barra barra, hozd wel boghd ou zawara \"Out out; Sadness, hate and the reign of arbitrary\" barra barra, fezd wel l'hozd ma b'qa amene \"Out out; Destruction, jealousy; there is no trust left\" barra barra, l'alach we ness menhoussine \"Out out; Thirst and people are unlucky\" barra barra, la horma dolm wet ouboudia \"Out out; No honour, but oppression and slavery\" barra barra, nechfou l'widane helkou b'houratte \"Out out; Rivers were dried up and seas have ruined everything\" barra barra, noujoum t'fate derguete chems \"Out out; Stars are switched off and the sun went down\" barra barra, ma b'qa kheir la saada wala z'har \"Out out; There is neither good, nor happiness, nor luck anymore\" barra barra, ma b'kate sadjra sektou la t'iour \"Out out; There are no trees left and the birds stopped singing\" barra barra, ma bka lil ka n'har ghir dalma \"Out out; There are neither nights, nor days left; darkness only\" barra barra, jahanama ma b'ka zine \"Out out; Hell; there is no beauty left\" (...) barra barra, k'tar z'mane ma b'kate horma \"Out out; Time has increased, there is no honour left\" barra barra, fozd l'harb we dem isil \"Out out; Ruin and war and the blood is flowing\" barra barra, ghir l'hitane l'hitane waqfine \"Out out; There are only walls left, walls standing up\" barra barra, l'khaouf wa ness saktine \"Out out; Fear and people remain silent\" barra barra, l'hozd wel boghd wa zawara \"Out out; Sadness, hate and the reign of arbitrary\" barra barra, wel hozd ma b'qa amene \"Out out; Destruction and jealousy; there is no trust\" barra barra, nechfou l'widane helkou l'bhourane \"Out out; Rivers were dried up and seas have ruined everything\" barra barra, noujoum t'fate derguette chems \"Out out; stars are switched off and the sun went down\" (...) barra barra, ma b'qa kheir la saada wata z'har \"Out out; There is neither good, nor happiness, nor luck anymore\" barra barra, ma b'qa z'djour saktou la tiour \"Out out; There are no trees left; the birds stopped singing\" barra barra, ma b'qa lil la n'har ghir dalma \"Out out; There are neither nights, nor days left; darkness only\" barra barra, gh'bina jahanama ma b'ka zine \"Out out; Desolation, hell, there is no beauty left\" (...) barra barra, k'tar z'méme ma b'qate horma \"Out out; Time has increased, there is no honour left\" barra barra, l'fezed wel harb wa dem isil \"Out out; Ruin and war and the blood is flowing\" barra barra, ghir l'hitane hitane waqfine \"Out out; There are only walls left, walls standing up\" barra barra, l'khaouf ness saktine \"Out out; Fear and people remain silent\" barra barra, l'hozd fezd ou zawara \"Out out; Sadness, hate and the reign of arbitrary\" barra barra, fezd wel hozd ma b'qa améne \"Out out; Destruction, jealousy; there is no trust left\" (...) barra barra, noujoum t'fate derquéte chéms \"Out out; Stars are switched off, and the sun went down\" barra barra, ma b'qa kheir la saada la z'har \"Out out; There is neither good, nor happiness, nor luck left\" barra barra, ma b'qa z'djour sektou lé tiour \"Out out; There are no trees left; birds stopped singing\" barra barra, ma b'qa lil ka n'har ghir dalma \"Out out; There are no neither nights nor days left; darkness only\" barra barra, djahanama ma b'qa zine \"Out out; Desolation, hell, there is no beauty left\" barra barra, k'tar z'méne ma b'qate horma \"Out out; Time has increased, there is no honour left\" (barra barra...)