最近你好吗 少了一点微笑 说的话有点少 最近我也不好 全世界都在逆转 人开始反向思考 [00:41.68 [00:44.90 [00:48.25 [00:51.44 [00:54.93 [00:58.26 [01:01.57 [01:04.91 [01:08.85 [01:12.18 [01:15.08 [01:19.30 [01:22.04 [01:25.21 [01:28.74 Rap: The beat goes on 时间它一直走 就像是Life goes on 这过程或许痛 不管顺流或逆流 你总得抬起头 让我们一起走 走过艰难和困惑 No we re never gonna stop, We re never gonna let it go. 加油跟我说 Nows the time, to break the line Make our way to the top. This time no holding back. This time I m back on track. This time I see what we can do, This time I know that. Every time I hit the flow I never go, till I know. That we can run this for sure. Not an ounce of doubt my my mind. Break through the dark to the sunlight. When you fall, rise. When there s pain, fight . Never let go of that dream, hold it tight. 加油加油 were gonna make it to the finish line. 说一声加油 一切更美好 所有的悲伤 请往边靠 曾经流过的泪 湿了伤口就让 阳光晒干而褪 这一种加油 人人都需要 手牵手我们一起赛跑 说好不见不散 每分每秒守候你到老 加油,加油