Mr.Armstrong. I do realise that when you were on the Moon you had very different time for gazing upwards. But could you tell us something about what the sky actually looks like from the Moon? The Sun,the Earth,the stars,if any,and so on? We were flying through the Moon's shadow. A deep black sky. We were flying through the Moon's shadow. Into the light. We were flying through the Moon's shadow. A deep black sky. We were flying through the Moon's shadow. Into the light. The Earth is beautiful. Blue and beautiful. Peeking out from behind the Moon. The Earth is beautiful. Blue and beautiful. Covered with clouds. Crater rims overlaying other crater rims. No storm,no snow,no high winds. Further,higer,above the horizon. Further,higer,further,higer...... Further,higer,above the horizon. We were flying through the Moon shadow. Blue & Beautiful(x2). We were flying through the Moon's shadow. Blue & Beautiful(x2). We were flying through the Moon's shadow. This is the beginning of new era. When man understand the Universe around him. And the beginning of the era,when man understand himself.