I knew you were 我很明白 You were gonna come to me 你会来到我身边 And here you are 现在你就在身边 But you better choose carefully 但你最好要小心抉择 Cause I-I-I 因为老娘我 I'm capable of anything 我无所不能 Of anything 无坚不摧 And everything 能力无穷 Make me your Aphrodite 让我成为你的专属维纳斯 Make me your one and only 让我成为你的唯一 But don't make me your enemy 别试图惹怒我 Your enemy 激怒我 Your enemy 反目成仇 So you wanna play with magic? 你想用自己的魅力玩弄这份感情 Boy, you should know what you're falling for 男孩 你可大大低估了你爱人的能耐 Baby, do you dare to do this? 宝贝 你还真敢铤而走险么 Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse 小心我以黑马姿态碾压一切 Are you ready for? 你准备好了么 Ready for? 准备好了么 A perfect storm? 迎接这位狂风骤雨般的女子 Perfect storm? 狂风暴雨 Cause once you're mine 一旦我们确定相爱 Once you're mine 不分你我 There's no going back 一切已无回头路 Mark my words 记住我说的话 This love will make you levitate 我对你的爱会让你飞上云霄 Like a bird 好比鸟儿一样自由 Like a bird without a cage 翱翔在天空 拜托牢笼的束缚 We're down to earth 我们很现实 If you choose to walk away 如果你想离我而去的话 Don't walk away 千万别报这个胆 It's in the palm of your hand now baby 现在你掌握着一切 It's a yes or a no now baby? 到底是继续还是分手 So just be sure 赶紧给我确定 Before you give it up to me 在你放弃我之前 Up to me 放弃我 Give it up to me 放弃我 So you wanna play with magic? 你想擦枪走火么 Boy, you should know what you're falling for 男孩 你可大大低估了你爱人的能耐 Baby, do you dare to do this? 宝贝 你还真敢铤而走险么 Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse 小心我以黑马姿态碾压一切 Are you ready for? 你准备好了么 Ready for? 准备好了么 A perfect storm? 迎接这位狂风骤雨般的女子 Perfect storm? 暴雨袭来 Cause once you're mine 一旦你成为我的另一半 Once you're mine 一旦你成为我的另一半 There's no going back 一切已无回头路 Uh, she's a beast 她如野兽般勇猛 I call her Karma 我称之为因果报应 She eat your heart out 她能掏出你的心脏 Like Jeffrey Dahmer 好比连环杀手Jeffrey Dahmer Be careful 小心一点 Try not to lead her on 别试图欺骗她 Shawty's heart is on steroids 宝贝的心脏好比用类固醇强化 Cause her love is so strong 因为她的爱情之力极其强悍 You may fall in love 见到她的时候 When you meet her 也许你会一见倾心 If you get the chance you better keep her 如果有机会 最好和她白头偕老 She swears by it but if you break her heart 如果你伤了她的心 绝对会受到她的诅咒 She turn cold as a freezer 好比冷冻库 她冰封起自己的感情 That fairy tale ending with a knight in shining armor 穿闪亮铠甲的骑士的出现宣布着童话的终结 She can be my Sleeping Beauty 她就是属于我的睡美人 I'm gon' put her in a coma (Woo!) 我要让她陷入昏迷 Damn, I think I love her 尼玛 我还是真是爱她 Shawty so bad 她太给劲了 I'm sprung and I don't care 我已被深深吸引 早已不顾一切 She ride me like a roller coaster 她骑在我身上好比过山车般摇摆 Turn the bedroom into a fair 让迷情的卧室变成了喧闹的集市 Her love is like a drug 她的爱好比迷药般着迷 I was tryna hit it and quit it 本来我只想当成一夜情处理 But lil mama so dope 但她实在太给劲 I messed around and got addicted 让我沉迷于此 无法脱身 So you wanna play with magic? 你想擦枪走火么 Boy, you should know what you're falling for 男孩 你可大大低估了你爱人的能耐 Baby, do you dare to do this? 宝贝 你还真敢铤而走险么 Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse 小心我以黑马姿态碾压一切 Are you ready for? 你准备好了么 Ready for? 准备好了么 A perfect storm? 迎接这位狂风骤雨般的女子 Perfect storm? 暴雨袭来 Cause once you're mine 一旦你成为我的另一半 Once you're mine 一旦你我许下约定