Once upon a time there was little filly Her name was Scootaloo She tried to spread her little wings and join the winds But this she found she could not do All the other pegasai just found it easy She wanted to fly too But they just laughed and jeered and scorned her when she did try So from her own kind she withdrew And all alone she faced the odds They were against her Just like everypony else And when the night came She huddled by herself The roof above her head, the stars Oh the stars Day after day she'd go school and then come home Which was nowhere, nopony knew She was cracking, she was breaking deep down inside She didn't know how to get through But then she met some in her class who shared a problem They had no cutie mark too She knew what she had to do So with her friends she faced her odds They were against her But not everypony was And when her trials came her test her strength With her friends she faced the odds When she woke she didn't dread that day was coming The sky seemed more blue And though her problems didn't leave, nor did her courage With her friends to pull her through Once upon a time there was a little filly Her name was Scootaloo Life held her down, but she refused to let it conquer She just changed her point of view And with a smile she faced she odds They were against her But that didn't matter now And when she looked up to the sky It didn't taunt her, but welcomed her With open arms With open arms