Fly to me 鬼束ちひろ 朽木/by 给ying * 每当身旁的你呼吸混浊 我就会想要毁坏一切 连脆弱都无法传达于你 在这拙劣的边界我又该唤醒什么? * Fly to me Fly to me Fly to me now I try to feel try to feel Fly to me * 虽然笑着说我不会哭泣 压抑着几乎溃堤的心 温暖藏身黑暗之中 寒冷至极 若能映照着你便好 * Fly to me Fly to me Fly to me now. I try to feel try to feel Fly to me * 连谎言都继续不断 如此一来 现实将包围着什么 * Fly to me Fly to me Fly to me now I try to feel try to feel try to heal myself * Fly to me Fly to me Fly to me now I try to feel try to feel Fly to me