[00:01.137]1939年录制的《神奇的果实》是比莉一生的最高点。这首歌取材自18世纪中期的美国历史。那时各个州的庄园主依然有权任意处置黑奴,他们把黑奴吊在一棵老橡树上随意鞭打,当风吹过时,从远处看被鞭打者的造型就像风中一颗颗神奇的果实。这首作品被评为20世纪改变世界的10首歌之一,而比莉又何尝不是20世纪音乐田野里一颗神奇的果实呢? [00:25.142]Billie Holiday-Strange Fruit [00:28.567]Southern trees bear strange fruit, [00:40.894]Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, [00:52.236]Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze, [01:02.622]Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. [01:17.693]Pastoral scene of the gallant south, [01:26.510]The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth, [01:37.520]Scent of magnolias,sweet and fresh, [01:48.717]Then the sudden smell of burning flesh. [01:59.458]Here is fruit for the crows to pluck, [02:08.154]For the rain to gather,for the wind to suck, [02:18.518]For the sun to rot,for the trees to drop, [02:34.675]Here is a strange and bitter crop.