Treasure Island Running Wild Pile of Skulls Squire Trelawny and Dr. Livesay having asked me, Jim Hawkins,特朗尼法官和李弗瑟长官要求我,吉姆·霍金斯, to tell everybody the whole tale about the 'Island',把发生在岛上的事情巨细无遗地告诉大家。 Flint's treasure and Mr. Silver.有关弗林特的宝藏,席尔瓦先生(应该是后面‘白银’号船长) Keeping nothing back but its position and that only,带回来的只是它的地点, because the major part of the treasure has not been lifted yet. 宝藏本身现在仍深深沉在海底。 I personally think we would never have begun this adventure我真希望自己从未参加 and set course with the 'Hispaniola', if we had known“西斯帕尼奥拉”号的这次冒险,可惜当初 what would happen and that some of us would never return,不知道我们中的一些人永远也回不来, having lost their lives. Sometimes the whole story haunts dreams他们搭上了性命。这件事时常光顾我的梦境, and brings me the worst nightmares I ever had.将我带入前所未有的恐怖梦魇。 That's when I hear the cries of the fallen,梦里充斥着落水者的哭喊, the waves pounding the rocks on the coast and Captain Flint's海浪拍击着岸上的岩石,以及弗林特船长 raw voice screaming: 'Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Hahahah!'.冷冰冰的声音在喊叫:‘大卸八块!大卸八块!哈哈哈哈!’。 And I tell you, no oxen and wain ropes will ever take me我告诉你们,就算是公牛和战车 back to 'Treasure Island'!!!也休想把我再拉回‘珍宝岛’!!! Treasure Island珍宝岛 Artist(Band):Running Wild 编译:jion Mr. Bones is fighting 'Black Dog'‘骨头’先生跟‘黑犬’打得正欢 He want to split him to the chine他要把他扯成两半 'Blind Pew' the bringer of the spot‘盲眼裴’带着新目标 Horse-hooves trampling his spine快马加鞭赶来 We have the map to start our trip我们拿着地图,出发航行 The 'Squire' has the ship and the sailors‘老爷’号提供船和水手 'Long John' is the man with the grip‘长约翰’是掌舵之人(指船长) No one knows he will raid us没人知道他将突袭我们 The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫 The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石 Captain Flint's raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来 He's calling my name他喊着我的名字 To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂 But I'll never return to而我再也不愿回去 Treasure Island珍宝岛 Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处 A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔 From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱 A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏 Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世 'Long John' is spreading his law‘长约翰’要扩张他的势力 Hatching a death bringing plot策划着阴谋带来死亡 I show up in a council of war我混进了一场战争议会 What I heard in the barrel from this toad躲在木桶里偷听到这诡计 The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫 The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石 Captain Flint's raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来 He's calling my name他喊着我的名字 To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂 But I'll never return to而我再也不愿回去 Treasure Island珍宝岛 Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处 A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔 From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱 A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏 Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世 We see the land, shining sand我们看见了陆地,闪亮的沙滩 But it can be our grave但那是我们的墓地 I jump the boat, overload我跳下船,游上岸 Trying to be too brave表现太过英勇 Burning sun, find 'Ben Gunn'烈日如炎,找到‘枪手本’号 Assassins claim the ship偷袭者要来夺船 I cut the rope, I try to cope我切断绳索,我试图抵抗 To free it from 'Hand's' grip不让船被拖走 Bulling row, cannon law成排的壮汉,还有加农炮 The jolly-boats last trip欢乐的小船赶上它们的最后旅程 Killing tried, stockade fight杀戮,围剿 'Silver's' quit‘白银’号上暴徒叛乱 Abandonment, to 'Silver's' hand他们将船遗弃 A cunning pack is made陷阱已经设好 Trick or treat, make scoundrels欺骗讹诈,恶毒无耻 Bleed, their dullness will be paid流血吧,他们要为愚蠢付出代价 I stumble to the stockade我蹒跚走向栏栅 The sweat drips form my brow额头冷汗直冒 No one keeps a lockout, oh no!没人被锁在外面,哦不! The rabble owns it now强盗已将它占有 'Silver' tries to shield me‘白银’号试着保护我 The 'Black spot' comes again‘黑斑’号再次出现 He throws the map onto the ground那人将地图扔到地面 He plays a tricky game他玩着这狡诈的游戏 Pickaxe, rope and shovel镐子,绳索和铁锹 The dead-man marks the way死尸就是路标 No chest, no gold, no silver没有宝箱,没有金子,没有银子 2 guineas is their pay两个畿尼〔旧时英国金币,合21先令〕就是酬劳 Musket cracks like thunder枪火如同闪电 The blood is running red鲜血四处飞溅 'Ben Gunn' kept the treasure‘枪手本’号藏着财宝 From beginning to end自始至终 When we put back to the sea当我们回到海上 'Silver's' chains are doubly tight‘白银’号被死死拴住 'Long John' and his counterfeit key‘长约翰’带着他仿制的钥匙 Sidle away through the night夜里悄悄溜走 The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫 The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石 Captain Flint's raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来 He's calling my name他喊着我的名字 To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂 But I'll never return to而我再也不愿回去 Treasure Island珍宝岛 Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处 A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔 From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱 A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏 Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世 Treasure Island珍宝岛 Where the brave