[00:01.10]This first song is called A World On Fire [00:06.89]AhhhAHhhhhhh [00:08.77]The next song is a little bit longer than that one [00:11.78]And uhh spell of the sad stuff I see in the world I see a lot of sad stuff its called sad [00:41.59]I met a homeless man named Rich He wasn't [00:48.79]Isn't that terrible [00:50.23]I saw a flyer for a lost dog and the dog didn't have any legs [00:54.28]I saw a diabetic kid trick or treating [00:59.85]I saw a giraffe that had a short neck [01:02.42]That was sad, or a... deer [01:04.81]I saw an old man get hit by a train [01:11.10]He didn't see it in the pouring rain [01:15.85]He didn't hear me shout "look out for the train" [01:22.55]Cause i didn't say anything [01:29.47]I just thought to myself, "Oh, this is going to be sad." [01:36.90]And it was [01:38.42]I'm a genius [01:47.10]I saw a man with only one eye in a 3d movie [01:55.42]I saw a little boy drop his ice cream cone directly on his mother's corpse [02:00.12]I saw a kitten stuck in a tree then the kitten jumped off and it hung itself [02:04.77]I saw a kid with red hair [02:10.16]I went to a store looking for something to buy [02:15.58]But they only sold paintings of the same sad guy [02:21.57]No wait, this store sells mirrors [02:25.56]See what I did there? [02:27.84]Let's Rock [02:28.86]No [02:34.85]The world's so sad bros [02:39.15]Pain, genocide, war, racism,sexism [02:45.42]But i gotta remember there's good things about it too [02:49.00]Like the fact that none of that is happening to me [02:50.86]Score [02:54.17]Still though it's hard not to be sad about it [02:57.10]How do y'all do it? [02:59.43]I've been telling you guys terribly sad things this whole song you haven't been sad at all [03:02.33]You’ve been happy [03:03.29]No, you've been laughing [03:05.45]That’s it, laughter, it’s the key to everything [03:07.74]It’s the way to solve all the sadness in the world [03:10.66]I mean, not for people who are actually said, but for the people like us who’ve gotta fucking deal with ‘em all the time [03:16.64]Being a comedian isn’t being an insensitive prick capitalizing on the most animalistic impulses of the public, it’s being a hero! [03:25.24]The world isn’t sad. The world’s funny! [03:26.80]I'm a sociopath! [03:29.69]I saw an old man slip and fall; hey, what a fucking idiot [03:34.13]I saw a woman at her daughter’s funeral [03:36.83]Hahaha! Classic comedy! [03:38.89]Everything that once was sad is somehow funny now [03:42.88]The Holocaust and 9/11? [03:46.23]That shit’s funny 24/7 cause tragedy will be exclusively joked about, because my empathy is bumming me out [04:00.24]Goodbye sadness! Hello jokes!