【Robert Zubrin】 Mars is the next logical step In our space program It's the challenge that's been staring us in the face For the past 30 years It has water, it has carbon, It has a 24 hour day It has geothermal energy Mars is a place we can settle 【Carl Sagan】 There is a giant rift in its surface 5,000 kilometers long There is a volcano as wide as Arizona 【Zubrin】 So there's the choice in life One either grows or one decays Grow or die I think we should grow 【Sagan】 Mars is a world of wonders 【Brian Cox】 It has canyons, river valleys, and giant ice sheets 【Sagan】 Mars is a world of wonders 【Zubrin】 It shouldn't be humans to Mars in 50 years It should be humans to Mars in 10 We either muster the courage to go Or we risk the possibility of stagnation and decay We've got cosmic radiation Zero gravity Martian dust storms Back contamination But these are dragons that we can take on 【Sagan】 In our time we have sifted The sands of Mars Established a presence there And fulfilled a century of dreams 【Cox】 The Mars rovers have really Captured our imaginations They genuinely are explorers In the old-fashioned sense 【Zubrin】 If you put out a call For volunteers for the first crew to Mars They'd be lined up coast to coast 【Sagan】 Mars is a world of wonders 【Brian Cox】 It has canyons, river valleys, and giant ice sheets 【Sagan】 Mars is a world of wonders 【Zubrin】 It shouldn't be humans to Mars in 50 years It should be humans to Mars in 10 【Cox】 Mars is a dry frozen version of our home Covered in red dust and sand 【Penelope Boston】 At one time In the ancient past Mars was very similar To the conditions of early earth 【Zubrin】 There will always be people with new ideas On how humans should live together 【Cox】 We now have "eyes" and "ears" on the surface 【Zubrin】 What's left after you go is The good you've left behind You have to believe in hope You have to believe in the future There are more and more people coming around to the point of view that A positive future for humanity requires human expansion to space 【Sagan】 Mars is a world of wonders 【Brian Cox】 It has canyons, river valleys, and giant ice sheets 【Sagan】 Mars is a world of wonders 【Zubrin】 It shouldn't be humans to Mars in 50 years It should be humans to Mars in 10 This is a world of wonders We're at a crossroads today We either muster the courage to go Or we risk the possibility of stagnation and decay