It's the magic chemistry relieving the pain Corrupting your mind a needle piercing your vein Heart rate increases as the injection drains Your head is pounding SLOWLY life drains away Cold sweat covers my body As I feel my brain decay ADDICTING LIFE WASTE Addicting life waste Stimulant sedative hypnotic drugs I'LL TAKE THEM ALL I follow my addiction's call By what my body can take Until there is no more SLOWLY life drains away Cold sweat covers my body As I feel my brain decay ADDICTING LIFE WASTE Addicting life waste Senses numb from great abuse Life gave you the right to choose To keep your ties with consciousness Or forever drain away Never trust The needle's lies LETHAL INJECTION TO YOUR MINDS A shot that runs through your veins alive WASTES YOUR LIFE IN PAIN Slowly life drains away Cold sweat covers my body As I feel my brain decay ADDICTING LIFE WASTE Addicting life waste