18:13.15]In addition, he got a parking ticket --- his first one ever in Greenville. [18:19.83]Questions 29-31 are based on the Passage you have just heard. [18:27.14]Q29. Where did Louis intend to park his car when he came back from work one night? [18:49.72]Q30. What did Louis think had happened to his car the next morning? [19:10.43]Q31. Where did Louis finally get his car back? [19:30.16]Passage 3 [19:32.19]Well, to pick up where we left off last time, I believe we agreed the creativity is a mysterious idea. [19:40.58]It's one of those things we all recognized when we see it.But we don't really understand what it is. [19:47.63]We seem to feel that some people are naturally creative, but we don't know how they got that way. [19:54.72]Is creativity a natural gift like good looks? Or is it something that can be acquired like knowledge? [20:03.18]Perhaps if we analyze the creative process carefully, [20:07.13]we might get some insight into what it is and how it might work in our lives. [20:13.23]The creative process has always been accepted as a source of all important work in the arts. [20:21.05]But we should not think the creativity play the role only in the arts. [20:25.88]Every major scientific discovery began with someone imagining the world to look differently from the way others saw it. [20:35.02]And this is what the creativity is all about. [20:38.55]Imagining the world in a new way, and despite what you may believe about the limits of your own creative imaginations, [20:47.55]we all have the potential to imagine the world in an absolute new way. [20:53.44]In fact, you were born with it. It is your birth right as a human being. [20:59.92]And what's more, you use it every day almost every moment of your life. [21:06.48]Your creative imagination is what you use to make sense of your experiences. [21:13.18]It's your creative mind to get the meaning from the chaos of your experiences and brings order to your world. [21:21.64]Questions 32-35 are based on the Passage you have just heard. [21:29.28]Q32: What did the speaker most probably discuss last time? [21:50.43]Q33: What is a widely accepted idea about the creative process? [22:12.71]Q34: What leads to major scientific discoveries according to the speaker? [22:35.35]Q35: What does the speaker imply about the creative process? [22:56.46]Section C [23:53.32]Students have been complaining more and more about stolen property. [23:57.75]Radios, cell phones, bicycles, pocket calculators and books have all been reported stolen. [24:05.90]Are there enough campus police to do the job? [24:09.12]There are 20 officers in the campus security division. [24:13.60]Their job is to handle crime, accidents, lost and found items, and traffic problems on campus. [24:21.52]More than half of their time is spent directing traffic and writing parking tickets. [24:28.06]Responding promptly to accidents and other emergencies is important, but it is their smallest job. [24:36.00]Dealing with crime takes up the rest of their time. [24:40.51]Very rarely did any violent crimes actually occur. [24:44.66]In the last five years there have been no murders, seven robberies, [24:49.96]and about sixty other violent attacks,most of these involving attacks,most of these involving fights at parties. [24:56.57]On the other hand, there have been hundreds of thefts and cases of deliberate damaging of public property, [25:03.98]which usually involves breaking windows or lights, or writing on walls. [25:09.99]The thefts are not the carefully planned burglaries that you see in movies. [25:15.23]Things get stolen when it is just easy to steal them because they are left lying around unwatched. [25:22.15]Do we really need more police? [25:25.00]Hiring more campus police would cost money,possibly making our tuition go up again. [25:31.34]A better way to solve this problem might be for all of us to be more careful with our things. [25:40.58]Read again [25:45.65]Students have been complaining more and more about stolen property. [25:51.17]Radios, cell phones, bicycles, pocket calculators and books have all been reported stolen. [26:00.37]Are there enough campus police to do the job? [26:03.73]There are 20 officers in the campus security division. [26:08.05]Their job is to handle crime, accidents, lost and found items, and traffic problems on campus. [26:16.89]More than half of their time is spent directing traffic and writing parking tickets. [26:23.59]Responding promptly to accidents and other emergencies is important, but it is their smallest job. [26:31.12]Dealing with crime takes up the rest of their time. [26:36.15]Very rarely did any violent crimes actually occur. [26:41.14]In the last five years there have been no murders, seven robberies, [26:46.60]and about sixty other violent attacks,most of these involving attacks,most of these involving fights at parties. [26:52.95]On the other hand, there have been hundreds of thefts and cases of deliberate damaging of public property, [28:00.42]which usually involves breaking windows or lights, or writing on walls. [28:05.39]The thefts are not the carefully planned burglaries that you see in movies. [28:11.67]Things get stolen when it is just easy to steal them because they are left lying around unwatched. [29:21.44]Do we really need more police? [29:25.22]Hiring more campus police would cost money,possibly making our tuition go up again. [29:31.80]A better way to solve this problem might be for all of us to be more careful with our things. [30:36.99]Read third time [30:42.68]Students have been complaining more and more about stolen property. [30:48.33]Radios, cell phones, bicycles, pocket calculators and books have all been reported stolen. [30:56.30]Are there enough campus police to do the job? [30:59.56]There are 20 officers in the campus security division. [31:03.93]Their job is to handle crime, accidents, lost and found items, and traffic problems on campus. [31:11.75]More than half of their time is spent directing traffic and writing parking tickets. [31:18.39]Responding promptly to accidents and other emergencies is important, but it is their smallest job. [31:26.35]Dealing with crime takes up the rest of their time. [31:30.71]Very rarely did any violent crimes actually occur. [31:34.63]In the last five years there have been no murders, seven robberies, [31:40.14]and about sixty other violent attacks,most of these involving attacks,most of these involving fights at parties. [31:46.20]On the other hand, there have been hundreds of thefts and cases of deliberate damaging of public property, [31:54.24]which usually involves breaking windows or lights, or writing on walls. [31:59.85]The thefts are not the carefully planned burglaries that you see in movies. [32:05.68]Things get stolen when it is just easy to steal them because they are left lying around unwatched. [32:12.11]Do we really need more police? [32:15.03]Hiring more campus police would cost money,possibly making our tuition go up again. [32:21.32]A better way to solve this problem might be for all of us to be more careful with our things.