[00:02.11]Daddy,why did you leave me? [00:05.86]You created me so don't you wanna see me [00:10.73]Daddy,why did you make me if you not gonna take me to get a burger and shakey? [00:20.3]My cursed blood is your cursed blood so come on back and be my bud [00:24.96]I can count your visits on my fingertips [00:27.57]Come back and give me presents from your business trips [00:29.79]Daddy why did you father me if all you want to do is bother me [00:33.97]Don't you know that I love you?I only want to see more of you [00:39.2]Daddy why did you eat my fries? [00:43.14]I bought them and they were mine [00:47.70]But you ate them yeah you ate my fries [00:52.63]And I cried,but you didn't see me cry [00:57.33]Daddy do you even love me? [01:01.60]Well I wish you'd show it because I wouldn't know it [01:06.20]What kind of dad eats his daughter's fries? [01:08.80]And doesn't even look her in the eyes? [01:11.16]Daddy there were tears there if you saw them would you even care?