[00:20.199] If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch [00:25.898] You must first invent the universe [00:31.402] Space is filled with a network of wormholes [00:36.045] You might emerge somewhere else in space [00:38.712] Some when-else in time [00:41.603] The sky calls to us [00:43.761] If we do not destroy ourselves [00:45.896] We will one day venture to the stars [00:51.973] A still more glorious dawn awaits [00:54.155] Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise [00:56.452] A morning filled with 400 billion suns [01:00.763] The rising of the milky way [01:02.071] The Cosmos is full beyond measure of elegant truths [01:07.034] Of exquisite interrelationships [01:09.888] Of the awesome machinery of nature [01:12.125] I believe our future depends powerfully [01:15.141] On how well we understand this cosmos [01:17.663] In which we float like a mote of dust [01:20.851] In the morning sky [01:22.975] But the brain does much more than just recollect [01:26.870] It inter-compares, it synthesizes, it analyzes [01:30.223] it generates abstractions [01:33.124] The simplest thought like the concept of the number one [01:35.642] Has an elaborate logical underpinning [01:38.323] The brain has its own language [01:40.515] For testing the structure and consistency of the world [01:43.380] A still more glorious dawn awaits [01:45.702] Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise [01:48.324] A morning filled with 400 billion suns [01:52.432] The rising of the milky way [01:58.916] The sky calls to us [02:01.514] If we do not destroy ourselves [02:04.009] We will one day venture to the stars [02:18.358] 【Hawking】 [02:19.470] For thousands of years [02:21.524] People have wondered about the universe [02:24.553] Did it stretch out forever [02:26.742] Or was there a limit [02:29.608] From the big bang to black holes [02:31.848] From dark matter to a possible big crunch [02:34.923] Our image of the universe today [02:37.163] Is full of strange sounding ideas [02:39.953] 【Sagan】 [02:40.118] How lucky we are to live in this time [02:42.798] The first moment in human history [02:45.351] When we are in fact visiting other worlds [02:50.359] A still more glorious dawn awaits [02:52.762] Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise [02:55.337] A morning filled with 400 billion suns [02:59.225] The rising of the milky way [03:00.876] A still more glorious dawn awaits [03:03.116] Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise [03:05.576] A morning filled with 400 billion suns [03:09.591] The rising of the milky way [03:15.232] The surface of the earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean [03:21.290] Recently we've waded a little way out [03:24.724] And the water seems inviting