ألا بذكرك قلبي يطمئن Ala bidhikrika qalbi yatma'inu Without doubt, it is in your remembrance that my heart finds tranquility وهل بغير ذكرك قلب المرء يرتاح Wa hal bighaiyyri dhikrika qalbul-mari' yartahu? And does a person's heart find rest except in your rememberance? فأنت مبدع هذا الكون أجمعه Fa anta mubdi'u hadhal-kawni ajmai'hi For you are the creator of the entire universe وأنت خالق من جاءوا ومن راح Wa anta khaliqu man jaa'u wa man raaho And you are the creator of all those who have been here and all those who departed وأنت نور على نور Wa anta noorun ala noor You are light upon light تخر له في سجدة الحب أجساد وأرواح Takhiru lahu fi sajdati-lhubbi ajsaadun wa arwahu To whom go down in their prostration of love bodies and souls وأول أنت قبل القبل من أزل Wa awalun anta qabla-lqabli min azalin, بالكاف والنون يا رباه فتاح bil-kaafi wa-nnooni ya rabbahu, fataah For you are the first, before all befores, in the whole creation; the opener of all with the kaf and noon letters ونور وجهك بعد البعد في أبد Wa nooru wajhika ba'da-lba'di fi abadin يبقى جليلاً كريماً وهو وضاح yabqa jaleelan, kareeman wa howa wadhaahu And the light of your face, after all afters, till eternity, forever remains sublime and generous, whilst always brilliant رحمن رحيم منان كريم سلام عليم مجيد Rahmanun, raheemum, mannanun, kareemum, salaamun, aleemun, majeed Most compassionate, merciful, bestower of blessings, generous, the source of peace all-knowing, most glorious لا إله إلا هو La illah illa hu There is no god except him غفار جميل وهاب لطيف تواب سميع بصير Ghaffarun, jameelun, wahaabun, lateefun, tawaabun, samee'un, baseer Forgiver, most beautiful, the giver of all, gentle, accepter of repentance, all-hearing all-seeing لا إله إلا هو La illah illa hu There is no god except him وحيد قدير محي المميت الظاهر والباطن الغني Waheedun, qadeerun, muhiyy, al-mumeet, al-dhahiru wa l-batin, al-ghany Unique, the omnipotent, the giver of life, the taker of life, the manifest one, the hidden one, the all-rich لا إله إلا هو La illah illa hu There is no god except him