Under an old brass paperweight 铜镇纸下放着一张单子 is my list of things to do today 上面列着我今天要做的事 Go to the bank and the hardware store 要去银行和硬件店 put a new lock on the cellar door 还要给地窖门上装个新锁 I cross 'em off as I get 'em done 上面的事情我都完成了、从单子上划掉了 but when the sun is set 但是当太阳下山时 There's still more than a few things left I haven't got to yet 还是有事情我还没有来得及去做 Go for a walk say a little prayer 去散个步、做个祈祷 Take a deep breath of mountain air 去深呼吸山里的新鲜空气 Put on my glove and play some catch 戴上手套去打场棒球 It's time that I make time for that 是时候找出时间来做这些事情了 Wade the shore and cast a line 趟着水从海边走过、留下身后的水线 Look up a long lost friend of mine 去看看我久违的老朋友 Sit on the porch and give my girl a kiss 坐在门廊上,给我的爱人一个吻 Start livin' that's the next thing on my list 享受生活就是我的单子上下一个要做的事情 Wouldn't change the course of fate 当然不会就此改变我命运的主线 but cuttin' the grass just had to wait 但是像修理草坪这种鬼事情还是晚点再做吧 'Cause I've got more important things like 因为我现在有更重要的事情要做 pushin' my kid on the backyard swing 和我的孩子在后院荡秋千 I won't break my back for a million bucks 不会为了五斗米折腰 I can't take to my grave 既然我不能把钱带到坟墓里 So why put off for tomorrow what 那我为什么要把今天可以做的的事情 I could get done today 放到明天呢 Like go for a walk say a little prayer 去散个步、做个祈祷 Take a deep breath of mountain air 去深呼吸一下山里的新鲜空气 Put on my glove and play some catch 戴上手套去打场棒球 It's time that I make time for that 是时候找出时间来做这些事情了 Wade the shore and cast a line 趟着水从海边走过、留下身后的水线 Look up a long lost friend of mine 去看看我久违的老朋友 Sit on the porch and give my girl a kiss 坐在门廊上,给我的爱人一个吻 Start livin' that's the next thing on my list 享受生活就是我的单子上下一个要做的事情 Raise a little hell laugh 'til it hurts 疯狂的笑到肚子疼 Put an extra five in the plate at church 去教堂的时候在捐助箱里多放上5刀 Call up my folks just to chat 叫上我的亲朋来聊聊天 It's time that I make time for that 是时候找出时间来做这些事情了 Stay up late then oversleep 晚睡晚起 Show her what she means to me 让她明白她对我有多重要 Catch up on all the things I've always missed 补上所有我错过去的事情 Just start livin' that's the next thing on my list 享受生活就是我的单子上下一个要做的事情 Under an old brass paperweight 铜镇纸下放着一张单子 Is my list of things to do today 上面列着我今天要做的事