[00:03.40](intro)plan B mixtape bitch (female's OS)if i'd be designed here and see your friend is [00:23.05]if one day we meet again 约个地点单独一起玩几天 [00:28.51]我会把所有回忆全部cancel掉 假装你不属于任何人紧紧拥抱 [00:34.13]她会问我以前的女友还在一起吗 我不是玩咖但你好像有点怕 [00:40.09]check check I'm sent go I'm sent go [00:43.17]you're so beautiful 在我心头 我心头 [00:46.11]聊得太忘我we try to follow 或许是烛光晚餐或者唯君堪bar [00:51.45]再想说我们以前多蠢多傻 但彼此早就看开因为我们都长大 [00:57.25]我保存那些记忆就像在保护我家人 我不曾后悔我知道那些是过程 [01:03.03]讲到害羞的地方我们都脸红 还保有那些稚气也许是喝了点酒 oh [01:06.47](interlude female's OS)if i'd be designed here and see your friend is [01:08.92]i talk too much say寂寞的夜晚 ah she's not mine [01:15.17]你说以前有些遗憾但现在 ah she's not mine [01:20.80]i talk too much say寂寞的夜晚 ah she's not mine [01:26.62]你说以前有些遗憾但现在 ah she's not mine [01:32.46]我不懂要比什么五年前五年后 也是我当时应该要更冲动or not [01:38.83]不管当时的困境多大 至今我仍坚定地说我不怕 [01:43.41]她一直在意我比自己多一点点 她责备当时我 行为不太检点 [01:49.16]但两人的表情始终保持愉悦 谁玩谁讲什么规则我们都不屑 [01:52.88](interlude female's OS)if i'd be designed here and see your friend is [01:55.20]i talk too much say寂寞的夜晚 ah she's not mine [02:01.06]你说以前有些遗憾但现在 ah she's not mine [02:06.89]i talk too much say寂寞的夜晚 ah she's not mine [02:12.64]你说以前有些遗憾但现在 ah she's not mine [02:22.61]she's not mine [02:38.07](interlude female's OS)if i'd be designed here and see your friend is [02:41.02]ah 饭局后的缠绵像是一种补偿 她眼里似乎也带着些许忧伤 [02:46.74]她手机累积了三十几通未接 她选择不接老公电话也干脆些 [02:52.24]故事快到尾声女孩又开始掉眼泪 衣衫不整像才把悲剧点缀 [02:58.25]不用互留电话没有人想要再通 想到以前 我们总让路人羡煞 now [03:04.24]she's not mine she's not mine [03:07.06]她的美好我默默keep it mine [03:09.41]或许她有了小孩我还骗自己要看开 我刻骨铭心一段爱的盛衰 [03:15.23]now we bring knock again 逼自己视而不见 [03:18.39]她离开房门也没再回头看我一眼 一眼一眼一眼一眼一眼一眼一眼 [03:27.93]