Toyah Anthem I Want To Be Free (Words Willcox/Music Bogen) I'm bored don't want to go to school don't want to be nobody's fool want to be me want to be me don't want to be sweet and neat don't want someone living my life for me want to be free I'm going to turn this world inside out I'm going to turn suburbia upside down I'm going to walk the streets, scream and shout I'm going to crawl through the alleyways, being very loud don't want to be told what to wear As long as you're warm who cares want to be me want to be me So what if I dye my hair I've still got a brain up there And I'm going to be me I'm going to be free I'm going to turn this world inside out I'm going to turn suburbia upside down I'm going to walk the streets, scream and shout I'm going to crawl through the alleyways, being very loud I'm going to turn this world inside out I'm going to turn suburbia upside down I'm going to walk the streets, scream and shout I'm going to crawl through the alleyways, being very loud Tear down the wallpaper Turf out the cat Tear up the carpet We've got rid of that Blow up the TV Blow up the car Without these things You don;t know where you are Pull down the abbatoirs And all that's obscene Everything in life Should be totally free We should live and let live And all live our dreams I'm going to turn this world inside out I'm going to turn suburbia upside down I'm going to walk the streets, scream and shout I'm going to crawl through the alleyways, being very loud I'm going to turn this world inside out I'm going to turn suburbia upside down I'm going to walk the streets, scream and shout I'm going to crawl through the alleyways, being very loud I'm gonna be free I'm gonna be free