[00:00.00]#Bryson Andres Feat. Allen Soule - Bunker of Soule# [00:00.41] [00:01.47]As I sit here in the bunker of my thoughts, [00:04.95]I count the enormity of my choices that have been following me to the path of no return. [00:11.80] [00:12.42]My unchecked thoughts which manifested into my awakening activities have dug a hole so big [00:20.28]that it could swallow a city of angels. [00:22.98] [00:23.87]God, [00:24.82]I fear my luck has run out and I don't think I'm going to make it out of here alive. [00:30.24] [00:30.60]The bullets fly unseen, yet their sounds remind me of angry wasps coming for their intended prey. [00:38.58] [00:39.42]Mortars. [00:40.42]which I tough were on the good side, [00:42.71]my side, [00:44.08]torn the flesh away from my comrades,without warning, [00:48.94]making muscle into mush. [00:51.18] [00:52.00]The dark, [00:53.01]frumpy ground smells unlike anything [00:56.02]that I've ever known before, [00:57.54] [00:58.44]Felling this threatening moment so intense, [01:02.30]terrified of death, pounding at the door way into my soul. [01:07.63] [01:08.49]This may be my last stand, an unreached potential, stewing remnants in a half open coffin. [01:16.87] [01:17.92]I pray louder explosions going on around me. [01:24.02]Not my life ending in deluding frightenings. [01:27.55]I recalled my past a long time ago when I believed in kindness, compassion, sweetness, joy and fairness. [01:38.00] [01:38.32]Life was gentle, [01:39.89]not harsh, [01:41.11]and it was forgiving. [01:42.80] [01:43.46]My soul conveyed a message of peace to itself, [01:46.61]that my intelligence was only taking my imaginationto the next level and anything was possible [01:54.19]if I only believed it and wanted it deeply enough. [01:57.83] [01:58.60]The ground moved sharply, appropriately from the storm of man's breath [02:04.45]and inner conflict shaking me back into this reality. [02:09.06] [02:09.77]God, [02:10.70]will You not save me from my own choices which have gotten me to my wrong destination. [02:16.75] [02:17.39]If there is a miracle to be head of lord,in this great big Universe, it's not too late to show me [02:24.82]Your way. [02:26.08] [02:26.90]I have dug a pit of unconscious complexities so large [02:32.56]that even Einstein would find this problem provoking. [02:36.89] [02:37.73]How did I end up like this? [02:39.76]The though cycles, recycles through my mind defining the crimes of those somewhere outside of my vision. [02:48.64] [02:49.56]Yet, [02:50.49]if I truly quiet my mind and breathe deeply into my heart, [02:55.61]even for a moment, calm prevails. [03:00.62] [03:01.28]I can hear their pain and fell their suffering moving though the Earth's crust, [03:07.36] [03:07.98]Their're yelling, pleading, calling out for different rimes and reasons, [03:13.58]yet their meaning is all the same. [03:16.68] [03:16.81]Their words are computer sounds, [03:19.06]but somehow find their way through my bleeding ear drumbs. [03:22.78] [03:24.04]"Please, someone help me!" [03:26.49]"Medic!!" [03:27.87]"Get the preacher man!" [03:29.98] [03:30.51]I pray, only to hear the words [03:33.43]"Draw Back" [03:34.60]from someone of authority. [03:36.88] [03:37.16]But this tow would be suicide. [03:40.01]I am hopelessly trapped. [03:42.04] [03:42.70]A voice more reasonable succumbs: "Somehow, soldier [03:46.52]you pitied yourself against the world and someway a shape performed". [03:51.12] [03:54.68]I don't remember doing so. [03:56.76]And if somehow this were true, [03:58.43] [03:59.18]How did I do it, [04:00.67]Why would I do it? [04:02.13]It's not right to hurt yourself. [04:04.23]Crazy people only do that. [04:06.68]And we protect crazy people from hurting themselves, [04:09.63]Right? [04:10.20]So I thought. [04:11.27] [04:13.04]God, [04:14.25]keep the last pieces of my sanity connected to my skull. [04:19.25] [04:21.59]A flare travels skyward into the everless can cave me above [04:26.91]a light of hope or an invitation for more death? [04:30.27] [04:30.98]I pull my hip lower than it possibly could go. [04:34.64]Under the current circumstances [04:37.11]I presume the latter. [04:38.85] [04:39.84]I wish I had the capacity to think differently, [04:43.52]but basic training has removed my independence, [04:46.86] [04:47.97]Most, [04:48.50]if not all, [04:48.84]My purity, [04:50.13]And made me co-depended [04:52.15]And regretfully soul. [04:54.46] [04:55.56]Slowly the fragments of light bit at the veil of darkness as it drifted downward showing a stage of death [05:04.08] [05:04.64]I didn't want to look at. [05:06.64] [05:07.45]My thoughts seemed so important and precious now. [05:12.17]Why had it take me so long for me to ask [05:15.60]suck simple questions my soul wanted to know? [05:20.12] [05:24.24]#Bryson Andres Feat. Allen Soule - Bunker of Soule# [05:32.64]-END-